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Author Topic: Favre talking to we go again  (Read 76859 times)


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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #50 on: May 06, 2009, 02:09:18 PM »
TCTB...put it this way.

I am a Packer fan.  If the Packers went away, I probably would start following the Bears more...and yes might one day actually be a fan.  When the Bears went to the Super Bowl a couple of years ago, I wanted them to win.  I don't actively root against the Bears unless it benefits the Packers.

I will never root for the Vikings.  Ever.  I actively root against them.  If they ever played Satan's minions, I would be slapping horns on my head and smelling of sulfur.  Why?  Probably because they play indoors...don't sell out their games...the horn sucks...and Chicago is a much cooler city than Minneapolis/St. Paul ever will be.  

I hate them.

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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #51 on: May 06, 2009, 02:14:56 PM »
I heard this on the radio this morning:

I can see it coming: Favre fatigue replaces swine flu as next pandemic scare. And there are no known vaccines, short of dropping ESPN from your cable package.
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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #52 on: May 06, 2009, 02:27:18 PM »
So you don't like Milwaukee Packer fans either?

As far as the teams/fans, I've probably already spent too much time typing about it. It just amazes me the broad stereotypes that people apply to rival teams (and actually believe them).

Packer fans are a bunch of hicks with nothing better to do than worship at the alter of Lombardi. Everything in their life is Packer related because it's all they have. Without the Packers, they'd have nothing to live for.

Vikings fans are a bunch of drunk idiots with mullets who would rather see a GB loss than a MN win. It's a loser organization and all of the fans are losers. They are so jealous of GB.

Chicago fans are the worst. They ruined their great stadium by putting a spaceship on it, and they are still holding onto 1985 like it was yesterday. Tell them to stay over and Wrigley field if they just want to get drunk and act stupid. This is football. You need to KNOW THE GAME to watch it.

I didn't say I hated them, just that if you take a look at who is selling their (season) tickets the vast majority will be MKE fans.  They are more concerned with avoiding the mindf**k that is 43 S and 41 S after the game than actually cheering on their team.

Maybe I'm just bitter because I'm so far down on the season tickets list..

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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #53 on: May 06, 2009, 02:33:43 PM »

I will never root for the Vikings.  Ever.  I actively root against them.  If they ever played Satan's minions, I would be slapping horns on my head and smelling of sulfur.  Why?  Probably because they play indoors...don't sell out their games...the horn sucks...and Chicago is a much cooler city than Minneapolis/St. Paul ever will be.  

I hate them.


All fair points, and I guess that why the rivalry is so good.

To be honest, when I moved to WI, I couldn't stand the "pack attack weather" on the news every night, or the prime time sports reports talking about the packers mini-camp in May, the updates from Mississippi with Brett on his tractor, etc. etc.

I feel like it's really overkill and a strange Packers cult that people get into. At that time, St. Brett was king and nobody dared say anything bad about him.

I respect the "fandom" of Green Bay fans, but I have to say that objectivity isn't a strong trait in most GB fans. It's a historically good/great organization, but I think some GB fans take it to an obscene level.*

*this same phrase could be said about a lot of different teams.


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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #54 on: May 06, 2009, 03:36:26 PM »
Quote from: 2002mualum on Today at 10:43:17 AM
Alright, well, I don't want to hijack this thread, but I'll ask the question: What makes Vikes fans so bad?

See the posts of user Jay Bee in this thread:


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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #55 on: May 06, 2009, 03:52:59 PM »
Another Packer diehard weighing in, and reiterating the consensus.  I hate the Bears because I HAVE to.  I hate the Vikings because I LOATHE them.

Generally, I've had good interactions with most fans from visiting teams, Bears fans included.  Met some great Giants fans at the NFC Championship game.  The consensus around Lambeau is that it's our duty to provide Midwest hospitality to visiting fans (specifically from outside the division) while unconditionally cheering for our team. 

When the Vikings come to town, that all goes out the window.  I'm not sure I've ever met a Vikings fan at Lambeau or elsewhere that doesn't show some kind of strange inferiority complex about the pecking order in this division, based on the history of the franchises. 

I would have no problem throwing a few back at a tailgate outside of Lambeau with some Bears fans, then, of course, becoming "enemies" as tradition dictates once we enter the stadium.  The same can't be said for our rivals from the west.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 03:54:58 PM by PXILibero2 »

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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #56 on: May 06, 2009, 03:54:28 PM »

All fair points, and I guess that why the rivalry is so good.

To be honest, when I moved to WI, I couldn't stand the "pack attack weather" on the news every night, or the prime time sports reports talking about the packers mini-camp in May, the updates from Mississippi with Brett on his tractor, etc. etc.

I feel like it's really overkill and a strange Packers cult that people get into. At that time, St. Brett was king and nobody dared say anything bad about him.

I respect the "fandom" of Green Bay fans, but I have to say that objectivity isn't a strong trait in most GB fans. It's a historically good/great organization, but I think some GB fans take it to an obscene level.*

*this same phrase could be said about a lot of different teams.

I am born and raised 20 miles from Green Bay, and have lived in WI my whole life (aside from a 7 month gig in Michigan) and I completely agree with you.  The over blowing of everything Packers really started in the early 90's when they started getting good, and peaked in '96 when they won the super bowl.  It was annoying then, and it is annoying now... and I completely agree with the objectivity... I can't go and watch a game in public without wanting to punch a fellow Packer fan in the face for complaining about every call that goes agains the Packers, or every call that is missed.

Drives me effing crazy.

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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #57 on: May 06, 2009, 04:25:11 PM »
I'm not sure I've ever met a Vikings fan at Lambeau or elsewhere that doesn't show some kind of strange inferiority complex about the pecking order in this division, based on the history of the franchises. 


Interesting that you say that, because I would bet you can find a lot of MN fans who say that Packer fans obnoxiously act like their franchise is the greatest thing in sports, and Lambeau is the greatest place ever, and the Vikings and their fans should thank the Packers and their fans for the privilege of playing them.

The Pack was BAD for a lot of years, and I think a lot of MN fans remember that.

To use a male/female analogy like earlier in this thread:

Packers are the tall awkward looking girl who went to camp for the summer and came back looking hot and was in high demand (probably happened in about 1992). Now she's the popular girl and somewhat looks down at all of the other girls/guys in the division.

The Vikings are the guy down the street that remembers what she used to look like (80's), and now resent the fact that she thinks she is better than him. She may be better than him now, but she certainly wasn't better than him last summer when they got together.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 04:36:14 PM by 2002mualum »


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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #58 on: May 06, 2009, 04:29:01 PM »
Not trying to annoy people with "hey, I used to work for the Bears" info, but I can tell you first hand that before the renovation, Soldier Field was an absolute dump. I did player relations activities during the 2000 season, and one of my duties was to escort players family members to the "family room" underneath the stadium. That room was an absolute joke, I wish I had pictures of it. Your parents basement growing up was probably a nicer room.

To 2002's question/point...most Bears/Vikings game the last decade have been October day games. You do make a good point in that most Bears/Packers game (at Soldier) have been night and/or December games. Makes a big difference, no doubt. Overall though, if I had kids, I would feel much safer/better taking them to Bears/Packers than Bears/Vikings, based on my experience.


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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #59 on: May 06, 2009, 04:39:57 PM »
What are you trying to say bud?!  We've infiltrated your family - you gotta be careful with all that good taste walking around ya!  :D

Exactly, but fortunately we're 2000 miles away and don't have to deal with the day to day.  When people are waiting hours in their car to buy a piece of sod from Lambeau, there are issues....fragile issues.   ;D

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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #60 on: May 06, 2009, 04:45:30 PM »
To 2002's question/point...most Bears/Vikings game the last decade have been October day games. You do make a good point in that most Bears/Packers game (at Soldier) have been night and/or December games. Makes a big difference, no doubt. Overall though, if I had kids, I would feel much safer/better taking them to Bears/Packers than Bears/Vikings, based on my experience.

Totally fair.

Anecdotal evidence is valid, and you've had some experience to back up your belief.

To be honest, I don't know that I would be compelled to take a kid to any NFL game. I like the NFL a lot, but I have to admit that the fan bases for most/all teams take the games so seriously that it can get really ugly at a game in a hurry. No need for a 8 year old to witness a 45 year old guy wearing Zubaz stand up and scream obscenities at a ref and he's had 23 beers. And don't kid yourself, there are guys like that at every game for every team.

I'm not a big Vikes fan, but I always find it interesting that people jump to some pretty crazy conclusions if they see a bunch of people wearing purple acting up (maybe too much to drink, poor language, etc.). If those were wearing green/gold, a Packer fan might not even notice it, if they are wearing purple, it's an exact representation of how trashy the MN fans are.*

*For the record, silly Vikes fans jump to the same stupid conclusions about GB fans, again, it's a rivalry, so this stuff happens both ways.



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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #61 on: May 06, 2009, 04:45:48 PM »

Last year, Packer fans would have been in an uproar about this.  Now, most Packer fans really don't care.  It's too bad that my favorite football player of all time has become another one of those athletes who can't let it go and turns out to be a bigger ass than everyone thought he was, but ah goes on.

The Packer fans I know will be in an uproar two times a year at the very least.  With him going to the Jets, it was like your favorite baseball player going from the national league to the American league.  You watch, but you know you're not going to see him in person most likely.  This will be a little different.....IF it happens.  I'm highly skeptical it happens.


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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #62 on: May 06, 2009, 05:30:38 PM »

Interesting that you say that, because I would bet you can find a lot of MN fans who say that Packer fans obnoxiously act like their franchise is the greatest thing in sports, and Lambeau is the greatest place ever, and the Vikings and their fans should thank the Packers and their fans for the privilege of playing them.

The Pack was BAD for a lot of years, and I think a lot of MN fans remember that.

To use a male/female analogy like earlier in this thread:

Packers are the tall awkward looking girl who went to camp for the summer and came back looking hot and was in high demand (probably happened in about 1992). Now she's the popular girl and somewhat looks down at all of the other girls/guys in the division.

The Vikings are the guy down the street that remembers what she used to look like (80's), and now resent the fact that she thinks she is better than him. She may be better than him now, but she certainly wasn't better than him last summer when they got together.

Hmmm.. greatest thing in sports? Maybe.  Lambeau the greatest place? Definitely.

At the same time, it speaks volumes that we can have civil relationships with Bears fans and Vikings fans will go out of their way to be d-bags. 

In either case, I'll continue to park in the same area at Lambeau with the same group of people, and we'll all continue to grill brats and hand them to passers-by free of charge, be they Packer fans or not.  If that makes me "the girl that used to be ugly who thinks she's cool now", then I guess that's what I'll be.


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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #63 on: May 06, 2009, 07:13:56 PM »
Totally fair.

Anecdotal evidence is valid, and you've had some experience to back up your belief.

To be honest, I don't know that I would be compelled to take a kid to any NFL game. I like the NFL a lot, but I have to admit that the fan bases for most/all teams take the games so seriously that it can get really ugly at a game in a hurry. No need for a 8 year old to witness a 45 year old guy wearing Zubaz stand up and scream obscenities at a ref and he's had 23 beers. And don't kid yourself, there are guys like that at every game for every team.

I'm not a big Vikes fan, but I always find it interesting that people jump to some pretty crazy conclusions if they see a bunch of people wearing purple acting up (maybe too much to drink, poor language, etc.). If those were wearing green/gold, a Packer fan might not even notice it, if they are wearing purple, it's an exact representation of how trashy the MN fans are.*

*For the record, silly Vikes fans jump to the same stupid conclusions about GB fans, again, it's a rivalry, so this stuff happens both ways.



I don't know at what age I would start taking him/her, but I would not take my kid to an NFL game. You nailed it right on the head, knocked it out of the ball park. Perhaps a preseason game, but not in a million years would I take a child of mine to a regular season NFL game.

I'd be interested to know from a Pack fan standpoint, what the fan experience is like at Lambeau. Loud and obnoxious (sometimes funny, sometimes annoying, sometimes embarassing) is fairly normal in Chicago.


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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #64 on: May 06, 2009, 07:20:00 PM »
I'd be interested to know from a Pack fan standpoint, what the fan experience is like at Lambeau. Loud and obnoxious (sometimes funny, sometimes annoying, sometimes embarassing) is fairly normal in Chicago.
I'll be honest I've only been to 1 game in the last 9 or so years, but at the Colts game last year I don't remember anything too bad.  Like 2002 said, there will always be points where you hear obscenities, but I don't remember them much at all.  As far as treating opposing fans, there were quite a few Manning jerseys around us and people gave them crap, but it was always jokingly and everyone around knew it.  A couple guys gave it to 2 guys with Colts jerseys on the whole game and then at the end of the game, when the Packers had it in hand, the 2 guys bought the Colts fans some beers.  Personally I don't remember too much that would have made me think it was a bad atmosphere for somebody 8 years old.
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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #65 on: May 07, 2009, 12:37:20 AM »

I don't know at what age I would start taking him/her, but I would not take my kid to an NFL game. You nailed it right on the head, knocked it out of the ball park. Perhaps a preseason game, but not in a million years would I take a child of mine to a regular season NFL game.

I'd be interested to know from a Pack fan standpoint, what the fan experience is like at Lambeau. Loud and obnoxious (sometimes funny, sometimes annoying, sometimes embarassing) is fairly normal in Chicago.

I hate the Green Bay Puke with every fiber of my being, but I don't think there's anything wrong with bringing a child to a game. At least a middle schooler. I went there many times at least as a middle schooler and was fine.

Did I mention I hate the Packers?


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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #66 on: May 07, 2009, 12:45:55 AM »

I don't know at what age I would start taking him/her, but I would not take my kid to an NFL game. You nailed it right on the head, knocked it out of the ball park. Perhaps a preseason game, but not in a million years would I take a child of mine to a regular season NFL game.

I'd be interested to know from a Pack fan standpoint, what the fan experience is like at Lambeau. Loud and obnoxious (sometimes funny, sometimes annoying, sometimes embarassing) is fairly normal in Chicago.

While I agree with the general premise of this argument, I'd say that preseason games (at Lambeau, at least) are worse.  Less serious football fans, more pregame beer consumption (well, okay, maybe an equal amount, but in much hotter temperatures) and all interest in the game is gone by about mid 2nd quarter.  Those get rougher than regular season games.

As far as the OVERALL fan experience, the only thing I've seen close to resembling a fight has been at Packers-Vikings games.  Most of the time, fans are accommodating to fans of rival teams.  Sure, some hearty ribbing, but it's all good natured and very, very rarely do things get out of hand.  At least I know my dad and I always try to make small talk and connections with people from other teams, welcoming them to the stadium and whatnot, and I know I've seen many others do the same.

Still, for middle school age and below, you never know what you MIGHT here on any given day once the beer is flowing a little bit.


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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #67 on: May 07, 2009, 01:17:29 AM »
Totally fair.

Anecdotal evidence is valid, and you've had some experience to back up your belief.

To be honest, I don't know that I would be compelled to take a kid to any NFL game. I like the NFL a lot, but I have to admit that the fan bases for most/all teams take the games so seriously that it can get really ugly at a game in a hurry. No need for a 8 year old to witness a 45 year old guy wearing Zubaz stand up and scream obscenities at a ref and he's had 23 beers. And don't kid yourself, there are guys like that at every game for every team.

I'm not a big Vikes fan, but I always find it interesting that people jump to some pretty crazy conclusions if they see a bunch of people wearing purple acting up (maybe too much to drink, poor language, etc.). If those were wearing green/gold, a Packer fan might not even notice it, if they are wearing purple, it's an exact representation of how trashy the MN fans are.*

*For the record, silly Vikes fans jump to the same stupid conclusions about GB fans, again, it's a rivalry, so this stuff happens both ways.


I took my Packer die hard son (he was 9 at the time) to a Cowboys  - Packers game two years ago and it was great.  He had his Pack stuff on but I thought the fans treated him and other Packers fans well.  A few jokes here and there, but nothing threatening.  Some places, it can get nasty, however.  I was at the Ducks - Red Wings game Tuesday night and there were more than a few scuffles in the crowd with Detroit fan.


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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #68 on: May 07, 2009, 07:55:40 AM »
In regards to kids at games, I think a lot of it has to do with where you sit. My Bears season tickets are non PSL's in the North end zone. Some games, I've spent half a quarter watching an all out brawl in the next section over rather than what was going on out on the field. I heard Greenberg on Mike & Mike a few days ago also mention that the only time he'll bring his kids to a Jets game is if he's sitting up in a box watching it.

Preseason games at Soldier Field are empty for the most part. I usually try to give my seats up for those two games. It's usually pretty difficult to find takers for them. I can see PXI's point though about it being worse. If it's like it is in Chicago, you have alot of non regulars going to those games. I'm guessing they want to get the full Lambeau experience and tailgate hard and what not. Valid point.

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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #69 on: May 07, 2009, 08:14:02 AM »
I think this is all pretty funny.

As a middle school kid I knew that people fought (I had been in a few myself by that point)

I knew every dirty word in the book (save maybe a few gems I heard about later... in high school)

Why is everyone obsessed with babying their children nowadays? 

Simply explain to them or to someone around you, when you see the objectionable behavior, that those people are jackasses who act like children... and that (your son or daughter) acts like more of a grown up than they do. 

Most kids can put it together what is acceptable and not acceptable behavior with just a tiny bit of direction.

unfortunately there are probably quite a few parents out there who stand up and chant, "fight, fight!!!"... and those people are no better than the people fighting.

all of this said, I will never take my future children to an Eagles game... they throw batteries at Santa, FFS.


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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #70 on: May 07, 2009, 08:28:48 AM »
I can't go and watch a game in public without wanting to punch a fellow Packer fan in the face for complaining about every call that goes agains the Packers, or every call that is missed.

Drives me effing crazy.

Yeah...almost as bad as being on MUScoop during a Marquette game.

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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #71 on: May 07, 2009, 08:30:39 AM »
I think this is all pretty funny.

As a middle school kid I knew that people fought (I had been in a few myself by that point)

I knew every dirty word in the book (save maybe a few gems I heard about later... in high school)

Why is everyone obsessed with babying their children nowadays? 

Simply explain to them or to someone around you, when you see the objectionable behavior, that those people are jackasses who act like children... and that (your son or daughter) acts like more of a grown up than they do. 

Most kids can put it together what is acceptable and not acceptable behavior with just a tiny bit of direction.

unfortunately there are probably quite a few parents out there who stand up and chant, "fight, fight!!!"... and those people are no better than the people fighting.

all of this said, I will never take my future children to an Eagles game... they throw batteries at Santa, FFS.

I know kids know all of the words and stuff... it's one thing for kids* to "know" about all of the words and behavior, it's another for them to see an adult actually acting like that.

I'm not saying it's going to scar a kid for life or anything... I'm just saying I'm much more likely to take a kid to a baseball game than a football game.

I really like football, but emotions run hot when there are only 16 games per season.

(*for me I'm speaking about younger kids, maybe 7-11)

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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #72 on: May 07, 2009, 08:47:30 AM »
I really like football, but emotions run hot when there are only 16 games per season.

(*for me I'm speaking about younger kids, maybe 7-11)

I had a run in with one of these kids at a Titans - Bears game a few years back in Nashville. FWIW it was the game where the Bears won with a safety in overtime.

Anyway, I have found Titans fans in general to be very nice even when there team is losing, but I had a kid who looked to be about 11 give me the finger and tell me to F off when I stood to cheer for a Pic 6, he then explained it should have been pass interference.

You can find stupid fans at every stadium in every city. And while I hate the Packers and Vikings, I haven't seen anything go on in either stadium while watching the Bears play that I would find to be anything out of the ordinary.
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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #73 on: May 07, 2009, 09:42:59 AM »
You can find stupid fans at every stadium in every city. And while I hate the Packers and Vikings, I haven't seen anything go on in either stadium while watching the Bears play that I would find to be anything out of the ordinary.

I agree with that completely, which is why I always want to ask the follow-up questions about why people hate the Vikings and their fans so much.

Are they really different from any other NFL city and team? Or is it just the rivalry that creates the general dislike friction between the fans (which creates the perception that X team has terrible fans).

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Re: Favre talking to we go again
« Reply #74 on: May 07, 2009, 09:58:45 AM »
I agree with that completely, which is why I always want to ask the follow-up questions about why people hate the Vikings and their fans so much.

Are they really different from any other NFL city and team? Or is it just the rivalry that creates the general dislike friction between the fans (which creates the perception that X team has terrible fans).

I think Randy Moss wiping his arse-end on the goal post went a loooong way toward intensifying the bad blood GB fans have toward the Vikes. 
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