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Author Topic: Ferguson, MO  (Read 32370 times)

Canned Goods n Ammo

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Ferguson, MO
« Reply #100 on: August 19, 2014, 05:33:04 PM »
I hope we find out the truth as well, but I'm confident that one side will refuse to accept it anyway, thus we will continue down the path as is.  Without absolute iron clad evidence, that's just the way it is going to be.  We can see that from posters on this very thread that have already tried, convicted and lynched the cop.  Any new evidence is immediately rejected, the source is called into question, etc.  Their minds are made up....period...and nothing is going to change their minds.  NOTHING.

Same for you, right?

You're already confident that "one side will refuse to accept it anyway"?

Your mind is already made up?


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Ferguson, MO
« Reply #101 on: August 19, 2014, 05:37:25 PM »
Same for you, right?

You're already confident that "one side will refuse to accept it anyway"?

Your mind is already made up?

I said point blank, if the guy is guilty then let him fry.  In the meantime, I'm just enjoying the narrative change because so many on one side want an outcome so badly, that any other facts that come to bear mean nothing.  Absolutely nothing. 

If this cop did something wrong and the investigation proves that out, great.  My mind isn't made up yet, but I'm willing to accept new pieces of information that come forward, unlike a number of individuals in this thread who have done everything to dismiss them and say they are invalid....THEIR minds, truly are made up, sealed, settled, done.  PERIOD.

Galway Eagle

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Ferguson, MO
« Reply #102 on: August 19, 2014, 07:54:34 PM »
Please, for the love of the article I posted earlier.  1.6 seconds to squeeze off 6 rounds.  You are trained to bring the guy down.  That's the deal.  If you don't like it, then train cops differently, they are trained to stop the assault if they feel their life is in jeopardy.  Don't rush at cops, and it doesn't happen.  Not hard.

I just love it how many people here and elsewhere are the experts on how the cop should feel and react, when a 320lb 6'3" man bumrushes him (allegedly) and how much caution he is supposed to use.  If, he had already had his eye socket broken (allegedly).  It's awesome that behind the keyboard, watching the evening news, or having a glass of wine how many people are able to say what they would have done with ZERO training in that moment of panic, terror, etc.  Classic.

I did read the article thank you very much.  And I sided with everything sultan pointed out which I just realized you wouldn't have seen. 

Please don't refer to me as having zero training in the moment of panic. I've done enough self defense training for 10 people.  Just because it wasn't with a gun doesn't mean it's suddenly invalid. 
Maigh Eo for Sam

Galway Eagle

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Ferguson, MO
« Reply #103 on: August 19, 2014, 07:59:21 PM »
Weird group you used there, for some reason you left out Black Panthers, liberal nut jobs, enviornmental crackpots, race baiters, Wall Street Occupiers, 9/11 truthers, etc....I'm sure it slipped your mind.

You keep confusing arrests for something else.  You can be arrested for racial remarks if they are deemed harassment.  A New Jersey girl was just charged for a racist tweet not long ago on those grounds.

Yeah because the black panthers are totally as much of a racist group as a group credited to hundreds of lynchings throughout history.  And Wall Street occupies? Dude a peaceful protest? That's what you're comparing to groups that go military funerals with signs saying "his death is due to f*gs" and "f*gs shall burn" etc? Did you maybe take some offense to the groups I credited and tried to fight back with considerably smaller less vocal groups? I think you did.

Ok then my question is why are say westburo or the Kkk not blatantly charged with harrasment? Their views are widely known as racist.  Yet New Jersey girl gets charged?
Maigh Eo for Sam


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Ferguson, MO
« Reply #104 on: August 19, 2014, 08:29:20 PM »
I said point blank, if the guy is guilty then let him fry.  In the meantime, I'm just enjoying the narrative change because so many on one side want an outcome so badly, that any other facts that come to bear mean nothing.  Absolutely nothing. 

If this cop did something wrong and the investigation proves that out, great.  My mind isn't made up yet, but I'm willing to accept new pieces of information that come forward, unlike a number of individuals in this thread who have done everything to dismiss them and say they are invalid....THEIR minds, truly are made up, sealed, settled, done.  PERIOD.

If anyone ever wondered what "having your cake and eating it too" meant, this is a good example.


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Ferguson, MO
« Reply #105 on: August 19, 2014, 08:32:05 PM »
Wall Street occupies were peaceful....sure about that Bags?  Want to talk about the assaults and rapes reported during those peaceful proceedings?

New Jersey girl arrested for racist tweet.

Black Panthers....are you saying the NBP have not acted in racist ways....sure about that Bags?

No, I'm not comparing them to any of the groups you mentioned, just thought it interesting how many you forgot, but not surprised you forgot them either.  I find some of the groups you mention abhorrent....I find the left's tactics of painting the tea party as one of those groups equally abhorrent, but race is part of the play book and has been for a long time....Uncle Saul Alinsky is very proud.


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Ferguson, MO
« Reply #106 on: August 19, 2014, 08:40:52 PM »
I did read the article thank you very much.  And I sided with everything sultan pointed out which I just realized you wouldn't have seen. 

Please don't refer to me as having zero training in the moment of panic. I've done enough self defense training for 10 people.  Just because it wasn't with a gun doesn't mean it's suddenly invalid. 

I didn't accuse you of not having any training, I was using an example in general of people here and at home playing Monday Morning QB on 6 bullets, how to react, etc.  Too many people that have not one second of training.  I'm glad you do.  Tell me, do you find it strange that in 6 years there is not one complaint against this you think that he just snapped and executed ( the lefts' words) this man, just for thrills of do you think something happened to cause the action?  I wonder what caused him to just decide today is the day I execute someone I. Broad daylight while in my cop car.....or maybe it was something else, but "execute" is the word du jour I keep reading.  Interesting.

You are right, I didn't see what Sultan or Brand stated nor do I much care, I'm not going to read anything from two people that aren't man enough to apologize for calling someone's wife a liar.  Not happening.  They want to apologize, they can PM me.   

You can train cops so much, they aren't machines or robots.  They are trained to shoot center mass and put down the threat.  Not hard. 

Galway Eagle

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Ferguson, MO
« Reply #107 on: August 19, 2014, 08:42:39 PM »
Wall Street occupies were peaceful....sure about that Bags?  Want to talk about the assaults and rapes reported during those peaceful proceedings?

New Jersey girl arrested for racist tweet.

Black Panthers....are you saying the NBP have not acted in racist ways....sure about that Bags?

No, I'm not comparing them to any of the groups you mentioned, just thought it interesting how many you forgot, but not surprised you forgot them either.  I find some of the groups you mention abhorrent....I find the left's tactics of painting the tea party as one of those groups equally abhorrent, but race is part of the play book and has been for a long time....Uncle Saul Alinsky is very proud.

First things first I'm a bagpiper that's one bag.  Unless you've been living under a rock every st Patricks day I'm guessing you know that.

Don't know what you're talking about with the occupy movement but the one I was at had nothing like that.

Secondly I don't mean to say the black panthers haven't acted as such however they also have even had white members in the 60s and 70s meanwhile try being a kkk member anytime... Me thinks it wouldn't go as well.  

But your offense at the groups I chose seems to say something perhaps about you perhaps not.  
Maigh Eo for Sam

Lennys Tap

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« Reply #108 on: August 19, 2014, 08:52:18 PM »
I just hope Chico didn't lose his new gig - remember, the one that would severely limit his postings here?

Galway Eagle

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Ferguson, MO
« Reply #109 on: August 19, 2014, 10:15:42 PM »
I didn't accuse you of not having any training, I was using an example in general of people here and at home playing Monday Morning QB on 6 bullets, how to react, etc.  Too many people that have not one second of training.  I'm glad you do.  Tell me, do you find it strange that in 6 years there is not one complaint against this you think that he just snapped and executed ( the lefts' words) this man, just for thrills of do you think something happened to cause the action?  I wonder what caused him to just decide today is the day I execute someone I. Broad daylight while in my cop car.....or maybe it was something else, but "execute" is the word du jour I keep reading.  Interesting.

You are right, I didn't see what Sultan or Brand stated nor do I much care, I'm not going to read anything from two people that aren't man enough to apologize for calling someone's wife a liar.  Not happening.  They want to apologize, they can PM me.   

You can train cops so much, they aren't machines or robots.  They are trained to shoot center mass and put down the threat.  Not hard. 

You never know it could be opportunity, it could be outside stress, it could be the wrong moment at the wrong time.  I don't deny that brown seems like a bit of a hot head but the bottom line is he was an unarmed, very young, hot head who did not deserve to die for his crimes particularly in the manner of which he did (without the officer knowing he allegedly did anything).  Regarding your stating "the lefts words" you really shouldn't say that stereotyping an entire party or else I'll start saying that the entire right believes in racism or that homosexuals deserve to go to therapy, or that women are inferior to men. 

Regarding what your feud with sultan and brand is I don't know where that started I must have missed it.  HOWEVER, it seems to be as heartless as say having no remorse for a mother and father who miscarried their child simply because they are prochoice.  I don't know it would seem to me that you are just as much of an a$$ (hence the continuous political trolling and flagging of all your attempts to bate things into politics).

I know they are trained that way and if they'd shot in that area he may have lived but instead they shot two to the head.
Maigh Eo for Sam


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Ferguson, MO
« Reply #110 on: August 19, 2014, 11:11:47 PM »
Interesting that Brand chose to begin his litany of evildoers with the Tea Party, none of whom belongs in the same sentence with the KKK, Nazis. etc. But it is Chicos that gets all the grief for being political. In conversations with people who have told me that they " hate " the Tea Party I find  that they truly have no conception of what it is all about and absorb the anti propaganda without bothering to learn the facts. I didn't know much about the party myself until I stopped some and questioned them. Don't always agree with them but at least they were polite.


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Ferguson, MO
« Reply #111 on: August 19, 2014, 11:34:24 PM »
Interesting that Brand chose to begin his litany of evildoers with the Tea Party, none of whom belongs in the same sentence with the KKK, Nazis. etc. But it is Chicos that gets all the grief for being political. In conversations with people who have told me that they " hate " the Tea Party I find  that they truly have no conception of what it is all about and absorb the anti propaganda without bothering to learn the facts. I didn't know much about the party myself until I stopped some and questioned them. Don't always agree with them but at least they were polite.

Yes, it is very interesting!!

I don't believe I used the word "Tea" or the word "Party" or any combination thereof here in this thread.


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Ferguson, MO
« Reply #112 on: August 20, 2014, 12:02:27 AM »
I said point blank, if the guy is guilty then let him fry.  In the meantime, I'm just enjoying the narrative change because so many on one side want an outcome so badly, that any other facts that come to bear mean nothing.  Absolutely nothing. 

If this cop did something wrong and the investigation proves that out, great.  My mind isn't made up yet, but I'm willing to accept new pieces of information that come forward, unlike a number of individuals in this thread who have done everything to dismiss them and say they are invalid....THEIR minds, truly are made up, sealed, settled, done.  PERIOD.

So what? Why can't you just let them have their mind made up? Clearly a lot of the posts here and the corresponding posters have personal view points. And, just like every debate in the history of the world, discussion of the topics do nothing but ingrain people in their own viewpoint. I'm not saying we can't talk about topics, but at this point, this particular topic, is going nowhere but in circles with the sides clearly decided and no clarity will come from anyone.

Having said that...

Did anyone see the video of FIFA?


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Re: Ferguson, MO
« Reply #113 on: August 20, 2014, 08:31:26 AM »
Use the "ignor" button

Funny how you ignore other views from other posters...tsk tsk

Why do I have to ignore posts that are in clear violation of the site rules?
"In general, political threads are banned from this board unless pertinent to Marquette"

No one with half a brain could ready your posts and claim that A) They aren't political and B) They are somehow directly pertinent to Marquette.

You're behaving like an upset preteen Fox News host right now.


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Re: Ferguson, MO
« Reply #114 on: August 20, 2014, 08:47:44 AM »
I find it interesting that these cases which are pointed to as horrific cases of racism and abuse rarely turn out to be solid.

The Times does a nice job going through the facts today ..


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Re: Ferguson, MO
« Reply #115 on: August 20, 2014, 08:57:45 AM »
  While on a medical call, I heard one of the cops, who I have always gotten along with well, say to the drunk/disorderly husband of the patient I was working on "I should have shot you when I had the chance."

If this cop said that then he should be dismissed. The military holds itself to a very high standard because we are authorized the use of deadly force. This is a responsibility that is taken very seriously.

Anyone who makes a such a glib statement about carrying a weapon isn't emotionally equipped for that responsibility.

Death on call


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Re: Ferguson, MO
« Reply #116 on: August 20, 2014, 09:50:47 AM »
I didn't accuse you of not having any training, I was using an example in general of people here and at home playing Monday Morning QB on 6 bullets, how to react, etc.  Too many people that have not one second of training.  I'm glad you do.  Tell me, do you find it strange that in 6 years there is not one complaint against this you think that he just snapped and executed ( the lefts' words) this man, just for thrills of do you think something happened to cause the action?  I wonder what caused him to just decide today is the day I execute someone I. Broad daylight while in my cop car.....or maybe it was something else, but "execute" is the word du jour I keep reading.  Interesting.

You are right, I didn't see what Sultan or Brand stated nor do I much care, I'm not going to read anything from two people that aren't man enough to apologize for calling someone's wife a liar.  Not happening.  They want to apologize, they can PM me.   

You can train cops so much, they aren't machines or robots.  They are trained to shoot center mass and put down the threat.  Not hard. 

I have refrained but let me say this - six rounds from a sidearm is a lot of calculation. That cop wanted to destroy that kid. And I know what I am talking about.

Death on call


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Re: Ferguson, MO
« Reply #117 on: August 20, 2014, 09:59:30 AM »
Why do I have to ignore posts that are in clear violation of the site rules?
"In general, political threads are banned from this board unless pertinent to Marquette"

No one with half a brain could ready your posts and claim that A) They aren't political and B) They are somehow directly pertinent to Marquette.

You're behaving like an upset preteen Fox News host right now.

seriously?  You should read your posts before pushing the 'post' button.

Silkk the Shaka

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Re: Ferguson, MO
« Reply #118 on: August 20, 2014, 10:01:27 AM »
I have a question that I honestly have not heard asked and do not know that answer to: did the cop have a taser? If so, why was that not option #1 vs. an unarmed person?


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Re: Ferguson, MO
« Reply #119 on: August 20, 2014, 10:05:03 AM »
There are also over a dozen witnesses that back the police version....for some reason you ignore those.  Hmm.  Interesting.  You would make a great jurist with your wonderful ability to weigh ALL the facts, not just the ones that fill your biases. 

Haha that one reporter from that one outlet with that one tweet you cited as "facts" retracted her tweet. It also wasn''t even published because it didn't meet the Dispatch's standards for publication. And best of all... she's been on medical leave since March, and “is not involved in the Ferguson coverage while she is on leave.”
“All men dream; but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.” - T.E. Lawrence


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Re: Ferguson, MO
« Reply #120 on: August 20, 2014, 10:09:02 AM »
I have a question that I honestly have not heard asked and do not know that answer to: did the cop have a taser? If so, why was that not option #1 vs. an unarmed person?

I have absolutely no idea, but a guess would be distance maybe? How far does a taser shoot and how far was Brown from the officer?
Bring back FFP!!!


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Re: Ferguson, MO
« Reply #121 on: August 20, 2014, 10:09:34 AM »
Yes, marijuana which in some cases for some people can lead to aggressive behavior or the inability to follow orders.  Hmm.....but you're right, it doesn't change a damn thing.   ::)

You're gonna really hate it when weed is legal in most states in 10 years.
“All men dream; but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.” - T.E. Lawrence


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Re: Ferguson, MO
« Reply #122 on: August 20, 2014, 10:31:39 AM »
Thought this was gonna be 'bout Jamal and Acker.
"Give 'Em Hell, Al"

Silkk the Shaka

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Re: Ferguson, MO
« Reply #123 on: August 20, 2014, 10:38:32 AM »
I have absolutely no idea, but a guess would be distance maybe? How far does a taser shoot and how far was Brown from the officer?

Right, but wouldn't you use it when the unarmed person was close enough to actually do you harm and/or in range of the taser?


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Re: Ferguson, MO
« Reply #124 on: August 20, 2014, 10:46:13 AM »
Again, I don't know what I'm talking about, but maybe he was too far and out of taser distance so he used his gun. That's why I asked how far does a taser shoot and how far apart were they?

Another reason might be because there was, allegedly, a shot fired in the car and so the gun could have already been drawn.
Bring back FFP!!!

