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Author Topic: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action  (Read 20924 times)

Lennys Tap

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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2020, 12:29:28 AM »
I am looking right at the BLM website and I don't see any of the "scary black people" stuff you are trying to portray.

For example, what you shortened to disrupting the western "nuclear traditional family structure," actually is this:

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

In other words, they reject being looked down upon just because they might not fit YOUR definition of what a family has to be, and they aim to support everybody in their community. If you don't see the difference between what you were suggesting and what they actually say, that's on you.

Here is the entirety of their "marxist" platform:

The Black Lives Matter Global Network is as powerful as it is because of our membership, our partners, our supporters, our staff, and you. Our continued commitment to liberation for all Black people means we are continuing the work of our ancestors and fighting for our collective freedom because it is our duty.

Every day, we recommit to healing ourselves and each other, and to co-creating alongside comrades, allies, and family a culture where each person feels seen, heard, and supported.

We acknowledge, respect, and celebrate differences and commonalities.

We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people.

We intentionally build and nurture a beloved community that is bonded together through a beautiful struggle that is restorative, not depleting.

We are unapologetically Black in our positioning. In affirming that Black Lives Matter, we need not qualify our position. To love and desire freedom and justice for ourselves is a prerequisite for wanting the same for others.

We see ourselves as part of the global Black family, and we are aware of the different ways we are impacted or privileged as Black people who exist in different parts of the world.

We are guided by the fact that all Black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status, or location.

We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead.

We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence.

We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered.

We practice empathy. We engage comrades with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts.

We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).

We cultivate an intergenerational and communal network free from ageism. We believe that all people, regardless of age, show up with the capacity to lead and learn.

We embody and practice justice, liberation, and peace in our engagements with one another.

Yep, that is a real radical outfit! They actually want justice, liberation and peace? They want their women to be treated with respect? They want equal rights for gay and transgender people, religious people and atheists, and old people?

What a bunch of thugs!

Have individual members of the organization said and/or done some bad things? I don't know enough about them, but I wouldn't doubt they have. Which makes them different from members of many other organizations ... how?

I mean, the current presidential administration includes several people who have stated they are looking forward to the End Times. That's a lot more scary to me.

The next thing you know these BLM folks will be threatening to use the military against peacefully protesting Americans, encouraging the police to use violence whenever they have the opportunity, and using political rallies to champion confederate traitors who were fighting for the right to own slaves.

Oh wait ... those aren't Black Lives Matter leaders ... that's the supposed leader of our nation. And that's really effen scary.


Mike, yes, Marxism sounds anything but dangerous on a website or in a pamphlet or book. After all, why should Utopia be threatening to anyone. Problem is, it hasn’t worked so well in the “real world”.

I think it’s great that Coach Killings and the players want to show support for positive change. And it’s OK by me if you or anybody else think wearing a patch supporting a Marxist organization is an effective way to accomplish that. Why is it not OK by you, TAMU and Wades if I think they should have chosen something less politically charged? For that I have to relinquish my “fan of the program” card? Sounds like tyranny to me. Thankfully you guys don’t get to pick who can or can’t cheer for Marquette, at least not yet. Maybe in Utopia.

Lennys Tap

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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2020, 01:07:01 AM »
So because of the bad acts of a few in a movement of millions, we should disenfranchise the entire group?

Should Marquette disaffiliate from the Catholic Church given the systematic cover up of pedophilia by the church?

Should the democratic party be eliminated because of their historical ties with the KKK? Should the Republican party be eliminated because of their more recent ties with the KKK?

Should we dismantle our country given the numerous acts of genocide committed against indigenous peoples and our participation in the institution of slavery?

These are extreme examples, but I refuse to accept the idea that a movement or a protest, or an organization must be perfect in order to be accepted. The same tactics were used on MLK in the 1960s. People tried to disenfranchise his movement because of MLK's views on Vientam or because of mistakes MLK himself had made in his life. It's an effective tactic but don't let it distract you from what's important.


These are not the “bad acts of a few in the group”. Marxism is part of BLM’s mission statement. And the original  mission statement is recent and from all I know current.

If you can find the protection of pedophiles as part of the Catholic Church’s original reason for being, you have a point.

If either the Democrat or Republican Party was organized to promote and protect racism you have a point. If they still did the analogy would be perfect.

MLK’s “imperfections” had nothing to do with the goals of the organization/movement he led. If one of the purposes of his movement was to promote “Imperfections” you would have a point.

Look, I’m not saying that BLM wasn’t formed with good intentions. I’m sure their leaders sincerely believe that promoting Marxism is a good thing. I don’t, so logically I can’t back what is an essential goal as they themselves see it. The fact that most of the people who are in support of the movement don’t know what the organization who started the movement stands for isn’t mitigating in my view.

As I said previously, I support the sentiment, I support the slogan. I don’t support the organization. And for you or anyone else to opine that someone who feels that way should find another team to root for is the very definition of bigotry - something I know you would be against.


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2020, 06:00:25 AM »


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #28 on: June 23, 2020, 06:31:19 AM »

Mike, yes, Marxism sounds anything but dangerous on a website or in a pamphlet or book. After all, why should Utopia be threatening to anyone. Problem is, it hasn’t worked so well in the “real world”.

I think it’s great that Coach Killings and the players want to show support for positive change. And it’s OK by me if you or anybody else think wearing a patch supporting a Marxist organization is an effective way to accomplish that. Why is it not OK by you, TAMU and Wades if I think they should have chosen something less politically charged? For that I have to relinquish my “fan of the program” card? Sounds like tyranny to me. Thankfully you guys don’t get to pick who can or can’t cheer for Marquette, at least not yet. Maybe in Utopia.

Here is what CapX, a center-right British news aggregation site, says about BLM (which also is very active there):

The perception that BLM is on the whole a radical neo-Marxist political movement is just not backed up by evidence. The biggest concern cited is the campaign to ‘Defund the Police’, but once you dig into what this means in practice it becomes a lot less about abolishing state security services and a lot more about police forces having more accountability and transparency, and being more rooted in the communities they are tasked with protecting. The slogan might not help, but since when did libertarians and conservatives disagree with these aims? In fact, libertarians have been making similar arguments for a long time.

Being motivated by an instinctive distrust of protests leads many on the right to jump on minority actions to discredit whole movements, which limits their ability to listen to and work with protestors who they agree with, to help make the world a better place.

Lenny, you've been a Marquette fan for decades and I always like our basketball discussions. You are knowledgeable and you care. But ultimately, each of us has many choices to make in life. For example, I know two guys who were super-diehard baseball fans. They played when they were kids, would have sold their souls for the Red Sox to win, and raised their kids to be Red Sox fans. And yet, after the 1994 lockout, they gave it up and literally have not watched an inning of MLB since; they didn't even give a damn when the Red Sox finally won. It was a difficult choice for them, but one they ultimately felt good about making.

Being a Marquette fan is a choice. If you really feel that because one of its co-founders said "we are trained Marxists" that "Marxism is part of BLM's mission statement" -- despite there being no evidence of that in the way they have gone about their business these last 6-7 years, and despite it not being included within their actual mission statement -- and you do not want Marxism represented by the athletes on the team you support, the school you graduated from and the Big East overall, how could you possibly continue to support the team, the school and the league?

Nobody is telling you that you have to relinquish anything. I actually hope you continue to be a Marquette fan, but it's a choice. Just as there is no "tyranny" forcing you to give up your Warrior fandom, there is no "tyranny" forcing you to remain a fan. If only we all had a 100% personal choice like this over everything that affects us in our lives.

I think that's all TAMU is saying, and I agree with him.

I'm seriously considering cancelling my season tickets over this and leaning heavily towards yes if they do. I would not feel good with myself knowing I'm helping increase the BLM brand and therefore directly be responsible for promoting Marxism. The organization most definitely lives off the fact that people don't realize there is a difference and I'm not going to personally help them. More power to anyone that does though, it's up to you who you want to support. Same with me.

Exactly. It's your own free will. Again, if despite the evidence you think BLM is "Marxist," and that MU is now supporting Marxism, you gotta do what you gotta do.

When I reflect on the New Testament and how Jesus is portrayed, I see a champion for the oppressed. Someone who stood up for those pushed to the margins of society: women, foreigners, the disabled, the impoverished. I have to imagine that if Jesus were walking among us today, he would be walking with the BLM protesters rather than those opposing them or even those turning up their noses at them.

Should Marquette disaffiliate from the Catholic Church given the systematic cover up of pedophilia by the church?

As an atheist, I didn't feel I could bring up points like these, so I'm glad you did.

While it's highly debatable that BLM is a "Marxist" organization, it is indisputable that thousands of Catholic priests were child molesters and that the Catholic Church covered up that abuse for decades.

As a non-Catholic, it would have been especially easy for me to give up any affiliation with Marquette after all of that became common knowledge. I could have stopped rooting for the basketball team, stopped sending my annual check to the school, stopped attending and/or arranging MU events, etc. But I looked at the overall good of Marquette, at what the school is trying to accomplish in the world, and at the way it goes about its business to fulfill its actual mission statement. So I am proud to say We Are Marquette despite its affiliation with an organization that had an extremely evil side for decades.

I see no evidence that BLM has done anything anywhere near as evil so far in its short existence, and I doubt it will in the coming years. I happen to agree that the Jesus I have learned about would protest right along with BLM, while he would have condemned the church.

But sure, if the BLM thing freaks out MU basketball fans because a uniform patch means the school is supporting Marxism ... oh well ... we all have choices to make in life.

Black Lives Matter. We Are Marquette!
« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 06:34:19 AM by MU82 »
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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #29 on: June 23, 2020, 06:41:26 AM »
Can we please stop with the absolute BS about "don't make this political"? Racism is not and should never be a political issue. Valuing human life is not a political issue.

If your response to BLM is "oh, the POLITICS of it all" then maybe you need to take a good long look in the mirror and think about what you really believe in. The people that believe systemic racism is a "political" problem are the ones that feel threatened because they are tying their politics to that racism. If racism is your politics, that's the real problem.

And for all the praise of HC's post, it justifies implicit racism:

I use to hate the way the country club whites always looked down at me at first blush, but at the end of the day when I made them money that changed their outlook. My experience is that hard work driven success cures most ills.

An individual's value and simply being treated as an equal human being shouldn't require one to prove they are a monetary asset first. That's a clear problem of systemic racism. And the bolded is a lie. It doesn't "cure most ills" it reinforces them as acceptable.

I love what Dwayne Killings is doing and I love how he is helping Marquette figure prominently on the right side of history. And like Theo John said, "If you can't support us here, I ask you please don't support us on the court."
« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 09:33:16 AM by brewcity77 »
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TAMU, Knower of Ball

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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #30 on: June 23, 2020, 07:20:42 AM »

These are not the “bad acts of a few in the group”. Marxism is part of BLM’s mission statement. And the original  mission statement is recent and from all I know current.

If you can find the protection of pedophiles as part of the Catholic Church’s original reason for being, you have a point.

If either the Democrat or Republican Party was organized to promote and protect racism you have a point. If they still did the analogy would be perfect.

MLK’s “imperfections” had nothing to do with the goals of the organization/movement he led. If one of the purposes of his movement was to promote “Imperfections” you would have a point.

Look, I’m not saying that BLM wasn’t formed with good intentions. I’m sure their leaders sincerely believe that promoting Marxism is a good thing. I don’t, so logically I can’t back what is an essential goal as they themselves see it. The fact that most of the people who are in support of the movement don’t know what the organization who started the movement stands for isn’t mitigating in my view.

As I said previously, I support the sentiment, I support the slogan. I don’t support the organization. And for you or anyone else to opine that someone who feels that way should find another team to root for is the very definition of bigotry - something I know you would be against.

Again Lenny, there is a difference between the organization and the movement. The movement is a lot older than the organization and has nothing to do with Marxism.  That is what MU is choosing to support.

Im not telling you to cheer for another team. Im pointing out that if you can't separate support for the BLM movement from the BLM organization,  then im not sure how you can separate support for MU and support for the BLM movement.

I do know, Newsie is right on you knowing ball.

The Hippie Satan of Hyperbole

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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #31 on: June 23, 2020, 07:23:41 AM »
I think and hope that all of us support the notion that we should all be treated equal, regardless of our skin color.  But to stamp the label on our uniforms of an organization whose members march down the street chanting "pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon" is highly offensive.  I seriously doubt that many people understand who the founders of BLM are and what their motives are.  Turn on TV and watch the carniage that's occurring and you willl also notice the BLM is not ashamed to be in the forefront of that.  Racial equality is a just and noble cause.  Unfortunately, BLM stands for a lot more than that.

Black Lives Matter the movement should be supported.  Sorry it makes you uncomfortable or offended.  Perhaps that's the point.

Black Lives Matter the non-profit is a train wreck.
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The Hippie Satan of Hyperbole

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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #32 on: June 23, 2020, 07:27:56 AM »

These are not the “bad acts of a few in the group”. Marxism is part of BLM’s mission statement. And the original  mission statement is recent and from all I know current.

If you can find the protection of pedophiles as part of the Catholic Church’s original reason for being, you have a point.

If either the Democrat or Republican Party was organized to promote and protect racism you have a point. If they still did the analogy would be perfect.

MLK’s “imperfections” had nothing to do with the goals of the organization/movement he led. If one of the purposes of his movement was to promote “Imperfections” you would have a point.

Look, I’m not saying that BLM wasn’t formed with good intentions. I’m sure their leaders sincerely believe that promoting Marxism is a good thing. I don’t, so logically I can’t back what is an essential goal as they themselves see it. The fact that most of the people who are in support of the movement don’t know what the organization who started the movement stands for isn’t mitigating in my view.

As I said previously, I support the sentiment, I support the slogan. I don’t support the organization. And for you or anyone else to opine that someone who feels that way should find another team to root for is the very definition of bigotry - something I know you would be against.

As I said, BLM, Inc. is a trainwreck.

But really, people need to stop looking for every, f*cking flaw, whitewashing the memory of MLK, and understand that no movement is perfect.  Fix the problem.
“True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.” - Clarence Darrow

The Hippie Satan of Hyperbole

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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #33 on: June 23, 2020, 07:29:01 AM »
These are extreme examples, but I refuse to accept the idea that a movement or a protest, or an organization must be perfect in order to be accepted. The same tactics were used on MLK in the 1960s. People tried to disenfranchise his movement because of MLK's views on Vientam or because of mistakes MLK himself had made in his life. It's an effective tactic but don't let it distract you from what's important.

“True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.” - Clarence Darrow

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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #34 on: June 23, 2020, 07:32:59 AM »
I appreciate the sentiment. However, it is truly misguided. I wish people would stop trying to help people of color by lowering the standard by which we have to compete. We are good enough to make it on our own.

Nothing in the article indicated anything about "lowering the standard" or mentioned hiring practices of any sort. 
“True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.” - Clarence Darrow

The Hippie Satan of Hyperbole

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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #35 on: June 23, 2020, 07:36:37 AM »
This thread is gonna get locked isn't it? I'm seriously considering cancelling my season tickets over this and leaning heavily towards yes if they do. I would not feel good with myself knowing I'm helping increase the BLM brand and therefore directly be responsible for promoting Marxism. The organization most definitely lives off the fact that people don't realize there is a difference and I'm not going to personally help them. More power to anyone that does though, it's up to you who you want to support. Same with me.

Remember when some people would b*tch about "snowflakes" and the "cancel culture?"

“True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.” - Clarence Darrow


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #36 on: June 23, 2020, 07:41:03 AM »
Moved to the top of Scoop's summer reading list.


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #37 on: June 23, 2020, 07:46:39 AM »
Leaders lead. Good job Coach DK.


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #38 on: June 23, 2020, 07:53:56 AM »
Wow seems like a group of people here only get their information from Fox News, Breitbart, OANN, Candace Owens. Funny how so many agree with the fake persona  HC seems to be.
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The Hippie Satan of Hyperbole

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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #39 on: June 23, 2020, 08:14:14 AM »
Seriously, I am looking back on this and shaking my head in disbelief...

Black Lives Matter has become a worldwide movement that highlights the systemic racism that exists in the world today.  I think most people would agree that we should recognize where that racism exists, educate, and fix the problems.  I mean, we have had thousands of people of all types march in the streets in support of this movement.

Yet because some whack-jobs have co-opted the name, formed a non-profit, and labelled themselves as "Marxist," you're going to cancel your season tickets if Marquette puts a BLM patch on their uniform?  Not representing BLM, Inc., but the larger, worldwide movement?

That my friends is the classic excuse for inaction.  It allows you to stay comfortable.  It allows you not to be introspective.  It allows you not to change or to ask others to change. 

Be bigger than that.
“True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.” - Clarence Darrow


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #40 on: June 23, 2020, 08:20:11 AM »
Seriously, I am looking back on this and shaking my head in disbelief...

Black Lives Matter has become a worldwide movement that highlights the systemic racism that exists in the world today.  I think most people would agree that we should recognize where that racism exists, educate, and fix the problems.  I mean, we have had thousands of people of all types march in the streets in support of this movement.

Yet because some whack-jobs have co-opted the name, formed a non-profit, and labelled themselves as "Marxist," you're going to cancel your season tickets if Marquette puts a BLM patch on their uniform?  Not representing BLM, Inc., but the larger, worldwide movement?

That my friends is the classic excuse for inaction.  It allows you to stay comfortable.  It allows you not to be introspective.  It allows you not to change or to ask others to change. 

Be bigger than that.

Be the difference....?


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #41 on: June 23, 2020, 08:21:11 AM »

Mike, yes, Marxism sounds anything but dangerous on a website or in a pamphlet or book. After all, why should Utopia be threatening to anyone. Problem is, it hasn’t worked so well in the “real world”.

I think it’s great that Coach Killings and the players want to show support for positive change. And it’s OK by me if you or anybody else think wearing a patch supporting a Marxist organization is an effective way to accomplish that. Why is it not OK by you, TAMU and Wades if I think they should have chosen something less politically charged? For that I have to relinquish my “fan of the program” card? Sounds like tyranny to me. Thankfully you guys don’t get to pick who can or can’t cheer for Marquette, at least not yet. Maybe in Utopia.

You can do what you want.  Just like the players can do what they want.  And the coaches can.  And they can support what they want or who they want, too!  That’s the freaking point lol.  While you’re crying about supporting the wrong movement, you’re also crying that somebody tells you you’re supporting the wrong team then.  Do you not see that?  It’s perfectly fine for you to tell other people who/what they should be supporting, but you get butthurt the second someone tells you that maybe your support should be shifted elsewhere.  Lenny’s way or the highway, boys.

The team can support BLM.  If that upsets you, you can support a different team.  That’s life.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 08:22:55 AM by wadesworld »
Rocket Trigger Warning (wild that saying this would trigger anyone, but it's the world we live in): Black Lives Matter

Its DJOver

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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #42 on: June 23, 2020, 08:25:18 AM »
Proud of coach DK and the University.  Less proud (although not surprised) with some of the responses here.  If something like this is a deal breaker for you, you can certainly choose not to support the team/University, but you may find it tough to find a new team to support as situations like this are likely coming to every sport.
I'll stick with my opinion on Gold.  He'll be in foul trouble within the first eight minutes.


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #43 on: June 23, 2020, 08:33:35 AM »
Can we please stop with the absolute BS about "don't make this political"? Racism is not and should never be a political issue. Valuing human life is not a human issue.

If your response to BLM is "oh, the POLITICS of it all" then maybe you need to take a good long look in the mirror and think about what you really believe in. The people that believe systemic racism is a "political" problem are the ones that feel threatened because they are tying their politics to that racism. If racism is your politics, that's the real problem.

And for all the praise of HC's post, it justifies implicit racism:

An individual's value and simply being treated as an equal human being shouldn't require one to prove they are a monetary asset first. That's a clear problem of systemic racism. And the bolded is a lie. It doesn't "cure most ills" it reinforces them as acceptable.

I love what Dwayne Killings is doing and I love how he is helping Marquette figure prominently on the right side of history. And like Theo John said, "If you can't support us here, I ask you please don't support us on the court."

You said it perfectly.

Seriously, I am looking back on this and shaking my head in disbelief...

Black Lives Matter has become a worldwide movement that highlights the systemic racism that exists in the world today.  I think most people would agree that we should recognize where that racism exists, educate, and fix the problems.  I mean, we have had thousands of people of all types march in the streets in support of this movement.

Yet because some whack-jobs have co-opted the name, formed a non-profit, and labelled themselves as "Marxist," you're going to cancel your season tickets if Marquette puts a BLM patch on their uniform?  Not representing BLM, Inc., but the larger, worldwide movement?

That my friends is the classic excuse for inaction.  It allows you to stay comfortable.  It allows you not to be introspective.  It allows you not to change or to ask others to change. 

Be bigger than that.

And you nailed it.

I’d encourage people who haven’t to attend at least one march.  It’s been awesome to see people from all walks of life come together for a common goal.  It’s also been awesome that the organizers have planned marches from the inner city into the suburbs.  They need to be heard.  And that’s resulted in people joining them that wouldn’t go out of their way to join them otherwise.
Rocket Trigger Warning (wild that saying this would trigger anyone, but it's the world we live in): Black Lives Matter

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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #44 on: June 23, 2020, 08:48:35 AM »
Seriously, I am looking back on this and shaking my head in disbelief...

Black Lives Matter has become a worldwide movement that highlights the systemic racism that exists in the world today.  I think most people would agree that we should recognize where that racism exists, educate, and fix the problems.  I mean, we have had thousands of people of all types march in the streets in support of this movement.

Yet because some whack-jobs have co-opted the name, formed a non-profit, and labelled themselves as "Marxist," you're going to cancel your season tickets if Marquette puts a BLM patch on their uniform?  Not representing BLM, Inc., but the larger, worldwide movement?

That my friends is the classic excuse for inaction.  It allows you to stay comfortable.  It allows you not to be introspective.  It allows you not to change or to ask others to change. 

Be bigger than that.

The status quo and whatever there was before BLM was not working so this is a different approach forward.

I'll be supporting the Marquette basketball team.


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #45 on: June 23, 2020, 09:14:07 AM »
I appreciate the sentiment. However, it is truly misguided. I wish people would stop trying to help people of color by lowering the standard by which we have to compete. We are good enough to make it on our own.

I am older, so I had to earn everything the hard way. I had to get better grades ,and work harder , to overcome what in those days the pundits called prejudice or stereotyping. It was not easy but at the end of the day I was much better off.  I had to suffer through tremendous indignities along the way. Today they call that subtle condescending attitude micro aggression's.  I use to hate the way the country club whites always looked down at me at first blush, but at the end of the day when I made them money that changed their outlook. My experience is that hard work driven success cures most ills.   

I am actually saddened to see what is happening to our country right now. We were making great strides economically and those at the bottom rung of the ladder were finally getting their day in the sun. When unemployment was at record low levels it was opening all kinds of doors that affirmative action could never do. Once this pandemic is over, I hope we can get right back on that track.

Brother Herm, I absolutely agree with your sentiment. Hard work and profitability builds acceptance far faster. Look at basketball, for example. When those bigots down in the SEC saw teams like Marquette reach the pinnacle of success with African-American athletes, guess what! The SEC integrated.

All that said, I know nothing of your background, but if I had to guess, you and I had something in common -- parents, teachers and other community elders who weren't afraid to compliment when we did well but put a foot in our ass when we didn't. That mentoring, parenting and leading by example is critical and something that all too frequently is lacking in our social and educational structures.

I don't see EOP as dumbing down the curriculum. I see it as a way by which smart folks who didn't get what they needed in high school to succeed at Marquette can get additional support to do the same work we all were and are required to do.

My own children participated in a program called Achieve at SIU, because both had learning disabilities. They did the same work everyone else at SIU did, but they received assistance in dealing with and working around their learning disabilities. My daughter received her degree and my son is on track to do so in December. The latter will be a police officer next year, somewhere, and will be fine one!

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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #46 on: June 23, 2020, 09:19:09 AM »
Brother Herm, I absolutely agree with your sentiment. Hard work and profitability builds acceptance far faster. Look at basketball, for example. When those bigots down in the SEC saw teams like Marquette reach the pinnacle of success with African-American athletes, guess what! The SEC integrated.

Yes, I am sure the Civil Rights Act of 1964 had nothing to do with integration in the SEC.  The Blacks just started working harder and were accepted.

Honestly the way some people try to whitewash history is something else.
“True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.” - Clarence Darrow

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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #47 on: June 23, 2020, 09:32:57 AM »
I am actually saddened to see what is happening to our country right now. We were making great strides economically and those at the bottom rung of the ladder were finally getting their day in the sun. When unemployment was at record low levels it was opening all kinds of doors that affirmative action could never do. Once this pandemic is over, I hope we can get right back on that track.

This is completely untethered to reality. Total fiction.

Good initiative and happy to be a part of a family that takes action instead of blowing smoke rings of bellicose bull$hit.


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #48 on: June 23, 2020, 09:40:50 AM »
Funny how so many agree with the fake persona  HC seems to be.


This is completely untethered to reality. Total fiction.

Good initiative and happy to be a part of a family that takes action instead of blowing smoke rings of bellicose bull$hit.

And this.

Are Scoopers really cheering on a guy who bragged about Cosby-ing women and who only recently proposed bringing back the effen Poll Tax?

9-9-9 is good fun when he's posting countless "research reports" about stuff few care about, but when he talks about anything that actually matters, he's either pretending to be a caricature of an online d-bag, or he is a horrible human being.

And if it's the latter ... some Scoopers are willing to throw in with somebody who boasts about drugging women even as they are outraged that our team will wear a BLM patch? Really? A lot of selective morality here sometimes.

Black Lives Matter. We Are Marquette!
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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #49 on: June 23, 2020, 09:42:11 AM »
Brother Herm, I absolutely agree with your sentiment. Hard work and profitability builds acceptance far faster. Look at basketball, for example. When those bigots down in the SEC saw teams like Marquette reach the pinnacle of success with African-American athletes, guess what! The SEC integrated.

If wanting to win was the driving force behind integration in college athletics, and the SEC in particular, it would have happened decades earlier.
College programs weren't ignorant to the fact that they were denying themselves talent through their discrimination. They just didn't care about that as much as they cared about appeasing their racist boosters.