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Author Topic: MLB to possibly suspend A-Rod, Braun, others  (Read 12563 times)


  • All American
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Re: MLB to possibly suspend A-Rod, Braun, others
« Reply #75 on: June 06, 2013, 05:56:49 PM »
It is and it isn't.  When they were using him for consulting he was probably in business.  If the guy hadn't tried to basically blackmail A-Rod for a pile of money and wasn't bankrupt I'd say his credibility would be much higher.  In the world of the legal system I was taught that this is why juries decide things, not judges. :)

and FWIW a lot of criminals were put in jail by rats who had everything to gain from the situation and then years later DNA evidence exonerates them.  Now there is a real double edged sword.

Remember when Jose Canseco was just a slimeball that was trying to get his name back in the public, so no one believed him?

Do you expect people that have sold illegal drugs to players to be choir boys?  They are all dirtbags.  You pretty much have to be one to get into that line of work. 


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Re: MLB to possibly suspend A-Rod, Braun, others
« Reply #76 on: June 06, 2013, 08:06:21 PM »
Perhaps you should learn how to read.  It would be helpful.

Feel free to elaborate on your position.


  • All American
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Re: MLB to possibly suspend A-Rod, Braun, others
« Reply #77 on: June 06, 2013, 08:24:31 PM »
Feel free to elaborate on your position.

I did in the thread that you reference.  I suggest you go there and read more carefully.

Hope this helps.


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Re: MLB to possibly suspend A-Rod, Braun, others
« Reply #78 on: June 06, 2013, 08:49:07 PM »

I did in the thread that you reference.  I suggest you go there and read more carefully.

Hope this helps.

I've read that thread carefully. Based on what you've said in that thread, I have trouble seeing how you reconcile your professed beliefs with what you've written there.

However, this is bordering on a taboo subject in this forum so perhaps best to just agree to disagree on this topic or discuss over pm.

Hope this helps.


  • All American
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Re: MLB to possibly suspend A-Rod, Braun, others
« Reply #79 on: June 06, 2013, 09:19:03 PM »
I've read that thread carefully. Based on what you've said in that thread, I have trouble seeing how you reconcile your professed beliefs with what you've written there.

Glad you are comfortable being so judgemental.


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Re: MLB to possibly suspend A-Rod, Braun, others
« Reply #80 on: June 06, 2013, 09:36:08 PM »

Glad you are comfortable being so judgemental.

I fail to see what in that statement presents a judgement. To quote you--Perhaps you should learn how to read. That would be helpful.

Spotcheck Billy

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Re: MLB to possibly suspend A-Rod, Braun, others
« Reply #81 on: June 07, 2013, 07:47:55 AM »
How does MLB have subpoena powers? I read this morning that they issued subpoenas to FedEx etc. but I had thought only the government has that authority.


  • All American
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Re: MLB to possibly suspend A-Rod, Braun, others
« Reply #82 on: June 07, 2013, 07:53:50 AM »
I fail to see what in that statement presents a judgement. To quote you--Perhaps you should learn how to read. That would be helpful.

You have implied in two threads that I am not really a Christian.  Oh well....maybe one day I could live up to your standards of Christianity.  But that would require me to care.

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Re: MLB to possibly suspend A-Rod, Braun, others
« Reply #83 on: June 07, 2013, 08:15:19 AM »

You have implied in two threads that I am not really a Christian.  Oh well....maybe one day I could live up to your standards of Christianity.  But that would require me to care.

Nah, you just aren't his kind of Christian.


  • All American
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Re: MLB to possibly suspend A-Rod, Braun, others
« Reply #84 on: June 07, 2013, 08:17:24 AM »
Nah, you just aren't his kind of Christian.

I'm good with that.


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Re: MLB to possibly suspend A-Rod, Braun, others
« Reply #85 on: June 07, 2013, 09:22:05 AM »

You have implied in two threads that I am not really a Christian.  Oh well....maybe one day I could live up to your standards of Christianity.  But that would require me to care.

I have never tried imply that and that was certainly not my intent as I have no place to make that type of judgement.

However, I am still curious how you reconcile being a Christian and placing the law of man above a commandment, logically that doesn't make sense to me. You've said it was since your in man's society, but as Christians aren't we all in God's society?

I think there can be a logical debate on this, but if you don't care to elaborate and want to keep making snarky comments, feel free.


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Re: MLB to possibly suspend A-Rod, Braun, others
« Reply #86 on: June 07, 2013, 09:36:31 AM »
How does MLB have subpoena powers? I read this morning that they issued subpoenas to FedEx etc. but I had thought only the government has that authority.

If they've got a lawsuit pending, they have subpoena powers.  In every jurisdiction I've practiced in, any attorney handling a civil lawsuit has the ability to subpoena non-parties.  In essence, the litigants are using the court to issue their own subpoena.
Never wrestle with a pig.  You both get dirty, and the pig likes it.