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Author Topic: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...  (Read 20898 times)

Lennys Tap

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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #50 on: December 05, 2010, 12:52:20 PM »
Correct, but for some people they need reminding that he loves MU as much as anyone and isn't here trolling.  The request by some posters here that he go away is what I'm talking about.

Your saying that "he loves Marquette as much as anyone" doesn't make it so, nor does someone saying he's become an MU hater due to the Newbill incident make it so. I don't know and you don't know, regardless of the two of you becoming pen pals. You've lectured us (those who don't accept the Newbill camp's version as ex cathedra) on our ethical shortcomings while wrapping yourself in the cloak of righteousness. Mr Forster (who clearly has a horse in this race) agrees with you. Good for you. But please, no more lectures.  


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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #51 on: December 05, 2010, 01:32:13 PM »
Your saying that "he loves Marquette as much as anyone" doesn't make it so, nor does someone saying he's become an MU hater due to the Newbill incident make it so. I don't know and you don't know, regardless of the two of you becoming pen pals. You've lectured us (those who don't accept the Newbill camp's version as ex cathedra) on our ethical shortcomings while wrapping yourself in the cloak of righteousness. Mr Forster (who clearly has a horse in this race) agrees with you. Good for you. But please, no more lectures.  

And we've been lectured that no matter what the Newbill camp is saying, they must be liars (their family, the kid himself, the coaches) and I don't recall you ONCE calling those people out.  Not once....does the cloak of righteousness only apply to one side?  Seems so in your mind.


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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #52 on: December 05, 2010, 03:24:39 PM »

Thanks for the invite, Bro. I was was home watching the tube and eating my pb & J sandwich.

My beautiful wife attended with time.   ;)

Lennys Tap

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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #53 on: December 05, 2010, 05:01:24 PM »
And we've been lectured that no matter what the Newbill camp is saying, they must be liars (their family, the kid himself, the coaches) and I don't recall you ONCE calling those people out.  Not once....does the cloak of righteousness only apply to one side?  Seems so in your mind.

If anyone had ever said "that no matter what the Newbill camp is saying they must be liars" I would agree that they should be called out. I don't recall that. What I do recall is that people were skeptical that the entire Newbill camp was totally blindsided by events that Buzz had publically spoken about and this board had discussed for a long time. It was (and still is) hard for me to believe that casual readers of this board knew (or could at least surmise) more about the Newbill situation than Newbill or anyone in his camp. That any Marquette fan without an axe to grind would swallow that story hook, line and sinker I found curious. Still do.


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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #54 on: December 05, 2010, 05:02:30 PM »
He's a Marquette fan and entitled to his opinion. 

And I'm entitled to ask him to go away. Thanks.


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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #55 on: December 05, 2010, 05:06:09 PM »
Pretty sad what happened to him. I watched that 40 minute video on gomarquette where Buzz starts crying while looking at the player board and says " these are my guys". If he honestly cared about kids that much he would've never cut DJ like that.


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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #56 on: December 05, 2010, 05:08:30 PM »
Odds on what?  Newbill vs. Overhyped Blue?  I don't need any odds.  I've seen both of them play and I'm certainly not impressed with Vander's goofy looking jumper.  As for Jamil Wilson...Oregon misses him about as much as ESPN does Joe Theismann on it's football telecasts.  He's another average player who couldn't find his way around the court in year one.  

Hell hath no fury like a fanboy scorned.


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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #57 on: December 05, 2010, 06:30:34 PM »
This is mob mentality.  Brad took a beating last spring, re: his Newbill coverage, and it even seemed to be highlighted by the MU athletic dept, when they posted that no-contacting-the-recruits boilerplate.  Whether or not is was improper, I didn't sense intentional interference or malice from Brad anywhere.  Just the opposite:  More like journalism.  So when the drama unfolded, of course the MU faithful lined up behind MU.  In my opinion, the MU athletic dept post implied meddling, and the fanbase seemed more than willing to pile on.  It's probably just coincidence, bad luck, etc, that the recruit who lost his scholarship happened to have a champion.  Anyway, I think Brad got the short end of the stick last spring, and I'm glad to hear from him.  And I"m glad to hear that DJ's doing well too.     


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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #58 on: December 05, 2010, 06:53:12 PM »
This is mob mentality.  Brad took a beating last spring, re: his Newbill coverage, and it even seemed to be highlighted by the MU athletic dept, when they posted that no-contacting-the-recruits boilerplate.  Whether or not is was improper, I didn't sense intentional interference or malice from Brad anywhere.  Just the opposite:  More like journalism.  So when the drama unfolded, of course the MU faithful lined up behind MU.  In my opinion, the MU athletic dept post implied meddling, and the fanbase seemed more than willing to pile on.  It's probably just coincidence, bad luck, etc, that the recruit who lost his scholarship happened to have a champion.  Anyway, I think Brad got the short end of the stick last spring, and I'm glad to hear from him.  And I"m glad to hear that DJ's doing well too.     

I was a critic as much as anyone around here regarding the Newbill situation.  However, Brad making derogatory comments about Blue and Wilson when they had nothing to do with the situation that occured?  Does not sound like "more like journalism" as you state.  Sounds like someone bitter and quite biased.  Usually a trait I avoid when reading "journalists".


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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #59 on: December 05, 2010, 06:59:07 PM »
I see your point, and I agree.  But I'd be bitter too, that's all I'm saying.  I thought he was one of the most generous/selfless posters on here, and ended up just getting hammered.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 01:38:08 AM by MOwarrior »

Jacks DC

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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #60 on: December 05, 2010, 07:42:23 PM »
It is early to make judgments on Newbill, but all I know so far is that Newbill looks really good and has played better than any of our freshmen.  Regardless of how he ended up not attending Marquette, if he turns out to be a stud, Buzz deserves criticism for losing him.  Buzz's record on recruits is mixed at best and he is on the hook for how this one comes out.


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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #61 on: December 05, 2010, 07:44:48 PM »
This is mob mentality.  Brad took a beating last spring, re: his Newbill coverage, and it even seemed to be highlighted by the MU athletic dept, when they posted that no-contacting-the-recruits boilerplate.  Whether or not is was improper, I didn't sense intentional interference or malice from Brad anywhere.  Just the opposite:  More like journalism.  So when the drama unfolded, of course the MU faithful lined up behind MU.  In my opinion, the MU athletic dept post implied meddling, and the fanbase seemed more than willing to pile on.  It's probably just coincidence, bad luck, etc, that the recruit who lost his scholarship happened to have a champion.  Anyway, I think Brad got the short end of the stick last spring, and I'm glad to hear from him.  And I"m glad to hear that DJ's doing well too.     

The great irony was when DJ committed everyone loved Brad's original videos.  Couldn't get enough of them.  More more more.

Then when he got cut, Brad followed up and the wolves were on him.  Pretty sad.  I'd be upset, too, if I were him.  He's an MU grad with the best of intentions....when the content was feeding the fanboys, he was Golden.  When the content (after DJ was cut) had the nuts to question the other side of the story, he became the targeted.

Cura Personalis.

Lennys Tap

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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #62 on: December 05, 2010, 08:17:11 PM »
What's the slur that is appropriate for those who slur people with the term "fanboy"?

Canned Goods n Ammo

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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #63 on: December 05, 2010, 08:17:46 PM »
What's the slur that is appropriate for those who slur people with the term "fanboy"?



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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #64 on: December 05, 2010, 08:37:51 PM »
It is early to make judgments on Newbill, but all I know so far is that Newbill looks really good and has played better than any of our freshmen.  Regardless of how he ended up not attending Marquette, if he turns out to be a stud, Buzz deserves criticism for losing him.  Buzz's record on recruits is mixed at best and he is on the hook for how this one comes out.

Not sure I'd classify Buzz's recruiting record as mixed at best - considering we have more Top 100 players in the program currently than at any other time in the program's history.  No coach bats 100% on all of the recruits they bring in..this year's freshman class has a long time to grow up yet.  Next year's team could be quite special with Wilson joining the fold and every other player gaining one year of experience. 
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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #65 on: December 05, 2010, 08:40:21 PM »
Newbill would offer Marquette something it desperately needs; a tenacious rebounder.  He's got a nose for the basketball and has been a beast on the boards this young season.  He's especially adept at snaring rebounds on the offensive end.  Buzz missed the boat on this one and killed what could have been a terrific pipeline to the Philly area.  At least two four star recruits from Philly were interested in attending the Elite Camp and soured on the program after DJ was jettisoned.  One has already signed with Nova.  Buzz could have had himself a nice connection to a basketball rich area.  I'm afraid that's gone.  By the way, I predict Newbill has a better college career than Vander Blue.

It would be tough for Newbill to grab rebounds from MU's bench.

Also, the whole notion that Buzz "killed" the chances of MU landing players from Philly is completely ludicrous. Just this past week there was a thread about a recruit who's considering MU and is from Philly. Maybe he hadn't heard the Newbill story yet. Besides, who says that landing one kid who likely wouldn't have gotten much PT each of the next couple seasons would have results in a "pipeline."

I understand that you're bitter because things didn't work out between your boy and your alma mater but give it a rest. The slight journalistic integrity that you had is dissolving with each of your posts.


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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #66 on: December 05, 2010, 11:33:44 PM »
Not sure I'd classify Buzz's recruiting record as mixed at best - considering we have more Top 100 players in the program currently than at any other time in the program's history. 

Huh?  That's not accurate


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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #67 on: December 06, 2010, 07:33:22 AM »
blah blah blah blah


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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #68 on: December 06, 2010, 07:34:18 AM »

Jacks DC

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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #69 on: December 06, 2010, 07:59:07 AM »
Not sure I'd classify Buzz's recruiting record as mixed at best - considering we have more Top 100 players in the program currently than at any other time in the program's history.  No coach bats 100% on all of the recruits they bring in..this year's freshman class has a long time to grow up yet.  Next year's team could be quite special with Wilson joining the fold and every other player gaining one year of experience. 

He has brought in some high profile recruits who may turn out to be great, but the program was in very good shape when he took over.  In the limited time he's been at the helm, there have been several recruiting mistakes mixed in with the successes - Roseboro, Maymon, Mbao, Newbill.  That's a mixed record if you ask me.

Lennys Tap

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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #70 on: December 06, 2010, 09:32:59 AM »
He has brought in some high profile recruits who may turn out to be great, but the program was in very good shape when he took over.  In the limited time he's been at the helm, there have been several recruiting mistakes mixed in with the successes - Roseboro, Maymon, Mbao, Newbill.  That's a mixed record if you ask me.

There was a great senior class in place when he took over. And one stud junior. But circumstances left him with two empty classes, which is not indicative of a program in very good shape.


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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #71 on: December 06, 2010, 10:04:50 AM »
Be nice. Brad is a huge fan of this average Marquette team. Just not a "fanboy" like some of us.

hahahaha I was thinking the same thing!


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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #72 on: December 06, 2010, 10:38:25 AM »
Correct, but for some people they need reminding that he loves MU as much as anyone and isn't here trolling.  The request by some posters here that he go away is what I'm talking about.


Troll (Internet) In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

By the way, I predict Newbill has a better college career than Vander Blue.

Odds on what?  Newbill vs. Overhyped Blue?  I don't need any odds.  I've seen both of them play and I'm certainly not impressed with Vander's goofy looking jumper.  As for Jamil Wilson...Oregon misses him about as much as ESPN does Joe Theismann on it's football telecasts.  He's another average player who couldn't find his way around the court in year one.

No solid player with a penchant for hitting the boards would be buried on an average roster.

I'll put my work up against anyone's on this board and any of the average sportscasters in Milwaukee without hesitation.  You are a useless pustule.

Those are Brad's four posts in this thread. I think it's safe to say each and every one is an instance of trolling. The thread was started to point out that Newbill is doing well for himself at Southern Miss. That's it. So what does Brad do?

Well, he starts by slamming Buzz's recruiting, which I suppose is fair for the topic, but then also slams Vander Blue. Umm...why? Blue's recruiting had absolutely nothing to do with Newbill. Both were scheduled to come here at the same time, and could have both been playing on this team. Brad is lashing out just to lash out.

Then he continues to slam Blue and adds Wilson into the mix. Okay, we did part ways with Newbill at the same time we added Wilson, but the two are completely different players. And if we are going to assume that Buzz and only Buzz was in the wrong, why is it necessary to attack Jamil Wilson, a kid who wanted to get home to be closer to his family and seems to have no ill will towards Brad, DJ, or anyone else?

Next he decides to go after everyone else at Marquette, saying they have an "average roster". Maybe he missed it by being gone the past few months, but it's pretty safe to say this is the deepest roster Marquette has had in years, and it's proving out on the court. Nine guys are averaging double-digit minutes, and every eligible scholarship player is averaging 7+ minutes. Tack on six guys averaging 8+ points per game and eight guys averaging 3+ rebounds per game and I think it's safe to say that if Newbill were here, he'd have to earn his minutes and that there's be plenty of stiff competition for them.

Finally, yes, jfmu did insult him, and Brad has the right to respond. The work he presented here was good and much appreciated, and anyone who said otherwise would be lying. However, instead of just going after the person who insulted him, he pretty much says he's better than any sportscaster in Milwaukee, and "useless pustule" seems more than a bit over the top.

I'll agree completely that when Brad first showed up with videos, we were grateful. I also agree that he did good work on them and helped build excitement around Newbill. However, what happened happened. There's nothing anyone on this board did to instigate it, nor anything we can do to change the past. Coming on here and attacking the Marquette players, coaching staff, and fans is not the way to prove you are ready to move on as a member of the Marquette community.

And MU grad or not, bradforster is a troll. Every post he has put in here is trolling for a response. So until he decides to mature a bit and carry himself as a responsible poster, I see no reason anyone in this thread or on this site should treat him as anything other than what he has become...

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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #73 on: December 06, 2010, 11:05:21 AM »
This is mob mentality.  Brad took a beating last spring, re: his Newbill coverage, and it even seemed to be highlighted by the MU athletic dept, when they posted that no-contacting-the-recruits boilerplate.  Whether or not is was improper, I didn't sense intentional interference or malice from Brad anywhere.  Just the opposite:  More like journalism.  So when the drama unfolded, of course the MU faithful lined up behind MU.  In my opinion, the MU athletic dept post implied meddling, and the fanbase seemed more than willing to pile on.  It's probably just coincidence, bad luck, etc, that the recruit who lost his scholarship happened to have a champion.  Anyway, I think Brad got the short end of the stick last spring, and I'm glad to hear from him.  And I"m glad to hear that DJ's doing well too.     


People need to back off Brad.  Frankly, I don't blame him for having an attitude about things. 
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Re: Ain't Y'All Watching Newbill...
« Reply #74 on: December 06, 2010, 11:06:13 AM »

Troll (Internet) In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

Those are Brad's four posts in this thread. I think it's safe to say each and every one is an instance of trolling. The thread was started to point out that Newbill is doing well for himself at Southern Miss. That's it. So what does Brad do?

Well, he starts by slamming Buzz's recruiting, which I suppose is fair for the topic, but then also slams Vander Blue. Umm...why? Blue's recruiting had absolutely nothing to do with Newbill. Both were scheduled to come here at the same time, and could have both been playing on this team. Brad is lashing out just to lash out.

Then he continues to slam Blue and adds Wilson into the mix. Okay, we did part ways with Newbill at the same time we added Wilson, but the two are completely different players. And if we are going to assume that Buzz and only Buzz was in the wrong, why is it necessary to attack Jamil Wilson, a kid who wanted to get home to be closer to his family and seems to have no ill will towards Brad, DJ, or anyone else?

Next he decides to go after everyone else at Marquette, saying they have an "average roster". Maybe he missed it by being gone the past few months, but it's pretty safe to say this is the deepest roster Marquette has had in years, and it's proving out on the court. Nine guys are averaging double-digit minutes, and every eligible scholarship player is averaging 7+ minutes. Tack on six guys averaging 8+ points per game and eight guys averaging 3+ rebounds per game and I think it's safe to say that if Newbill were here, he'd have to earn his minutes and that there's be plenty of stiff competition for them.

Finally, yes, jfmu did insult him, and Brad has the right to respond. The work he presented here was good and much appreciated, and anyone who said otherwise would be lying. However, instead of just going after the person who insulted him, he pretty much says he's better than any sportscaster in Milwaukee, and "useless pustule" seems more than a bit over the top.

I'll agree completely that when Brad first showed up with videos, we were grateful. I also agree that he did good work on them and helped build excitement around Newbill. However, what happened happened. There's nothing anyone on this board did to instigate it, nor anything we can do to change the past. Coming on here and attacking the Marquette players, coaching staff, and fans is not the way to prove you are ready to move on as a member of the Marquette community.

And MU grad or not, bradforster is a troll. Every post he has put in here is trolling for a response. So until he decides to mature a bit and carry himself as a responsible poster, I see no reason anyone in this thread or on this site should treat him as anything other than what he has become...

Post of the Day.

Game. Set. Match.

