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Author Topic: Dorm Room Shenanigans  (Read 20629 times)


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Re: Dorm Room Shenanigans
« Reply #75 on: April 10, 2009, 11:20:14 PM »
That never gets old.  Those hallways look much narrower than I remember.  TT, any evidence of the knee through the wall from the neighbors down the hall?

Excellent story!

One night at Mashuda, I was walking down the hall and see one of our neighbors come out of his dorm room and kick his leg through the wall.  Because he was a rather portly fellow, his leg got stuck and it took a little struggling to break free.  Of course I yelled at everyone to come out and watch.  He was just kicking it and didn't expect the wall to be 1/4" thick if that.  Hilarious.

We offered to never acknowledge the incident and simply put up one of the many posters in the hall over it but he turned himself in.  Fool.  


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Re: Dorm Room Shenanigans
« Reply #76 on: April 10, 2009, 11:25:00 PM »
Excellent story!

One night at Mashuda, I was walking down the hall and see one of our neighbors come out of his dorm room and kick his leg through the wall.  Because he was a rather portly fellow, his leg got stuck and it took a little struggling to break free.  Of course I yelled at everyone to come out and watch.  He was just kicking it and didn't expect the wall to be 1/4" thick if that.  Hilarious.

We offered to never acknowledge the incident and simply put up one of the many posters in the hall over it but he turned himself in.  Fool.  

Also, I recall MarqPTM's goo gun that shot out a disgusting, sticky ooze that nearly caused a riot in the same hallway when he smeared one too many doors and hit some clothing.  That stuff was gross.


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Re: Dorm Room Shenanigans
« Reply #77 on: April 10, 2009, 11:25:40 PM »
Also I highly recommend getting a bottle of Tag (never wear it under any circumstance) and duct taping several times around so it sprays.  Proceed by throwing it in a room of your choice.

If this happens to you, however, as Jimbo tried on MarqPTM and myself, it can be flushed down a Mashuda toilet for quick disposal.


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Re: Dorm Room Shenanigans
« Reply #78 on: April 10, 2009, 11:28:13 PM »
Also, I recall MarqPTM's goo gun that shot out a disgusting, sticky ooze that nearly caused a riot in the same hallway when he smeared one too many doors and hit some clothing.  That stuff was gross.

Correct.  A great purchase to piss off anyone.

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« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 11:33:52 PM by TallTitan34 »


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Re: Dorm Room Shenanigans
« Reply #79 on: April 11, 2009, 01:34:29 AM »
yeah, you guys were pretty obnoxious at times.
a revealing post for 87? ouch


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Re: Dorm Room Shenanigans
« Reply #80 on: April 11, 2009, 11:15:41 AM »
Enjoying all the stories...keep them coming! However, I have some good ones of my own. Freshman year at McCormick (well not one defining story, but a lot of good shenanigans along the way)

-friend rollerblading down the hall drunk with a cheesehead on his head.
-friend skate boarding down the hall and running into the wall
-window paint all over the bathroom after the wisconsin game saying "frack THE BADGERS"
-beer can pyramid in front of our RAs door
-2 exit signs ripped down on our floor
-broken bathroom stall door and a drunk friend of mine jumping on it singing "surfing U.S.A"
-2 friends doing naked slip n slide in the showers
-common room sofa with a huge dick drawn on it
-duck taping our RAs doorway
-tying the vaccum cord around our RAs door handle and running the vaccum down the hall and wrapped around the exit sign
-3 friends of mine "party-boying" the small mexican janitor lady at 6 a.m. in the bathroom after getting
-a buddy hides naked in my friends bed as the friend's whose room it was was hooking up with a chick on the futon below...after my friend who's hooking up with the chick says the "code" word, our naked buddy stumbles out of the bed in front of the girl and walks out of the room. the girl wasn't too happy to say the least! lol
-im sure there are more stories but i can't think of any more right now.

-frequent urination in the hallway is common
-majority of our wing was in the hall one night (halloween) and chanting the soccer chant "ollay!" only to have the RA from the floor above us to come down twice and right everyone up in the hallway.
-the hall directore has told us that we are the worst floor in mccormick

certainly has been some good times!

go marquette


I swear to God if you people weren't on my floor...this is really uncanny. We did all the same ridiculous crap. And it wasn't like these were traditions, passed down through the years. They were decisions made while we were black-out drunk.

Also...Fall 2005 semester in Schroeder Hall...there were 13 or 14 fire alarms pulled...just in the first semester. Usually they were at 3 or 4 in the morning and many of them were weeknights. Everytime...we pulled out the Bocce set and played on Schreoder Field until we could go back in..sometimes in the snow. One of those occasions a buddy threw a snowball at a DPS officer and hit him in the face. That didn't end well


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Re: Dorm Room Shenanigans
« Reply #81 on: April 14, 2009, 02:44:54 PM »
westernmost room on the south side of the building... too long ago to remember room numbers.

so it was a quad/triple? 


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Re: Dorm Room Shenanigans
« Reply #82 on: April 14, 2009, 04:20:22 PM »
custodian left the utility closet in a mc bathroom unlocked. we stole his garbage bags, filled them up with water in the showers and dropped them out the window from 9th floor

target practice with apples and busses from mc 9th

cops stormed mc when a resident flashed a laser pointer at the cop outside of caffs. there were arrests and some nights in jail

first week in mc with a water balloon launcher reached all the way to that ugly pointed statue outside of AMU

playing with the fire extinguisher

a guy smeared poop on the girls bathroom one night. the custodian thought the girls did it to debase her

stealing entire cakes from the cafeteria

covering the little laser reader in the cafeteria where you place your tray on the carousel, thus stopping its motion and resulting in a HUGE buildup of dirty trays and long lines

trojan horse computer monitor for beer

duct taped passed out friend to his computer chair and set him in the elevator

water/suds fight in schroeder bathroom (i swear, not as homoerotic as it sounds)

drawing giant obscene images in the snow of west town mall for all to see above

there was a rivalry with another mens floor and there was occasional peeing on their common rooms' floors


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Re: Dorm Room Shenanigans
« Reply #83 on: April 14, 2009, 07:54:12 PM »


I swear to God if you people weren't on my floor...this is really uncanny. We did all the same ridiculous crap. And it wasn't like these were traditions, passed down through the years. They were decisions made while we were black-out drunk.

Also...Fall 2005 semester in Schroeder Hall...there were 13 or 14 fire alarms pulled...just in the first semester. Usually they were at 3 or 4 in the morning and many of them were weeknights. Everytime...we pulled out the Bocce set and played on Schreoder Field until we could go back in..sometimes in the snow. One of those occasions a buddy threw a snowball at a DPS officer and hit him in the face. That didn't end well

We were definitely in Schroeder the same years at MU (9th floor for me).  I vividly remember the snowball incident.  Absolutely hilarious.

