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X Game Thread by Daniel
[Today at 09:19:52 PM]

Recruiting as of 1/15/25 by MuMark
[Today at 07:14:53 PM]

Room for improvement by K1 Lover
[Today at 06:33:41 PM]

Rant + Turning Point by bradforster
[Today at 05:32:19 PM]

White Out Saturday by MarquetteMike1977
[Today at 03:55:08 PM]

MU BE record? by tower912
[Today at 02:53:58 PM]

X-acto knife by Newsdreams
[Today at 02:45:47 PM]

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The Sultan

Quote from: MU82 on August 15, 2024, 06:23:40 AM
On a local note, congrats to Wisconsin Republicans for decisively voting against two 2020 election deniers who were running for state legislative spots, including one who actively tried to cheat to keep the then-president in office. Now that Wisconsin maps have been un-gerrymandered, should make for an interesting (and far fairer) state election in November.

Why do you keep doing this?
Matthew 25:40: Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

Hards Alumni

Quote from: CountryRoads on August 14, 2024, 05:52:32 PM
I've been downtown four times this summer and twice I've come back to a shattered window. I already don't leave valuables in the car, so I guess the next step (other than avoiding the area) is to just leave the car doors open. I did feel pretty stupid having to go to the same guy to get my window replaced twice in two weeks. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

I have been downtown MKE several times, including parking on the street at 419 W Vliet St for a MU game twice.  Yet, no break ins.  Hmmm.  Kinda weird, man.


Quote from: rocket surgeon on August 14, 2024, 07:03:00 PM
  i know i'm on tower's big IG list(his loss) but his seemingly nonchalant/careless sympathy for the victims is disgusting...nothing to see here.  probably donates to minnysoda freedom fund

I know, right? tower's is treating the victim  like one would a person afflicted with cancer.

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