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Author Topic: No one else interviewed for AD job  (Read 5937 times)


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No one else interviewed for AD job
« on: February 24, 2008, 10:04:12 PM »
I know there was already a thread owing to a post from Cracked Sidewalks about Cottingham, but I didn't see anyone mention this article or this fact: "Cottingham said the university received more than 60 applications from around the country, adding that many represented universities and colleges in high-profile athletic conferences" and that "neither he nor any other university official conducted an interview with any candidate."

That just blows me away. You wouldn't interview a single person from any other school? Was Cottingham, who had about as much experience running an Athletic Department before 14 months ago as the Village People, so impressive over his 14 month tenure (how's that search for a track coach going?) that after he decided "for the good of the University" to take the reigns of MU athletics that MU needed to forego a search? Maybe he was (... and maybe I'm Santa Claus), but wow.

Here's the text of the article:

More than a year after longtime Marquette University athletic director Bill Cords retired, the interim athletic director on Thursday announced his replacement.


Steve Cottingham, 46, formerly an associate senior vice president at Marquette who has had close ties to the athletic department, will take over as athletic director immediately.

The announcement was a surprise in light of Cottingham's statements during the search period that he would not be a candidate for the job Cords left in December 2006.

In an interview, Cottingham said he had a change of heart about the position about two weeks ago.

"I've been here 12½ years," he said. "I love the place, the institution and the mission we have. In the last couple of weeks, I reached the conclusion that the best place for me to positively affect the university, not just the athletic department, was to take on the role of permanent athletic director."

Cottingham said that when he reached that conclusion, the search for a replacement was suspended. He added that neither he nor any other university official conducted an interview with any candidate.

Cottingham said the university received more than 60 applications from around the country, adding that many represented universities and colleges in high-profile athletic conferences. Internally, deputy athletic director Mike Broeker had interest in the position, and his candidacy was well-known among Marquette insiders.

Cottingham said the decision to appoint him came from senior management, including Father Robert A. Wild, university president, and senior vice president Greg Kliebhan.

He will formally take over a department that generated $21.8 million in revenue in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007. Men's basketball accounted for $13 million of that total.

As interim athletic director since Jan. 1, 2007, Cottingham was heavily involved in negotiating contracts for Marquette's coaches and helped complete the current leasing deal with the Bradley Center.

Cottingham said he wanted to continue the success the athletic program has had in recent years.

"We don't view the Big East as a destination," he said. "We're not in it to be in it. We are in it to win and be highly competitive and succeed. Not just men's and women's basketball, but all of the sports we offer."

Marquette supports 14 Division I teams, including men's and women's basketball, cross country, soccer, tennis, indoor and outdoor track, men's golf and women's volleyball.

In a prepared statement, Wild said "university and athletic officials recognized the valuable role Steve played.

"Steve's leadership, his administrative and legal experience, and his intense commitment to Marquette will help continue the upward trajectory we've seen in our athletic program," he said.

Men's basketball coach Tom Cream said Cottingham was "conscientious, committed and an exceptional leader. I have every confidence that he will continue to flourish and make our department even more respected nationally."

Cottingham said the university was not funding the maximum number of scholarships in all sports, a fact he said he planned to address. He estimated that the university was funding 92 scholarships currently, even though the school can fund 110 students under NCAA rules.

He also said he wanted to raise the profile of the school's soccer program.

Cottingham received his undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin in 1983 and received his law degree from George Washington University in 1987.

A resident of Mequon, Cottingham and his wife, Lisa, have a daughter, Taira.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2008, 10:07:54 PM by warrior07 »


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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2008, 10:17:49 PM »
I know a few people that were going to throw there hats in the ring...very qualified folks.  Said the process was very slow...I'd say so


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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2008, 10:32:47 PM »
This is somewhat unsettling. You'd think the University would give due diligence to a hire of this magnitude. Seems that failing to conduct a single interview is less than due diligence.


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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2008, 10:53:43 PM »
This is somewhat unsettling. You'd think the University would give due diligence to a hire of this magnitude. Seems that failing to conduct a single interview is less than due diligence.

Since when is an interview considered "due dilligence"?  I would think you do your "due dilligence" before you bring a candidate in for an interview.

What seems to be missing in most of the comments seems to be the two HUGE questions marks anyone from the outside is going to have.  First, how well will s/he work with the current coaches--especially Tom Crean.  And second, how well will s/he work with the university administration.   From all reports Cottingham meets those two criteria. 

I don't understand why there is such a desire to take a chance with someone you don't know simply to get someone with more experience. 

It's not even as if that additional experience is a guarantee of success.  Just because you're running a high profile program doesn't mean you're an expert at hiring coaches.  Just ask the AD at Indiana right now.



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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2008, 12:28:06 AM »
This is somewhat unsettling. You'd think the University would give due diligence to a hire of this magnitude. Seems that failing to conduct a single interview is less than due diligence.

Since when is an interview considered "due dilligence"?  I would think you do your "due dilligence" before you bring a candidate in for an interview.

What seems to be missing in most of the comments seems to be the two HUGE questions marks anyone from the outside is going to have.  First, how well will s/he work with the current coaches--especially Tom Crean.  And second, how well will s/he work with the university administration.   From all reports Cottingham meets those two criteria. 

I don't understand why there is such a desire to take a chance with someone you don't know simply to get someone with more experience. 

It's not even as if that additional experience is a guarantee of success.  Just because you're running a high profile program doesn't mean you're an expert at hiring coaches.  Just ask the AD at Indiana right now.


Allow me to clarify. I know nothing about Cottingham. I'm not attacking him. It's entirely possible that he is, after all, the right man for the job. I hope he is. That said, who's to say there isn't anyone out there that might be better suited for the job? Seems an interview or two would be one way to find that out.


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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2008, 06:45:35 AM »
There is only one logical explanation for this search ending as it did.
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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2008, 08:10:09 AM »
I'm shocked that Marquette84 is here to explain and defend a decision by the university. Stunning, especially for somebody who isn't employed by Marquette.

Coobeys Oil Depot

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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2008, 12:06:38 PM »
There is only one logical explanation for this search ending as it did.

And it's because Crean didn't want anyone else, right?


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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2008, 12:33:11 PM »
There is only one logical explanation for this search ending as it did.

Anyone who doesn't know why Cottingham was hired has blinders on.  Don't get me wrong, I think he will do a fine job at MU, but by no means was he the most qualified for the position.  They didn't interview anyone for a reason.  He's been there over a year, has been groomed by Wild et al., and will now be the puppets face...
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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2008, 12:52:20 PM »
I don't necessarily know/think it's Crean. I can't find where my roomate got it on Marquette's website but in some official press release this snippit was included:

Tom Crean, men's basketball coach, called Cottingham "conscientious, committed and an exceptional leader." "I have every confidence that he will continue to flourish and make our department even more respected nationally," he said. "Steve, along with his outstanding team led by Mike Broeker, gives us every opportunity to grow and take the steps necessary to continue to compete at the highest level. On a personal note, the Crean Family is looking forward to many more years to come with Steve, Lisa and Taira."

Is it possible that Crean wanted a known entity so that he could run the show, his part of the Athletics Department, by himself? Sure, but there are so many ways he could have done this, and with someone with more demonstrated competence who actually has had any history whatsoever in athletics: Mike Broeker, the guy Marquette handed an extra large excrement sandwhich.

To me, this is much more Wild/the Jesuits/Marquette leadership trying to keep its pawns in every reach of the University. I mean, look at the Marquette Leadership Council: 19 of the 26 are in some way a product of Marquette University, either academically or as lower level bureaucrats. It seems to me that Wild is scared of bringing in any outsider who might not drink whatever kool-aid he's serving at any given moment.

I think the biggest story in all of this is that Broeker got screwed, royally. I've never interacted with him but students I know who have has said he's very professional. Maybe he isn't up to the job of an AD, but for the "interim director" to call off the search process without conducting a single interview, INCLUDING an interview of one of Cord's deputies, strikes me as incredibly unprofessional and unbecoming of a University that wants to be great.

Canned Goods n Ammo

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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2008, 12:55:56 PM »
There is only one logical explanation for this search ending as it did.

And it's because Crean didn't want anyone else, right?

Yea, see this is where it gets weird, 4ever.

In another thread, ( you refused to speculate on some things about Bruce Pearl because you didn't know all of the details. I applauded you for a level headed view of his situation and hoped people (and you specifically) could apply this same reasonable approach with our own coach.

Now in this situation, you seem to be implying that Crean is the driving force behind the AD hire, and given you track record of not really liking Crean, I'm guessing you aren't satisfied.

You are entitled to any opinion you want, but it's curious that you refuse to speculate on a coach that you are seemingly a fan of (pearl), but then offer random speculation about a coach you are highly critical of (Crean).

Unless you have some details, about the AD hire and Crean's involvement, you are just wildly speculating, which was the exact thing you refused to do with Pearl. 

Objective criticism is fine, but it seems like you have a large bias against Crean, and even a clear agenda with your postings.

Coobeys Oil Depot

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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2008, 02:43:13 PM »
There is only one logical explanation for this search ending as it did.

And it's because Crean didn't want anyone else, right?

Yea, see this is where it gets weird, 4ever.

In another thread, ( you refused to speculate on some things about Bruce Pearl because you didn't know all of the details. I applauded you for a level headed view of his situation and hoped people (and you specifically) could apply this same reasonable approach with our own coach.

Now in this situation, you seem to be implying that Crean is the driving force behind the AD hire, and given you track record of not really liking Crean, I'm guessing you aren't satisfied.

You are entitled to any opinion you want, but it's curious that you refuse to speculate on a coach that you are seemingly a fan of (pearl), but then offer random speculation about a coach you are highly critical of (Crean).

Unless you have some details, about the AD hire and Crean's involvement, you are just wildly speculating, which was the exact thing you refused to do with Pearl. 

Objective criticism is fine, but it seems like you have a large bias against Crean, and even a clear agenda with your postings.

It's fairly obvious that 4ever gives a pass to Pearl and takes the highground with him because they've knocked balls around a couple of times whereas he will stick the trident into Crean 8 of 10 times even when Crean isn't involved.

I'm not a massive fan of Crean but I'm also not at the point where I think he's the reason for everything from our late season tired spells to the travails of the aborignal people in Australia.

Canned Goods n Ammo

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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2008, 03:08:41 PM »
There is only one logical explanation for this search ending as it did.

And it's because Crean didn't want anyone else, right?

Yea, see this is where it gets weird, 4ever.

In another thread, ( you refused to speculate on some things about Bruce Pearl because you didn't know all of the details. I applauded you for a level headed view of his situation and hoped people (and you specifically) could apply this same reasonable approach with our own coach.

Now in this situation, you seem to be implying that Crean is the driving force behind the AD hire, and given you track record of not really liking Crean, I'm guessing you aren't satisfied.

You are entitled to any opinion you want, but it's curious that you refuse to speculate on a coach that you are seemingly a fan of (pearl), but then offer random speculation about a coach you are highly critical of (Crean).

Unless you have some details, about the AD hire and Crean's involvement, you are just wildly speculating, which was the exact thing you refused to do with Pearl. 

Objective criticism is fine, but it seems like you have a large bias against Crean, and even a clear agenda with your postings.

It's fairly obvious that 4ever gives a pass to Pearl and takes the highground with him because they've knocked balls around a couple of times whereas he will stick the trident into Crean 8 of 10 times even when Crean isn't involved.

I'm not a massive fan of Crean but I'm also not at the point where I think he's the reason for everything from our late season tired spells to the travails of the aborignal people in Australia.

Well, I inclined to agree with you... but let's wait and hear what 4ever has to say (only fair to let him respond before we keep piling on).

I'm happy to debate/discuss... but I don't want to start a fight.

4ever, I look forward to your response to my previous post.


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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2008, 04:23:50 PM »
If Crean isn't to blame for late season tired spells, who is?? 


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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2008, 04:27:13 PM »
If Crean isn't to blame for late season tired spells, who is?? 

nice attempt to shift the focus


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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2008, 04:39:25 PM »
If Crean isn't to blame for late season tired spells, who is?? 

nice attempt to shift the focus


Coobeys Oil Depot

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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2008, 05:29:50 PM »
If Crean isn't to blame for late season tired spells, who is?? 

The point of my sentence was there are things he is responsible for (tired spells) and things he isn't (aboriginal discrimination in Australia) but I'm not going to blame him for everything on that spectrum like some seem to.


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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2008, 08:46:50 PM »
Think of things logically. After a year and a half of "no" AD, the interim AD, who wasn't a candidate for the job, takes it and no other candidates had even been interviewed. If it smells like a fish, walks like a fish, talks like a fish, guess what?

Here's the real mystery. Why didn't Crean just name himself AD?

For those who don't play golf, it is widely known and accepted that you can learn a lot about one's character by how he acts and conducts himself on a golf course. Greatest game ever invented. BTW, Crean's not a golfer.
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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2008, 08:54:19 PM »

Think of things logically. After a year and a half of "no" AD, the interim AD, who wasn't a candidate for the job, takes it and no other candidates had even been interviewed. If it smells like a fish, walks like a fish, talks like a fish, guess what?

So does this mean you're a jacka$$ then? 

I know you are a huge MU fan but you sure act like one in any discussion involving Crean.

No response to 2002mualum's post?  Seems to me his points are pretty valid.


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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2008, 08:59:54 PM »
Think of things logically. After a year and a half of "no" AD, the interim AD, who wasn't a candidate for the job, takes it and no other candidates had even been interviewed. If it smells like a fish, walks like a fish, talks like a fish, guess what?

That's where you're wrong, Cottingham was always a candidate for the job.  In fact, he was really the only candidate Wild wanted.  If it were up to Wild, Cottingham would have taken the job when it was first announced that Cords was retiring.  But Cottingham didn't want to do it.  It took Wild a year and a half to convince Cottingham to do it, it wasn't Crean hand picking the guy he wanted, he would have gone for Jack Harbaugh.

Canned Goods n Ammo

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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2008, 09:02:48 PM »
Think of things logically. After a year and a half of "no" AD, the interim AD, who wasn't a candidate for the job, takes it and no other candidates had even been interviewed. If it smells like a fish, walks like a fish, talks like a fish, guess what?

Here's the real mystery. Why didn't Crean just name himself AD?

For those who don't play golf, it is widely known and accepted that you can learn a lot about one's character by how he acts and conducts himself on a golf course. Greatest game ever invented. BTW, Crean's not a golfer.

Ahh... well... this is my point:

You deduce some "stuff" about the AD position at MU without any real insider information, however you refuse to speculate on Bruce Pearl's character and/or divorce because you don't know any of the details.

Now, please don't jump up and say it's about Pearl's personal life and use that as a justification... because it's not.

You refrained from speculation with Pearl (even though the end of his marriage didn't look too good), but jumped on Crean regarding the AD position because you think something is fishy.

Both are pure speculation on your behalf... it's just that you refrain when it's a coach you like (Pearl), and attack when it's a coach you don't like (Crean).

Your whole shtick has grown old. Constructive and relatively unbiased criticism of a coach and the university can make for good conversation and reading (several good posts about the AD position).

However, trying to promote some sort of anti-Crean agenda by taking subtle, unsubstantiated jabs at him and pretending to be objective is just hollow... and it's tired.

This thread proves that you will treat a coach you like (Pearl) with kid-gloves... while ripping Crean for anything and everything you can conjure up (whether it be factual or not).

EDIT: I look forward to your well thought out response. Let's put it all out on the table.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2008, 09:05:31 PM by 2002mualum »


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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2008, 09:02:55 PM »
I'm shocked that Marquette84 is here to explain and defend a decision by the university. Stunning, especially for somebody who isn't employed by Marquette.

I don't work for MU or know Cottingham personally.

But the mere fact that you don't like him means that he is probably a fantastic hire for Marquette.

Coobeys Oil Depot

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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #22 on: February 25, 2008, 09:04:36 PM »

Think of things logically. After a year and a half of "no" AD, the interim AD, who wasn't a candidate for the job, takes it and no other candidates had even been interviewed. If it smells like a fish, walks like a fish, talks like a fish, guess what?

So does this mean you're a jacka$$ then? 

I know you are a huge MU fan but you sure act like one in any discussion involving Crean.

No response to 2002mualum's post?  Seems to me his points are pretty valid.

His MO seems to be NOT responding to people who bring up valid points, even when he asks them to.

Hate to be crass and immature, but his behavior has a tinge o'douchebaggery to it.


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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #23 on: February 25, 2008, 09:12:19 PM »
For those who don't play golf, it is widely known and accepted that you can learn a lot about one's character by how he acts and conducts himself on a golf course. Greatest game ever invented. BTW, Crean's not a golfer.

OK, so PRN just doesn't think Crean's a likable guy, and you don't like him because he doesn't golf.  Honestly, I was hoping you guys had better reasons for not liking him - like he spit on your kid or something.  Now, we all know you're both just being petty.

Canned Goods n Ammo

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Re: No one else interviewed for AD job
« Reply #24 on: February 25, 2008, 09:18:31 PM »

Think of things logically. After a year and a half of "no" AD, the interim AD, who wasn't a candidate for the job, takes it and no other candidates had even been interviewed. If it smells like a fish, walks like a fish, talks like a fish, guess what?

So does this mean you're a jacka$$ then? 

I know you are a huge MU fan but you sure act like one in any discussion involving Crean.

No response to 2002mualum's post?  Seems to me his points are pretty valid.

His MO seems to be NOT responding to people who bring up valid points, even when he asks them to.

Hate to be crass and immature, but his behavior has a tinge o'douchebaggery to it.

Once again, I'm inclined to agree... but I want to let this play on and I'd like to give him 4ever fair chance to respond.

Anybody is welcome to speculate or have an opinion on any topic they want... but to not speculate on one Pearl because you "don't know the details", but then wildly speculate on Crean's involvement in the AD search reeks of an anti-Crean bias.

Now, I'm not a "super crean lover" or Crean Hater.... and let's just be honest about who he is:

He's not Marquette Basketball Jesus.

He's not Marquette Basketball Satin.

Everything that goes right with the program isn't only because of him (final 4, big east, AL center), while everything that goes seemingly wrong with the program isn't only because of him (NIT loss, transfers, Gold fiasco, scheduling conflicts, etc.)

4ever, I once again welcome your response to my post above, I'm interested in your perspective.