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Will Wojo get fired at the end this season?

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Author Topic: Does Wojo get canned?  (Read 21536 times)


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Does Wojo get canned?
« on: February 07, 2021, 09:09:18 PM »
This is an honest question because I really have no idea what the answer (likely) is. Haven’t watched more than a couple games this year and have been pretty disconnected to what’s going on from an admin perspective.

Smokin' Jae

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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2021, 09:20:09 PM »
Will depend on the buyout number, which I have no knowledge of. The optics of paying a big buyout when you just laid off hundreds of employees would be not great....What I do know is that multiple members of the board are fed up and it's become clear to just about everyone watching that the program is headed in the wrong direction.


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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2021, 09:24:20 PM »
He should be. But given Marquette’s current financial situation, I don’t think it will happen. My guess is that they will give him an extension, but greatly reduce the buy out and truly put his a$$ in the not seat next year.


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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2021, 09:50:52 PM »
I really don't know what his contract situation is. I have seen a number of posters who often seem in the know refer to the fact that he has a big buyout, one that MU would not be in a good position to have to pay given the recent economic straits. Do any scoopers know hard data? And, with all the lawyers in this world, some of you must know how these contracts work - if he's given an extension, can the buyout be levered down? My guess is that with any new rewrite every point starts anew.

Silent Verbal

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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2021, 10:06:40 PM »
I think he needs to go right now, but I'd honestly be pretty shocked if they actually made a move and canned him at season's end.  However, I have an honest question for anyone who might be able to answer...

When a football team underachieves but the organization isn't ready to move on from the coach (or such a move wouldn't be warranted, in the recent case of the Packers), the team will often throw the offensive or defensive coordinator under the bus to give the fans their pound of flesh.  Ditto in baseball when hitting and pitching coaches are fired after a bad season.

Is there any precedent for such a move in college basketball?  Basically, is it out of the question for Wojo to, say, fire Jake Presutti and Rob Judson, just to show the fans he's aware that things have gone awry and is taking steps to fix it?  The only time turnover with assistants seems to happen is if a guy commits an indiscretion (Scott Monarch) or leaves for another job.  I'd guess there are two reasons for this:  1.) Assistant coaches do a lot of recruiting, and if they're fired, any time/money/resources put into the players they're currently recruiting would be completely wasted, and 2.) Good assistants may not want to take the job if they know there's a chance they'll be scapegoated after a bad season.

Basically, what I'm saying is if we continue our downward spiral I predict Wojo will get rid of Presutti and Judson.  And next year it'll be his ass on the chopping block if things don't turn around, and he'll know it.  I just don't know if there's any precedent for a prediction like that.


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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2021, 10:26:55 PM »
Just don’t see it happening.  This administration is weak and I anticipate they will be full of many excuses for Wojo.  It’s frustrating and very disappointing to think about but it’s likely to not happen.  The admin will likely remain satisfied with a clean cut, “nice” program and be ok turning into DePaul as far as future bball success is concerned.  Very unfortunate as I miss the days of the program advancing when I was attending the school during the Deane to Crean transition.  And then watching Buzz  continue the trend.  I would be shocked but happy if Wojo was pushed out the door.  Plenty of better coaches out there.


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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2021, 10:52:43 PM »
With the way things are trending, I think a mutual separation is most likely. Wojo is a competitor and wants to be a successful head coach.  Regardless of these last few games, which we will be projected to lose, next year and beyond is not bringing any faith or optimism.  As previously mentioned, our four year players are absolutely better as seniors than as freshmen; but compared to the rest of the Big East, we still aren't as good or need to be to compete consistently with the top. We have Garcia, Lewis and Carton, but what else?  No impact incoming freshmen, and Wojo is inconsistent at best with impact transfers.

Hausergate was a red flag. The 13-19 first year is now a red flag. The multiple end of season collapses is a red flag.  The (likely) second losing season in over 20 years is a red flag. The lack of tournament wins and appearances is a red flag.

The financial reasons to keep him are known. What is not known is the financial consequences in keeping Wojo and setting the program back another 4-5 years. For a school that is very much struggling with staff and admissions cannot afford to also have a floundering basketball program. Just my two cents.

We have lived through sevens seasons of the Wojo era. The eighth year is not going to improve perceptions, nor is it going to smooth things out. Unfortunately, it is very much time to move on for both parties.


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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2021, 10:54:26 PM »
Just don’t see it happening.  This administration is weak and I anticipate they will be full of many excuses for Wojo.  It’s frustrating and very disappointing to think about but it’s likely to not happen.  The admin will likely remain satisfied with a clean cut, “nice” program and be ok turning into DePaul as far as future bball success is concerned.  Very unfortunate as I miss the days of the program advancing when I was attending the school during the Deane to Crean transition.  And then watching Buzz  continue the trend.  I would be shocked but happy if Wojo was pushed out the door.  Plenty of better coaches out there.

There is zero evidence that our administration is fine with our basketball program "turning into DePaul."

Otherwise, I agree that it is unlikely he'll be fired after this season.

Although in another thread, Bad Reporter says he would bet Wojo gets fired ... only to quickly couch his position by saying he was "planning on being wrong" about what he just said.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2021, 07:23:37 AM by MU82 »
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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2021, 11:04:13 PM »

Hausergate was a red flag. The 13-19 first year is now a red flag. The multiple end of season collapses is a red flag.  The (likely) second losing season in over 20 years is a red flag. The lack of tournament wins and appearances is a red flag.

Jeesh ... more red flags than a rainy day at a Nascar event.

Was Buzz going 14-17 at New Orleans a "red flag"? Was Al going 13-39 his last two seasons at Belmont Abbey followed by 8-18 and 14-12 his first two seasons at MU a "red flag"? Was Jay Wright failing to make the NCAA tournament in his first three years at Nova (with an 11th-place finish in Year 3) a "red flag"? A coach having a losing record in his first year or two at a new program is EXTREMELY common. So that was just silly.

I mean, was Wojo improving to 20 wins his second season and then taking us to the NCAAs in what was a pretty fun third season a "green flag" that all was well?

Hausershima, when coupled with the mutiny-fueled collapse, was not good at the time, and very bad in retrospect (even though it didn't hurt our recruiting at all, as I worried it would).

The other stuff is just a series of troublesome facts, not really red flags. And the facts suggest he is not a good enough coach for our alma mater.

I have my doubts that the powers-that-be will agree with us enough to eat his buyout, however.
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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2021, 06:29:06 AM »
Is there any precedent for such a move in college basketball?  Basically, is it out of the question for Wojo to, say, fire Jake Presutti and Rob Judson, just to show the fans he's aware that things have gone awry and is taking steps to fix it?  The only time turnover with assistants seems to happen is if a guy commits an indiscretion (Scott Monarch) or leaves for another job.  I'd guess there are two reasons for this:  1.) Assistant coaches do a lot of recruiting, and if they're fired, any time/money/resources put into the players they're currently recruiting would be completely wasted, and 2.) Good assistants may not want to take the job if they know there's a chance they'll be scapegoated after a bad season.

Unless he's bringing in Thad Matta or John Beilein as his number two, I'm not sure what difference it would make. Since Phelps, Wojo has tended to bring in young, up and coming assistants who are recruiters primarily. I don't think he wants that strong, veteran bench presence that might overshadow him.

Honestly, I'd love a Rick Byrd or Fran Dunphy, but considering his trend since his very first staff, I have no confidence he would even be willing to hire someone in that mold. More likely he'd poach someone from another staff or promote Danny Mads.
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Warrior of Law

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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2021, 06:32:53 AM »
He's not going. They were predicted to finish 7th and they'll meet expectations. Not to make excuses (I'd personally dump him), but they've been a tournament team the last two years and they took a step back this year. Dropping all the nonconference bunnies resulted in not having some additional Ws. The point is that there's enough space to allow for a stinker in 20-21. I've decided not to get my hopes up, focus on using this season as a transition year, and focus on 21-22.
"You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom. You can only be free if I am free."  Clarence Darrow


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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2021, 07:24:21 AM »
He's not going. They were predicted to finish 7th and they'll meet expectations. Not to make excuses (I'd personally dump him), but they've been a tournament team the last two years and they took a step back this year. Dropping all the nonconference bunnies resulted in not having some additional Ws. The point is that there's enough space to allow for a stinker in 20-21. I've decided not to get my hopes up, focus on using this season as a transition year, and focus on 21-22.

Realistic take, mature attitude.

Take it to somewhere other than Scoop, pal!
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The Hippie Satan of Hyperbole

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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2021, 07:55:59 AM »
He's not going. They were predicted to finish 7th and they'll meet expectations. Not to make excuses (I'd personally dump him), but they've been a tournament team the last two years and they took a step back this year. Dropping all the nonconference bunnies resulted in not having some additional Ws. The point is that there's enough space to allow for a stinker in 20-21. I've decided not to get my hopes up, focus on using this season as a transition year, and focus on 21-22.

Yes.  This.

I actually don't think the finances will be the problem here.  I just don't think they're ready to pull the trigger but the seat is definitely warm.  I predict a non-guaranteed extension with one more season. 

The FF could be ugly next year.
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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2021, 07:59:07 AM »
Some of the best "mature" writing I have seen here on the subject.
As I see it , most of the coaches we compete against have much more experience as head coaches.  Although Wojo is a similar age to most of them he did not come up thru the ranks by being a head coach in the minors. 
As mentioned, even St. Al McGuire learned by losing at Belmont Abbey. 
Didn't we have the same problem with Raymonds and Rick Majerus?
Where is our corporate memory?
I'm sure when Wojo watches film he can see where the players failed and how he also is on a learning curve.
At least Wojo can recruit, that's something.
Now to learn how to run the end of game winning moves.
How hard can that be?


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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2021, 08:14:55 AM »
Does he stay if we only win one more game?   Attendance and fan support will be brutal next year.  Remember fans were booing at end of last year.  Can you imagine the scene at the games right now with fans?   I have talked to a couple people who are not renewing season tickets next year.  There will be zero excitement going into next year.  I think MU will feel it in the wallet next year big time!

The Lens

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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2021, 08:35:14 AM »

They just fired 39 people and then announced gifts of $36 million.  Optics aren't the issue. 
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Warrior of Law

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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2021, 08:52:45 AM »
Does he stay if we only win one more game?   Attendance and fan support will be brutal next year.  Remember fans were booing at end of last year.  Can you imagine the scene at the games right now with fans?   I have talked to a couple people who are not renewing season tickets next year.  There will be zero excitement going into next year.  I think MU will feel it in the wallet next year big time!

I thought about that, too.  That was one of Crean's strengths was being bullish and positive about the future, and therefore generating excitement (avoiding boos).  To that end, the marketing of the program needs to focus on (1)returning to FF, (2) DJ/Dawson/Lewis as the core, and (3) expectation of being the top 1/3 of the BE.  Multiple give-aways and pre-game beer discounts won't hurt either.

As for booing, I would only boo if there was an effort issue.  By all indications, everyone in the program is doing their best. The fact is that this team isn't very good at shooting, and they throw the ball away at an alarming rate.  Go on the transfer market and get a sharp-shooter who isn't a defensive liability, and things look a lot better.
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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2021, 08:58:02 AM »

They just fired 39 people and then announced gifts of $36 million.  Optics aren't the issue. 

“True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.” - Clarence Darrow

The Hippie Satan of Hyperbole

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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2021, 08:58:43 AM »
I thought about that, too.  That was one of Crean's strengths was being bullish and positive about the future, and therefore generating excitement (avoiding boos).  To that end, the marketing of the program needs to focus on (1)returning to FF, (2) DJ/Dawson/Lewis as the core, and (3) expectation of being the top 1/3 of the BE.  Multiple give-aways and pre-game beer discounts won't hurt either.

Do people honestly think we will be in the top third of the BE next year?  I am having a hard time believing that.
“True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.” - Clarence Darrow


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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2021, 09:00:00 AM »
Does he stay if we only win one more game?   Attendance and fan support will be brutal next year.  Remember fans were booing at end of last year.  Can you imagine the scene at the games right now with fans?   I have talked to a couple people who are not renewing season tickets next year.  There will be zero excitement going into next year.  I think MU will feel it in the wallet next year big time!

Booed at the end of last year? My family went to the Nova game. It was Jan. 4, less than halfway through the season and only the second Big East game. And we were 10-3. And we had gone to two of the previous three NCAA tournaments. Nevertheless, Wojo was booed when introduced. It was a pretty pathetic display.

But yes, next year could be ugly either way. If Wojo is retained and we don't get off to a good start -- or even if we do -- he will be booed. And if Wojo is not retained, and our best players and recruits don't want to play for the new coach, fans won't be digging our very bad team.
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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2021, 09:03:27 AM »
You can sell optimism with a new coach and program direction. Especially when the current coach has such low approval ratings.

But yes, if he returns next year, it will be very ugly.


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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2021, 09:21:15 AM »

Do people honestly think we will be in the top third of the BE next year?  I am having a hard time believing that.

That’s also assuming everyone stays. Which I would say is a big if in this college basketball landscape.

Warrior of Law

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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2021, 09:23:07 AM »
The MU messaging needs to be: "we're young, inexperienced, COVID restricted our development, and with a full summer under our belt, we'll be much different."

In some ways, I think booing last year wasn't so much about the last year's team, but more about losing the Hausers and getting blown out in the NCAA the year prior.
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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #23 on: February 08, 2021, 09:27:39 AM »
Booed at the end of last year? My family went to the Nova game. It was Jan. 4, less than halfway through the season and only the second Big East game. And we were 10-3. And we had gone to two of the previous three NCAA tournaments. Nevertheless, Wojo was booed when introduced. It was a pretty pathetic display.

But yes, next year could be ugly either way. If Wojo is retained and we don't get off to a good start -- or even if we do -- he will be booed. And if Wojo is not retained, and our best players and recruits don't want to play for the new coach, fans won't be digging our very bad team.

WISCONSIN boobirds are nothing new.


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Re: Does Wojo get canned?
« Reply #24 on: February 08, 2021, 09:28:38 AM »

Do people honestly think we will be in the top third of the BE next year?  I am having a hard time believing that.

We could very easily be in the top third of the Big East RIGHT NOW with the current roster if we were able to close out games with any regularity. Our current 5-8 record could easily be 8-5 or 9-4 without the late-game failures and droughts.
The shaka sign, sometimes known as "hang loose", is a gesture of friendly intent often associated with Hawaii and surf culture.

