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Author Topic: White Privilege at MU  (Read 81646 times)


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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #175 on: May 10, 2018, 01:55:39 PM »
white privilege means you don't have to think about what you are wearing or how you are walking down the street, especially at the night

male privilege means you don't have to be anxious about walking anywhere after nightfall

white privilege means that I don't have to think about every single word or movement I make if I get pulled over for speeding

white privilege means I don't have to drive "extra careful" when I'm in the suburbs.
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Billy Hoyle

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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #176 on: May 10, 2018, 04:23:20 PM »

Or are people at Yale that self-absorbed that they don't talk to anyone?

you answered your own question there, but you need to add "talk to anyone of a different race, ethnicity or socioeconomic background."

That said, do we know they lived on the same floor?
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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #177 on: May 10, 2018, 04:30:07 PM »
This is the weirdest of all of these recent stories.  It's the end of the semester and white chick doesn't know that black lady lives on her floor in a dorm?  WTF? 

Wouldn't you be more likely to say, "hey you fell asleep in the lounge. good thing you woke up or I would have pulled the hand in the water trick?"

Or are people at Yale that self-absorbed that they don't talk to anyone?

The "white chick" is a 43-year-old PhD candidate (and a complete weirdo, from some of her writings), so probably not socializing too much with the college kids.

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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #178 on: May 10, 2018, 04:36:06 PM »
The "white chick" is a 43-year-old PhD candidate (and a complete weirdo, from some of her writings), so probably not socializing too much with the college kids.

The lady who fell asleep is in her mid thirties so it's not like she's a college kid either
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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #179 on: May 10, 2018, 05:00:41 PM »
It was my assumption that they both lived in a graduate student dorm.

rocket surgeon

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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #180 on: May 10, 2018, 05:25:31 PM »
White privilege means getting to spout bigoted BS like that and get away with it.

pretty harsh man-there was nothing bigoted about his statement!  if warrior would have said that he thinks it's BS that...he was merely making a true statement of fact.  i guess he didn't get away with it as you called him out on it

  for you to call him out like that is a convenient way to censor him, but i doubt he's awaiting your apology
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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #181 on: May 10, 2018, 06:17:59 PM »
This is the weirdest of all of these recent stories.  It's the end of the semester and white chick doesn't know that black lady lives on her floor in a dorm?  WTF? 

Wouldn't you be more likely to say, "hey you fell asleep in the lounge. good thing you woke up or I would have pulled the hand in the water trick?"

Or are people at Yale that self-absorbed that they don't talk to anyone?

Not Sarah's first time calling the police on a black classmate.

Billy Hoyle

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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #182 on: May 10, 2018, 07:10:09 PM »
pretty harsh man-there was nothing bigoted about his statement!  if warrior would have said that he thinks it's BS that...he was merely making a true statement of fact.  i guess he didn't get away with it as you called him out on it

  for you to call him out like that is a convenient way to censor him, but i doubt he's awaiting your apology

the insinuation was clear - non-whites get preferential and special treatment when it comes to hires and college admissions which, he insinuates, they don't deserve and wouldn't get without those things. Nevermind that AA is not about hiring but opportunity and the quotas are impermissible.

Someday we white guys will get a fair shake in society, right?
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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #183 on: May 10, 2018, 08:44:07 PM »
white privilege means never being told to "go back to where you came from."

white privilege means never being asked "no, where are you FROM?"

May be closer to "American accent privilege".  I've worked and spent time with several colleagues who are from eastern Europe.  I've witnessed more than a few instances of treatment that ranges from less than stellar to garbage.  They also find it frustrating to often be labeled "Russian" or "Soviet", despite not being from Russia, and despite the fact that the Soviet Union does not exist (and for several, never did in their lifetime). 

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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #184 on: May 11, 2018, 12:27:36 AM »
This is the weirdest of all of these recent stories.  It's the end of the semester and white chick doesn't know that black lady lives on her floor in a dorm?  WTF? 

Wouldn't you be more likely to say, "hey you fell asleep in the lounge. good thing you woke up or I would have pulled the hand in the water trick?"

Or are people at Yale that self-absorbed that they don't talk to anyone?
They are.
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Billy Hoyle

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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #185 on: May 11, 2018, 11:19:26 AM »
May be closer to "American accent privilege".  I've worked and spent time with several colleagues who are from eastern Europe.  I've witnessed more than a few instances of treatment that ranges from less than stellar to garbage.  They also find it frustrating to often be labeled "Russian" or "Soviet", despite not being from Russia, and despite the fact that the Soviet Union does not exist (and for several, never did in their lifetime).

I get that but there is also an automatic "skin isn't white, looks different, must be from somewhere else" reaction white people have. For example, my wife has no accent, she was born and raised all but one year in the US (she was 1 when she lived abroad and her parents had to return to their home country - yep, my wife's an "anchor baby"). She's not the one one of her friends who are also not white who gets asked that question or has been asked wonderful questions like if she's "injun" or "oriental."  Even at MU she was referred to derisively by other catty females as an ethnicity she is not.

Yet, in my entire life, I've never been asked where I'm "really from," unless you count East Coast snobs asking if I'm from the Midwest due to my accent. Even my Canadian friends never get asked where they're "actually from."
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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #186 on: May 11, 2018, 12:20:14 PM »
The only truly safe space out there is inside momma's womb. The world is a dangerous place. And the sooner one accepts that profound truth of existence the less disappointment one will suffer.
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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #187 on: May 11, 2018, 12:29:26 PM »
The only truly safe space out there is inside momma's womb. The world is a dangerous place. And the sooner one accepts that profound truth of existence the less disappointment one will suffer.

Holy crap, that opens up a completely different set of white privilege issues.  Probably best to just back away from that slowly.
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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #188 on: May 11, 2018, 12:30:37 PM »
The only truly safe space out there is inside momma's womb. The world is a dangerous place. And the sooner one accepts that profound truth of existence the less disappointment one will suffer.

Thank you, Junior Buddha :D


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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #189 on: May 11, 2018, 12:51:21 PM »

Barbecueing while black. Add it to the litany of black crime in America.

The "funny" part is that the white woman (using the term loosely) then cried to the police that she was being harassed. Now that is white privilege - harassing blacks and then crying foul because they didn't say "yes'um, ma'am".


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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #190 on: May 11, 2018, 02:00:10 PM »

Barbecueing while black. Add it to the litany of black crime in America.

The "funny" part is that the white woman (using the term loosely) then cried to the police that she was being harassed. Now that is white privilege - harassing blacks and then crying foul because they didn't say "yes'um, ma'am".

It's only a crime if someone uses a gas grill.  As owners of a Weber charcoal grill, they should be commended for grilling properly. 

She's clearly just mad they didn't offer her any (oh snap, fat shaming/thin privilege  8-)).


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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #191 on: May 12, 2018, 11:01:11 PM »
TheBabyDavid is too sharp to be Chico’s. Note—I am Chico’s fan.

You would know better than I, but since someone called me that phrase repeatedly my ears perk up each time someone else is called the same thing.
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— Plato


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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #192 on: May 13, 2018, 09:56:38 AM »
You would know better than I, but since someone called me that phrase repeatedly my ears perk up each time someone else is called the same thing.

Ah, yes. If only you understood what a chicos is. Let me help.

A chicos - someone who tries to masquerade as someone else for socially or politically advantageous reasons because he's so deeply insecure in his own beliefs (or sometimes, simply because he's been banned). A chicos comically fails each time he does this, however, because it's too obvious to absolutely everyone that it's the same person every time. But, a chicos is too warped to understand that everyone knows. For example, a chicos once pretended to be a hoopaloop. Or a black guy. A chicos might also, in the future, hypothetically, pretend to be a Democrat disillusioned by his party. 

You’ll know a chicos when you see someone hammering the same topics over and over again, and occasionally trying to name drop. A chicos tends to have an incredibly annoying and unnuanced delivery of his argument, and has generally outdated views on race in America. People on scoop used to get frustrated by a chicos, which he confused as being because he was a rogue teller of uncomfortable truths. It's not. It's because he was a blowhard.

Anyway, people just kind of laugh at a chicos now. I sure wish you could have known him. Unfortunately, he oddly abandoned his most recent iteration right around the time you showed up. It's too bad. You would've really liked him.

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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #193 on: May 13, 2018, 10:12:30 AM »
Ah, yes. If only you understood what a chicos is. Let me help.

A chicos - someone who tries to masquerade as someone else for socially or politically advantageous reasons because he's so deeply insecure in his own beliefs (or sometimes, simply because he's been banned). A chicos comically fails each time he does this, however, because it's too obvious to absolutely everyone that it's the same person every time. But, a chicos is too warped to understand that everyone knows. For example, a chicos once pretended to be a hoopaloop. Or a black guy. A chicos might also, in the future, hypothetically, pretend to be a Democrat disillusioned by his party. 

You’ll know a chicos when you see someone hammering the same topics over and over again, and occasionally trying to name drop. A chicos tends to have an incredibly annoying and unnuanced delivery of his argument, and has generally outdated views on race in America. People on scoop used to get frustrated by a chicos, which he confused as being because he was a rogue teller of uncomfortable truths. It's not. It's because he was a blowhard.

Anyway, people just kind of laugh at a chicos now. I sure wish you could have known him. Unfortunately, he oddly abandoned his most recent iteration right around the time you showed up. It's too bad. You would've really liked him.



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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #194 on: May 13, 2018, 10:57:00 AM »
Ah, yes. If only you understood what a chicos is. Let me help.

A chicos - someone who tries to masquerade as someone else for socially or politically advantageous reasons because he's so deeply insecure in his own beliefs (or sometimes, simply because he's been banned). A chicos comically fails each time he does this, however, because it's too obvious to absolutely everyone that it's the same person every time. But, a chicos is too warped to understand that everyone knows. For example, a chicos once pretended to be a hoopaloop. Or a black guy. A chicos might also, in the future, hypothetically, pretend to be a Democrat disillusioned by his party. 

You’ll know a chicos when you see someone hammering the same topics over and over again, and occasionally trying to name drop. A chicos tends to have an incredibly annoying and unnuanced delivery of his argument, and has generally outdated views on race in America. People on scoop used to get frustrated by a chicos, which he confused as being because he was a rogue teller of uncomfortable truths. It's not. It's because he was a blowhard.

Anyway, people just kind of laugh at a chicos now. I sure wish you could have known him. Unfortunately, he oddly abandoned his most recent iteration right around the time you showed up. It's too bad. You would've really liked him.

Hards Alumni

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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #195 on: May 13, 2018, 11:48:55 AM »
Ah, yes. If only you understood what a chicos is. Let me help.

A chicos - someone who tries to masquerade as someone else for socially or politically advantageous reasons because he's so deeply insecure in his own beliefs (or sometimes, simply because he's been banned). A chicos comically fails each time he does this, however, because it's too obvious to absolutely everyone that it's the same person every time. But, a chicos is too warped to understand that everyone knows. For example, a chicos once pretended to be a hoopaloop. Or a black guy. A chicos might also, in the future, hypothetically, pretend to be a Democrat disillusioned by his party. 

You’ll know a chicos when you see someone hammering the same topics over and over again, and occasionally trying to name drop. A chicos tends to have an incredibly annoying and unnuanced delivery of his argument, and has generally outdated views on race in America. People on scoop used to get frustrated by a chicos, which he confused as being because he was a rogue teller of uncomfortable truths. It's not. It's because he was a blowhard.

Anyway, people just kind of laugh at a chicos now. I sure wish you could have known him. Unfortunately, he oddly abandoned his most recent iteration right around the time you showed up. It's too bad. You would've really liked him.


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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #196 on: May 13, 2018, 04:37:49 PM »
Ah, yes. If only you understood what a chicos is. Let me help.

A chicos - someone who tries to masquerade as someone else for socially or politically advantageous reasons because he's so deeply insecure in his own beliefs (or sometimes, simply because he's been banned). A chicos comically fails each time he does this, however, because it's too obvious to absolutely everyone that it's the same person every time. But, a chicos is too warped to understand that everyone knows. For example, a chicos once pretended to be a hoopaloop. Or a black guy. A chicos might also, in the future, hypothetically, pretend to be a Democrat disillusioned by his party. 

You’ll know a chicos when you see someone hammering the same topics over and over again, and occasionally trying to name drop. A chicos tends to have an incredibly annoying and unnuanced delivery of his argument, and has generally outdated views on race in America. People on scoop used to get frustrated by a chicos, which he confused as being because he was a rogue teller of uncomfortable truths. It's not. It's because he was a blowhard.

Anyway, people just kind of laugh at a chicos now. I sure wish you could have known him. Unfortunately, he oddly abandoned his most recent iteration right around the time you showed up. It's too bad. You would've really liked him.

Drop the effen mic!
“It’s not how white men fight.” - Tucker Carlson

rocket surgeon

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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #197 on: May 13, 2018, 07:41:03 PM »
      Holy cow!!  Talk about rent free.

         Hopefully that’ll hold ya over till the next “Chico’s sighting” anyway...phew!!  🙄
don't...don't don't don't don't


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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #198 on: May 13, 2018, 08:32:52 PM »
Actually, the Romans were quite decent to its conquered minorities so long as they didn't do anything silly like rebel.

The Romans indeed behaved splendidly towards their conquered peoples so long as said populations assimilated into mainstream Roman culture. Otherwise, being subject to Rome was a tradition of rape, massacre, slavery, and genocidal eradication.

Any reading of Suetonius, Livy, and especially Tacitus reveals barbarism on an epic scale.   
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Re: White Privilege at MU
« Reply #199 on: May 13, 2018, 09:42:36 PM »
The only truly safe space out there is inside momma's womb. The world is a dangerous place. And the sooner one accepts that profound truth of existence the less disappointment one will suffer.

I listened to a great podcast this week about how the black infant/childbirth mortality rate (both mothers and children) is twice as high as white.  Even accounting for education fact, a black mother with an advanced degree is still more likely to die in childbirth than a white woman with a high school education.

Why?  The podcast chalked it up to white privilege.  Black women aren't listened to by their doctors when they have legitimate concerns (the podcast profiled a woman who had all the symptoms of a really serious condition, but docs thought her complains of headaches were "made up" or overblown).  They also said that black women are far more likely to meet their delivery doc IN delivery than white women.

So yeah, white privilege extends into the womb too.

