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Author Topic: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done  (Read 26614 times)


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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #50 on: March 05, 2014, 10:17:51 AM »
I'm sure everyone will come back and everything will be peachy.

Bonus points for using the word peachy. Welcome to the board.

The Love House

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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #51 on: March 05, 2014, 10:22:41 AM »
...the people who post here gave up, not the players...I'll take this team representing my school over the people who post here anyday.

Let's put this in perspective. You condemn "the people who post here" as being beneath you. This is coming from a guy who has 6571 posts! Let's say it takes an average of 5 minutes from the time you read someone else's post, formulate a response, type it in, check for typos and post it. Multiply that by 6571 and you have spent at least 33,000 minutes being one of "the people who post here". That's the equivalent of roughly 550 hours or almost 14 forty-hour work weeks doing nothing BUT posting here. If you have an issue with "the people who post here", frankly you should have figured that out about 6570 posts ago. This is a forum for people who have an emotional attachment to the team (and the university) to express their opinions, and that's exactly what they do. So, if you are one of the people who heavily contributed to the evolution and direction of this board over the last 8 years, don't condemn it or its members now.


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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #52 on: March 05, 2014, 10:30:20 AM »
Rage-quitting a forum after a loss, though, is pretty hilarious. This thread is pure gold :)

It would be funnier if it were not so genuinely petulant

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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #54 on: March 05, 2014, 10:34:48 AM »

Ari Gold

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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #55 on: March 05, 2014, 10:39:05 AM »
Damn.... I'm kind of glad I took a few months off from reading things here. also not surprised how things have turned ugly here, but the team is just awful
Probably for the best, though and I would have said awful things about the players, eventually about sultan -supbro- and I would have been landed a part time ban

are gifs still a thing?


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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #56 on: March 05, 2014, 10:50:18 AM »
I've been accused of being a slurper I think, and I've also gone all ragey on "negative" posters here so let me take a minute to explain my perspective.

I don't have issue with the board or individual posters, but what is off putting to me is appears to be a lack of perspective and a sense of entitlement.  This is a bad year and the team, coach, and school deserve criticism and second guessing.  However, there is often no balance and anyone that offers balance because the slurper type.  I want to have constructive conversations and debates on the message board.  If I want to go all venty I talk to an actual human and/or go on twitter.  It seems a lot of people just use the message board to vent and for me it's really hard to see past that when I'm trying to glean something intelligent from this.

The entitlement is also off putting.  Yes it's a bad year, do other top 25 programs not have a down year?  Is Buzz not entitle based on his performance to date to have an off or tough year.  This isn't the season we wanted but turns out at the end of the season every fanbase but one gets at least some disappointment.

Take Ners (sorry to pick on you), he may drive me nuts with his constant Dawson harping and threadjacking for the same purpose, but I can get nuggets of knowledge and perspective from him that aren't my own.  This is a great thing.  Someone coming on the board and saying "Juan is awful and should get no minutes" is not helpful and quite frankly frustrating.

So my point is, I think if we attempt to self censor some of the ventiness of our posting habits we'd find this all to be a happier and more useful place.
"A Plan? Oh man, I hate plans. That means were gonna have to do stuff. Can't we just have a strategy......or a mission statement."

Boozemon Barro

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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #57 on: March 05, 2014, 11:04:18 AM »
Jesus Christ what a kitten. It's a freaking message board.


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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #58 on: March 05, 2014, 12:03:23 PM »
There is a delicate balance that the moderators have to strike between moderating a board that fosters complete and uninhibited exchange of thought and opinion and allowing a board to descend into lunacy. It is not a job that I envy. They have done a nice job, I think, allowing that free exchange of opinions. However, at some point, the purpose of the board needs to be re-examined.

Is the purpose of MU Scoop to be a truly "free expression" board, where filters and moderation are minimal and the loudest extremes can thrive? If so, then the level of dialogue that we have seen on this board over the last few months is not only to be expected, but must be tolerated.

However, if the purpose of MU Scoop is to be a message board that fosters engaging, intelligent and meaningful discussion, then perhaps tighter reins need to be pulled in over the content of what posters post. Of course, that begs the question, who gets to determine what is "engaging, intelligent and meaningful discussion?"

Only the moderators have the ability to make these determinations. As I have said, they have done a heck of a job in the past. Unfortunately, however, this season has absolutely caused a decrease in the amount of engaging, intelligent and meaningful discussion. Instead, we have seen a surge in the entitled lunacy spouted from behind the anonymity of screen names. Alas, that is the fate of message boards that try to foster truly open discussion; the anonymity of screen names allows people to post without repercussion. When consequences are not visible - when people do not fear bans or loss of posting privileges - people will say what they are going to say, regardless of its crassness, insulting nature or lack of reason.

This is not a shot against the moderators, because they are the only ones that can decide, again, whether that is acceptable as part of the overall mission to foster truly open conversation. The problem with that truly open conversation is that it drives those more engaging and, dare I say reasonable, posters away from the conversation, thereby reducing the overall value of the conversations. Sadly, I have noticed this happening as the fringe has laid a larger and larger stake to the discussions on this board.

In sum, I don't really know what I just wrote. I just know less and less meaningful discussion appears to be taking place and less and less credible, reasonable and engaging posters seem to be posting. It is a shame to lose that discussion because of the loud antics of some entitled few.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 12:06:06 PM by MUCam »

TAMU, Knower of Ball

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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #59 on: March 05, 2014, 12:07:59 PM »
Jesus Christ what a kitten. It's a freaking message board.

I think this is the problem. I honestly believe the many posters have no accountability. I'm not perfect, but I try to never post anything that I would not say to someone's face. I think most of what is posted here, the poster would never have the balls to say to the player or coach.

I do know, Newsie is right on you knowing ball.

Tugg Speedman

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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #60 on: March 05, 2014, 12:08:36 PM »
This place after a loss

And of course Buzz protecting Dwill from this board

Earl Tatum

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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #61 on: March 05, 2014, 12:13:34 PM »
Go WARRIORS! WARRIORS! WARRIORS! WARRIORS! Enough of the Golden Eagle crap. It literally

drained my enthusiasm for MU basketball at times. But still back em' all the way.


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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #62 on: March 05, 2014, 12:26:57 PM »
The irony of this thread is that TallTitan swore off the board as a result of some heat-of-the-moment posts. Some may argue his reply was equally driven by emotion.

I won't hold it against you, TT, if you come back. In fact, I'll celebrate your return.

real chili 83

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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #63 on: March 05, 2014, 12:32:26 PM »
Who wants to talk fishing?!!!


Life's too short.


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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #64 on: March 05, 2014, 12:36:22 PM »
denverMU won't approve of takin' your wife shoppin'.
"Give 'Em Hell, Al"


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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #65 on: March 05, 2014, 12:47:27 PM »

 Look in the mirror and contemplate if this is who you really want to be.

It's Lent.   As you get those ashes on your forehead, think.  Make some resolutions to be better people over the next few weeks.   Hopefully it sticks.     I'm not leaving.

Interesting that you made this comment.  I was considering giving up the board for Lent.  It is something I enjoy and with which I spend a fair amount of time; it would be an absence that I would notice (more than chocolate, not as much as coffee). 

After last night's loss, and knowing that the NCAA is almost (BE tourney run??) out of the question, I realized that this Lentin season giving up the board for a while wouldn't be that much of a sacrifice.  And the changing tenor of the board is a factor in that too.  I'm here for now, and hope that the board improvesas the emotion of a disappointing season fades away.

willie warrior

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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #66 on: March 05, 2014, 01:08:54 PM »
For many, it may not be the loss, it may be the cumulative number that were not expected. It could also be the way we lost last night. While derogatory names should not be used at the players, poor decisions and play deserve to be called out. There were plenty of those last night by a few players. And finally, the HC is the one that is fully responsible for this season. There were many decisions made by him this year that were very ill advised.

Many say give him a mulligan this year. OK, he has received it, so there should be significant improvement next year. Sure hope so.
I thought you were dead. Willie lives rent free in Reekers mind.


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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #67 on: March 05, 2014, 01:50:16 PM »
Thanks for the new signature, TallTitan.

I promise that you'll be vaguely remembered for winning a couple of Palermo's Pizzas at games.


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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #68 on: March 05, 2014, 02:46:42 PM »

The only reason you need to start a thread about it is so that you can see people begging you to stay.

Or perhaps the other reason is to start the thread that it actually did start. If just one d-bag thinks twice before anonymously ripping unpaid college basketball players in a public forum, then some good has come out of it.  If you want to rag on Buzz, that's one thing. He is a well-paid professional and can take it (though common decency rules should still apply, or, dare I hope?, common sense), but I scratch my head at people who lash out at the kids. TT was right in that regard; those posters are indeed an embarrassment to the rest of the alumni base.

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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #69 on: March 05, 2014, 02:54:39 PM »
I've been accused of being a slurper I think, and I've also gone all ragey on "negative" posters here so let me take a minute to explain my perspective.

I don't have issue with the board or individual posters, but what is off putting to me is appears to be a lack of perspective and a sense of entitlement.  This is a bad year and the team, coach, and school deserve criticism and second guessing.  However, there is often no balance and anyone that offers balance because the slurper type.  I want to have constructive conversations and debates on the message board.  If I want to go all venty I talk to an actual human and/or go on twitter.  It seems a lot of people just use the message board to vent and for me it's really hard to see past that when I'm trying to glean something intelligent from this.

The entitlement is also off putting.  Yes it's a bad year, do other top 25 programs not have a down year?  Is Buzz not entitle based on his performance to date to have an off or tough year.  This isn't the season we wanted but turns out at the end of the season every fanbase but one gets at least some disappointment.

Take Ners (sorry to pick on you), he may drive me nuts with his constant Dawson harping and threadjacking for the same purpose, but I can get nuggets of knowledge and perspective from him that aren't my own.  This is a great thing.  Someone coming on the board and saying "Juan is awful and should get no minutes" is not helpful and quite frankly frustrating.

So my point is, I think if we attempt to self censor some of the ventiness of our posting habits we'd find this all to be a happier and more useful place.

I like this.


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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #70 on: March 05, 2014, 02:54:59 PM »
There is a delicate balance that the moderators have to strike between moderating a board that fosters complete and uninhibited exchange of thought and opinion and allowing a board to descend into lunacy. It is not a job that I envy. They have done a nice job, I think, allowing that free exchange of opinions. However, at some point, the purpose of the board needs to be re-examined.

Is the purpose of MU Scoop to be a truly "free expression" board, where filters and moderation are minimal and the loudest extremes can thrive? If so, then the level of dialogue that we have seen on this board over the last few months is not only to be expected, but must be tolerated.

However, if the purpose of MU Scoop is to be a message board that fosters engaging, intelligent and meaningful discussion, then perhaps tighter reins need to be pulled in over the content of what posters post. Of course, that begs the question, who gets to determine what is "engaging, intelligent and meaningful discussion?"

Only the moderators have the ability to make these determinations. As I have said, they have done a heck of a job in the past. Unfortunately, however, this season has absolutely caused a decrease in the amount of engaging, intelligent and meaningful discussion. Instead, we have seen a surge in the entitled lunacy spouted from behind the anonymity of screen names. Alas, that is the fate of message boards that try to foster truly open discussion; the anonymity of screen names allows people to post without repercussion. When consequences are not visible - when people do not fear bans or loss of posting privileges - people will say what they are going to say, regardless of its crassness, insulting nature or lack of reason.

This is not a shot against the moderators, because they are the only ones that can decide, again, whether that is acceptable as part of the overall mission to foster truly open conversation. The problem with that truly open conversation is that it drives those more engaging and, dare I say reasonable, posters away from the conversation, thereby reducing the overall value of the conversations. Sadly, I have noticed this happening as the fringe has laid a larger and larger stake to the discussions on this board.

In sum, I don't really know what I just wrote. I just know less and less meaningful discussion appears to be taking place and less and less credible, reasonable and engaging posters seem to be posting. It is a shame to lose that discussion because of the loud antics of some entitled few.

And this.


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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #71 on: March 05, 2014, 03:04:51 PM »
Thanks for the new signature, TallTitan.

I promise that you'll be vaguely remembered for winning a couple of Palermo's Pizzas at games.

well done.


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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #72 on: March 05, 2014, 09:41:33 PM »
Thanks for the new signature, TallTitan.

I promise that you'll be vaguely remembered for winning a couple of Palermo's Pizzas at games.

for exposing the corruption that is that contest? It helps to know (be) the mascot.


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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #73 on: March 05, 2014, 09:44:41 PM »
All kidding aside, I've been far more active on this board in the past than I have this season. Part of the reason is the ludicrous reaction that people have to our wins/losses.

If I didn't know better I'd say it's that we have too many Chicago people in our fan base. No fan base is more bipolar and that is a nationally recognized fact.

But really it's probably just "I'm on the internet so f common decency syndrome." It's far more fun to say "FINAL FOUR HERE WE COME!" after a win or "WE'LL BE LUCKY TO BE IN THE NIT!" after a loss. The fact that so many people do that is just the kind of thing that makes me less likely to participate in the board.


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Re: This Board Is An Embarassment, I'm Done
« Reply #74 on: March 05, 2014, 09:49:56 PM »

If I didn't know better I'd say it's that we have too many Chicago people in our fan base. No fan base is more bipolar and that is a nationally recognized fact.

Thats just false. That honor easily goes to NY or LA.