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Stud of DePaul Game

Stevie Mitchell

17 points, 7 rebounds,
2 assists, 2 steals,
26 minutes

2024-25 Season SoG Tally
Jones, K.7

'23-24 '22-23
'21-22 * '20-21 * '19-20
'18-19 * '17-18 * '16-17
'15-16 * '14-15 * '13-14
'12-13 * '11-12 * '10-11

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Next up:  Seton Hall

Marquette vs
Seton Hall
Date/Time: Feb 18, 2025 8:00pm
TV: CBS Sports Net
Schedule for 2024-25


Quote from: MUCrisco on October 27, 2006, 12:41:11 AM
Perhaps a preview of the next team that we play would be cool.  I'd be happy to offer my thoughts on as many as I can. 

Excellent!  You'll notice you now have the designation of "Author" by your name.  I'll e-mail you with more details on how to use your new powers :)

For others, I do want to stress that this is a site "by the fans, for the fans" - meaning if you have a good idea, are qualified, and are willing to implement it, we'll do what we can to make it happen.


Hey Guys... while enjoying my Saturday morning coffee, I had an idea on a prediction contest.  What do you think about creating a preseason game by game prediction contest.  This way, we can all predict who we think is going to win every game and at the end of the season, we can see who came closest to having the right wins & losses.  Not exactly sure on how we could do this though.

One other idea is to have a poll with every season game pinned on the prediction board and then have people go vote who will win each game.  It might be interesting to see the %'s on which games should be gimmes and which ones folks are worried about.  Obviously it's not going to be scientific but with enough people voting it should be interesting.

Let me know what you think and if you need help.
"The Lord is a Warrior" - Exodus 15:3


Quote from: mufanatic on October 26, 2006, 09:46:35 AM
I really like the Yahoo news box but it seems cluttered.

Quote from: ZiggysFryBoy on October 26, 2006, 12:17:05 PM
Could all of the side boxes be moved to one side, and users can minimize or open the ones they want up.  I feel kinda boxed in in the middle.

Alright, to try and resolve both of these issues, I moved the stats box to the left, and the news box to the top (so each headline would have it's own line).  No more boxes on the right.  It causes more scrolling to read/post, but overall leaves more width for the board (which is the focus right now).  Also, you can minimize the news box if you like.

So much information to present, so little space.  If only I could convince everyone to upgrade to dual 19" LCD monitors :)


Couple more suggestions.

1. Looks like the main forum page only has .. 20 topics.  I'd increase that to .. 40, especially in the beginning.  When first time visitors pop in, we need to show them there's a lot of topics being discussed. -- And indeed, two months from now, 20 topics will be like 1 day's worth of posts.

2. Better smileys!  These SMF ones are lame.  Rival's smiles were tired and few, but these are horrid!

Here's the best list of smiley's I've ever seen:


topics: fixed
smilies: I'll work on adding new ones...that hasn't been a high priority  ::)


thanks for the change rocky, I think it looks a lot better having the wider box for posting. plus the news/tickets/HH info/etc box at the top is good for the bam effect of something new.

plus the new chat room looks sweet.

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