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Author Topic: Top 10 games of the tourney  (Read 4674 times)


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Re: Top 10 games of the tourney
« Reply #25 on: April 11, 2013, 04:28:02 PM »
I know you think Davidson sucked, but you do realize that Miami was a substantially bigger favorite against us (-5.5) than we we against Davidson (-3.5). To the pros our win against Miami was a bigger upset than Davidson would have been over us.
I think Davidson was what they were supposed to be.  They don't suck, but they shouldn't have been a 12 seed either.  How many teams could you reasonably bump them ahead of?  I can count 2 - S. Dakota St and Montana, maybe New Mexico St.  After that it's all teams that belonged well ahead of Davidson based on resume - LaSalle, Akron, Mississippi, Cal, Oregon.  So call them a 13, fine.  MU should have beaten them handily.


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Re: Top 10 games of the tourney
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2013, 05:28:40 PM »
I understand why people don't like that word -- acknowledging the role of chance seems to degrade the performance in their minds. I absolutely don't believe that, and even though I think we were fortunate (lucky) to make difficult, contested 3 pointers when we are not a good shooting team to start with, I still think we "earned" the win, whatever that means.

Think of it like this: Say two teams play hard, play well, and at the end of the game it is tied. One team shoots an open shot that they are typically 50% accurate at. That's a coin flip, and whatever the outcome, the team that won could be said to be "lucky," despite playing well and "earning" the win.

I get your point and I agree with it. And your explanation is very accurate. I just don't like the words "luck" or "lucky", especially as used by many commentators and fans (both our own and opponents') when talking about MU winning this game, because it was very dismissive in that particular context.

Though truth be told, I don't like it in general. The only time I find it fair to call a win lucky is in the instance of Clarke's prayer of a shot in Maui. THAT was just dumb luck. He wasn't squared up for a shot, he wasn't making a good play. He was throwing up a prayer and it happened to go in. Just like I wouldn't characterize our loss at Cinci, for example, as unlucky. We played poorly in the first half, came back like lions in the second half but didn't quite get there. Cinci didn't beat us because they got lucky. They outplayed us.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 05:30:56 PM by 96warrior »


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Re: Top 10 games of the tourney
« Reply #27 on: April 11, 2013, 05:43:54 PM »
My heart kept saying, "MU" and my brain kept saying, "Other team."

Picked Davidson. Was right for 38:30.
Picked Butler. Was right for 38:30.
Picked Miami. Was wrong from the start.
Picked Cuse. Was right.

It was the Cuse game that really bothered me the most: we've seen the zone; we've beaten the zone; we turned over the ball and missed LOTS of 3s. I picked Cuse thinking the beer labels were aligned, but they tricked me that time.
SS Marquette


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Re: Top 10 games of the tourney
« Reply #28 on: April 11, 2013, 06:24:23 PM »

Two MU games.   Guess which two?   With Video from the Davidson game.   I got chills again watching the comeback.

So...I'm a horrible fan and slept through the game (granted, I was extremely drunk after having played craps from 1:30am until 10am...stupid Vegas and their no windows anywhere). I've literally seen just about nothing of that Davidson game at all and from the sound of it, I"m glad.

However, I just watched that 3 minutes and wow, I'm STILL all torn up inside. So nervous/anxious and still in slight disbelief we came back and won that game.


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Re: Top 10 games of the tourney
« Reply #29 on: April 11, 2013, 07:16:56 PM »
Most gut-wrenchingly thrilling 5 minutes of any sporting event I have ever watched in a parking lot.  Or maybe anywhere.  And, at that point, it didn't matter who MU was playing or who was favored. 


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Re: Top 10 games of the tourney
« Reply #30 on: April 11, 2013, 07:20:24 PM »
Most gut-wrenchingly thrilling 5 minutes of any sporting event I have ever watched in a parking lot.  Or maybe anywhere.  And, at that point, it didn't matter who MU was playing or who was favored. 

I will forever be indebted to you for your calm demeanor on the game thread throughout the final minutes.


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Re: Top 10 games of the tourney
« Reply #31 on: April 11, 2013, 08:01:55 PM »
McKillop finished the game with 3 unused TO's.   I am sure he is able to use them now. 
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