
MUScoop => The Superbar => Topic started by: unforgiven on November 15, 2012, 04:11:03 PM

Title: Mormons
Post by: unforgiven on November 15, 2012, 04:11:03 PM
I was thinking of Mark Few when I typed, "If you're lucky, you might find one that wants to stay and really build something."  Unfortunately, coaches like that are few (ugh...bad pun) and far between.  He's the exception, not the rule.  Hopefully, Buzz will be our Mark Few (only better).  But if he turns out to be another KO or TC (or countless others), we'll have to try again...and again...and again.

If you have never been to the inland empire it is a great place, but you gotta love the outdoors. Few's salary goes a long way in Spokane and he and his wife are big fish in a small pond. Buzz has more leverage than Few for recruiting with the Big East but any other comparison is subjective and a matter of taste. I would take Spokane, Park City, Taos, Bend or Missoula any day over Milwaukee (or anywhere in the Midwest) but the region is not for everyone. Only downsides here are too many Mo's and Aryan Nationals but they are outnumbered by trout so it's a wash.
Title: Mormons
Post by: Silkk the Shaka on November 16, 2012, 09:41:51 AM
If you have never been to the inland empire it is a great place, but you gotta love the outdoors. Few's salary goes a long way in Spokane and he and his wife are big fish in a small pond. Buzz has more leverage than Few for recruiting with the Big East but any other comparison is subjective and a matter of taste. I would take Spokane, Park City, Taos, Bend or Missoula any day over Milwaukee (or anywhere in the Midwest) but the region is not for everyone. Only downsides here are too many Mo's and Aryan Nationals but they are outnumbered by trout so it's a wash.

Forgive the ignorance as I've never been to the Pacific Northwest, but what are "Mo's?"
Title: Mormons
Post by: Golden Avalanche on November 16, 2012, 10:48:50 AM
Forgive the ignorance as I've never been to the Pacific Northwest, but what are "Mo's?"

People of a Homosexual orientation.
Title: Mormons
Post by: LloydMooresLegs on November 16, 2012, 11:47:29 AM
If you have never been to the inland empire it is a great place, but you gotta love the outdoors. Few's salary goes a long way in Spokane and he and his wife are big fish in a small pond. Buzz has more leverage than Few for recruiting with the Big East but any other comparison is subjective and a matter of taste. I would take Spokane, Park City, Taos, Bend or Missoula any day over Milwaukee (or anywhere in the Midwest) but the region is not for everyone. Only downsides here are too many Mo's and Aryan Nationals but they are outnumbered by trout so it's a wash.

+10 for the "Aryan Nationals" reference
-100 for the "Mo's" reference

It ain't a wash.  And your a disgrace.
Title: Mormons
Post by: unforgiven on November 16, 2012, 12:45:55 PM
People of a Homosexual orientation.

Incorrect. It is the term for MORMONS
Title: Mormons
Post by: unforgiven on November 16, 2012, 12:47:03 PM
Forgive the ignorance as I've never been to the Pacific Northwest, but what are "Mo's?"

Mos are Mormons. They actually don't use that anymore, preferring LDS.
Title: Mormons
Post by: unforgiven on November 16, 2012, 12:51:58 PM
+10 for the "Aryan Nationals" reference
-100 for the "Mo's" reference

It ain't a wash.  And your a disgrace.

You assume incorrectly that Mos means Homosexual versus being the vernacular for Mormon. They actually use that term though it is now more common for them to say LDS.

Your spelling is what is a disgrace, actually.
Title: Mormons
Post by: unforgiven on November 16, 2012, 12:55:06 PM
I figured as much, but wanted to see if it was possibly regional slang for something completely different before I wrote him/her off completely.

Throughout the mountain west the LDS community is referred to as Mo's.
Title: Mormons
Post by: MU Fan in Connecticut on November 16, 2012, 01:15:06 PM
Forgive the ignorance as I've never been to the Pacific Northwest, but what are "Mo's?"

I thought I saw someone post a few months ago the western speak for Mormans was "Mo's".
Title: Mormons
Post by: mugrad99 on November 16, 2012, 01:44:04 PM
Throughout the mountain west the LDS community is referred to as Mo's.

Just so we are clear...what are Mo's again?
Title: Mormons
Post by: MUfan12 on November 16, 2012, 01:53:24 PM
People of a Homosexual orientation.

That's a Flaming Moe.
Title: Mormons
Post by: LloydMooresLegs on November 16, 2012, 01:59:58 PM
You assume incorrectly that Mos means Homosexual versus being the vernacular for Mormon. They actually use that term though it is now more common for them to say LDS.

Your spelling is what is a disgrace, actually.

The correct spelling of your claimed bigoted reference is "Moe."

So, you are either a poor spelling bigot as to Mormons, or you are a good spelling bigot as to homosexuals and, as your later posts suggest, Mormons.

Either way, you remain a disgrace.
Title: Mormons
Post by: Coleman on November 16, 2012, 02:43:39 PM
It definitely means Mormons. There are a bunch out in Idaho and Eastern Washington. Spokane actually has an LDS temple.

Don't know why that's such a big deal though...
Title: Mormons
Post by: Silkk the Shaka on November 16, 2012, 03:25:23 PM
Throughout the mountain west the LDS community is referred to as Mo's.

Well then, it is regional slang for something totally different.  Carry on.
Title: Mormons
Post by: StillAWarrior on November 16, 2012, 03:50:03 PM
The correct spelling of your claimed bigoted reference is "Moe."

So, you are either a poor spelling bigot as to Mormons, or you are a good spelling bigot as to homosexuals and, as your later posts suggest, Mormons.

Either way, you remain a disgrace.

I'm staying out of the underlying issue you have with unforgiven's comment, but I'm not sure you're right on the spelling thing.  As someone who grew up in an area with many Mormons, I thought unforgiven spelled it right.  A quick google search seems to support that spelling too.
Title: Mormons
Post by: unforgiven on November 16, 2012, 05:25:12 PM
The correct spelling of your claimed bigoted reference is "Moe." So, you are either a poor spelling bigot as to Mormons, or you are a good spelling bigot as to homosexuals and, as your later posts suggest, Mormons. Either way, you remain a disgrace.

I have attached links to several websites for ex-Mo's. I guess all these people who were reared from the cradle as Mo's are wrong and you, who has probably no knowledge of or experience with this cult (per Papal Encyclical) is correct? You are an arrogant, uninformed idiot who thinks he knows it all.,705081,705183
    Any divorced exmos with kids that later decided to believe?

I could go on as there are numerous sites. You might wish to write to all these Mormons, current and lapsed, and tell them they are misspelling Mo, as well as telling them they are a disgrace for reasons unstated.

Title: Mormons
Post by: unforgiven on November 16, 2012, 05:36:09 PM
I'm staying out of the underlying issue you have with unforgiven's comment, but I'm not sure you're right on the spelling thing.  As someone who grew up in an area with many Mormons, I thought unforgiven spelled it right.  A quick google search seems to support that spelling too.

I grew up in Boise so I was surrounded by Mo's and even played ball, hung with and dated some through high school. I went off to Marquette while they all reached for the Mo Holy Grail of BYU.  They were very aware of who was a Mo and who was not. If you live and work in a Mo community life can be very lonely if you aren't in the Tribe. They are not aggressive in any overt way but watch how many dinner invites you get if you ain't with them.
Title: Mormons
Post by: unforgiven on November 16, 2012, 05:54:27 PM
It definitely means Mormons. There are a bunch out in Idaho and Eastern Washington. Spokane actually has an LDS temple.

Don't know why that's such a big deal though...

It's not a big deal, especially since the Mo's call themselves that!

BTW, My Aunt and Uncle live in Liberty Lake and are very active in their Parish while my Aunt, an attorney, is on the volunteer committee for the Spokane Archdiocese Bankruptcy. The Archdiocese is extremely concerned with aggressive Mo proselytizing, using the pedophile issue as a lever. The Mos have spent a lot of money on both above the line and below the line media targeting the Priest problems and offering LDS as the family values anti-pedophile pill. Mos are knocking on doors of Catholics handing out literature, etc... Disturbing but LDS is the fastest growing organized religion in the world today.
Title: Mormons
Post by: Hards Alumni on November 16, 2012, 06:03:28 PM
It's not a big deal, especially since the Mo's call themselves that!

BTW, My Aunt and Uncle live in Liberty Lake and are very active in their Parish while my Aunt, an attorney, is on the volunteer committee for the Spokane Archdiocese Bankruptcy. The Archdiocese is extremely concerned with aggressive Mo proselytizing, using the pedophile issue as a lever. The Mos have spent a lot of money on both above the line and below the line media targeting the Priest problems and offering LDS as the family values anti-pedophile pill. Mos are knocking on doors of Catholics handing out literature, etc... Disturbing but LDS is the fastest growing organized religion in the world today.

no.  furthermore LDS is a branch of Christianity.
Title: Mormons
Post by: unforgiven on November 16, 2012, 06:20:02 PM
no.  furthermore LDS is a branch of Christianity.

Not according to the Holy Roman Catholic Church

"The best place to begin with showing that the Mormon religion is false and invented is with the discontinuities in its teachings, documents and prophecies – all of which show that Mormonism is a false religion. Addressing contradictions in The Book of Mormon and elsewhere should be enough to show that Mormonism was simply made up!"

"However, the Mormons reject a number of key Christian beliefs – the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, the belief in a single God – as well as rejecting the same religious beliefs as the Protestants – the Eucharist, Marian doctrines, Papal authority and so forth."

"It is very important for a Catholic apologist to realize that Mormons are not Christians – they deny the divinity of Christ. They often claim to be Christian, but they absolutely are not."

The Catholic Church teaches that those who have been properly baptized have a right to be called Christians (CCC1271). According to ETWN (Eternal Word Television Network), “Mormons are not Christians is the official Catholic position; specifically, the Church does not accept the validity of Mormon baptism, though she does accept the validity of non-Catholic Christian baptism” (ETWN). “Mormons are not Christians because they do not believe that Christ is God. This belief defines a Christian” (ETWN).

"Although Mormons certainly consider themselves to be Christians, the Catholic Church does not consider them to be Christians, either sacramentally or theologically. The Church has ruled that Mormon baptism is not valid, which means that Mormons are not Christians by baptism. Since Mormons believe in a plurality of gods and do not believe in Christ's divinity (as it is understood by orthodox Christians), they are not theological Christians either." (ETWN). “Those who deny the doctrine of the Holy Trinity deny that Christ is God. Now if one denies that Christ is God, he is denying an essential aspect of Christianity" (ETWN).
Title: Mormons
Post by: Hards Alumni on November 16, 2012, 06:25:11 PM
Not according to the Holy Roman Catholic Church

The best place to begin with showing that the Mormon religion is false and invented is with the discontinuities in its teachings, documents and prophecies – all of which show that Mormonism is a false religion. Addressing contradictions in The Book of Mormon and elsewhere should be enough to show that Mormonism was simply made up!

However, the Mormons reject a number of key Christian beliefs – the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, the belief in a single God – as well as rejecting the same religious beliefs as the Protestants – the Eucharist, Marian doctrines, Papal authority and so forth.

It is very important for a Catholic apologist to realize that Mormons are not Christians – they deny the divinity of Christ. They often claim to be Christian, but they absolutely are not.

Yeah, because they don't have a horse in this race.  Come on man.  They are Christians.  Just because Catholics say they aren't doesn't mean they aren't Christians.
Title: Mormons
Post by: unforgiven on November 16, 2012, 06:32:32 PM
Yeah, because they don't have a horse in this race.  Come on man.  They are Christians.  Just because Catholics say they aren't doesn't mean they aren't Christians.

If you do not accept the Divinity of Christ you cannot be a Christian.

Mormons, for many theological reasons, are not Christian.
Title: Mormons
Post by: mr.MUskie on November 16, 2012, 06:56:59 PM
If you do not accept the Divinity of Christ you cannot be a Christian.

Mormons, for many theological reasons, are not Christian.

"As man now is, God once was...As God now is, man can become." Is a saying that accurately describes Mormon view of Jesus. Mormons believe that Jesus was created by God and is a "brother" to Satan. Like H.W. Armstrong, they teach divine progression. Jesus was once just a man who lived on another planet. He eventually progressed to be equal to God and came to colonize planet earth with "gods to be" or humans. Unforeseen to Christ, Satan (Jesus' brother) put a kink in this plan when he deceived Adam and Eve. Jesus was then required to die for fallen man, His creation. Jesus therefore is a model for us and one day we will be equal to God and colonize other planets too. There are millions of other planets being colonized right now in the same way in other galaxies. What makes earth's colonizing process unique is Satan's deception of Adam. Jesus is the God of planet earth. The Mormon hope is to marry, through a Mormon Temple ceremony, as many earth women as possible for eternal celestial marriage. In the resurrection all good Mormon men will call from the dead those women they married in a temple ceremony. They will then fly off to some uninhabited planet with their many polygamous wives and populate that planet.
Title: Mormons
Post by: unforgiven on November 16, 2012, 07:04:43 PM
"As man now is, God once was...As God now is, man can become." Is a saying that accurately describes Mormon view of Jesus. Mormons believe that Jesus was created by God and is a "brother" to Satan. Like H.W. Armstrong, they teach divine progression. Jesus was once just a man who lived on another planet. He eventually progressed to be equal to God and came to colonize planet earth with "gods to be" or humans. Unforeseen to Christ, Satan (Jesus' brother) put a kink in this plan when he deceived Adam and Eve. Jesus was then required to die for fallen man, His creation. Jesus therefore is a model for us and one day we will be equal to God and colonize other planets too. There are millions of other planets being colonized right now in the same way in other galaxies. What makes earth's colonizing process unique is Satan's deception of Adam. Jesus is the God of planet earth. The Mormon hope is to marry, through a Mormon Temple ceremony, as many earth women as possible for eternal celestial marriage. In the resurrection all good Mormon men will call from the dead those women they married in a temple ceremony. They will then fly off to some uninhabited planet with their many polygamous wives and populate that planet.

Any indication what planets are available for colonization for resurrected good Mormon Earth men? And if I don't like one of my earth women wives can she be left behind?
Title: Mormons
Post by: Hards Alumni on November 16, 2012, 08:04:44 PM
If you do not accept the Divinity of Christ you cannot be a Christian.

Mormons, for many theological reasons, are not Christian.

Its fine, you can disagree and be wrong.
Title: Mormons
Post by: honkytonk on November 17, 2012, 12:27:36 AM
So  thread titled "great recruiting news" turns into an argument between two morons about the definition of "mo?" Go ahead and PM each one gives a $hit.


Move along.
Title: Mormons
Post by: Spaniel with a Short Tail on November 17, 2012, 12:39:07 AM
Time for a poll to settle this!  :D
Title: Mormons
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on November 17, 2012, 01:36:08 AM
It's not a big deal, especially since the Mo's call themselves that!

I don't think you want to go there if you know what I mean. 
Title: Mormons
Post by: MU82 on November 17, 2012, 06:52:14 AM
I don't think you want to go there if you know what I mean. 

Indeed ... blacks and Jews and gays and Italians (among others) call themselves all kinds of things when they are among their own. Doesn't give non-blacks, non-Jews, non-gays and non-Italians carte blanche to use those terms.

Agree with the posters who want to end this silliness.
Title: Mormons
Post by: GGGG on November 17, 2012, 08:48:27 AM
Indeed ... blacks and Jews and gays and Italians (among others) call themselves all kinds of things when they are among their own.

Lets say that *some* Jews, gay, etc. use such terms among themsleves, but that doesn't mean that the terms aren't offensive to a large number in that group.
Title: Re: Mormons
Post by: rocky_warrior on November 17, 2012, 09:35:41 AM
That went well...