MUScoop > Basketball Prediction Contest

Prediction Contest Tidbits

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The contest will begin with the regular season. (no exhibition games)

Still working on a prize list.  Hopefully we'll pull together enough MU gear to reward the high score of the week in addition to the season winner.

If you've never participated before, the rules can be found on the Prediction Board on the forum page.

Everyone is encouraged to play.  Should be a great year.

 - SoCalwarrior

What do you think about a preseason game by game prediction contest??  Got no love from my site suggestion.   ???


--- Quote from: LastWarrior on November 01, 2006, 12:14:14 PM ---What do you think about a preseason game by game prediction contest??  Got no love from my site suggestion.   ???

--- End quote ---

I like the suggestion, and we're looking into it.  I'd like to do it (scoring) more automatically. 

If we started it this year, people would just have to post their predictions in a message, and someone would have to do the manual scoring after each game / week (much like SoCal is doing with the current contest).

Are you interested in running it this year?  We'd need to put up the scoring rules, as well as some sort of "form" (just a question list for each game/possible game) ASAP.  Probably wise at this point to exclude the exhibition game with this one as well.  Let me know.

Sure I can do it... the pain will be transfering the records over to a spreadsheet.  The easiest way to do it would be for folks just to list the winner of each game in numerical fashion... i.e.

1. Marquette
2. Marquette
3. Idaho State (just kidding of course... we won't lose this game)

This way, I could copy and paste into excel and keep a running tab.

Could you do it as a series of polls?  I don't know if you can view the results by poster or if it just totals and averages.

Also, you might want to use the exhibition game as a trial run.  Set it up a couple of ways and see what works best.  All you need is a couple of voters to get a feel.


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