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Tyler COLEk

Is this finally the offseason a group of our Bravest and Boldest posters declare independence from the Scoop?


Dr. B

As you know, you are one of my favorite scoopers and I hope you reconsider your decision. If I did not love MU basketball so much I would have signed off of this site a long time ago. Excessive political BS is over the top, but the personal attacks is a bigger joke.

It is a joke that you cannot share information or opinions without being attacked. The mods of allowed it and in some cases encouraged it.
Why anyone would openly want someone that shared info to be wrong is beyond belief to me.

There is no doubt that Rocket knew his stuff and I was happy he shared it. Unfortunately, it probably is another example of why info should not shared on here.

Shooter McGavin

Well i hope information continues to be shared on here.  The vast majority of scoopers come to this site for information and for some congenial basketball talk. Dr. B I enjoy your posts and hope you are a contributor here for a long time. 

The Sultan

I see we've reached the "Scoop is poorly moderated and I'm never coming back" part of the off season. Followed by the same people complaining.

Yet they're still all here.
"I am one of those who think the best friend of a nation is he who most faithfully rebukes her for her sins—and he her worst enemy, who, under the specious and popular garb of patriotism, seeks to excuse, palliate, and defend them" - Frederick Douglass

The Sultan

"I am one of those who think the best friend of a nation is he who most faithfully rebukes her for her sins—and he her worst enemy, who, under the specious and popular garb of patriotism, seeks to excuse, palliate, and defend them" - Frederick Douglass



Dr. B is hardly one for drama. He is not one to rock the boat and does not suffer fools on here. At some point in your life I would have thought you would have learned to know your audience.

Seeing that Dr. B is voicing his opinions I would think would carry some weight to you. He is one of best on here and his post should have everyone on scoop looking in the mirror. Sadly, I do not think you feel the need to look in the mirror because you are better and smarter than everyone else on here.

We lost Ziggy as a scooper months ago and would hate to see another great scooper fade away.

The Sultan

Yes. Whatever will we do without Ziggy.  ::)

Anyway, whether or not Dr. B leaves or stays isn't my point. He seems like a fine poster, but plenty of fine posters have come and gone from this place. It's the need to make a public showing of it, have people such as yourself hand-wring over it, but ultimately it doesn't matter. Scoop goes on until the mods are done with it. And this has been going on for years. Remember Chicos' public letter to Scoop claiming he represented a substantial portion of Scoop posters who were going to head elsewhere? That still makes my laugh.

Anyway, having been involved in message boards and the like going back to the wild-west days of usenet in the early 90s, people tire of the forum and move on. It happens. New people replace the old. Sometime those who left will return. Sometimes they won't and will live in the lore of the message board til their memory becomes but a flicker.

And I am self-reflective enough to know that when I leave the board, no one will really care. Like the majority here who one day just stop posting, it will be done quietly and without any need to put on a show.
"I am one of those who think the best friend of a nation is he who most faithfully rebukes her for her sins—and he her worst enemy, who, under the specious and popular garb of patriotism, seeks to excuse, palliate, and defend them" - Frederick Douglass

Uncle Rico

Now would be an excellent time for the new message board we were promised by the letter writers

Anyway, Scott Drew is a cheater and Huggy Bear is a drunk
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Hey Fluff

I think you miss a couple of key points, message boards have evolved over the years and we are a Marquette community on here. A large % of share a bond of attended MU and the non alums have a love of MU basketball. You can chose to look at scoop in any fashion you chose to, but I look at differently.

The Sultan

Quote from: Uncle Rico on April 14, 2024, 07:13:33 AM
Now would be an excellent time for the new message board we were promised by the letter writers

The fact that Chicos went through the process of writing a letter, starting up mupoop, putting a good six months of work into it before it sputtered out, where his hottest take was that the hiring of Shaka was a bad idea, and now only uses the Twitter account to echo Winger tweets, is objectively funny in so many ways.
"I am one of those who think the best friend of a nation is he who most faithfully rebukes her for her sins—and he her worst enemy, who, under the specious and popular garb of patriotism, seeks to excuse, palliate, and defend them" - Frederick Douglass

The Sultan

Quote from: Goose on April 14, 2024, 07:31:37 AM
Hey Fluff

I think you miss a couple of key points, message boards have evolved over the years and we are a Marquette community on here. A large % of share a bond of attended MU and the non alums have a love of MU basketball. You can chose to look at scoop in any fashion you chose to, but I look at differently.

That's my point. My enjoyment of Scoop has nothing to do with how you choose to look at it.
"I am one of those who think the best friend of a nation is he who most faithfully rebukes her for her sins—and he her worst enemy, who, under the specious and popular garb of patriotism, seeks to excuse, palliate, and defend them" - Frederick Douglass

Uncle Rico

Quote from: The Hippie Satan of Hyperbole on April 14, 2024, 07:33:26 AM
The fact that Chicos went through the process of writing a letter, starting up mupoop, putting a good six months of work into it before it sputtered out, where his hottest take was that the hiring of Shaka was a bad idea, and now only uses the Twitter account to echo Winger tweets, is objectively funny in so many ways.

This whole thread has gotten funnier by the day.  Roqqquet tells us Scott Drew has been contacted by Louisville and they want him.  Ok, not insider info.  It's all over the place.  We're skeptical he'll take the job but it's entirely possible we're the ones wrong.  He continues to tell us it's a serious possibility.  Were told a bunch of scoopers will look dumb for being skeptical.  Drew says he's not leaving but days after, Roqqquet still says it's a possibility despite insiders saying it's not.  Pat Kelsey gets the gig.

Cal leaves Kentucky and roqqquet tells us that's why he didn't take the Louisville job.  All the insiders of college ball point out Mitch Barnhart's connection to Drew and tell us he's a candidate.  4elder says "done deal" and Kentucky might be his second new favorite team.  No one disputes their claims because the media says it's a real possibility, both the national media and local KY media.

Drew doesn't take the gig and they hire Mark Pope.  The whole Scott Drew insider stuff is hilarious.  The story kept changing from roqqquet, 4elder called it a done deal and the problem is the people laughing at the whole thing.

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Lennys Tap

Quote from: The Hippie Satan of Hyperbole on April 14, 2024, 06:52:51 AM

And I am self-reflective enough to know that when I leave the board, no one will really care. Like the majority here who one day just stop posting, it will be done quietly and without any need to put on a show.

You're wrong. People will care. They'll be dancing in the streets.


Nah.  The tribe would just have to find a new target to doxx and blame.
Luke 6:45   ...A good man produces goodness from the good in his heart; an evil man produces evil out of his store of evil.   Each man speaks from his heart's abundance...

It is better to be fearless and cheerful than cheerless and fearful.

The Sultan

Quote from: Lennys Tap on April 14, 2024, 07:49:05 AM
You're wrong. People will care. They'll be dancing in the streets.

A Scoop Irish wake. I'm here for it.
"I am one of those who think the best friend of a nation is he who most faithfully rebukes her for her sins—and he her worst enemy, who, under the specious and popular garb of patriotism, seeks to excuse, palliate, and defend them" - Frederick Douglass

Uncle Rico

Also, if someone posts "insider info" that isn't a regular poster, just DM them and ask questions.  Multiple regular/semi-regular posters will post something that they won't elaborate on a public message board or something cryptic.  Reach out to them.  They'll either share it with you or expand on what they posted.
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Herman Cain

"It was a Great Day until it wasn't"
    ——Rory McIlroy on Final Round at Pinehurst

willie warrior

Quote from: Lennys Tap on April 14, 2024, 07:49:05 AM
You're wrong. People will care. They'll be dancing in the streets.
Dancing in the streets, shouting from the mountain, celebrate, dance to the music. A mixture of Martha and the Vandalls, Mahalia Jackson, and Three Dog Night. Nothing wrong with sharing info or objective opinion. To quote the famous Rodney King "Can't we all get along" or from the all time Buddy Miles classic of the early 70s We Got to Live Together.
I thought you were dead. Willie lives rent free in Reekers mind.


Quote from: The Hippie Satan of Hyperbole on April 14, 2024, 07:37:15 AM

That's my point. My enjoyment of Scoop has nothing to do with how you choose to look at it.
however, you would be at the top of the list of posters on Scoop that give others a reason to cease. You reply to EVERYTHING. It's like you can't resist.  And it's a big reason why I wanted to connect with you over a beer. You the hell are you? The other often have to include a put-down in your post. You and Rico. What's up with that? Seriously , what's up? And there are others. But you are in the lead as pain in ass champ. Debate on a topic is fine, of course. But the 'I'm right and you're an idiot' approach of so many is boring.  Lastly, what gets me is we are all HUGE followers of Marquette basketball. Most of us are alums and many are even classmates or at least overlapped. Yet, at times it's akin to Auburn-Alabama hate on here. Hate toward Wisconsin? Yes please. Hate toward fellow Warriors, er Eagles? Gets old.
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You wanted to connect with Fluff for a beer?


It's good to see Scoop has denigrated to mid summer form already.
Assume what I say should be in teal if it doesn't pass the smell test for you.

Uncle Rico

Quote from: JakeBarnes on April 14, 2024, 08:48:09 AM
It's good to see Scoop has denigrated to mid summer form already.

That's the Shaka difference
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Quote from: JakeBarnes on April 14, 2024, 08:48:09 AM
It's good to see Scoop has denigrated to mid summer form already.

Hopefully the players workouts are similarly ahead of schedule!

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