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Author Topic: Pyrrhic Victory.and the "jo" identities  (Read 1956 times)


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Pyrrhic Victory.and the "jo" identities
« on: March 20, 2021, 02:32:34 AM »
What news - and I have to say as a long time soso/nojo my only real feeling was relief. I'd much rather we were talking about MUs second round opponent now, or that we hadn't collaped in 2019, but the reality is we aren't and we did, so this move needed to happen. But I wish it didn't and feel no joy that Wojo is gone.

It will be interesting to see how this board evolves now that our "jo" identities rendered meaningless. Will the nojoers instantly jump on any faults in the new hire? Will the projoers pick back up the refrain of 5 years to judge regardless of on court results? I for one am happy to jump fully behind a new coach knowing everything won't be perfect or smooth out the gate. That said  this is still an anonymous fan board monday morning coaching is what we'll do.

Bye Steve. You seemed like a nice guy, but unfortunately that's not a sufficient condition to make millions of dollars to instruct some young men in how to put a leather ball through a metal ring.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2021, 05:03:46 AM by 1SE »
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D'Lo Brown

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Re: Pyrrhic Victory.and the "jo" identities
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2021, 03:01:06 AM »
If you hypothetically followed those people around on the internet (& perhaps in their actual life, as well, but generally these are passive aggressives), you'd find that their negativity & outrage applies to almost everything - not just the MU basketball team. They are controlled by their emotions. The internet, of course, encourages such behavior & becomes an outlet for expressing it that they wouldn't have otherwise.

You can assume that if a person is capable of becoming mentally unhinged as a result of a college basketball coach, that it's probably not a unique thing in their life.

Better off ignoring it & letting the tree fall in the woods.

willie warrior

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Re: Pyrrhic Victory.and the "jo" identities
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2021, 04:59:46 AM »
What news - and I have to say as a long time soso/nojo my only real feeling was relief. I'd much rather we were talking about MUs second round opponent now, or that we hadn't collaped in 2019, but the reality is we aren't and we did, so this move needed to happen. But I wish it didn't and feel no joy that Wojo is gone.

It will be interesting to see how this board evolves now that our "jo" identities rendered meaningless. Will the nojoers instantly jump on any faults in the new hire? Will the projoers pick back up the refrain of 5 years to judge regardless of on court results? I for one am happy to jump fully behind a new coach knowing everything won't be perfect or smooth out the gate. That said  this is still an anonymous fan board soonday morning coaching is what we'll do.

Bye Steve. You seemed like a nice guy, but unfortunately that's not a sufficient condition to make millions of dollars to instruct some young men in how to put a leather ball through a metal ring.
Wish it had been different
Likely some of the projos will pick apart whoever the new coach is
Can you imagine the cloud burst if Pitino or Wardle were hired?
I thought you were dead. Willie lives rent free in Reekers mind.


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Re: Pyrrhic Victory.and the "jo" identities
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2021, 10:07:12 AM »
If you hypothetically followed those people around on the internet (& perhaps in their actual life, as well, but generally these are passive aggressives), you'd find that their negativity & outrage applies to almost everything - not just the MU basketball team. They are controlled by their emotions. The internet, of course, encourages such behavior & becomes an outlet for expressing it that they wouldn't have otherwise.

You can assume that if a person is capable of becoming mentally unhinged as a result of a college basketball coach, that it's probably not a unique thing in their life.

Better off ignoring it & letting the tree fall in the woods.

😂 I love these types of broad, pseudo-psychological diagnoses.   I’ll try one.   The people who post this kind of drivel want to project to others that they are smart and emotionally stable but internally they know the exact opposite to be true.  They are look to disparage others in order to build themselves up but that only shows the world how insecure they really are.  This is fun.

As for the original question, I doubt the projo/nojo lines carry over.   I was pretty happy with Wojo until the wheels came off the bus at the end of 2019.   Things went downhill fast.  Despite my recent vitriol I gave Wojo a long leash.  I will with the next coach also.  There needs to be upward progress in the early years and results in March down the road.  If things start heading in the wrong direction as fast as they did for Wojo then I likely will feel the same about that coach as I did about Wojo at the end.


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Re: Pyrrhic Victory.and the "jo" identities
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2021, 11:29:02 AM »
Despite the labels given to me, I always considered myself a 'meh'-Jo.    Worried about his only Duke roots when hired.    Loathed his press conferences after the poetry of Buzz.    Found him to be a boring MBA, not NBA, interview.    Criticized his defenses, his recruiting.    I assumed that the admin was more in love with his off court activities and the character of the players he brought in than they were frustrated by his on-court performance.   Scholl referenced that Wojo was the perfect coach off-court.    It turns out I was wrong.  Not my much.    But wrong, nonetheless.   
   I didn't post much about it yesterday as I had a nearly sleepless night on Thursday at a fire and really try to avoid making bold proclamations when I am that tired, that sore, that cranky.    But after a sleepless night, I realize that I am really still 'meh' about it.   I find myself more surprised they pulled the trigger than disappointed and am looking forward with interest to see who comes next. 
Luke 6:45   ...A good man produces goodness from the good in his heart; an evil man produces evil out of his store of evil.   Each man speaks from his heart's abundance...

It is better to be fearless and cheerful than cheerless and fearful.


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Re: Pyrrhic Victory.and the "jo" identities
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2021, 07:47:13 PM »
If you hypothetically followed those people around on the internet (& perhaps in their actual life, as well, but generally these are passive aggressives), you'd find that their negativity & outrage applies to almost everything - not just the MU basketball team. They are controlled by their emotions. The internet, of course, encourages such behavior & becomes an outlet for expressing it that they wouldn't have otherwise.

You can assume that if a person is capable of becoming mentally unhinged as a result of a college basketball coach, that it's probably not a unique thing in their life.

Better off ignoring it & letting the tree fall in the woods.

Got to love how calling out 7 years of failure is an "emotional" response.  No, he was getting it done, killing it and a bunch of us unhinged commenters wanted him gone with no actual data to support our position.  Nice try.