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Author Topic: Good, not great  (Read 9205 times)


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Re: Good, not great
« Reply #25 on: May 06, 2019, 03:42:11 PM »
Glad to speak up...not their "friend" but sure as hell wish they were still on the team.  The 247 post is interesting.  If true...I wouldn't care to hear Markus tell me how to play basketball when he is jacking up step back nba 3's while I am wide open and shooting 40% from 3.  Joey's turnovers and Markus' bad shots are both issues.  I sure as hell hope Markus was standing infront of the team taking the blame for a few losses this year if he wants to have any credibility to push others.  I'll tell you this...if my son was as good as Joey or Sam...I would not suggest they go play with Markus.  If Markus isnt on the team...I'm likely good with Wojo's offense.  Simply...I'd want my kid to play with a PG.

Solution was supposedly coming to the lineup next year with McEwan. He handles the ball and allows Markus to slide over to SG.

Unfortunately that meant one of the Hausers was likely bounced from starting. They are both great players. Too bad they play the same position.

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Re: Good, not great
« Reply #26 on: May 06, 2019, 03:49:54 PM »
Solution was supposedly coming to the lineup next year with McEwan. He handles the ball and allows Markus to slide over to SG.

I seriously doubt McEwen will be the PG next year.
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Re: Good, not great
« Reply #27 on: May 06, 2019, 03:52:16 PM »
I think he will initiate the offense at least half the time he is on the court.      Markus running off screens or setting up on a wing while somebody else drives to the basket forcing help is too tempting.   
Luke 6:45   ...A good man produces goodness from the good in his heart; an evil man produces evil out of his store of evil.   Each man speaks from his heart's abundance...

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Re: Good, not great
« Reply #28 on: May 06, 2019, 04:17:39 PM »
I just think it's hard to rip into a teamate when you miss him on wide open looks rather consitenly.  I'm not a huge stats guy...and I know Bama has defended Markus...but there isn't a stat in the world that would say Markus taking a step back 3 with two guys on him is better than a 40+% 3 pointer shooter with a wide open look. 

You are assuming they were often/always available for open 3s. But defenses weren't sagging off of Sam and Joey to stop Marcus from driving. that is the reason he was able to get into the lane so often.

Of course there were times they were open and MH didn't get them the ball, but not as often as people think. They were both guys that set up out out behind the 3 point throw line. Neither was great running cross court off screens to catch and shoot.


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Re: Good, not great
« Reply #29 on: May 06, 2019, 10:17:52 PM »
I just think it's hard to rip into a teamate when you miss him on wide open looks rather consitenly.  I'm not a huge stats guy...and I know Bama has defended Markus...but there isn't a stat in the world that would say Markus taking a step back 3 with two guys on him is better than a 40+% 3 pointer shooter with a wide open look.  It's such a simple and basic thing that one has to question motive.  I certainly wouldn't be interested in taking heat from him...and I would really question any coach who suggested anything other than telling Markus to involve his teamates with the pass.  Its the best thing for Markus, Joey and the team.  Stats tell me we are better with Sam and Joey.  I guess I'm saying I don't believe they were irrational...but I also am not part of the team...

I agree with some of this.

But again ...

Even if you think the Hausers had a legitimate gripe, they still griped. Which means they had a lot more than 0% to do with Hausershima, despite what some Scoopers claim.

I'm just trying to get away from the "it's all on Wojo" or "it's all Joey" narratives that many Scoopers have adopted. It's silly, and such extreme viewpoints -- regardless of the topic -- are rarely true.
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Re: Good, not great
« Reply #30 on: May 06, 2019, 11:24:36 PM »
I agree with some of this.

But again ...

Even if you think the Hausers had a legitimate gripe, they still griped. Which means they had a lot more than 0% to do with Hausershima, despite what some Scoopers claim.

I'm just trying to get away from the "it's all on Wojo" or "it's all Joey" narratives that many Scoopers have adopted. It's silly, and such extreme viewpoints -- regardless of the topic -- are rarely true.


I don't think anyone has denied that one or both of the Hauser "griped". It would be pretty stupid to go through this process if they were happy. What their gripes were, whether they had merit, how much blame/responsibility the various parties involved have - that's the rub. Nobody (on Scoop at least) knows all the facts, and I'm sure even those few who do (the actual principals) view them differently.

In the end, it's all a matter of opinion. People's biases (as Pakuni rightly pointed out) will lead them to the narrative that makes the most sense to them and/or makes them (in their fandom) feel the most comfortable.

Me? I think Markus is an incredible talent. His "hero ball" almost surely won us some games that we would have otherwise lost. But I think a coach/system that allows the amount of usage that Markus had is playing a dangerous game. You run the risk of disgruntled teammates and poorer efficiency as teams game plan for your tendencies unless your stud is willing to make adjustments. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Wojo (and even Markus) agreed with that. But when push came to shove if anything things became more unbalanced. Down went the season, adios to the Hausers.

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Re: Good, not great
« Reply #31 on: May 07, 2019, 12:01:45 AM »
The following is an old sports slogan about roles that has served the test of time:

Coaches Coach
Players Play
Refs Ref
Parents Cheer

My experience is when there are deviations from that problems follow.
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Re: Good, not great
« Reply #32 on: May 07, 2019, 12:44:04 AM »
The following is an old sports slogan about roles that has served the test of time:

Coaches Coach
Players Play
Refs Ref
Parents Cheer

My experience is when there are deviations from that problems follow.
What if one or more of those groups does not do what they do well...You have more than a problem, you have a catastrophe

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Re: Good, not great
« Reply #33 on: May 07, 2019, 01:12:57 AM »
What if one or more of those groups does not do what they do well...You have more than a problem, you have a catastrophe
I agree with this analysis.
“It was a Great Day until it wasn’t”
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Re: Good, not great
« Reply #34 on: May 07, 2019, 01:14:56 AM »
What are everyone's thoughts on Wojo?
Excellent coach.

Had his hands tied. Did what he should have and used and rode his 'best player' and won. He cannot BABY-SIT. HE HAS TO WIN GAMES.

If at any time a player listens to 'outside sources' and influences and uses one "ok I am out, I am done with this" games puts it over the top and there is a disconnect that causes you to lose 7 out of the last 8 or 9 that is not good.



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Re: Good, not great
« Reply #35 on: May 07, 2019, 07:59:09 AM »
Ewe lost mee wit "excellent coach," hey?
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Re: Good, not great
« Reply #36 on: May 07, 2019, 08:49:31 AM »
Excellent coach.

Had his hands tied. Did what he should have and used and rode his 'best player' and won. He cannot BABY-SIT. HE HAS TO WIN GAMES.

If at any time a player listens to 'outside sources' and influences and uses one "ok I am out, I am done with this" games puts it over the top and there is a disconnect that causes you to lose 7 out of the last 8 or 9 that is not good.


I'm not sold on Wojo, but I want him to succeed simply because i want MU bball to succeed and we can't do that without consistency at the head coach position.  It's been 5 years and you'd think you would hate to have a coach still "learning" on the job, but in reality you always want to be learning on the job.   In any job, successes and failures.  If Wojo can figure out how to leverage this saga into success, than I am all for keeping him around.  Having said that, with the way he's handled the Markus situation ("ultimate green-light" at the expense of the offense) and to a lesser extent the Henry Ellenson situation, I don't have a ton of confidence in his ability to recover from all of this.  An unhealthy Markus down the stretch should not have gotten the minutes he was given, and Wojo had the perfect cover (the injury) in throttling Markus' PT.   Instead, he let MH be a cowboy at the expense of the team.  The Hausers departure seems to suggest Wojo dug his heels in re Markus and we are going to see more of the same next year.   In which case (if this analysis is correct and only time will tell), Wojo would have proven he is unable/unwilling to learn and adjust and his success as a head coach will limited.   In which case, DLTDHYOTWO.   

Scoop Snoop

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Re: Good, not great
« Reply #37 on: May 07, 2019, 09:29:27 AM »
I'm not sold on Wojo, but I want him to succeed simply because i want MU bball to succeed and we can't do that without consistency at the head coach position.  It's been 5 years and you'd think you would hate to have a coach still "learning" on the job, but in reality you always want to be learning on the job.   In any job, successes and failures.  If Wojo can figure out how to leverage this saga into success, than I am all for keeping him around.  Having said that, with the way he's handled the Markus situation ("ultimate green-light" at the expense of the offense) and to a lesser extent the Henry Ellenson situation, I don't have a ton of confidence in his ability to recover from all of this.  An unhealthy Markus down the stretch should not have gotten the minutes he was given, and Wojo had the perfect cover (the injury) in throttling Markus' PT.   Instead, he let MH be a cowboy at the expense of the team.  The Hausers departure seems to suggest Wojo dug his heels in re Markus and we are going to see more of the same next year.   In which case (if this analysis is correct and only time will tell), Wojo would have proven he is unable/unwilling to learn and adjust and his success as a head coach will limited.   In which case, DLTDHYOTWO.   

Great reply to "excellent coach". He's not, for reasons well stated in your post. He had his "hands tied" due to self inflicted problems. I am not saying that the Hausers were innocent- just that an "excellent coach" would never have helped set the stage for their departure. I honestly hope he becomes an "excellent coach" but 5 years in....the chances do not look very good, do they?
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Re: Good, not great
« Reply #38 on: May 07, 2019, 10:35:47 AM »

I don't think anyone has denied that one or both of the Hauser "griped". It would be pretty stupid to go through this process if they were happy. What their gripes were, whether they had merit, how much blame/responsibility the various parties involved have - that's the rub. Nobody (on Scoop at least) knows all the facts, and I'm sure even those few who do (the actual principals) view them differently.

In the end, it's all a matter of opinion. People's biases (as Pakuni rightly pointed out) will lead them to the narrative that makes the most sense to them and/or makes them (in their fandom) feel the most comfortable.

Me? I think Markus is an incredible talent. His "hero ball" almost surely won us some games that we would have otherwise lost. But I think a coach/system that allows the amount of usage that Markus had is playing a dangerous game. You run the risk of disgruntled teammates and poorer efficiency as teams game plan for your tendencies unless your stud is willing to make adjustments. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Wojo (and even Markus) agreed with that. But when push came to shove if anything things became more unbalanced. Down went the season, adios to the Hausers.


I guess I should have said they did more than just gripe. Folks gripe all the time and then don't act on their gripes.

Neither the Golden Children nor Daddy and Mommy H are blameless angels in all of this IHMO. That's what I have believed since the word of it came out, and none of the 4,553,123,334 words that have been written about it on Scoop have changed my mind about that. Nevertheless, I have asserted (and continue to assert) that it is a coach's job to manage egos and diffuse these exact types of situations, and from everything I have read Wojo did not try hard enough to do it.

The only real gripe I have is with those who say the coach is 100% at fault and the Hausers are totally innocent victims.

Agree with you about Markus' usage.
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Re: Good, not great
« Reply #39 on: May 07, 2019, 10:38:13 AM »
Excellent coach.

Just as Joey is nowhere near "great," Wojo has done nothing to prove he is an "excellent" coach.

Not sure how a coach can be "excellent" if he hasn't won a single NCAA tournament game or a conference title in 5 full seasons.

And not sure how a player who averages less than 10 ppg while disappearing for nearly 2 months can be considered "great."

Maybe one day Joey will be great and/or Wojo will be excellent. I root a lot more for the latter, as the former is now playing for the enemy, and I would think every other Warriors fan would, too.
“It’s not how white men fight.” - Tucker Carlson

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Re: Good, not great
« Reply #40 on: May 07, 2019, 10:44:52 AM »
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Took me a second.

