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1. Total Game Points: 137 (137) mudimitri, MarqKarp
2. MU points: 74 (74) TVDirector, MUFan07
3. Chaminade points: 63 (63) Mayor McCheese, WashDCWarrior, MUMotivAsian, Spiral97
4. TO's forced by MU: 19 (19) marqptm, maxpower773, MUAhoya11
5. TO's forced by Chaminade: 11 (11) smrunner99, Mayor McCheese
6. MU total made 3's: 2 (4) Virginia Warrior 77, ecompt, mu_hilltopper, mosarsour, DoubleMU0609
7. MU total bench points: 16 (15) Mayor McCheese (17) youngmufan4, mufanatic
8. MU total (non-team) rebounds: 28 (28) denverMU
9. MU top scorer and how many: McNeal 22 (20) MUAhoya11
10. MU top assist man and how many: James, Cube 2 (James 4) Sir Lawrence, ultimate, CTWarrior, Talltitan34, marqptm, Oneills Barstool, muwarrior87, SoCalwarrior, gldeagle, mu_hilltopper
11. MU top rebounder and how many: Barror 9 (Barro 8 ) MUAhoya11, drewm88, MUFan07, Secret of the Ouse, classof2016, gldeagle
12. Chaminade's top scorer and how many: Kolaric 19 (19) Spiral97, marqptm, classof2016
13. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Cube 2 (2) ecompt, Secret of the Ouse, Talltitan34, chicos, Spiral97
14. MU steals leader and how many: Barro 4 (none)
15. Combined McNeal, Matthews, James points: 41 (41) MarqKarp, RJax55, Oneills Barstool, jutaw22mu

Lottery Question (must be exact)  2 points 2 part

1. a. Which team will attempt more free throws? b. what will the differential be?

MU 8 (MU 8 ) mudimitri, CTWarrior, ultimate, spartan3186, muhoosier260


I got a point for rebounds but I'm not on the standings.

Thanks for doing this.


I made the final tally!
yeee haaa
(for those ok staters out there)

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