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Recruiting as of 1/15/25 by MuMark
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Rant + Turning Point by bradforster
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MU BE record? by tower912
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2024-25 NCAA Basketball Thread by Uncle Rico
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1. Total Game Points:158
2. MU points: 91
3. SEL points: 67
4. TO's forced by MU: 16
5. TO's forced by SEL: 8
6. MU total made 3's: 5
7. MU top scorer and how many: Wilson 17
8. MU top assist man and how many: Lockett 6
9. MU top rebounder and how many: Otule 6
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Thomas 2

Bonus Question (2 pt): Predict Juan Anderson's combined points and rebounds. 12


1. Total Game Points: 148
2. MU points: 88
3. SEL points: 60
4. TO's forced by MU: 22
5. TO's forced by SEL: 11
6. MU total made 3's: 6
7. MU top scorer and how many: Vander - 17
8. MU top assist man and how many: Jr. - 6
9. MU top rebounder and how many: Otule - 7
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Thomas - 2

Bonus Question (2 pt): Predict Juan Anderson's combined points and rebounds. 11


1. Total Game Points: 152
2. MU points: 94
3. SEL points: 58
4. TO's forced by MU: 21
5. TO's forced by SEL: 9
6. MU total made 3's: 7
7. MU top scorer and how many: Blue 19
8. MU top assist man and how many: Junior 6
9. MU top rebounder and how many: Wilson 7
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Thomas 3

Bonus Question (2 pt): Predict Juan Anderson's combined points and rebounds. 11
This space reserved for a 2024 2025 National Championship celebration banner.


1. Total Game Points: 154
2. MU points: 92
3. SEL points: 62
4. TO's forced by MU: 17
5. TO's forced by SEL: 9
6. MU total made 3's: 6
7. MU top scorer and how many: Wilson 17
8. MU top assist man and how many: Cadougan 6
9. MU top rebounder and how many: Juan 8
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Lockett 2

Bonus Question (2 pt): Predict Juan Anderson's combined points and rebounds. 17


1. Total Game Points: 153
2. MU points: 92
3. SEL points: 61
4. TO's forced by MU: 14
5. TO's forced by SEL: 9
6. MU total made 3's: 8
7. MU top scorer and how many: Jamilson, 20
8. MU top assist man and how many: Blue, 7
9. MU top rebounder and how many: Otule, 11
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Jake, 3

Bonus Question (2 pt): Predict Juan Anderson's combined points and rebounds:16

frozena pizza

1. Total Game Points: 139
2. MU points: 79
3. SEL points: 60
4. TO's forced by MU: 15
5. TO's forced by SEL: 10
6. MU total made 3's: 7
7. MU top scorer and how many: Lockett 16
8. MU top assist man and how many: Cadougan 6
9. MU top rebounder and how many: Otule 9
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Cadougan 3

Bonus Question (2 pt): Predict Juan Anderson's combined points and rebounds. 12


1. Total Game Points: 146
2. MU points: 82
3. SEL points: 64
4. TO's forced by MU: 16
5. TO's forced by SEL: 9
6. MU total made 3's: 7
7. MU top scorer and how many: Vander, 16
8. MU top assist man and how many: Junior, 6
9. MU top rebounder and how many: COt, 9
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Vander, 2

Bonus Question (2 pt): Predict Juan Anderson's combined points and rebounds. 13


1. Total Game Points: 139
2. MU points: 89
3. SEL points: 50
4. TO's forced by MU: 17
5. TO's forced by SEL: 7
6. MU total made 3's: 7
7. MU top scorer and how many: J Wilson 19
8. MU top assist man and how many: Junior 8
9. MU top rebounder and how many: J Wilson 9
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Blue 3

Bonus Question (2 pt): Predict Juan Anderson's combined points and rebounds.  12
I'm like a turtle, sometimes I get run over by a semi.


Tot pts - 145
MU pts - 84
SELa pts - 61
T/O's forced by MU - 18
T/O's forced by SELa - 11
MU made 3's - 8
MU top scorer - Lockett - 17
MU top assists - DWil - 6
MU top boards - Lockett - 8
MU top 3-shooter - Lockett, 3

Juan pts & bounds - 12


1. Total Game Points:135
2. MU points: 92
3. SEL points: 48
4. TO's forced by MU: 21
5. TO's forced by SEL: 7
6. MU total made 3's: 9
7. MU top scorer and how many: Davante 21
8. MU top assist man and how many: JR 8
9. MU top rebounder and how many: Lockett 7
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Jamil 4

Bonus Question (2 pt): Predict Juan Anderson's combined points and rebounds. 15

Super SMache Bros.

1. Total Game Points: 150
2. MU points: 91
3. SEL points: 59
4. TO's forced by MU: 16
5. TO's forced by SEL: 8
6. MU total made 3's: 7
7. MU top scorer and how many: Jamil - 18
8. MU top assist man and how many: Lockett - 5
9. MU top rebounder and how many: Gardner - 8
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Junior - 3

Bonus Question (2 pt): Predict Juan Anderson's combined points and rebounds.



1. Total Game Points:150
2. MU points: 99
3. SEL points: 51
4. TO's forced by MU: 22
5. TO's forced by SEL: 8
6. MU total made 3's: 12
7. MU top scorer and how many: Wilson 27
8. MU top assist man and how many: Cadougan 12
9. MU top rebounder and how many: Wilson 14
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Thomas 5

Bonus Question (2 pt): Predict Juan Anderson's combined points and rebounds. 22



1. Total Game Points: 143
2. MU points: 86
3. SEL points: 54
4. TO's forced by MU: 19
5. TO's forced by SEL: 9
6. MU total made 3's: 8
7. MU top scorer and how many: Gardner 18
8. MU top assist man and how many: Cadougan 7
9. MU top rebounder and how many: Blue 8
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Lockett 2

Bonus Question (2 pt): Predict Juan Anderson's combined points and rebounds. 12


1. Total Game Points: 142
2. MU points: 87
3. SEL points: 63
4. TO's forced by MU: 11
5. TO's forced by SEL: 7
6. MU total made 3's: 5
7. MU top scorer and how many: Gardner 16
8. MU top assist man and how many: Cadougan 7
9. MU top rebounder and how many: Wilson 8
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Thomas 2

Bonus Question (2 pt): Predict Juan Anderson's combined points and rebounds. 12


Quote from: MUeagle69 on November 13, 2012, 11:16:21 AM
1. Total Game Points: Tie, game cancelled due to condensation on the court annnnnnnnnnd its gone! Poof!
2. MU points: 0
3. SEL points: 0
4. MU Total made 3's: 6.9 8====D

This was funny...until #4...and then I scrolled up and saw your first ever post.  I remember 9th grade.


1. Total Game Points:145
2. MU points: 85
3. SEL points: 60
4. TO's forced by MU: 17
5. TO's forced by SEL: 12
6. MU total made 3's: 5
7. MU top scorer and how many: Wilson 17
8. MU top assist man and how many: Junior 6
9. MU top rebounder and how many: Wilson 9
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Wilson 2

Bonus Question (2 pt): Predict Juan Anderson's combined points and rebounds. 17


1. Total Game Points: 150
2. MU points: 90
3. SEL points: 60
4. TO's forced by MU: 22
5. TO's forced by SEL: 7
6. MU total made 3's: 4
7. MU top scorer and how many: Wilson 16
8. MU top assist man and how many:  Junior 5
9. MU top rebounder and how many: Locket 7
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Junior 2

Bonus Question (2 pt): Predict Juan Anderson's combined points and rebounds. 15


1. Total Game Points: 155
2. MU points: 90
3. SEL points:65
4. TO's forced by MU: 8
5. TO's forced by SEL: 6
6. MU total made 3's: 8
7. MU top scorer and how many:lockett 18
8. MU top assist man and how many:cadougan 6
9. MU top rebounder and how many: otule 10
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: lockett 3

Bonus Question (2 pt): Predict Juan Anderson's combined points and rebounds.
It's not the size of your Diener; its how you use it


1. Total Game Points: 146
2. MU points: 87
3. SEL points: 59
4. TO's forced by MU: 19
5. TO's forced by SEL: 13
6. MU total made 3's: 7
7. MU top scorer and how many: Jamil 18
8. MU top assist man and how many: Cadougan 7
9. MU top rebounder and how many: Gardner 7
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Jamil 2

Bonus Question (2 pt): Predict Juan Anderson's combined points and rebounds.


Quote from: wadesworld on November 13, 2012, 05:29:35 PM
This was funny...until #4...and then I scrolled up and saw your first ever post.  I remember 9th grade.

So does Kenosha, best three years of his life.

Danny Noonan

1. Total Game Points:
2. MU points: 89
3. SEL points: 74
4. TO's forced by MU: 17
5. TO's forced by SEL: 8
6. MU total made 3's: 8
7. MU top scorer and how many: Blue 17
8. MU top assist man and how many: Cadougan 7
9. MU top rebounder and how many: Gardner 8
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Lockett 2

Bonus 14

Lennys Tap

Quote from: TallTitan34 on November 12, 2012, 08:54:42 PM
1. Total Game Points: 160
2. MU points: 98
3. SEL points: 62
4. TO's forced by MU:23
5. TO's forced by SEL:13
6. MU total made 3's: 6
7. MU top scorer and how many: Blue 22
8. MU top assist man and how many: Cadougan 7
9. MU top rebounder and how many: Anderson 10
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Thomas 3

Bonus Question (2 pt): Predict Juan Anderson's combined points and rebounds. 18

Benny B

1. Total Game Points: 155
2. MU points:87
3. SEL points:68
4. TO's forced by MU:18
5. TO's forced by SEL:10
6. MU total made 3's: 4
7. MU top scorer and how many: J Wilson 18
8. MU top assist man and how many: D Wilson 4
9. MU top rebounder and how many: J Wilson 6
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: J Wilson 2

Bonus Question (2 pt): Predict Juan Anderson's combined points and rebounds. 6
Quote from: LittleMurs on January 08, 2015, 07:10:33 PM
Wow, I'm very concerned for Benny.  Being able to mimic Myron Medcalf's writing so closely implies an oncoming case of dementia.

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