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Author Topic: 愤忿!读完朝鲜回应炮击的新闻,发现似乎中国被朝鲜出卖了!  (Read 14020 times)


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几天来,白发苍苍的总理亲自到印度,签订160亿的经济“往来”,访问巴铁,督促6方会谈,呼吁克制,用外交少有的词汇“一触即发”提醒各方。可能由于中国没有认大哥装熊,走的是独立、自强的道路,asics tiger mexico 66,太需要发展的环境了,太需要朝鲜半岛的稳定了,以至于如此的重视。
没错,朝鲜,这是我们几代人战略和心灵的脆弱点。为了朝鲜,我们在这之后没有完成统一。为了朝鲜,我们多少战士长眠?其中还包括开国首脑毛主席的儿子毛岸英。。。但朝鲜考虑过中国的牺牲吗?甚至考虑过中国的利益了吗?根本不会,asics tiger shoes!他们根本不会考虑中国全力发展经济的所需,只要弄出乱子来就要绑架中国和他一起蹚浑水。丝毫无所顾忌。当前这个时期悄悄访问中国最大的意思是什么?除了外交寒暄之外猜都不用猜:我们遇到天安舰了,又有危险了,反正你们以前为我们买过单,同理,这次还要买单,再做出巨大的物力、资源、经济、时间、乃至生命的牺牲。”
摆到桌面上来说,朝鲜为所欲为,乱整之前通知过中国吗?遇到事情有过商量吗?有过帮助中国的时候吗?有感激中国的时候吗?有站在我们立场上想问题,做事情的时候吗?甚至有有不给中国捣乱的时候吗?乱整之后立刻想到我们了,绑架我们一起买单是最好的选择,这是朝鲜一直以来很得意的做法。你兜里的钱,就是拿来给我买单的,asics shoes,这是顺理成章,理所当然发的事。
在他眼里,他只有自己的利益,绝不在乎牺牲中国的利益。60年前,在中国面对统一台湾的时候,那个时候就根本就不肖于与你中国打招呼,所有的关于侵略韩国的请示也都是针对斯大林。跟你中国别说商量,问都没问一句,甚至打了两天了,才礼节性的甩给我们一句通报。。你中国这个靠美苏帮助才赶跑日本的国家,有什么威严啊?根本就看不起你,甚至中国派兵的情况下,他还是只点头哈腰的向斯大林请示,还想要中国人民志愿军的指挥权。可我们看到的是当我们善意的提醒他仁川登陆时,他居然没有丝毫在意。。。最后中国救了他一命,这,对于中国来说,并不是希望他记住这份恩德,而对于他来说,这却是非常丢脸的一件事情。在之后的几十年里,尽量的消除中国的影响,朝鲜人知道朝鲜的军队赢得了一场胜利,是朝鲜人民军的八面威风赶跑了美帝,asics gel running shoes。。。中国的牺牲,中国的帮助,他都记不起来了,asics onitsuka tiger shoes,故事里是金大胖高举手枪打飞机。所谓中国的恩情,能不提最好不提,asics running shoes sale,因为这是让金大胖、金二胖、金三胖丢脸的东西。
同时,朝鲜还得到了亲美的机遇,直接的对话,还有可能像韩国一样在美国的羽翼下坐大。前两天我就觉得奇怪了,美国这种成熟的国家在对待关键问题上还是很慎重的,美国也不愿意看到半岛发生战争啊,为什么中国用罕见的“千钧一发”来表示看法的时候,美国这边是一个口径的强硬,一定要打!就连安理会闭门磋商也严重分歧!看到朝鲜炮击完才过了1天时间就跪下舔屁股的情形,这才霎时明白了,该做不该做的,他都做了,asics running shoes,能做不能做的他全做了,跟炮击有关无关的,他统统做了。。。这些核棒棒、核插什么的跟炮击无关的东西,裹挟在一起,表态来的如此之快,只有一个解释:炮击前美国就有底了啊,这根本早就商量好了的,炮击就是一个道具,这就是美国这么有恃无恐的原因!他能跟你中国私下要挟,也能跟其他国家私下苟且。蒙在鼓里的,是你俄国和中国,看看中国又是访印度,又是跑巴铁,抛几百亿出去不说还忙个气喘吁吁,而他朝鲜金胖的表情,和播报炮击“不值得回应”的播音员表情一样,只剩下偷笑!当然美国也在偷笑,现在也乐意接受他的倒向,这是巨大的成功,政治上重大胜利,赢得了民意,缓解了国内矛盾,恶心了中国,绑架了韩国、部分解决了朝核问题,加强了地缘优势等等,,顺带脱光了朝鲜貌似强硬的外衣,让全世界人都看到了朝鲜的柔软和稚嫩,discount asics shoes,。朝鲜在对抗中实现了政权交接的平稳,美国、韩在对抗中稳固了总统的支持率。这也是朝、美、韩各取所需吧。
中国,太认真了,太重视了,一来我们对朝鲜是有特殊感情的,二来我们现在也确实需要改革开放和发展的环境,朝鲜一句“不值得回应”和在美国的引诱和压力下的苟且之事让人彻底寒心,朝鲜整个儿整出了一出闹剧,而我们怀着对朝鲜特殊的感情,没有把金胖朝鲜看穿。在政治舞台上,利益变更、回旋虽然是常有的事,但这一切,却发生在我们各方面投入太多,也倾注太多不一样情感的朝鲜,想想这些日子来上上下下还为了这一事件认真的应对和担忧、奔波和操劳,确实让我们痛心难受。那么这现在的情况下,牺牲发展经济的大好机遇和人民的鲜血与生命去维护一个流氓地痞般的朝鲜还有什么意义?也许是我们太认真了,太关注了,同时朝鲜也太看不起我们了,根本不跟我们说真话甚至通个气。当今的金胖朝鲜,是个地地道道的流氓痞子国家,不光是这次对待中国,以前对待西方国家也一样。人家认真应对,他就威胁-恐吓-谈判-破裂-再威胁-恐吓-谈判-破裂……终于搞烦了,中国这次不得不认真应对,asics shoes Australia,结果也被玩了一把。对这样的痞子国家,谁认真,谁倒霉。
最后,,,一句话:希望中国不要再被金胖朝鲜绑架。中国已经不是刚刚成立的中国,不需要急于证明自己的地位,cheap asics running shoes。60年后的中国的大国的地位,不需要再用这么壮烈的方式来证明了,当今中国的地位,是大国责任、大国气度、大国思想、各个方面的经济、外交的方式都可以得到展现。
« Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 10:45:33 AM by rocky_warrior »


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Peace, Love, and Rye Whiskey...May your life and your glass always be full


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no i would not like to do that to you with your asics shoes, you sick freak. 


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Clearly this should be in the superbar.


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Glad to see news of Craig Pintens' return has made it to the Far East.


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I love the google translation of the Subject

"Anger anger! North Korean response to the shelling of the news reading and found that North Korea seems to be sold in China! "

MU B2002

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Chinese to English translation
The past few days, white-haired prime minister personally to India, signed a 16 billion economic "exchanges" to visit Pakistan Iron and urge 6-party talks, calls for restraint, with few diplomatic words "explosive" to remind the parties. Big Brother may be installed as China does not recognize the bear, walking is an independent, self-improvement of the road, asics tiger mexico 66, so the need to develop the environment, too need the stability of the Korean peninsula, and that such attention.
Yes, North Korea, this is our strategy and minds of several generations a vulnerable point. For North Korea, after which we did not complete unity. For North Korea, many of our soldiers die? It also includes the founding head of the son of Chairman Mao Anying. . . But North Korea considered China's sacrifice? China's interests even considered it? Will not, asics tiger shoes! They do not consider the full economic development of China needs to go wrong as long as necessary to get kidnapped with him Tanghun Shui China. Did nothing to fear. The current visit to China this time quietly largest mean? In addition to diplomatic pleasantries do not have to guess than guess: the ship the day we met, but also dangerous, anyway, before you bought one for us, the same token, this must pay, and then make a great material, resources, economy , time, and even the sacrifice of life. "
On the table for North Korea do whatever they want, be notified before the whole mess to China? It had met to discuss it? China had the time to help it? Are grateful to China when it? We are standing position to question everything you do it? There is not even trouble to China when it? Random thought of us immediately after the whole kidnapping pay us is the best choice, which is North Korea has been very proud of the practice. You pocket the money, that is, bring it to me to foot the bill, asics shoes, this is a matter of course, of course, made things.
In his eyes, he had only their own interests, must not care about sacrificing the interests of China. 60 years ago, when China is facing reunification of Taiwan at that time to simply dishonest to say hello to you in China, all on the aggression against South Korea's referrals are also Stalin. China to discuss with you alone, did not ask to ask, even for two days before the training and preparation we are a courtesy notification. . Your help of China, the Soviet Union sent packing by the Japanese national, what dignity ah? Simply look down on you, or even the case of the Chinese troops, he was just bowing to consult to Stalin, but also want the command of the Chinese People's Volunteers. Can we see when we remind him of good Inchon landing, he was actually not the slightest care. . . Finally, to save his life in China, which, for China, I hope he does not remember the kindness, and for him, it is very shameful thing. In the following decades, as much as possible to eliminate the influence of China, the Korean people know that North Korea's army won a victory, is a lion Korean People's Army sent packing U.S. imperialism, asics gel running shoes. . . China's sacrifice, China's help, he can not remember, asics onitsuka tiger shoes, the story is a big fat gold holding a pistol to fight aircraft. The so-called China's kindness, not to mention the best can not mention, asics running shoes sale, big fat because Zheshi Rang gold, gold, two fat, fat gold three humiliating things.
Having said that, when the Western North Korea before playing to such a consistent, the same is true of China, China, North Korea kidnapped you, calculating, and you only being affected, it can not show my discontent! China, not all of the money bag out, the pay did not buy enough, he really is not happy! Let gold fat government is not happy, very serious consequences. Do not blame me fat then sell you gold top university. Well then, once backward the U.S., well, just deal with North Korea affirmed the shelling to a strong retaliation, people had to fight hard, and he established the tripartite US-Korean military dialogue, set up a telephone hotline, to produce 12,000 nuclear Bang Bang, . . . Berthelot has endured a slap in the face as others fell to her knees to lick ass. Hao Zhao are with North Korea this mean? This is not only threatened China, North Korea, is simply a threat. . .
Meanwhile, North Korea also received a pro-US opportunities, direct dialogue, there may be the same as South Korea under the wings grow in the United States. Two days ago I felt strange, the United States that mature in dealing with key issues the country is still very cautious on the U.S. war in the peninsula do not want to see, ah, why the Chinese with the rare "close call" to express their views when U.S. side is a tough caliber, it is absolutely necessary! Even the Council's closed-door consultations are also serious differences! See the North Korean artillery fire until they have finished off the 1 day time to the case of ass licking his knees, this instant to understand, do not do that, and he has done, asics running shoes, do not do all he did , nothing to do with the shelling on, all he did. . . These nuclear Bang Bang, what with the bombardment of nuclear plug something unrelated, coerced together, to stand so fast, there is only one explanation: the end of bombardment before the United States alone, ah, this is simply a good long talk, the shelling is a prop, this is the reason the U.S. so nothing to fear! He can talk to you privately threatened China, but also a private matter sorted out struggling countries. Kept in the dark, you Russia and China to see China is to visit India, Pakistan Railway is running, do not say throw out a few hundred million is also busy panting, and his North Korean gold fat expression, and broadcast shelling "not worth the response," the announcer, like facial expressions, only lucky! Of course the U.S. is also lucky, now willing to accept him backward, which is a huge success, a major political victory, won the public to ease internal contradictions, nausea, China, South Korea kidnapped, a partial solution to the DPRK nuclear issue strengthened the geographical advantage and so, incidentally, looks like a tough Korean stripped coat, let the world see the Korean people are soft and tender, discount asics shoes,. Achieved in the fight against the DPRK in the smooth handover, the United States, South Korea in the fight against the strong support for the president. This is also the DPRK, the United States, South Korea what they need it.
What is the format now? Present form has changed, different times already, the Cold War is over, the East-West camp has not, and even Russia have joined the NATO missile defense system. . . Environment is a common response to the economic crisis, small environment of economic, political, military, regional competition for resources, balance and development. Recalling the incident, we are careful to North Korea's position right, to date, but found that it was like a farce, the DPRK, the United States, South Korea and even Japan, have received varying degrees of interest, but also because of Russia's hard-line on North Korea criticized the position gained international recognition and processing points, we are serious in exchange for what? If North Korea insists the position of North Korea's rogue behavior of golden fat only to discredit China, if North Korea secretly slip a position to face the United States, China, will be tough along with the inner face of the lucky. "Close call" in the behavior described and North Korea formed a great contrast, at least that the DPRK and 60 years ago, there is no ventilation and China, let alone to talk things over.
China, too seriously, too seriously, and the one we have a special affection for Korea, and secondly, we do need reform and opening up and development environment, the Korean word "not worthy of response" and the temptations and pressures in the United States under is having an affair makes a thorough chilling, the DPRK out of the children of a farce the whole, and we remember with special affection for the DPRK, the DPRK did not see through the golden fat. In the political arena, interests change, swing, although common, but everything, it has invested in us all too much, also have devoted too much emotional as North Korea, think also for the up and down these days The incident response and concerns seriously, rushing, and physical exertion, has given us a sad sad. Then this is the case, the expense of the opportunities and economic development and life blood of the people to maintain North Korea a rogue troll-like what is there? Perhaps we are too serious, too concerned about the same time, we look down on North Korea too, and do not even speak the truth to us through a gas. Today's gold fat Korea, was a true rogue riffraff countries, not just the deal with China, before the Western countries treated the same. Others serious response, he threatened - threatened - the negotiations - break - then threats - threats - talks - break ... ... finally tired out, the Chinese have to seriously deal with this, asics shoes Australia, results are also playing a . Countries on such riffraff, who seriously, Shuidao Mei.
Finally, a word: I hope China will not longer be gold fat abducted by North Korea. China has not just set up in China, do not rush to prove their status, cheap asics running shoes. 60 years later, China's big power status, do not need and then such a heroic way to prove, today's China's position, is a big country responsibility, power tolerance, big ideas, all aspects of economic, diplomatic way can get a show.
By the way, busy recently, did not participate in the discussion of chain of islands, but the island chain of things that bother struggling, it looks spectacular, in fact, the whole thing is a patchwork of internal contradictions, strategy is defensive in nature is also , most will point to all countries seeking psychological comfort, look to intercept the missile force, the pressure of nuclear missiles, and other day the Chinese really want to go out, alone, that is no stopping this. This thing was really "not worth it should" "not necessary" it is saying consumption
- Mike Hunt


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Glad to see news of Craig Pintens' return has made it to the Far East.

Rather than kiss his wife on the kiss cam, Pintens procedeed to turn the kiss cam into the flex cam.  Pintens hates the flex cam.


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I agree that China should not longer be gold fat abducted by North Korea.

Hards Alumni

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几天来,白发苍苍的总理亲自到印度,签订160亿的经济“往来”,访问巴铁,督促6方会谈,呼吁克制,用外交少有的词汇“一触即发”提醒各方。可能由于中国没有认大哥装熊,走的是独立、自强的道路,asics tiger mexico 66,太需要发展的环境了,太需要朝鲜半岛的稳定了,以至于如此的重视。
没错,朝鲜,这是我们几代人战略和心灵的脆弱点。为了朝鲜,我们在这之后没有完成统一。为了朝鲜,我们多少战士长眠?其中还包括开国首脑毛主席的儿子毛岸英。。。但朝鲜考虑过中国的牺牲吗?甚至考虑过中国的利益了吗?根本不会,asics tiger shoes!他们根本不会考虑中国全力发展经济的所需,只要弄出乱子来就要绑架中国和他一起蹚浑水。丝毫无所顾忌。当前这个时期悄悄访问中国最大的意思是什么?除了外交寒暄之外猜都不用猜:我们遇到天安舰了,又有危险了,反正你们以前为我们买过单,同理,这次还要买单,再做出巨大的物力、资源、经济、时间、乃至生命的牺牲。”
摆到桌面上来说,朝鲜为所欲为,乱整之前通知过中国吗?遇到事情有过商量吗?有过帮助中国的时候吗?有感激中国的时候吗?有站在我们立场上想问题,做事情的时候吗?甚至有有不给中国捣乱的时候吗?乱整之后立刻想到我们了,绑架我们一起买单是最好的选择,这是朝鲜一直以来很得意的做法。你兜里的钱,就是拿来给我买单的,asics shoes,这是顺理成章,理所当然发的事。
在他眼里,他只有自己的利益,绝不在乎牺牲中国的利益。60年前,在中国面对统一台湾的时候,那个时候就根本就不肖于与你中国打招呼,所有的关于侵略韩国的请示也都是针对斯大林。跟你中国别说商量,问都没问一句,甚至打了两天了,才礼节性的甩给我们一句通报。。你中国这个靠美苏帮助才赶跑日本的国家,有什么威严啊?根本就看不起你,甚至中国派兵的情况下,他还是只点头哈腰的向斯大林请示,还想要中国人民志愿军的指挥权。可我们看到的是当我们善意的提醒他仁川登陆时,他居然没有丝毫在意。。。最后中国救了他一命,这,对于中国来说,并不是希望他记住这份恩德,而对于他来说,这却是非常丢脸的一件事情。在之后的几十年里,尽量的消除中国的影响,朝鲜人知道朝鲜的军队赢得了一场胜利,是朝鲜人民军的八面威风赶跑了美帝,asics gel running shoes。。。中国的牺牲,中国的帮助,他都记不起来了,asics onitsuka tiger shoes,故事里是金大胖高举手枪打飞机。所谓中国的恩情,能不提最好不提,asics running shoes sale,因为这是让金大胖、金二胖、金三胖丢脸的东西。
同时,朝鲜还得到了亲美的机遇,直接的对话,还有可能像韩国一样在美国的羽翼下坐大。前两天我就觉得奇怪了,美国这种成熟的国家在对待关键问题上还是很慎重的,美国也不愿意看到半岛发生战争啊,为什么中国用罕见的“千钧一发”来表示看法的时候,美国这边是一个口径的强硬,一定要打!就连安理会闭门磋商也严重分歧!看到朝鲜炮击完才过了1天时间就跪下舔屁股的情形,这才霎时明白了,该做不该做的,他都做了,asics running shoes,能做不能做的他全做了,跟炮击有关无关的,他统统做了。。。这些核棒棒、核插什么的跟炮击无关的东西,裹挟在一起,表态来的如此之快,只有一个解释:炮击前美国就有底了啊,这根本早就商量好了的,炮击就是一个道具,这就是美国这么有恃无恐的原因!他能跟你中国私下要挟,也能跟其他国家私下苟且。蒙在鼓里的,是你俄国和中国,看看中国又是访印度,又是跑巴铁,抛几百亿出去不说还忙个气喘吁吁,而他朝鲜金胖的表情,和播报炮击“不值得回应”的播音员表情一样,只剩下偷笑!当然美国也在偷笑,现在也乐意接受他的倒向,这是巨大的成功,政治上重大胜利,赢得了民意,缓解了国内矛盾,恶心了中国,绑架了韩国、部分解决了朝核问题,加强了地缘优势等等,,顺带脱光了朝鲜貌似强硬的外衣,让全世界人都看到了朝鲜的柔软和稚嫩,discount asics shoes,。朝鲜在对抗中实现了政权交接的平稳,美国、韩在对抗中稳固了总统的支持率。这也是朝、美、韩各取所需吧。
中国,太认真了,太重视了,一来我们对朝鲜是有特殊感情的,二来我们现在也确实需要改革开放和发展的环境,朝鲜一句“不值得回应”和在美国的引诱和压力下的苟且之事让人彻底寒心,朝鲜整个儿整出了一出闹剧,而我们怀着对朝鲜特殊的感情,没有把金胖朝鲜看穿。在政治舞台上,利益变更、回旋虽然是常有的事,但这一切,却发生在我们各方面投入太多,也倾注太多不一样情感的朝鲜,想想这些日子来上上下下还为了这一事件认真的应对和担忧、奔波和操劳,确实让我们痛心难受。那么这现在的情况下,牺牲发展经济的大好机遇和人民的鲜血与生命去维护一个流氓地痞般的朝鲜还有什么意义?也许是我们太认真了,太关注了,同时朝鲜也太看不起我们了,根本不跟我们说真话甚至通个气。当今的金胖朝鲜,是个地地道道的流氓痞子国家,不光是这次对待中国,以前对待西方国家也一样。人家认真应对,他就威胁-恐吓-谈判-破裂-再威胁-恐吓-谈判-破裂……终于搞烦了,中国这次不得不认真应对,asics shoes Australia,结果也被玩了一把。对这样的痞子国家,谁认真,谁倒霉。
最后,,,一句话:希望中国不要再被金胖朝鲜绑架。中国已经不是刚刚成立的中国,不需要急于证明自己的地位,cheap asics running shoes。60年后的中国的大国的地位,不需要再用这么壮烈的方式来证明了,当今中国的地位,是大国责任、大国气度、大国思想、各个方面的经济、外交的方式都可以得到展现。



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  • Gold N. Eagle (Ret.), Two Time SI Cover Model
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I agree that China should not longer be gold fat abducted by North Korea.

Strongly disagree!


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Big Brother may be installed as China does not recognize the bear, walking is an independent, self-improvement of the road, asics tiger mexico 66, so the need to develop the environment,

I've long said China should recognize the bear, because they can only improve their roads by walking on them for so long.  Eventually they'll need the bear's help to improve the roads.

But North Korea considered China's sacrifice? China's interests even considered it? Will not, asics tiger shoes!

I've found the Asics Tiger Shoes to be self absorbed pretty boys.  They don't consider anyone's sacrifice.

You pocket the money, that is, bring it to me to foot the bill, asics shoes

Wait, am I pocketing the money, or bringing it to you? 

Korean People's Army sent packing U.S. imperialism, asics gel running shoes.

Political discussion is banned here.

China's sacrifice, China's help, he can not remember, asics onitsuka tiger shoes, the story is a big fat gold holding a pistol to fight aircraft.

I'll let warthog handle that one, as he's the resident "fight aircraft" expert

The so-called China's kindness, not to mention the best can not mention, asics running shoes sale, big fat because Zheshi Rang gold

No kidding, it is only "so-called" kindness.  We all know they're only looking out for themselves. I'll tell them where to shove their big fat because Zheshi Rang gold...

do not do that, and he has done, asics running shoes, do not do all he did

I won't, I assure you.

let the world see the Korean people are soft and tender, discount asics shoes

Now it just sounds like you're praying to discount shoes.  I'd call that a false idol!

finally tired out, the Chinese have to seriously deal with this, asics shoes Australia,

No kidding, it's about time China came out with some cheap shoes of their own.  I'm tired of buying expensive crap from china!  I want cheap Chinese shoes dammit!

China has not just set up in China, do not rush to prove their status, cheap asics running shoes.

Whoa, whoa, whoa - If China is no longer in China, then where did they put the 1.3 billion people?


  • All American
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Yo, just go to the damn Shoe Box off hwy 14 if you want some cheap asics.  Just let make sure to tell them you are a Bucky football player.


  • All American
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I hope it's a Yao Ming style big man we're getting.
I'm like a turtle, sometimes I get run over by a semi.


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If you want to rip on Crean, do it in English so we can all pile on.
"Give 'Em Hell, Al"


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  • Gold N. Eagle (Ret.), Two Time SI Cover Model
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I hope it's a Yao Ming style big man we're getting.

I found some video:

<a href=";amp;hl=en_US" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">;amp;hl=en_US</a>


  • Starter
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I hope it's a Yao Ming style big man we're getting.

North Korea's tallest man is 5'4".


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Chicos studied East Asia.  I blame him.

and I4 is a dick in any language.


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Wow.. I had no idea we allowed such language here.. literally!  So very cool!
Once a warrior always a warrior.. even if the feathers must now come with a beak.

Benny B

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See, my translation is different.  What I saw was that apparently, MU is adding men's and women's ping pong next.  Gold Fat is the newest recruit; unfortunately for the guys, Gold Fat is a she.  But she was abducted, so we still have a full complement of scholarships.
Wow, I'm very concerned for Benny.  Being able to mimic Myron Medcalf's writing so closely implies an oncoming case of dementia.


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you took the symbol right out of my mouth.
Original member of the "Dean's List"


  • All American
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I love how this thread is still going.....and surprisingly staying on topic.
“All men dream; but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.” - T.E. Lawrence


  • Starter
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You pocket the money, that is, bring it to me to foot the bill, asics shoes.

This is a decent pun.  This thread has enlightened me to the evils of Asics shoes.  I'll be retiring my Onitsukas to my closet.  Thank you, zjs7e3v8z.


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  • All American
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What, no Tim Maymon references?