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Author Topic: Is MU a better team without JMay?  (Read 2518 times)

Benny B

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Is MU a better team without JMay?
« on: January 11, 2010, 09:05:36 AM »
I'm going against conventional wisdom here which would dictate that the loss of JMay has disadvantaged Marquette.

Could MU be a better team now that JMay is gone?  Yes, losing a body like his hurts, especially when you were shorthanded to begin with.  But he wasn't contributing more than a few points and rebounds in the games in which he did play.  Let's assume that his and Timmay's presence was indeed a cancer to the team.  We talk about how college basketball is such a mental game; if this kid and/or his father (or their attitudes and behavior) was getting into the heads of the other players and coaches, maybe the distraction they created had a bigger negative impact on the team than his extra body and few PPG/RPG had a positive impact.

The old adage is addition by subtraction.  I know I'll probably get flamed for saying this, but I think that MU is a stronger, better motivated, more focused, a perhaps a better coached team without JMay (and his father).

You may disagree, but I'll hang my hat on the idea that a team who loses to NC State at home, has no business beating Georgetown and hanging with WVU and Villanova (twice) to the last possession in four consecutive games to open BE play.
Wow, I'm very concerned for Benny.  Being able to mimic Myron Medcalf's writing so closely implies an oncoming case of dementia.


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Re: Is MU a better team without JMay?
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2010, 09:12:06 AM »
If it weren't for his father, we are definitely worse off without him.  But since his father is a problem, we will be better off in the long run.


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Re: Is MU a better team without JMay?
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2010, 09:14:24 AM »
With Buzz/MU's style, if you are in, you need to be all the way in. I am completely comfortable saying that in all of these BE games they just plain play harder than their opponents. In retrospect, Maymon clearly was not all the way in. I'd love to go back and watch the games knowing this to see how things look. I do recall that my assessment of him at the time, was that he wasn't showing me much. Whether that was a function of talent or effort, who knows.

I would say there is some validity to the addition by subtraction theory, as at this point it does seems all are rowing in the same direction, where that was probably not the case a couple weeks ago.


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Re: Is MU a better team without JMay?
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2010, 09:16:39 AM »
The team's effort does not seem to have increased necessarily since Maymon left.  Buycks looks more comfortable and Cooby hit 6 threes in a game, but I don't know if the team is playing that much better now than at the beginning.  MU was up double digits against FL St. and NC St. as well.

It's a big assumption to say that the Maymons were distracting to the team. Most people had good things to say about JMay so I don't know that it was really a problem.  Also, what can some dad really do to the program?  Did Tim Maymon affect how Lazar or Jimmy or Buycks played?  

MU will be better off without JMay if Buzz gets a better power forward to Milwaukee in the next two years.  Maymon was nothing spectacular, so he is easily replacable.  I appreciate your glass half full mentality, and maybe Mbao and Ewill will use this opportunity to get better, thus making MU ultimately better.


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Re: Is MU a better team without JMay?
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2010, 09:17:51 AM »
I'm not sure if Maymon normally makes us much better this year. However, as we saw when Lazar got 4 fouls, it would have been nice for another strong body to give him a few minutes.


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Re: Is MU a better team without JMay?
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2010, 09:23:47 AM »
The loss of Maymon will hurt us more next our inside "presence" will consist of Butler, Fulce, Otule, Mbao...and whatever JUCO big gets signed.  Having Maymon would really help.  Dont expect a JUCO big to come in and have that big of an impact.


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Re: Is MU a better team without JMay?
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2010, 10:11:01 AM »
Looking at those pictures in the other thread Maymon was the big fish in the little pond when in high school. When he came to MU he became the little fish in the big pond. I for one was not impressed with his play. I thought Patrick Hazel played with more emotion. As Buzz said he has nine other sons on the team. Maymon's spot the roster will be missed, but not Mr. Maymon.

On another note, I was impressed with how well the team played aginst Nova. Down by 22 most teams would have given up, at that point I even thought the game was going to be a blow out, but they scrapped back, just a few points short of victory. They don't quit, like someone on the team did.


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Re: Is MU a better team without JMay?
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2010, 12:56:30 PM »
I fully believe in the long run Eric Williams is a better player. Maymon's transfer will give Eric more opportunity to play and I believe we will see more and more of Eric as the season goes on. Besides that this team needs good team chemistry and Maymon would not be a plus in that department.


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Re: Is MU a better team without JMay?
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2010, 02:32:37 PM »
I wouldn't necessarily say that the team is better without him, but I don't really think they're worse either.

I'll pose this question: Since Maymon left, has anyone watched MU play and thought something to the effect of, "Maymon definitely would have made a difference in this game"?


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Re: Is MU a better team without JMay?
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2010, 02:42:25 PM »
The loss of Maymon will hurt us more next our inside "presence" will consist of Butler, Fulce, Otule, Mbao...and whatever JUCO big gets signed.  Having Maymon would really help. 

Not sure how since he sees himself as a SG/SF. If he wasn't willing to play in there, he wasn't going to be any help.


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Re: Is MU a better team without JMay?
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2010, 03:11:37 PM »
The loss of Maymon will hurt us more next our inside "presence" will consist of Butler, Fulce, Otule, Mbao...and whatever JUCO big gets signed.  Having Maymon would really help.  Dont expect a JUCO big to come in and have that big of an impact.

Our shortage of "bigs" (did I just call Joe Fulce a big?) is going to lead to a lot of 3 guard, "going small" next year.  If you buy into the theory that you should have your best 5 on the floor, then I like Junior, Vander, and DJO/Buycks on the floor for as many minutes as we can get them. Throw in Jimmy at the 4 and Otule/Mbao at the 5 and I really think we look a lot like last year's team size/skill set wise

Also, don't forget that we have Jones coming in next year to play some wing...


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Re: Is MU a better team without JMay?
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2010, 03:31:39 PM »
We will see quick smaller line ups, I agree.  With a scoring punch.  But we will have the option of having a big in, as well.  We will be a little better balanced, with a lot more depth, and hopefully more talent.  And even when we go smaller, we won't have anyone under 6'0" playing... as now we often have two guys under 6'0" who still can't stop dribble penetration.  We also should have the depth to start to press on D and run on offense without worrying about our players getting tired.  Over all, we get bigger next year and we should have a big in Otule who is a legitimate big.  Maybe we get a big in the spring that can help and maybe Mbao puts on some weight.  But either way, we hav more size at guard next year.

