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Author Topic: Those Dirty, Rotten SOBs!!!!  (Read 15131 times)


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Re: Those Dirty, Rotten SOBs!!!!
« Reply #25 on: October 01, 2008, 10:19:40 AM »
well you did turn it into one...

Look, if you educated your child well enough, you probably have nothing to worry about.  Plus, I'm not sure what bars you have been to lately, but I have never seen anyone cut off at any of the campus bars even if they were falling down drunk.  At that point, it was more likely that their friends would cut them off.

IMO I binge drank far more at the bars... anyone remember the towers of beer at Murphs? not sure they have anymore, but my friends and I used to race anyone who would dare to accept a challenge... which meant that we were basically drinking straight out of the tap person after person until the thing was gone... and it was something like 5 pitchers for the 4 of us.  since most of the parties I went to were absolutely packed and getting through the line to get to the Keg took enough time that I couldn't really binge drink... as much.



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Re: Those Dirty, Rotten SOBs!!!!
« Reply #26 on: October 01, 2008, 11:47:05 AM »
I thought they got rid of that awhile ago.  They definitely changed it, and then stopped it when I was at MU.  First it was $1 for any type of bottle, but they kept limiting what you could get so that eventually it was $1 for Coors products only.  Then they did away with it completely some time in 2002. 

After that, most upperclassmen stopped going there and it became the place for freshman and sophomores, since they were less strict with the carding.

They actually had dollar Miller Lite (4 for $4) bottles through 2005.  The may have quit it for stretches but it was definitely that deal until Heg's got new management sometime in 2005.


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Re: Those Dirty, Rotten SOBs!!!!
« Reply #27 on: October 02, 2008, 09:27:56 AM »
That's how it often was a few years ago.  Not that people went to Water(though some did), but most people didn't head to the bar until midnight or a bit later.  It seemed like everyone knew at least two or three people throwing a party every weekend, so you didn't go to the bars until you'd made the rounds at the parties.  Usual pattern was to drink for free at a party until midnight or so when you would kick the freshman out and head to the bars.  You'd stay til close and then go back for after bars.  It was much cheaper, and allowed you to make more money because you could charge the same freshman for the original party and the after bar.

You really cannot equate house parties to this discussion of bar attendance due to the simple fact that no one, under 21, goes to house parties, unless it is there friend throwing it (typically to make money off of freshmen) and you get to drink for free and with no wait. My house throw parties every Friday night my Junior and Senior year. Our friends came over to start the night and then would leave once a ton of freshmen started to show up. If you are 21, you have no place at a house party. If your friends are having a barrel just for you and your friends, then people only come over to drink from it from 9-9:30ish to about 11, then you go to a bar and leave the rest for after bar. So from the hours of 11 (which i said the bars were packed in my day) to 2:30 you are at a bar.
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Re: Those Dirty, Rotten SOBs!!!!
« Reply #28 on: October 02, 2008, 10:33:29 AM »
Not trying to dump on anyone, but please explain this "charging freshman" idea.  How long has this been going on and how does it work?



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Re: Those Dirty, Rotten SOBs!!!!
« Reply #29 on: October 02, 2008, 10:41:06 AM »
It was going when I started at MU in 1998 and probably much earlier.  Junior and Seniors that had houses or apartments would charge anywhere $3-$10 for a "cup", then you got to drink usually crappy, warm beer for a few hours.


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Re: Those Dirty, Rotten SOBs!!!!
« Reply #30 on: October 02, 2008, 11:45:41 AM »
Wells St is dead.  :(

Wells Street died for me when Pizza Joe's/Pi's and Taste of Philly left.
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Re: Those Dirty, Rotten SOBs!!!!
« Reply #31 on: October 02, 2008, 12:46:02 PM »
It was going when I started at MU in 1998 and probably much earlier.  Junior and Seniors that had houses or apartments would charge anywhere $3-$10 for a "cup", then you got to drink usually crappy, warm beer for a few hours.

Usual price is $5 a cup. This helped my house buy a $1400 52 inch big screen, at no cost in just about a month.   we lived well for the next two years. All the money went to cost of kegs for the next week and utilities, as well as our own personal cases. Then when we had beer pong league in our basement senior year, the left over cases went to us. We didnt buy our own beer entire senior year.
"A team should be an extension of a coach's personality. My teams are arrogant and obnoxious." Al McGuire


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Re: Those Dirty, Rotten SOBs!!!!
« Reply #32 on: October 02, 2008, 03:10:12 PM »
well you did turn it into one...

Look, if you educated your child well enough, you probably have nothing to worry about.  Plus, I'm not sure what bars you have been to lately, but I have never seen anyone cut off at any of the campus bars even if they were falling down drunk.  At that point, it was more likely that their friends would cut them off.

IMO I binge drank far more at the bars... anyone remember the towers of beer at Murphs? not sure they have anymore, but my friends and I used to race anyone who would dare to accept a challenge... which meant that we were basically drinking straight out of the tap person after person until the thing was gone... and it was something like 5 pitchers for the 4 of us.  since most of the parties I went to were absolutely packed and getting through the line to get to the Keg took enough time that I couldn't really binge drink... as much.

There is so much irony in this post, I don't know where to begin.


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Re: Those Dirty, Rotten SOBs!!!!
« Reply #33 on: October 02, 2008, 03:20:20 PM »
Usual price is $5 a cup. This helped my house buy a $1400 52 inch big screen, at no cost in just about a month.   we lived well for the next two years. All the money went to cost of kegs for the next week and utilities, as well as our own personal cases. Then when we had beer pong league in our basement senior year, the left over cases went to us. We didnt buy our own beer entire senior year.

Just curious, did you have just one a week? How many kegs at each party?


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Re: Those Dirty, Rotten SOBs!!!!
« Reply #34 on: October 02, 2008, 04:16:20 PM »
Just curious, did you have just one a week? How many kegs at each party?

Every friday night, with the exception of those weekends when public safety and MPD were covering campus pretty hard. We became known as the friday night house. We typically had about 4 (+1-). $ was about where profits were maximized. Anything more than 5 or 6 just ran your costs up too much and you ended up having freshmen in your house much later than you would have liked. you also had to balance in the threat of PS or MPD swinging in and busting you which in itself was a headache. We typically had two barrels for the party in the basement and one for the upstairs (our first floor) and another keg that we filled our friends up with, which was behind our bar, constantly tended by a trusted friend.
With 4 kegs, at $65 a keg (roughly), you were looking at $260 of cost (plus $20 for ice and cups). so you had $280 to make up over the night. At $5 a head, you only needed 56 freshmen to come through the door. This would be made back by 10:30. then every head through your door is just another $5 in your pocket. The most we ever made (profit) in one night was $500. We averaged about a profit of $300 to $350 for our parties- much more than our friends made.

I just have to say thank god for the advent of cell phones. If you knew three freshmen. you call them and let them know you were having a party and to tell all there friends. They tell there friends and, in turn, their friends tell their friends, and so on. they would show up at 9:30 (as instructed) and they would show up with like 5 or 6 of their friends and have 4 kegs to themselves. recognizing the lack of lines on the kegs they would call their freinds and tell them to get over to the party- "no one is here!!!. within an hour the place was full. (reverse logic, but these are freshmen we are talking about)

The best trick was to call/stop PS and have them walk through the house and scare the kids away. Trust me, at sight, freshmen run the F away from anythin that resembles a police officer. PS is more than happy to do this for you (in fact they love it). After they go through the house, you have an empty house, and plenty of beer. Then you can get greedy and start charging kids again to come back in.

God I miss those days.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2008, 04:18:22 PM by jaybilaswho? »
"A team should be an extension of a coach's personality. My teams are arrogant and obnoxious." Al McGuire


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Re: Those Dirty, Rotten SOBs!!!!
« Reply #35 on: October 02, 2008, 08:55:56 PM »
I know of some friends who do something similar to jay, only on a lesser scale.  Speak to a handful of freshmen the first weekend when there are 1000 of them walking around looking for a party and it results in a packed house at $5 each.  If things get crowded, the freshmen might only get one beer, but it's their problem.  And if things get too out of control, they're willing to call DPS on their own house to send the freshmen running.  DPS even encourages it.

As far as the campus bars, I'm not a fan, but I'll go along with PTM and TallTitan in supporting Heg's.  Best prices, never crowded, and some good specials (wings on Monday and Thursday are great).  Otherwise I know of countless people that go downtown or to Brady St. on most weekends.  Part of it is a huge desire to get off campus that I can't explain, part of it is having more bars in one area with atmospheres that beat the Murphy's deafening sardine can. 

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Re: Those Dirty, Rotten SOBs!!!!
« Reply #36 on: October 03, 2008, 08:12:35 AM »

There is so much irony in this post, I don't know where to begin.

I don't see it... but that is probably because I wrote it.

I never said I was educated enough to not go out and get loaded every weekend if that is what you are implying.  I fully admit I had too much fun in college and didn't spend enough time on my studies...

I also assume you understand the word.


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Re: Those Dirty, Rotten SOBs!!!!
« Reply #37 on: October 03, 2008, 08:22:45 AM »
He may have been binge drinking but I never saw Hards running down the street naked, you can binge drink but teach your kids to know their limit. I think that is what the esteemed HARDS is trying to get across to everyone here.

I definitely drank too much at Marquette, but i still knew when enough was enough. That is where the educational part comes in. Just blindly telling kids not to do something is quite possibly the worst way to teach responsibility for ones actions.
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Re: Those Dirty, Rotten SOBs!!!!
« Reply #38 on: October 03, 2008, 08:52:50 AM »
I definitely drank too much at Marquette

Who didnt? What did i get when i graduated?  A degree and a beer belly.
"A team should be an extension of a coach's personality. My teams are arrogant and obnoxious." Al McGuire

