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Date/Time: Oct 5, 2024 11:00am
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Do you think the students will show up for the Nov 30 MU/UWM game?

Yes.  The upper deck will be full of students
13 (19.1%)
The upper deck will be 50% full of students
28 (41.2%)
The upper deck will be 10% full
17 (25%)
No.  It'll be like any other OOC game, the lower bowl will be mostly full.
10 (14.7%)

Total Members Voted: 65

Author Topic: UWM game .. student section?  (Read 17594 times)


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Re: UWM game .. student section?
« Reply #25 on: September 21, 2007, 09:49:16 AM »
As far as I know MU has a core curiculum that is very much liberal arts based.  Even if you are in engineering or business you need to take certain core courses that provide a basis for a more well rounded  individual.  That was the way it was when I went to undergrad at MU and I believe it still is like that.  Again, I know almost nothing about UWM (and care even less to be honest) but many state schools have abondoned the notion of a core curiculum (which focuses on creating a well rounded graduate) instead these other schools allow the student to design his own curiculum (outside the major).  In other words, other universities, and UWM may be one of them, think it is wise for 18 and 19 year old kids to pick and choose what they think is important to learn outside their declared major.  MU, on the other hand, thinks there is a certain base of knowledge that should be learned and certain values that should be instilled regardless of what the declared major is. 

I personally think MU has it right and as a result the graduate of MU is better equipped and more balanced when faced with many situations that arise in life.  I would expect the well rounded liberal education produces better leaders who can think "outside the box."  That is just MHO.

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Re: UWM game .. student section?
« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2007, 10:14:14 AM »
I didn't even know there was such a place as UW-Milwaukee when I first attended Marquette. I doubt out-of-state students will care.

Exactly. I never even heard of UWM. This is a much bigger deal for people from Milwaukee than those of us who are from out of state.
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Re: UWM game .. student section?
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2007, 11:40:20 AM »
This is my take: as if anyone cares.

I hope MU has a real chip one thier shoulder about this game for the next 5 years. I would hope every student is their in full force and I hope the Mecca is a sea of gold when we play over there.  I hope Crean and the players have a chip on their shoulder's as well.  Starters stay in until less than a minute left and anything that could be construed as a competetive game is the singular focus to not let occur.  After the way UW-m has slapped us around in the media it is high time they get what they asked for.  I am not from Wisconsin but it is my sincere hope that we beat these pricks 5 times by a combined score of over 200 points, run our record against them to 40-0 or whatever it would be and then amend the MU constitution to never play them again!
Thay got this one coming!

I wouldn't hold out much hope for a lot UWM alum's at the game.  I think most of them work second shift at Subway.

Just a thought, but statements like that may be what give people the negative idea of MU that hilltopper referenced.[/quote]

As opposed to statements like this quoted on the UWM board:

You can't be offended by an MU crack on UWM and not be offended by a UWM crack on MU. If you're going to be serious on the subject spend some time on another site and police the words. If you're not going to be serious, let it go.

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Re: UWM game .. student section?
« Reply #28 on: September 21, 2007, 12:10:31 PM »
The difference is what that person said on UWM's board was simply a joke...he wasn't being serious since it obviously can't be said for all MU Grads.  The reason MU graduates, students, and fans get a bad reputation is because there are 1 or 2 out of 10 who make the school appear to be stuck-up.  The majority of you are great people I'm sure, but there's always that 1 to make a fool of themselves.  Every school/team has them...for some reason you've gotten a bad rap for it...coincidence? who knows...

Back to the point of this thread.  I think this will really be a good game.  I would be very disappointed as a UWM fan if we got blown out, but I don't think that will be the case.  UWM has a lot of talent on their roster whether you believe it or not and I know there are a lot of people who are really looking forward to this game...players included.

Good Luck


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Re: UWM game .. student section?
« Reply #29 on: September 21, 2007, 12:33:53 PM »
I'm not from the area and I've heard there is bad blood between the schools but can somebody fill in me and anybody else who isn't aware of the situation.  What exactly has happened b/t the schools in the last few years and what are some of the quotes everybody is getting upset over?  Any info would be great

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Re: UWM game .. student section?
« Reply #30 on: September 21, 2007, 12:59:37 PM »
The difference is what that person said on UWM's board was simply a joke...he wasn't being serious since it obviously can't be said for all MU Grads.  The reason MU graduates, students, and fans get a bad reputation is because there are 1 or 2 out of 10 who make the school appear to be stuck-up.  The majority of you are great people I'm sure, but there's always that 1 to make a fool of themselves.  Every school/team has them...for some reason you've gotten a bad rap for it...coincidence? who knows...

Back to the point of this thread.  I think this will really be a good game.  I would be very disappointed as a UWM fan if we got blown out, but I don't think that will be the case.  UWM has a lot of talent on their roster whether you believe it or not and I know there are a lot of people who are really looking forward to this game...players included.

Good Luck

I think MU gets a bad rap because it appears like "rich kids" coming from out of state and acting like they are better then a lot of people.

It's obviously a stereotype... so most likely it applies to some people from MU, but certainly not all... and hopefully not the majority.

The stereotype for UWM is probably more of a slacker type who is just in school to smoke weed and play frisbee. Again, it probably applies to some UWM students/alums, but certainly not all.

To say that all MU students and alums are stuck up is inaccurate, and to think that all UWM students/alums are slackers or unintelligent is inaccurate as well.

With that said, I hope MU slaughters UWM.


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Re: UWM game .. student section?
« Reply #31 on: September 21, 2007, 01:28:19 PM »
This is my take: as if anyone cares.

I hope MU has a real chip one thier shoulder about this game for the next 5 years. I would hope every student is their in full force and I hope the Mecca is a sea of gold when we play over there.  I hope Crean and the players have a chip on their shoulder's as well.  Starters stay in until less than a minute left and anything that could be construed as a competetive game is the singular focus to not let occur.  After the way UW-m has slapped us around in the media it is high time they get what they asked for.  I am not from Wisconsin but it is my sincere hope that we beat these pricks 5 times by a combined score of over 200 points, run our record against them to 40-0 or whatever it would be and then amend the MU constitution to never play them again!
Thay got this one coming!

I wouldn't hold out much hope for a lot UWM alum's at the game.  I think most of them work second shift at Subway.

Just a thought, but statements like that may be what give people the negative idea of MU that hilltopper referenced.[/quote]

As opposed to statements like this quoted on the UWM board:

You can't be offended by an MU crack on UWM and not be offended by a UWM crack on MU. If you're going to be serious on the subject spend some time on another site and police the words. If you're not going to be serious, let it go.

I was simply attempting to present some general thoughts on the topic.  The fact that it was directed at MU is because that is where my affiliation lies.  I had never been on the UWM site until you linked it because I am not a UWM fan.  I am an MU fan and student and simply presented the thought about the comment because as hilltopper and 2002mualum pointed out, there is a stereotype about MU students being stuck up rich kids.  I wasn't trying to police anyone, but simply present some thoughts for consideration by a community that I consider myself a part of.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 01:31:54 PM by johnnypcarr »

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Re: UWM game .. student section?
« Reply #32 on: September 21, 2007, 01:46:41 PM »
I think it's all in jest. I'm not really sure why people wax so lyrical about the topic. There doesn't seem to be any genuine dislike between the campuses in the real world except for isolated pockets here and there. It all seems a creation of the internets.

Then again, as students the viewpoint is different and maybe the climate has changed dramatically in the last few years.


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Re: UWM game .. student section?
« Reply #33 on: September 21, 2007, 01:49:32 PM »
It was internet, but wait the UWM Post editorial board wrote an article bashing Marquette.


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Re: UWM game .. student section?
« Reply #34 on: September 21, 2007, 02:45:47 PM »
the one thing i found amusing about the UWM board is when someone said they'd gladly fill any empty seats in the BC...they can't even fill the Cell for home games let alone get a decent amount of students to show up for the games. Just found that amusing. And the fact that some of their fans actually think they have a fighting chance against one of the best backcourts in the nation and a very, very deep bench. I hope that they at least put up somewhat of a fight but I honestly don't see it happening.


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Re: UWM game .. student section?
« Reply #35 on: September 21, 2007, 03:31:41 PM »
UW-M was referred to as "the dash" when I was at MU, and seemed to accommodate those unable to enter UW-Madison.  I belonged to an athletic club that had about 20% uwm members..., good guys.  I actually think the school should sever all ties from UW-madison, and change it's name to University of Milwaukee (especially as their Chancellor is on a huge $100 million campaign to start satellite schools).  Were Bruce Pearl still there, and recruiting as he was, I would have some trepidation re the upcoming game.  As it is, I hope we crush both the panthers and the baadjrs.


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Re: UWM game .. student section?
« Reply #36 on: September 21, 2007, 04:06:50 PM »
All "comic exaggerations" aside...

The UWM athletic department (maybe administration) and a handful of fans have been trying so hard to create a rivalry between our two schools where none had ever existed.  Rivalry implies some semblance of equal footing…which never existed before in academic reputation or athletics.  First was all that posturing by their athletic department played out in the press to force a series, then a handful of their fans decided to crash the MU fan boards to talk trash and berate Marquette, it's athletic program, curriculum and students. 

For years we ignored them, now that their basketball program finally gained some degree of respectability (I've never bothered to check into their academic standing) and we still ignored them.  So they decided to pick a fight.  I'm sure they are loving the fact that we are dedicating thread time to their cause, but 34 posts in an entire year of thousands a rivalry does not make...for the most part we still ignore them.

If they happen to win one in the series then a rivalry will be born and move from a minor message board squabble to fights in the stands.  Until then I expect our guys to make sure this NEVER happens…EVER.  In fact, I'll be the first to call for Crean's head if we loose to these guys.  They'll get their fight, a MU win should keep them quiet.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 04:12:17 PM by MUinCO »


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Re: UWM game .. student section?
« Reply #37 on: September 21, 2007, 04:49:21 PM »
All "comic exaggerations" aside...

The UWM athletic department (maybe administration) and a handful of fans have been trying so hard to create a rivalry between our two schools where none had ever existed.  Rivalry implies some semblance of equal footing…which never existed before in academic reputation or athletics. 

Actually other than men's (and recently) woment's BB, UWM does well in head to head competitions against MU in just about every sport.  Now I'd call that a rivalry. 

I don't think anyone can say either school is inferior academically.  It dependson what field of study you're looking at.  Each school has its strengths and its weaknesses. 

Far from "working at Subway," UWM grads hold many great positions in Milwaukee including the CEO's of Harley Davidson and M&I Bank. 

And it's worth pointing out that UWM did not ask for this series.  It was offered by Tom Crean.  In fact, the Panthers say they didn't even know about the offer until they read the JS article where Crean said the deal was done with UWM and UW-GB.

Let's have a good game and a fun series.


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Bruce Pearl's musical prowess
« Reply #38 on: September 21, 2007, 04:51:52 PM »
Who's that fran guy that started that thread? 


By the way, want to see Bruce Pearl's latest talent, apparently it gets Pat Summit all hot.


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Re: UWM game .. student section?
« Reply #39 on: September 21, 2007, 05:24:25 PM »
Nationally Ranked University or a three?(or fourth?) tier school?

I'll let everyone decide for themselves which school is which.


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Re: UWM game .. student section?
« Reply #40 on: September 21, 2007, 05:29:53 PM »
All "comic exaggerations" aside...

The UWM athletic department (maybe administration) and a handful of fans have been trying so hard to create a rivalry between our two schools where none had ever existed.  Rivalry implies some semblance of equal footing…which never existed before in academic reputation or athletics. 

Actually other than men's (and recently) woment's BB, UWM does well in head to head competitions against MU in just about every sport.  Now I'd call that a rivalry. 

I don't think anyone can say either school is inferior academically.  It dependson what field of study you're looking at.  Each school has its strengths and its weaknesses. 

Far from "working at Subway," UWM grads hold many great positions in Milwaukee including the CEO's of Harley Davidson and M&I Bank. 

And it's worth pointing out that UWM did not ask for this series.  It was offered by Tom Crean.  In fact, the Panthers say they didn't even know about the offer until they read the JS article where Crean said the deal was done with UWM and UW-GB.

Let's have a good game and a fun series.

I think rivalry can exist between participants on those athletic teams you mentioned, but we all know they are very lightly attended by each respective student body.  I'm talking full on D-1, front page news, general student body marking off the date on their calendars rivalry...which doesn't exist...yet anyway.

Academic-wise you are probably right regarding specific strengths and weaknesses.  I'm sure a math major at U-WM is going to perform just as well as a MU math major when it comes down to it, but much of the job market makes perception reality…MU is perceived to be the more selective, respected school, therefore its alumni are a much more attractive hire.  It all sorts out in the end anyway based on performance, but I can unequivocally tell you in my career field my company flat out uses my Marquette and Hopkins degrees as selling points to a prospective customer.

Getting back to rivalry, my point simply is that there was virtually no rivalry between the two schools.  While I'm mildly irritated at the UWM's efforts to "pick a fight" I don't fault UWM for doing so.  I personally hope a major basketball rivalry goes no where because it means we've lost a game to UWM…which any sports writer in the country would characterize as a big set back for a program that is trying to compete with the Dukes and Georgetowns of the world.  I can't fault you because if MU was able to do the same (create a true rivalry) with say Duke, then we could claim we're amongst the nation's elite.


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Re: Bruce Pearl's musical prowess
« Reply #41 on: September 21, 2007, 06:22:16 PM »
Who's that fran guy that started that thread? 


By the way, want to see Bruce Pearl's latest talent, apparently it gets Pat Summit all hot.

Again the vaunted Marquette education fails Chico. :)

One click would have confirmed that this isn't Bruce Pearl.

His name is Jerry Phillips and he's been on Jimmy Kimmel doing his thing.

As for any rivalry, that will be determined over the course of the next 5 seasons.

As for perceptions about the students of MU, I have several friends who are alums, and others who are fans.  All are good people, whom I consider close friends.

Unfortunately I also have too many personal experiences with the "snobby MU student/alums" to count, as well.  Thus the stereotype.

My beef has always been centered around a stuck up AD (Billy Boy Cords) and an overrated coach (Unfrozen Caveman Basketball Coach, Tommy SchottenCrean).  They both labor under the delusion that they are a national powerhouse on the strength of their conference affiliation.  That strikes me as odd, since Rutgers and South Florida are in that same conference.

The "we're in the Big Est, so we are a powerhouse" reasoning always stuck me as a bit faulty.  Not unlike the manager of the football team in HS wearing his letter jacket and passing himself off as a member of the team.  Sure, he was in a sense, but he shouldn't be confused with the 300 lb. guards, either.

Let's not forget that every conference has it's "Northwesterns", even the Big East. 

MU fans, a friendly word of caution:  Be aware that if things do not go well for your program, you may become another Northwestern.  I hope it doesn't happen, because 3 good programs in the state is good for everyone, but I hope you are vigilant and aware that it is a possibility.

As for education, almost every intelligent business person and professional now recognizes that the name on the diploma is no indication of the talent of the individual holding it.  There are losers with degrees from Harvard, and superstars with degrees from schools you've never heard of.

To rely on the strength of your school's reputation alone (or nearly alone) indicates a lack of confidence in your own intelligence and ability.  I would hope that none of you fall into that category.

Best of luck to your team, and may the best team win.


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Re: Bruce Pearl's musical prowess
« Reply #42 on: September 21, 2007, 07:27:01 PM »
Who's that fran guy that started that thread? 


By the way, want to see Bruce Pearl's latest talent, apparently it gets Pat Summit all hot.

Again the vaunted Marquette education fails Chico. :)

One click would have confirmed that this isn't Bruce Pearl.

His name is Jerry Phillips and he's been on Jimmy Kimmel doing his thing.

You're a genius. You're doing a great job of defending the UWM intelligence.



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Re: Bruce Pearl's musical prowess
« Reply #43 on: September 21, 2007, 08:35:10 PM »
The "we're in the Big East, so we are a powerhouse" reasoning always stuck me as a bit faulty. 

It's not the fact that we're in the BIG EAST, it's the fact that we've pretty much dominated the BIG EAST since entering the conference.  We hold one of the best conference records since the conference expanded.  That's something that South Florida and Rutgers cannot claim.  More of the same will happen this year.  Trust me, we are far from turning into Northwestern, as our university actually cares enough to have a dominate athletics program.

The jealously/penis envy coming from the east-side of Milwaukee is so thick you can cut it with a knife.  Don't fret, though - UWM has a great architecture program.   ;D
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Re: UWM game .. student section?
« Reply #44 on: September 22, 2007, 12:02:43 AM »
Oh my God, did that guy really think that I thought that was Bruce Pearl.   :o

OMG.   Nice job Nighthawk, you did all the heavy lifting for me.  Congratulations.

This will be a 3 game series and then we cut ties.  Count on it.


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Re: UWM game .. student section?
« Reply #45 on: September 22, 2007, 12:54:12 AM »
And after this, the 3 game series record will be what???????

For the record Cords is no longer the AD. 

UWM will feel the pain when Marquette fills up the Mecca for a 'Heritgage' type game against the 'home' team UWM.  Yeah, right.  I'm looking more forward to a return trip to the Mecca than anything else out of this series with the eastsiders.

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Re: Bruce Pearl's musical prowess
« Reply #46 on: September 22, 2007, 06:58:46 AM »
Who's that fran guy that started that thread? 


By the way, want to see Bruce Pearl's latest talent, apparently it gets Pat Summit all hot.

Again the vaunted Marquette education fails Chico. :)

One click would have confirmed that this isn't Bruce Pearl.

His name is Jerry Phillips and he's been on Jimmy Kimmel doing his thing.

MU fans, a friendly word of caution:  Be aware that if things do not go well for your program, you may become another Northwestern.  I hope it doesn't happen, because 3 good programs in the state is good for everyone, but I hope you are vigilant and aware that it is a possibility.

3 Good Programs?


You caution MU fans that they shouldn't buy too much into their own hype, but then you claim something about 3 good programs. I like what UWM has done... but it has a long way to go and an uphill battle before it can you can consider it a good program.

2 recent NCAA runs doesn't make a program. Whether you like it or not, MU has decades of sucess, and thus people will always think highly of the program.

