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Author Topic: This is NOT a general politics board  (Read 5810 times)


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Re: This is NOT a general politics board
« Reply #25 on: June 25, 2020, 11:23:41 PM »
Candidate A - authored the infamous crime bill that resulted in mass arrests, convictions and racist sentencing guidelines that destroyed thousands of black families and made career criminal out of young men often engaged iN only minor crimes. Also became a staunch ally of the Black community’s favorite Senator, the honorable Jesse Helms, fighting efforts to desegregate schools. There’s more, just do a simple google search.

Candidate B - spearheaded and signed the first real prison reform bill in my memory. Freed thousands, changed racist sentencing laws still in place.

Which racist are you more afraid of?

Candidate B doesn't exist.


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Re: Re: COVID-19 (f/k/a "the Coronavirus")
« Reply #26 on: June 25, 2020, 11:47:41 PM »
Trump Administration files brief tonight asking Supreme Court to try to take away healthcare for 20 million Americans as well as remove pre-existing condition protections.....during a pandemic.

Well, why would people need health insurance during an out-of-contribute pandemic?

Never, ever forget: Cruelty IS the point with these people.


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Re: Re: COVID-19 (f/k/a "the Coronavirus")
« Reply #27 on: June 26, 2020, 05:19:52 AM »

Trump at his Tulsa rally (the one with 19,000 inside, 40,000 outside, and 1 million who wanted tickets):

"The choice in 220 is very simple. Do you want to bow before the left-wing mob or do you want to stand up tall and proud as Americans?"

It was part of an attack on NFL players who are planning to kneel during the anthem if there is a 2020 season. You know, because he claims to be "an ally of all peaceful protesters."
“It’s not how white men fight.” - Tucker Carlson

“Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.” - George Washington


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Re: This is NOT a general politics board
« Reply #28 on: June 26, 2020, 05:51:07 AM »
Candidate A - authored the infamous crime bill that resulted in mass arrests, convictions and racist sentencing guidelines that destroyed thousands of black families and made career criminal out of young men often engaged iN only minor crimes. Also became a staunch ally of the Black community’s favorite Senator, the honorable Jesse Helms, fighting efforts to desegregate schools. There’s more, just do a simple google search.

Candidate B - spearheaded and signed the first real prison reform bill in my memory. Freed thousands, changed racist sentencing laws still in place.

Which racist are you more afraid of?

Candidate A evolved as a human being to become a champion of rights for Blacks, Latinos, women and gay people. He was an extremely valuable (and beloved) asset to the only Black president in U.S. history. He only got the nomination because he received significant support from Black leaders and voters. They know he is not perfect and they know that decades ago he supported some things they didn't like -- but they trust him to do the right things for them, and all Americans, in the here and now.

Candidate B STILL thinks the Central Park 5 are guilty. He spent 8 years trying (and failing) to prove the only Black president in U.S. history was a Kenyan Muslim. He proclaimed that those marching with torch-carrying, anti-Semitic-screed-chanting hatemongers were "very fine people." And he has evolved into an even more racist person who made several racist remarks just in the past few days. He did not "spearhead" the First Step Act; he signed it. I am glad he signed it -- it's good policy. But it obviously doesn't prove he's not a racist, as he is still saying and doing racist things, and still trying to push through policy that cruelly attacks those he considers "others." And if you do a Google search of him, you will see decades of his racist behavior, so you'll have a LOT of reading to do.

As a voter, I'll take the one that is capable of compassion, empathy and goodness ... the one capable of admitting he made mistakes and of learning from those mistakes ... the one who took the coronavirus seriously ... the one who will surround himself with intelligent people and who will actually listen to those people because it isn't all about himself ... and the one I believe is not a racist.

I'll take the one who gave two beautiful speeches in the wake of the George Floyd murder, not the one who quickly pivoted to what he thinks is the REAL outrage -- the removal of monuments dedicated to the traitors and losers who fought to preserve slavery.

I'll take the one who has the overwhelming support of the Black community, not the one who has the support of David Duke, Richard Spencer, Jason Kessler and white supremacists everywhere.

Whether Biden can unite this country at all, I don't know. But all of us who are honest know the guy we have there now is a reprehensible human being who -- as Jim Mattis said -- has done the exact opposite. He already has revealed his strategy for this election: Try to divide and conquer.
“It’s not how white men fight.” - Tucker Carlson

“Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.” - George Washington


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Re: This is NOT a general politics board
« Reply #29 on: June 26, 2020, 06:11:54 AM »
Candidate A evolved as a human being to become a champion of rights for Blacks, Latinos, women and gay people. He was an extremely valuable (and beloved) asset to the only Black president in U.S. history. He only got the nomination because he received significant support from Black leaders and voters. They know he is not perfect and they know that decades ago he supported some things they didn't like -- but they trust him to do the right things for them, and all Americans, in the here and now.

Candidate B STILL thinks the Central Park 5 are guilty. He spent 8 years trying (and failing) to prove the only Black president in U.S. history was a Kenyan Muslim. He proclaimed that those marching with torch-carrying, anti-Semitic-screed-chanting hatemongers were "very fine people." And he has evolved into an even more racist person who made several racist remarks just in the past few days. He did not "spearhead" the First Step Act; he signed it. I am glad he signed it -- it's good policy. But it obviously doesn't prove he's not a racist, as he is still saying and doing racist things, and still trying to push through policy that cruelly attacks those he considers "others." And if you do a Google search of him, you will see decades of his racist behavior, so you'll have a LOT of reading to do.

As a voter, I'll take the one that is capable of compassion, empathy and goodness ... the one capable of admitting he made mistakes and of learning from those mistakes ... the one who took the coronavirus seriously ... the one who will surround himself with intelligent people and who will actually listen to those people because it isn't all about himself ... and the one I believe is not a racist.

I'll take the one who gave two beautiful speeches in the wake of the George Floyd murder, not the one who quickly pivoted to what he thinks is the REAL outrage -- the removal of monuments dedicated to the traitors and losers who fought to preserve slavery.

I'll take the one who has the overwhelming support of the Black community, not the one who has the support of David Duke, Richard Spencer, Jason Kessler and white supremacists everywhere.

Whether Biden can unite this country at all, I don't know. But all of us who are honest know the guy we have there now is a reprehensible human being who -- as Jim Mattis said -- has done the exact opposite. He already has revealed his strategy for this election: Try to divide and conquer.

But but but.... TAx CutS AnD JUdGeS  :o


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Re: Re: COVID-19 (f/k/a "the Coronavirus")
« Reply #30 on: June 26, 2020, 06:31:21 AM »
Feel free.

I think the point is for 5 years now we’ve been told by the MAGAs not to worry about what Donald Trump is saying, he doesn’t actually mean it he’s just a very sarcastic guy. :o  He puts America first so regardless of whether he makes fun of the handicapped, calls Neo-Nazis very good people but looters thugs he’s going to shoot, raping women (just locker room talk that was in private, don’t worry about it), or any other absolutely asinine thing, for 5 years it’s “ignore what he says you’re missing the point!” Now suddenly someone misspeaks and it’s, “holy sh!t sleepy Joe is incoherent listen to what he just said!”

Which is it?

And for 5 years you’ve been complaining about Trump saying moronic things but are now seemingly giving Uncle Joe a pass, so I ask you....which is it?

Lennys Tap

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Re: This is NOT a general politics board
« Reply #31 on: June 26, 2020, 07:11:08 AM »
Candidate A evolved as a human being to become a champion of rights for Blacks, Latinos, women and gay people. He was an extremely valuable (and beloved) asset to the only Black president in U.S. history. He only got the nomination because he received significant support from Black leaders and voters. They know he is not perfect and they know that decades ago he supported some things they didn't like -- but they trust him to do the right things for them, and all Americans, in the here and now.

Candidate B STILL thinks the Central Park 5 are guilty. He spent 8 years trying (and failing) to prove the only Black president in U.S. history was a Kenyan Muslim. He proclaimed that those marching with torch-carrying, anti-Semitic-screed-chanting hatemongers were "very fine people." And he has evolved into an even more racist person who made several racist remarks just in the past few days. He did not "spearhead" the First Step Act; he signed it. I am glad he signed it -- it's good policy. But it obviously doesn't prove he's not a racist, as he is still saying and doing racist things, and still trying to push through policy that cruelly attacks those he considers "others." And if you do a Google search of him, you will see decades of his racist behavior, so you'll have a LOT of reading to do.

As a voter, I'll take the one that is capable of compassion, empathy and goodness ... the one capable of admitting he made mistakes and of learning from those mistakes ... the one who took the coronavirus seriously ... the one who will surround himself with intelligent people and who will actually listen to those people because it isn't all about himself ... and the one I believe is not a racist.

I'll take the one who gave two beautiful speeches in the wake of the George Floyd murder, not the one who quickly pivoted to what he thinks is the REAL outrage -- the removal of monuments dedicated to the traitors and losers who fought to preserve slavery.

I'll take the one who has the overwhelming support of the Black community, not the one who has the support of David Duke, Richard Spencer, Jason Kessler and white supremacists everywhere.

Whether Biden can unite this country at all, I don't know. But all of us who are honest know the guy we have there now is a reprehensible human being who -- as Jim Mattis said -- has done the exact opposite. He already has revealed his strategy for this election: Try to divide and conquer.

Romanticize Biden all you want, Joe’s back and forth “evolutions” on race issues speaks for itself. So does his judgement on foreign policy. President Obama’s own Sec of Defense has said that Joe has been wrong on every important foreign policy issue throughout his career. That’s almost impossible. He’s a dopey, affable, unprincipled, old , diminished guy. I have no problem with those who acknowledge that and still prefer him to Trump. I’ll never vote for Trump. Haven’t decided if I can vote for Biden. But I have no illusions. No matter who is elected there’s trouble ahead.


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Re: This is NOT a general politics board
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2020, 07:19:33 AM »
Romanticize Biden all you want, Joe’s back and forth “evolutions” on race issues speaks for itself. So does his judgement on foreign policy. President Obama’s own Sec of Defense has said that Joe has been wrong on every important foreign policy issue throughout his career. That’s almost impossible. He’s a dopey, affable, unprincipled, old , diminished guy. I have no problem with those who acknowledge that and still prefer him to Trump. I’ll never vote for Trump. Haven’t decided if I can vote for Biden. But I have no illusions. No matter who is elected there’s trouble ahead.

I'm not "romanticizing" him at all. In fact, I'm MUCH less effusive in my praise of him than Lindsey Graham has been: "If you can't admire Joe Biden as a person, you've got a problem. You need to do some self-evaluation, 'cause, what's not to like? He is as good a man as God ever created. He's the nicest person I think I've ever met in politics."

I am very pleased to hear you won't vote for Trump. As a patriotic American, I thank you. Seriously.
“It’s not how white men fight.” - Tucker Carlson

“Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.” - George Washington

Hards Alumni

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Re: Re: COVID-19 (f/k/a "the Coronavirus")
« Reply #33 on: June 26, 2020, 07:25:22 AM »
And for 5 years you’ve been complaining about Trump saying moronic things but are now seemingly giving Uncle Joe a pass, so I ask you....which is it?

One corrects himself and apologizes, the other is Trump.

So I ask you, why the false equivalence?

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Re: This is NOT a general politics board
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2020, 07:29:02 AM »
Romanticize Biden all you want, Joe’s back and forth “evolutions” on race issues speaks for itself. So does his judgement on foreign policy. President Obama’s own Sec of Defense has said that Joe has been wrong on every important foreign policy issue throughout his career. That’s almost impossible. He’s a dopey, affable, unprincipled, old , diminished guy. I have no problem with those who acknowledge that and still prefer him to Trump. I’ll never vote for Trump. Haven’t decided if I can vote for Biden. But I have no illusions. No matter who is elected there’s trouble ahead.

Biden isn't Trump.  Good enough for me, considering the times.

I don't think many around here had Joe Biden as their first pick.

You're planning on voting for Trump, Lenny?

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Re: Re: COVID-19 (f/k/a "the Coronavirus")
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2020, 07:44:39 AM »
And for 5 years you’ve been complaining about Trump saying moronic things but are now seemingly giving Uncle Joe a pass, so I ask you....which is it?

If you can't understtand the difference between saying moronic things, and a slip of the tongue that is pretty much instantly corrected, there really is no hope for you.
“True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.” - Clarence Darrow

TSmith34, Inc.

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Re: Re: COVID-19 (f/k/a "the Coronavirus")
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2020, 07:46:11 AM »
Well, why would people need health insurance during an out-of-contribute pandemic?

Never, ever forget: Cruelty IS the point with these people.
More specifically, Trump's goal is to destroy anything Obama did because Obama made fun of him at the Correspondent's Dinner. Vengeance and pettiness define him.
If you think for one second that I am comparing the USA to China you have bumped your hard.

TSmith34, Inc.

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Re: Re: COVID-19 (f/k/a "the Coronavirus")
« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2020, 07:50:38 AM »
And for 5 years you’ve been complaining about Trump saying moronic things but are now seemingly giving Uncle Joe a pass, so I ask you....which is it?
C'mon, using that video is the ultimate grasping at straws. The guy made a momentary misstatement--one I can guarantee everyone has made at some point--and instantly corrects himself. THAT'S what the right wing wants to hang its hat on? LOL.
If you think for one second that I am comparing the USA to China you have bumped your hard.


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Re: This is NOT a general politics board
« Reply #38 on: June 26, 2020, 07:55:47 AM »
Candidate A - authored the infamous crime bill that resulted in mass arrests, convictions and racist sentencing guidelines that destroyed thousands of black families and made career criminal out of young men often engaged iN only minor crimes. Also became a staunch ally of the Black community’s favorite Senator, the honorable Jesse Helms, fighting efforts to desegregate schools. There’s more, just do a simple google search.

Candidate B - spearheaded and signed the first real prison reform bill in my memory. Freed thousands, changed racist sentencing laws still in place.

Which racist are you more afraid of?

Lenny, your statements regarding the 1994 crime bill are inaccurate, that is how some people portray it, but a review of the bill, and the consequences that stem from it do not support your assertions. If you want to look for Biden policies that disproportionately affected minorities, you are better off citing the Anti-Drug Abuse Act (1986 and 1988).

That is as far as I'm willing to wade into the political territory here.


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Re: Re: COVID-19 (f/k/a "the Coronavirus")
« Reply #39 on: June 26, 2020, 08:28:00 AM »
C'mon, using that video is the ultimate grasping at straws. The guy made a momentary misstatement--one I can guarantee everyone has made at some point--and instantly corrects himself. THAT'S what the right wing wants to hang its hat on? LOL.

I agree that video was of course a slip of the tongue and not fair to cut off the immediate correction.  The statements from Biden that frustrate me are the ones from him where he is talking to a crowd of NAACP members saying republicans want to put ya’ll back in chains.  That type of rhetoric is just as divisive and insane as the stuff that comes out of Trumps mouth.  And I’ve yet to hear an apology for that doozy. 


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Re: This is NOT a general politics board
« Reply #40 on: June 26, 2020, 08:35:42 AM »
Depending on where you live, not voting for Biden equals a vote for Trump.

Hards Alumni

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Re: Re: COVID-19 (f/k/a "the Coronavirus")
« Reply #41 on: June 26, 2020, 08:45:23 AM »
"Fairly down the middle?"  He's the President of a right wing think tank.

But anyway, and he seems to be down playing this, but yes, younger people are less likley to be hospitalized and die.  BUT, when younger people get the virus, eventually older people do.

So yeah, if we could stick everyone who is 60+ years old in a bubble, everyone else can probably live their lives.  But that really isn't possible.

Spread is spread

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Re: Re: COVID-19 (f/k/a "the Coronavirus")
« Reply #42 on: June 26, 2020, 08:49:19 AM »
I agree that video was of course a slip of the tongue and not fair to cut off the immediate correction.  The statements from Biden that frustrate me are the ones from him where he is talking to a crowd of NAACP members saying republicans want to put ya’ll back in chains.  That type of rhetoric is just as divisive and insane as the stuff that comes out of Trumps mouth.  And I’ve yet to hear an apology for that doozy.

So just to be clear, you expect Biden to go on an apology tour, but Trump gets a pass on everything for the past 4+ years.



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Re: Re: COVID-19 (f/k/a "the Coronavirus")
« Reply #43 on: June 26, 2020, 09:14:26 AM »
“So, we have more cases because we do the greatest testing. If we didn’t do testing, we’d have no cases.”

Let’s stop all cancer testing today!

Whoa, I just just cured cancer.

TSmith34, Inc.

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Re: COVID-19 (f/k/a "the Coronavirus")
« Reply #44 on: June 26, 2020, 09:17:44 AM »
I agree that video was of course a slip of the tongue and not fair to cut off the immediate correction.  The statements from Biden that frustrate me are the ones from him where he is talking to a crowd of NAACP members saying republicans want to put ya’ll back in chains.  That type of rhetoric is just as divisive and insane as the stuff that comes out of Trumps mouth.  And I’ve yet to hear an apology for that doozy.
That's fair. I'll also allow that Biden says a lot of cringe worthy things like that, and always has. He was a walking gaffe machine during his first run for President. The attempt to portray him as senile based on a slip of the tongue like that is laughingly dumb, however, but its what they got.

Biden is the veteran pitcher who doesn't have as much on his fastball as he once had, has an ERA of 4.30, and will hang a few curveballs. But right now at least most people are going to go with that rather than the guy with the 81.00 ERA whose own teammates are demanding a trade.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2020, 09:20:23 AM by TSmith34 »
If you think for one second that I am comparing the USA to China you have bumped your hard.


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Re: This is NOT a general politics board
« Reply #45 on: June 26, 2020, 09:21:18 AM »
The above are all examples of things that DO NOT belong here. 

