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Theo's Food and Spirits

Theo's Bartender Hall of Fame

  • Chuck Doerrer - the Michael Jordan of the cocktail!
  • Matt Namazzi

The Bartenders were the heart and soul of Theo's.

  • Drunk: “How Much?”
  • Bartender X: “Ahhhhh, how 'bout seven dollars?”

The History

Theo's Food and Spirits…

The Perfect Theo's Sound Track would be:

  • Sugar Mountain - Neil Young
  • Cantaloop - Us3
  • Cleaning Windows - Van Morrison
  • Thunder Road - Bruce Springsteen * song
  • Song
  • Song

Click Edit to the right to add a new song

Things I Saw While Drinking at Theo's

  • I once saw a man lose a fake tooth, then the tooth was thrown out in the trash and a few mins later it was found and the man put his fake tooth back in!

* I once saw Greikas say to a bartending Cavanaugh, “Easy Kevin. I'm losing my ass on that ice.”

* The impromptu “Rembrants” concert on the back porch.

* Blair LaCour taking a crap in the bathroom.

* Jagermeister and McGillicudy's on tap!!! Bar dice anyone?

This is and always was the only SUPER BAR!!!! For all the good times we cannot remember!!!!

bars/theo_s_food_and_spirits.1164082871.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/07 16:40 (external edit)