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Author Topic: Stanford Study: Lockdowns  (Read 6147 times)


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Re: Stanford Study: Lockdowns
« Reply #25 on: January 15, 2021, 03:05:24 PM »
I am so sick and tired of people like Pace.  Lockdowns have issues indeed, but they do help.  Look at New Zealand and other countries.  We can argue the nuance of the lockdowns, but to blanket say they do not do any good and were only to torpedo Trump is complete bullcrap.

I’m not siding with Pace or arguing for against lockdowns, but can we stop doing this?  People trying to use an isolated island nation, with a population smaller than half the US states and more than 2/3s of the EU member nations, as an evidence point, positive or negative, for the handling of a global issue is wildly misguided and misrepresentative

Hards Alumni

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Re: Stanford Study: Lockdowns
« Reply #26 on: January 15, 2021, 03:21:57 PM »
Love the logic here.

Reminds of a certain group of people who called the elections that they just won fraudulent and stolen.

Sorta makes you think, donut?


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Re: Stanford Study: Lockdowns
« Reply #27 on: January 15, 2021, 03:36:37 PM »
I’m not siding with Pace or arguing for against lockdowns, but can we stop doing this?  People trying to use an isolated island nation, with a population smaller than half the US states and more than 2/3s of the EU member nations, as an evidence point, positive or negative, for the handling of a global issue is wildly misguided and misrepresentative

OK, then how about the Asian block of countries.  The point was that lockdowns can be an effective tool in the toolbox.  It isn't an all or nothing thing. 


  • All American
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Re: Stanford Study: Lockdowns
« Reply #28 on: January 15, 2021, 04:12:33 PM »
I acknowledged for quite awhile now that the administration made a huge mistake advocating for these partial lockdowns bast the initial 15-30 day “slow the spread” timeline. 

Not sure what you mean by your comment.  Just cause I supported him on most things doesn’t mean all things?

My comment means that in your OP, you named four parties "who have explaining to do" about lockdowns, two of which were the WH Task Force and the Trump Admin itself.  Then in the very next post, you spend three paragraphs attributing the motivation for advocating lockdowns exclusively to the political goal of undermining and defeating the Trump Administration. Those are mutually exclusive, or at the very least, require some real tinfoil hat inside job crap.

I'm looking forward to reading the article when I have time. More data is best, and turning over the data we already have to reexamine it from a different angle is second best.  I like to think I have an open mind. But its funny how at every turn and on every issue, scientific consensus is accused of having the primary goal of undermining one political perspective.  I don't want to fight about it. Its just making me nihlistic.


  • All American
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Re: Stanford Study: Lockdowns
« Reply #29 on: January 15, 2021, 05:09:13 PM »
Rich kid like you knows all about profit.  Stalker.

Lol. Anyone who opens a thread that you post in is stalking you. That checks out for you.

But yeah I’m stalking you yet you’re the one who knows I’m a “rich kid.” Common sense ain’t your strong suit.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2021, 05:11:24 PM by BLM »
Rocket Trigger Warning (wild that saying this would trigger anyone, but it's the world we live in): Black Lives Matter

TSmith34, Inc.

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Re: Stanford Study: Lockdowns
« Reply #30 on: January 15, 2021, 05:15:48 PM »
It was to set a precedent that was then followed across the country to sink the economy thus taking away was his #1 talking point on the trail.  It was meant to divide and beat down the overall moral of the country and then point the finger at his administration as to the reason why.  It was to promote the idea that relaxed election laws were needed to allow for expanded mail in voting cause if it’s not safe enough to go out for a bite to eat how can we expect people to vote in person.
Well, unnatural carnal knowledge, you caught us. Not only did my fellow libs and I conspire with "Jyna" to intentionally create the virus in a lab in Wuhan, but we then secreted it here to infect and kill hundreds of thousands of people...all so states would ease vote-by-mail restrictions so we could defeat Trumpie. We figured all the death and destruction was a small price to pay, you know?

And we would have gotten away with it, too, if it we're for you meddling 8kun kids.

Well, unnatural carnal knowledge.  All our plans are ruined.

Fortunately our Antifa comrades infiltrated Trumpie's peaceful protest and wreaked havoc and those honest Proud Boys, peaceful Three Percenters, and friendly Nazis are going to take the fall! Our nefarious plans are undetectable!

You have absolutely no chance to discover that we are actually elitist, pedophiles that drink the blood of children.
If you think for one second that I am comparing the USA to China you have bumped your hard.

TSmith34, Inc.

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Re: Stanford Study: Lockdowns
« Reply #31 on: January 15, 2021, 05:16:48 PM »
Actually that's not what it says at all.  In fact, if you look at the "Supporting Information," it shows that business closures had a "significant effect on daily growth rate" in the United States.
Chicos either didn't read hi own link or misrepresented what it said? Shocking.
If you think for one second that I am comparing the USA to China you have bumped your hard.


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Re: Stanford Study: Lockdowns
« Reply #32 on: January 15, 2021, 05:59:37 PM »
So now it’s ok to prioritize the economic hardships when businesses have been dying for almost a year.  What happened to the ol slogan of to get a healthy economy going again we need to take care of the health of this country?

There is nothing we’ve learned recently that we didn’t know in the first 60 days to help the general public fight this.  Wear a mask and socially distance.  How are we better now as a society compared to say June?

We've learned the federal government doesn't care to help out those in economic distress.

And with that knowledge, hard choices have to be made.

You should answer Fluffy about his points on the article.

Frenns Liquor Depot

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Re: Stanford Study: Lockdowns
« Reply #33 on: January 15, 2021, 06:50:00 PM »
I’m not siding with Pace or arguing for against lockdowns, but can we stop doing this?  People trying to use an isolated island nation, with a population smaller than half the US states and more than 2/3s of the EU member nations, as an evidence point, positive or negative, for the handling of a global issue is wildly misguided and misrepresentative

New Zealand bad comparison agreed.  In return We should never allow someone to call Australia an ‘island nation’.


  • All American
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Re: Stanford Study: Lockdowns
« Reply #34 on: January 18, 2021, 12:19:00 AM »
I’m not siding with Pace or arguing for against lockdowns, but can we stop doing this?  People trying to use an isolated island nation, with a population smaller than half the US states and more than 2/3s of the EU member nations, as an evidence point, positive or negative, for the handling of a global issue is wildly misguided and misrepresentative

Not disagreeing with you. In general this is a problem. It is also one of the problems with the Stanford study referred to in this thread. They try and compare trends in different countries, that are not necessarily comparable. They also do not look into whether other factors are at play, e.g. compliance.

Such an exercise is pointless.

A better study is to watch trends within a country before and after measures are put into effect, and couple that with compliance with those measures. Studies that have looked at this precise thing have shown that restrictive measures are extremely successful, provided that there is compliance by the citizenship.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2021, 10:35:29 AM by forgetful »

Frenns Liquor Depot

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Re: Stanford Study: Lockdowns
« Reply #35 on: January 18, 2021, 05:38:57 AM »
This is a long but really fascinating article about transmission and how San Francisco has navigated the pandemic — both actions and demographic factors.

