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Author Topic: Malik Newman  (Read 14618 times)


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Re: Malik Newman
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2015, 12:18:40 AM »
If you can't differentiate between illegal contact and the connection a childhood cancer victim forms with a larger than life basketball player, I don't know what to tell you. Dish's story had nothing to do with recruiting and everything to do with showing these incredibly gifted young men how they could positively impact the life of a child struggling to overcome something more difficult than most healthy adults have ever had to face.

Honestly, diminishing the connection his family made with Newman seems incredibly rude, insensitive, and selfish. This isn't about you or Marquette, it's about Bradley, and for Dish, it always has been.

If you really have an issue, contact Wojo. He reached out a few months ago and is well aware of their family situation. I'm sure if there was any cause for alarm, the coach could have addressed it himself.
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Re: Malik Newman
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2015, 12:36:23 AM »
Why, because I believe in following rules. MU sends out a brochure to season ticket holders warning them about talking to recruits. While it probably will never amount to anything a booster talking to a potential recruit is a clear violation. Someone else posted on this site after the awards banquet a lot of detailed recruiting information. He basically made it sound like inside information, which you can then assume is coming from MU coaches, which if so, is another violation. It is bad enough committing potential violations, but then they actually post them on the internet is just not smart. Another thing on this site that irritates me is the constant saying we do not want this recruit or that recruit. Wojo is not going to recruit a player that he thinks will not help the team. Sure there may be 100 better players that we might want to be recruited, but if they are not interested it does not matter. I just do not think it is smart for MUScoop to work against Wojo's efforts. As we have been told in the past recruits sometimes read this site, so negative comments here by posters who do not really know how good a recruit is just counterproductive. My wife's nephew is the Dominican High basketball coach. I never once asked him what Diamond was thinking as I considered it inappropriate. I like to hear the recruiting news, but I am not willing to follow recruits on twitter or communicate with them in any other matter. Just because it is not likely to result in a sanction by the NCAA does not make it right to interfere with the coaches' recruiting efforts. Besides that there is not much we can say to a potential that will actually help Wojo succeed in his efforts and a dumb comment to a potential recruit could actually hurt Wojo's efforts. I think Badger fans actually hurt Bo's efforts to recruit Diamond. We need to be patient and not interfere with the coaches recruiting effort. That is the way I feel and I do not care what you think about it. So again I am not embarassed.

Write to the Ronald McDonald House.  Voice your concerns with them and maybe the MACC Fund or Make a Wish or other organizations who set up children who are diagnosed with serious illnesses with some big time role models.  In fact, why don't you head over to the Ronald McDonald House yourself the week of each McDonald's All American game and tell all the kids there dealing with those illnesses that instead of getting to meet some of the top athletes in the world, they get to listen to a lecture on following rules when no rules are broken anyways.

This is beyond silly.
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Re: Malik Newman
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2015, 07:40:55 AM »
Opening up a can of worms------Does anyone think Malik Newman would have come to MU if we had hired Ben Howland? I don't
think so. I bleed MU, but my former best buddy says we are slowly becoming a Mid-Major BB School. Even though we got Henry
and a very good recruiting class.

So how is MU slowly becoming a "Mid-Major BB School"? Because we have had 2 down years in a row? Because we had a coaching change that according to Bill Cords attracted interest from a much better pool of candidates than in recent memory? Because our conference went through major changes and got knocked down a few pegs in prestige but still landed 6 teams in the NCAA tournament? Because we just landed our highest rated recruiting class in say a decade? Because well yesterday is always better than tomorrow? Because MU still spends more on its BB program than 98% of the schools out there?

Tell me why your friend thinks things are "slowly" headed south for MU?

« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 07:44:53 AM by Ruby »


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Re: Malik Newman
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2015, 07:44:56 AM »
Why, because I believe in following rules. MU sends out a brochure to season ticket holders warning them about talking to recruits. While it probably will never amount to anything a booster talking to a potential recruit is a clear violation.

First of all, you don't know if Dish is a booster or not.

Second, even if Dish is a booster, it is the height of insensitivity to repeatedly suggest that he is committing recruiting violations because he made a connection with Malik Newman at an event that he was attending with his son who has cancer.  He has posted about this connection here because he has used the Scoop community as a means of support as his family goes through this.  I mean do you realize how awful you sound just because you "believe in following rules?"  Go outside and harass some jaywalkers instead.

Third, the rest of your rant had some good points, but had nothing to do with the topic.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 07:51:15 AM by The Sultan of Sunshine »

Earl Tatum

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Re: Malik Newman
« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2015, 08:03:04 AM »
My former best buddy was looking at the recruits like Lee, Miller and why players don't jump at playing for Wojo or why aren't we in
on this player, whatever. You can only put five players on the court at a time. This always comes up when I wear my Wojo Warrior T-Shirt. He is a Wisco fan and idolizes Bo. Now he came up with this Howland-Newman thing. I just sit and drink my coffee. We have
2 MU fans and 6 UW at coffee.


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Re: Malik Newman
« Reply #30 on: April 26, 2015, 08:05:48 AM »
My former best buddy was looking at the recruits like Lee, Miller and why players don't jump at playing for Wojo or why aren't we in
on this player, whatever. You can only put five players on the court at a time. This always comes up when I wear my Wojo Warrior T-Shirt. He is a Wisco fan and idolizes Bo. Now he came up with this Howland-Newman thing. I just sit and drink my coffee. We have
2 MU fans and 6 UW at coffee.

Well played.

Tell your ex-friend that mid-majors don't put together top 10 recruiting classes like Wojo has.


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Re: Malik Newman
« Reply #31 on: April 26, 2015, 08:54:10 AM »
My former best buddy was looking at the recruits like Lee, Miller and why players don't jump at playing for Wojo or why aren't we in
on this player, whatever. You can only put five players on the court at a time. This always comes up when I wear my Wojo Warrior T-Shirt. He is a Wisco fan and idolizes Bo. Now he came up with this Howland-Newman thing. I just sit and drink my coffee. We have
2 MU fans and 6 UW at coffee.
You are a disgrace to your screen name.


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Re: Malik Newman
« Reply #32 on: April 26, 2015, 08:54:38 AM »
To be perfectly clear, here was my "effort" to "recruit" Malik.

Malik: "You all excited for Friday? Y'all going to watch?"

Me: "Yes, we're excited for you! Bradley doesn't know what this all means, and I told him it's an important basketball day for you!"

Malik: "Aww, that's nice. Where does Bradley think I should go? :-)"

Me: "He only knows Marquette:-)"

This is all in text, happy to self report myself.


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Re: Malik Newman
« Reply #33 on: April 26, 2015, 09:17:29 AM »
To be perfectly clear, here was my "effort" to "recruit" Malik.

Malik: "You all excited for Friday? Y'all going to watch?"

Me: "Yes, we're excited for you! Bradley doesn't know what this all means, and I told him it's an important basketball day for you!"

Malik: "Aww, that's nice. Where does Bradley think I should go? :-)"

Me: "He only knows Marquette:-)"

This is all in text, happy to self report myself.

Someone alert Mark Emmert!  :o

Are we prestigious enough that we'll get the UNC treatment, where these horrible transgressions will earn UW-Milwaukee some NCAA sanctions?
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Re: Malik Newman
« Reply #34 on: April 26, 2015, 09:32:17 AM »
Someone alert Mark Emmert!  :o

Are we prestigious enough that we'll get the UNC treatment, where these horrible transgressions will earn UW-Milwaukee some NCAA sanctions?
That assbag probably would enforce penalties
No Finish Line

real chili 83

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Re: Malik Newman
« Reply #35 on: April 26, 2015, 09:49:31 AM »
To be perfectly clear, here was my "effort" to "recruit" Malik.

Malik: "You all excited for Friday? Y'all going to watch?"

Me: "Yes, we're excited for you! Bradley doesn't know what this all means, and I told him it's an important basketball day for you!"

Malik: "Aww, that's nice. Where does Bradley think I should go? :-)"

Me: "He only knows Marquette:-)"

This is all in text, happy to self report myself.


Your punishment is a night in Real Chilii...with no spoons.

All the best to Bradley.

Dawson Rental

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Re: Malik Newman
« Reply #36 on: April 26, 2015, 05:53:42 PM »
Opening up a can of worms------Does anyone think Malik Newman would have come to MU if we had hired Ben Howland?

I don't think so. I bleed MU, but my former best buddy says we are slowly becoming a Mid-Major BB School. Even though we got Henry and a very good recruiting class.

No, we don't get Malik Newman if we hired Ben Howland.  We probably don't even get Traci Carter.  Mississippi State was a possibility for Malik if they showed commitment to the program since Malik was from nearby and his father went there.

Marquette isn't considered in danger of becoming a mid-major by anyone who follows college basketball in general and has any familiarity with the history of  the past 16 years at Marquette.

Out of curiosity, what team does your former best buddy follow?

He is a Wisco fan and idolizes Bo. Now he came up with this Howland-Newman thing. I just sit and drink my coffee. We have 2 MU fans and 6 UW at coffee.

Alright, that explains a lot.  Now that Wojo is getting the majority of the Wisconsin talent located outside of Milwaukee, Wisconsin fans are getting a bit nervous.  Bo's strength is that he always has developing talent in the pipeline, so Wisconsin won't fall into the dumpster next year.  But losing the college player of the year, a McDonald's All-American, Gasser and Jackson will have an impact.  Maybe (likely?) at some point next year, you'll be able to ask how Wisconsin is rated behind a "mid-major" in the polls.  Let him talk now (Wisconsin's earned it), but lie in wait for next season.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 06:03:01 PM by LittleWade »
You actually have a degree from Marquette?

Quote from: muguru
No...and after reading many many psosts from people on this board that do...I have to say I'm MUCH better off, if this is the type of "intelligence" a degree from MU gets you. It sure is on full display I will say that.

Dawson Rental

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Re: Malik Newman
« Reply #37 on: April 26, 2015, 06:06:23 PM »
To be perfectly clear, here was my "effort" to "recruit" Malik.

Malik: "You all excited for Friday? Y'all going to watch?"

Me: "Yes, we're excited for you! Bradley doesn't know what this all means, and I told him it's an important basketball day for you!"

Malik: "Aww, that's nice. Where does Bradley think I should go? :-)"

Me: "He only knows Marquette:-)"

This is all in text, happy to self report myself.

Damn, you almost had him, and you let him get away!
You actually have a degree from Marquette?

Quote from: muguru
No...and after reading many many psosts from people on this board that do...I have to say I'm MUCH better off, if this is the type of "intelligence" a degree from MU gets you. It sure is on full display I will say that.

Earl Tatum

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Re: Malik Newman
« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2015, 07:57:59 PM »
To Little Wade--Guess who, the Vadgers. Yep it really pisses them off or gets the conversation going when we wear our Wojo Warriors Shirt. I LOVE IT! We get along with Badgers Football but not BB.