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Author Topic: Washington rids itself of sexist language  (Read 98317 times)


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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #200 on: August 22, 2013, 08:02:08 PM »
89 year old WWII vet beaten to death by two teenagers in Spokane last night.  Can't wait to here those that were screaming at the top of their lungs about a previous case on this one.  

"If I had a son grandpa still alive, he would look like Trayon Delbert."  

I expect some wonderful commentary by the pols, the talking heads, etc on this, especially considering the suspects.  Maybe we'll have months of coverage on this, every news program for hours on end talking about it.  Hmmm....somehow I expect the outrage will be gone in short order.

RIP Mr. Burton.  Very sad.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2013, 08:04:01 PM by ChicosBailBonds »

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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #201 on: August 22, 2013, 09:08:44 PM »
You're right.
Of course, the flip side is that often those critical of Bush - especially in the lead up to the Iraq War - were labeled America hatin' unpatriotic surrender monkeys.
Also despicable and cowardly.

There were morons on the right who questioned the patriotism of those who opposed the war in Iraq just as there are morons on the left who consider any opposition to the Obama agenda to be rooted in racism. No shortage of intolerance or stupidity on either side.


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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #202 on: August 22, 2013, 09:14:02 PM »
I never quite understood the entire "hey your side does it too" method of arguing.  If something is wrong, it is wrong no matter who does it and shouldn't be justified either way.

I mean, Chicos just posted a picture of a guy beat to death by a couple of kids to prove that the media doesn't care about old, white people apparently.  Really?  This is the best counter argument now?


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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #203 on: August 22, 2013, 09:42:58 PM »
I think the point is that national media and outcry only reaches hysterical levels when the rare white( or presumed white) person commits a crime on a minority . When the reverse is true......Crickets.  While the horrendous numbers of Black on Black crimes are ignored.
I smell mendacity in the room..

Canned Goods n Ammo

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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #204 on: August 22, 2013, 09:43:29 PM »
I never quite understood the entire "hey your side does it too" method of arguing.  If something is wrong, it is wrong no matter who does it and shouldn't be justified either way.

I mean, Chicos just posted a picture of a guy beat to death by a couple of kids to prove that the media doesn't care about old, white people apparently.  Really?  This is the best counter argument now?

You're right...  but I think it's more about people in glass houses, ya know?

With this said, for me personally, this is one of the 2 main reasons I don't identify myself with either party:

#1 Fundamentally, I just don't agree 100% with either party.

#2 (applicable to this situation) I think both parties/people in the parties spend far too much time playing "GOTCHA" with each other. It's a waste of energy and doesn't produce anything.


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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #205 on: August 22, 2013, 10:22:55 PM »
I think the term racism is used because it is easy. The problem is really ethnocentrism. We are conditioned to use code words for the races. The articles on Yasiel Puig are a perfect example of this. Reading the articles, it's as if minority players are like a wild horse that needs to be broken - while young white players (Bryce Harper for example), who do stupid things just need to 'mature.

I saw in one article where Yasiel was accused of "jetting off to South Beach to join a conga line for the winter". Would a white player ever be accused of jetting to Peoria to fox-trot for the winter? When Adam Eaton slides into home plate after a walk off homer, are there articles denouncing him for it? Then why shouldn't Puig, who is 10 times the player, get the same benefit of the doubt?

The first inclination is to yell "racism" but I don't think that is usually the case.

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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #206 on: August 23, 2013, 06:55:41 AM »
89 year old WWII vet beaten to death by two teenagers in Spokane last night.  Can't wait to here those that were screaming at the top of their lungs about a previous case on this one.  

"If I had a son grandpa still alive, he would look like Trayon Delbert."  

I expect some wonderful commentary by the pols, the talking heads, etc on this, especially considering the suspects.  Maybe we'll have months of coverage on this, every news program for hours on end talking about it.  Hmmm....somehow I expect the outrage will be gone in short order.

RIP Mr. Burton.  Very sad.

Ridiculous.  Of course it is tragic.  The circumstances are not comparable, nor has there been a controversial case about self defense. 

ATL MU Warrior

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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #207 on: August 23, 2013, 07:29:54 AM »
Ridiculous.  Of course it is tragic.  The circumstances are not comparable, nor has there been a controversial case about self defense. 

If it comes to light that the local PD has a history of ineptitude and conducting shoddy investigations in cases involving elderly white gentlemen, then you might have something CBB. 

But by all means please feel free to continue posting all the terrible crimes you can find.  It really proves your point (whatever that is). 


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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #208 on: August 23, 2013, 07:40:01 AM »
You're right...  but I think it's more about people in glass houses, ya know?

With this said, for me personally, this is one of the 2 main reasons I don't identify myself with either party:

#1 Fundamentally, I just don't agree 100% with either party.

#2 (applicable to this situation) I think both parties/people in the parties spend far too much time playing "GOTCHA" with each other. It's a waste of energy and doesn't produce anything.

Agree on both counts.  Which is also why I avoid MSNBC, Fox, Rush, etc. like the plague. 

Canned Goods n Ammo

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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #209 on: August 23, 2013, 10:20:05 AM »

Agree on both counts.  Which is also why I avoid MSNBC, Fox, Rush, etc. like the plague. 


As I said a long time ago in this thread, I just don't have the energy for it.

And honestly, maybe my apathetic approach really is part of the "problem". I honestly don't know.


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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #210 on: August 23, 2013, 04:19:40 PM »
I never quite understood the entire "hey your side does it too" method of arguing.  If something is wrong, it is wrong no matter who does it and shouldn't be justified either way.

I mean, Chicos just posted a picture of a guy beat to death by a couple of kids to prove that the media doesn't care about old, white people apparently.  Really?  This is the best counter argument now?

I would label the "hey your side does it too" method as, "the media you pay attention to won't tell you about it, so I will tell you".

I know, I know.  There is no such thing as media bias.

Canned Goods n Ammo

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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #211 on: August 23, 2013, 04:33:01 PM »
I would label the "hey your side does it too" method as, "the media you pay attention to won't tell you about it, so I will tell you".

I know, I know.  There is no such thing as media bias.

An honest question:

Media companies are ultimately concerned with viewership and readership. Therefore, they look for stories that people want to see, hear, or read about. Right?

While it's certainly possible that there could be liberal writers/programs/hosts, wouldn't the general "media" just be a reflection of what people want to see, hear and read?

If (insert media company) isn't delivering what people want, they will ultimately be forced out of business, right?

Wouldn't the free market ensure that the general "media" deliver content that people want, in a way that people want it?

As a whole, is is possible for "media" to even be "liberal" or "conservative"? Isn't it just a reflection of our current society and it's values?


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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #212 on: August 23, 2013, 06:34:17 PM »
You're right.
Of course, the flip side is that often those critical of Bush - especially in the lead up to the Iraq War - were labeled America hatin' unpatriotic surrender monkeys.
Also despicable and cowardly.

Now, who wants some Freedom fries?

Says the guy who lambasted those who made a political issue out of Trayvon Martin. Apparently some tragic deaths (like those in say, Benghazi and Christopher Lane's) are ripe for political exploitation.

Fairness doctrine, isn't that what is always pushed by one side.  If we're going to talk about race in this country and make an entire episode for a year about white (Hispanic) on black crime, why aren't we talking about black on white crime?  Or black on black crime?  Or black on Hispanic crime, or Hispanic on black crime.  Sorry, but for all the poutrage of the last 12 months, the silent echo chamber from people screaming about this is deafening.  Why aren't we having the full discussion?   No, they're right for political exploitation, but you're damn right they're right to expose the hypocrisy that has been going on....why are we ignoring what happens 14X more often?

Good article by Columbia professor.

If we're serious about a discussion, why aren't we talking about the much bigger problem?


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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #213 on: August 23, 2013, 06:41:23 PM »
If you don't understand the difference, but I can't say that I am surprised.

And if you can't understand what Jimmah and others opine...they can't possibly imagine it could be any reason other than racism.   I can't help you.

When in doubt, throw the grenade.


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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #214 on: August 23, 2013, 06:48:24 PM »
And if you can't understand what Jimmah and others opine...they can't possibly imagine it could be any reason other than racism.   I can't help you.

When in doubt, throw the grenade.

C'mon CBB,  you moan about liberal bias,  and you quote Andrew Malcolm and the Washington Times to support your case?


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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #215 on: August 23, 2013, 06:48:44 PM »
Fairness doctrine, isn't that what is always pushed by one side.  If we're going to talk about race in this country and make an entire episode for a year about white (Hispanic) on black crime, why aren't we talking about black on white crime?  Or black on black crime?  Or black on Hispanic crime, or Hispanic on black crime.  Sorry, but for all the poutrage of the last 12 months, the silent echo chamber from people screaming about this is deafening.  Why aren't we having the full discussion?   No, they're right for political exploitation, but you're damn right they're right to expose the hypocrisy that has been going on....why are we ignoring what happens 14X more often?

Good article by Columbia professor.

If we're serious about a discussion, why aren't we talking about the much bigger problem?

Apparently I missed the part where people thought that the attack on Lane was justified.  That was kind of a key element to the other case getting national attention.


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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #216 on: August 23, 2013, 06:53:06 PM »
I never quite understood the entire "hey your side does it too" method of arguing.  If something is wrong, it is wrong no matter who does it and shouldn't be justified either way.

I mean, Chicos just posted a picture of a guy beat to death by a couple of kids to prove that the media doesn't care about old, white people apparently.  Really?  This is the best counter argument now?

You missed the point.  Here was a WWII veteran walking to the lodge and he was beaten to death with two flashlights by two African American kids.  We spent one whole year hearing how racist George Zimmerman as he defended himself (or at the very least there was enough doubt to suggest that).  Wanna bet this WWII vet's murder isn't talked about beyond next week, or certainly not for the next year....his crime was not approaching a kid with a gun and suspecting something was up...profiling and stalking were the words used here and by the hustlers out there.  No, his crime was walking to the Elks Lodge.  I would expect at LEAST the same amount of outrage and coverage.  Are we going to get it?  Is the POTUS going to weigh in?

We all know the answer.


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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #217 on: August 23, 2013, 06:55:19 PM »
C'mon CBB,  you moan about liberal bias,  and you quote Andrew Malcolm and the Washington Times to support your case?

They were his, totally unfiltered....have at it. Embarrassing.  When in doubt, throw the grenade. 

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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #218 on: August 23, 2013, 06:56:21 PM »
Ridiculous.  Of course it is tragic.  The circumstances are not comparable, nor has there been a controversial case about self defense. 

You're right, the circumstances are WORSE....MUCH WORSE....and there will be crickets.


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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #219 on: August 23, 2013, 07:01:11 PM »
Apparently I missed the part where people thought that the attack on Lane was justified.  That was kind of a key element to the other case getting national attention.

I didn't say anyone said the attacks were justified.  We'll spend a week or two on this as a nation, not 9 months.  Not every day, every hour, column inches on magazines and newspapers. 


I loved the question to the W.H. yesterday about a comment on it and the spokesman said he didn't even know about the case.  What a far cry that was from another case where it went all the way to the POTUS to make a statement it was THAT important. 

Where's the REAL conversation....why are we ignoring the overwhelming murders that are caused and who they are committed by?  Why isn't that daily, nightly conversation?  Hmmmm. 

Is that not a fair question?  Do you not see any tilting in coverage and a rather shocking lack of reporting on what is routine? 


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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #220 on: August 23, 2013, 07:09:39 PM »
You're right...  but I think it's more about people in glass houses, ya know?

With this said, for me personally, this is one of the 2 main reasons I don't identify myself with either party:

#1 Fundamentally, I just don't agree 100% with either party.

#2 (applicable to this situation) I think both parties/people in the parties spend far too much time playing "GOTCHA" with each other. It's a waste of energy and doesn't produce anything.

+1 for #1

I've been a Democrat and I've been a Republican.  I haven't belonged to either party in many many many years.  It's kind of fun around election time because I get bombarded by crap from both parties since I'm registered independent.  I think both parties blow, one blows a lot more, but they both blow.  They don't get one dime from me and rarely do I vote for them as the POTUS.  I can think of only twice in the last 6 elections, otherwise it was 3rd party or left it blank.

-1 for #2, at least in this case.  Are we going to have a true dialogue about this in this country about race and violence or not?  You can't spend all that money, time, energy, media coverage to cover the exception to the rule and ignore what is happening on a daily basis.  Why are we doing it?

« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 07:11:14 PM by ChicosBailBonds »


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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #221 on: August 23, 2013, 07:48:20 PM »
I didn't say anyone said the attacks were justified.  We'll spend a week or two on this as a nation, not 9 months.  Not every day, every hour, column inches on magazines and newspapers. 


I loved the question to the W.H. yesterday about a comment on it and the spokesman said he didn't even know about the case.  What a far cry that was from another case where it went all the way to the POTUS to make a statement it was THAT important. 

Where's the REAL conversation....why are we ignoring the overwhelming murders that are caused and who they are committed by?  Why isn't that daily, nightly conversation?  Hmmmm. 

Is that not a fair question?  Do you not see any tilting in coverage and a rather shocking lack of reporting on what is routine? 

I know you didn't say that.  But that is the reason why their isn't as much uproar here.  This is senseless violence.  The other was a controversial case where a kid died and many claimed it was justified.

That because of controversy is news worthy.  The cases you are talking about now are not remotely comparable and should not be brought up in the same discussion.  Everyone agrees that the new cases are just senseless violence.  Universal agreement means no controversy...see how that works.

The correct individuals will go to jail and everyone will agree who the victim was.

ATL MU Warrior

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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #222 on: August 23, 2013, 08:13:26 PM »
I know you didn't say that.  But that is the reason why their isn't as much uproar here.  This is senseless violence.  The other was a controversial case where a kid died and many claimed it was justified.

That because of controversy is news worthy.  The cases you are talking about now are not remotely comparable and should not be brought up in the same discussion.  Everyone agrees that the new cases are just senseless violence.  Universal agreement means no controversy...see how that works.

The correct individuals will go to jail and everyone will agree who the victim was.
Stop making so much sense.   ;D


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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #223 on: August 23, 2013, 09:03:46 PM »
An honest question:

Media companies are ultimately concerned with viewership and readership. Therefore, they look for stories that people want to see, hear, or read about. Right?

While it's certainly possible that there could be liberal writers/programs/hosts, wouldn't the general "media" just be a reflection of what people want to see, hear and read?

If (insert media company) isn't delivering what people want, they will ultimately be forced out of business, right?

Wouldn't the free market ensure that the general "media" deliver content that people want, in a way that people want it?

As a whole, is is possible for "media" to even be "liberal" or "conservative"? Isn't it just a reflection of our current society and it's values?

"Of course the media are liberal"
-Walter Cronkite

Yes it's possible and if you see the news media that "play it straight", they tend to have some of the worst ratings and readership.  People gravitate toward what their belief system is.  The "free market" can deliver products to certain audiences and do so all the time.  Is anyone truly going to say MSNBC is not far left?  That Fox isn't right?  It happens all the time.

For a good read, Left Turn: How Liberal Media Bias Distorts the American Mind by UCLA professor Tim Groseclose.  Or Harvard University prof, Robert Barro's The Liberal Media:  It's No Myth


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Re: Washington rids itself of sexist language
« Reply #224 on: August 23, 2013, 09:06:44 PM »
I know you didn't say that.  But that is the reason why their isn't as much uproar here.  This is senseless violence.  The other was a controversial case where a kid died and many claimed it was justified.

That because of controversy is news worthy.  The cases you are talking about now are not remotely comparable and should not be brought up in the same discussion.  Everyone agrees that the new cases are just senseless violence.  Universal agreement means no controversy...see how that works.

The correct individuals will go to jail and everyone will agree who the victim was.

You do realize that there was a tremendous push by certain individuals to say in the other case it was race based...right?  I'd be happy to give you hundreds of quotes and articles that suggest it was race motivated, despite the facts that showed otherwise or ATL's head in the sand.  So I ask, in these new cases why the media and these particular individuals in question haven't come to that same conclusion.  Weird.  

Or is it that when a minority is killed by a "white person" (including a White Hispanic) it is racist until proven otherwise, but when a white person is killed by a minority it's just "senseless violence"?  I think that is a fair question to ask in light of the nonsense from the other case and how the media and certain individuals pushed their agenda.  Is the default mechanism automatically IT MUST BE RACE for one group, but just chalk it up to senseless violence for the other.  Hmm. 
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 09:12:21 PM by ChicosBailBonds »

