MUScoop > Basketball Prediction Contest

Prediction Contest Results (Hillsdale)


1. Total Game Points: 142 (143; MUMountin, ecompt)
2. MU points: 76 (81; SoCalwarrior)
3. Hillsdale points: 66 (66; paulpogo, ben8787, Rocky Warrior, Warrior)
4. TO's forced by MU: 20 (19; MUMountin, ben8787 - 21; DoubleMU, ChicoBailBonds, gldeagle, paulpogo, SoCalwarrior)
5. TO's forced by Hillsdale: 16 (16; gldeagle, SoCalwarrior)
6. MU total made 3's: 2 (5; MUHilltopper, Marqkarp, SoCalwarrior)
7. MU total newcomer points: 12 (15; mufanatic)
8. MU total (non-team) rebounds: 42 (42; gldeagle)
9. MU top scorer and how many: McNeal 19 (17; ChicosBailBonds)
10. MU top assist man and how many: James, McNeal 4 (4; gldeagle)
11. MU top rebounder and how many: McNeal, Matthews, Barro 7 (Barro7; ChicosBailBonds, ecompt, MUfan12, ben8787 - McNeal7; WashDCWarrior, SoCalwarrior)
12. Hillsdale's top scorer and how many: Honman 18 (16, Herboturbo)
13. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: Fitz, Cubillan 1 (Fitz 3; MUMountin, MUfan12, Walk-on, ChicosBailBonds - Cubillan 3; BuzzWarrior, ben8787)
14. MU steals leader and how many: James 4 (James 3; ecompt, Warrior, Walk-on)
15. Combined McNeal, Matthews, James points: 38 (44; paulpogo, ecompt)

Bonus (must be exact, 1 point) Hillsdale +16 (close, but no one)
Two Part Question

1. Which team's starting five will play the most minutes. 2. What will the differential between each team's starting minutes be?

Game Totals

SoCalwarrior      5
ecompt             4
ben8787            4
ChicosBailBonds  4
gldeagle            4
paulpogo           3
MUMountin         3
Mufan12            2
Walk-on            2
Warrior             2
Buzzwarrior       1
WashDCWarrior  1
Rocky Warrior    1
DoubleMU          1
MU Hilltopper     1
Marqkarp           1
mufanatic          1
Herboturbo         1

MUScoop Prediction Contest
Ranking    Participant   Total Points Previous Ranking  1 SoCalwarrior512ecompt422ben8787422chicos422gldeagle423paulpogo333MUMountin334mufan12244walk-on244Warrior245Buzzwarrior155WashDCWarrior155Rocky_Warrior155DoubleMU155MU_Hilltopper155Marqkarp155mufanatic155Herboturbo15

So people that weren't able to get it for the first game, don't feel like you'll be too far behind as you'll be tied with me at ZERO points... yikes!!   ???


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