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Author Topic: Should the Zika outbreak cause the Rio Olympics to be cancelled or moved?  (Read 1238 times)


  • All American
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"Which leads to a simple question: But for the Games, would anyone recommend sending an extra half a million visitors into Brazil right now?  Of course not: mass migration into the heart of an outbreak is a public health no-brainer.  And given the choice between accelerating a dangerous new disease or not—for it is impossible that Games will slow Zika down—the answer should be a no-brainer for the Olympic organizers too.  Putting sentimentality aside, clearly the Rio 2016 Games must not proceed."

Benny B

  • All American
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  • Posts: 5969
Unfortunately, it's NBC who makes the call... and they kept trotting out their #1 despite an obvious pinkeye infection the last time around.

Man, I'd really hate to be Bob Costas in Rio.

Wow, I'm very concerned for Benny.  Being able to mimic Myron Medcalf's writing so closely implies an oncoming case of dementia.


  • All American
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    • Cracked Sidewalks
Zika was a non-issue for the past 6 decades when it was mostly limited to Africa and Asia, suddenly a big deal because it threatens tourists. Fairly innocuous disease unless it is contracted by a pregnant woman and it spreads to the fetus.
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  • All American
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  • Posts: 25207
Brew. That's not what the article says.


  • All American
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Zika was a non-issue for the past 6 decades when it was mostly limited to Africa and Asia, suddenly a big deal because it threatens tourists. Fairly innocuous disease unless it is contracted by a pregnant woman and it spreads to the fetus.

The same could be said about a LOT of things. Heck, look at radical islamic terrorism. Wasn't much of an issue to westerners until it started happening in the west. But for decades (centuries?) people were being killed all over the world and most didn't care.


  • All American
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There are plenty of issues that should cause this year's Olympics to be canceled or moved. Zika is about fourth on the list.


  • All American
  • *****
  • Posts: 6315
There are plenty of issues that should cause this year's Olympics to be canceled or moved. Zika is about fourth on the list.

That's my thought process too. A lot of reasons it should be moved Zika was not on my radar for that.

