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Author Topic: Centenary Prediction Contest Results  (Read 2236 times)


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Centenary Prediction Contest Results
« on: January 03, 2011, 01:08:01 PM »
1. Total Game Points: 133 (132) brewcity77
2. MU points:81 (83) 4everwarriors
3. Cent points:52 (52) chren21
4. TO's forced by MU:17 (17) ken8406, wheresthecake?, TVDirector
5. TO's forced by Cent:15 (14) chicos
6. MU total made 3's:5 (5) flash, NCAARules, marquettejr, irishmountin
7. MU top scorer and how many:DJO, Blue 16 (DJO 17) NCAARules
8. MU top assist man and how many:Blue, Buycks 5 (Buycks 5) rmi210, denverMU (Blue 5) wheresthecake?
9. MU top rebounder and how many:Butler 12 (Butler 11) denverMU (Butler 13) marquettejr
10. MU top 3-point shooter and how many:Jones 3 (none)

Bonus Question: How much time into the game does Buzz make his first substitution. (Can be within three seconds) 16:17 (3:43) none

« Last Edit: January 03, 2011, 01:09:52 PM by SoCalwarrior »

