
MUScoop => The Superbar => Topic started by: ChicosBailBonds on June 11, 2008, 12:22:10 AM

Title: Say Thank you...give them a sign
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on June 11, 2008, 12:22:10 AM

Title: Re: Say Thank you...give them a sign
Post by: spiral97 on June 11, 2008, 10:31:11 AM

My company is directly situated next to a runway for a regional airport.  This runway is also used by the military to bring fallen soldiers home to their families in the northeast Dallas area.  Every time a soldier makes their last landing here thousands of people show up, line the roads holding American flags and generally just stand silently and often tearfully as the procession drives by.  A very common thought shared amongst the people in the crowd is that they wish they could have said thank you to the soldier.

Like the video says, it is ridiculously easy to do but immeasurably appreciated by the recipients.
Title: Re: Say Thank you...give them a sign
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on July 06, 2008, 07:54:00 PM
Went to the Angels game this afternoon and say next to about 30 sailors from the USS Gary.  It was great.  They put them up on the scoreboard and the place erupted.  Everyone standing up, saluting these men and women.  Very emotional.

During Friday night's game we were there and they honored military left and right for the 4th.  Including an Iraqi vet that lost both legs 13 months ago and threw out the first pitch.  He was supposed to walk off the field but Mike Sciosia went over to him, led him the other way into the Angels dugout and then had him take out the lineup card to the umpires.  Place was going crazy.

Orange County is pretty conservative (not like it used to be, though) and very pro military.  People were very very supportive Friday and today, going out of their way to say thank you.  Buying these guys peanuts, beer, you name it.  The sailors today all had their whites on and during the first inning an usher came up with 4 large the boxes were Angels baseball caps for all of them.  It was cool as they all put on the red caps with their dress whites and again the place went nuts.

Thank you guys and'll never know how much you do for us!
