
MUScoop => The Superbar => Topic started by: jutaw22mu on January 20, 2008, 04:01:26 PM

Title: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: jutaw22mu on January 20, 2008, 04:01:26 PM
Apparently Dana Jacobsen, one of the hosts of ESPN's First Take, made the following comments at a Mike and Mike roast:

"f... Notre dame"
"f....touchdown Jesus"
and - the step-aside-because-lightning-is-about-to-strike... "f.... Jesus."

I don't care what you all think about Notre Dame, but the last comment attacks all Catholics.  If Imus was fired for what he said, this woman deserves the axe as well.  Catholics have been persecuted for our beliefs throughout history, even in the 20th and now 21st century.  Its time to take a stand against this kind of crap.  Unacceptable that people should be allowed to make harrasing remarks such as this and retain their job.  Not in today's society.  Not ever.
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: muhoosier260 on January 20, 2008, 04:05:04 PM
not just all Catholics, how bout all Christians
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: SoCalwarrior on January 20, 2008, 04:08:51 PM
It's a roast.  Get over it.
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: jutaw22mu on January 20, 2008, 04:09:35 PM
That is true but I think the comment was aimed at Catholics most because she said it in reference to a Catholic institution.
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: jutaw22mu on January 20, 2008, 04:11:15 PM
It's a roast.  Get over it.

If the remarks had been anti-Semitic or racist, there would be an outrage.  Why is it acceptable to attack Catholics and other Christians.  It shouldnt be.
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: SoCalwarrior on January 20, 2008, 04:13:10 PM
That's my point.  Roasts are nothing but religion, sex, gay and race jokes.
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: jutaw22mu on January 20, 2008, 04:16:35 PM
Then there shouldn't be any roasts.
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: mu_hilltopper on January 20, 2008, 04:22:54 PM
Did she get laughs?  It's only a crime if it wasn't funny, ala Cosmo Kramer's bit last year yelling the N-word.

Comedy is about rude and outrageous things being said .. for a laugh. -- Anyone catch Doonsebury yesterday?  Calling genocide part of the "Jew Brand"? 

Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: SoCalwarrior on January 20, 2008, 04:23:54 PM
Then there shouldn't be any roasts.

That's what Hitler said.
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: jutaw22mu on January 20, 2008, 04:43:30 PM
She apparently got booed pretty badly.

Sorry but I'm sick of this kind of crap being acceptable.  At my graduation from MU the speaker (someone from NBC or something) got up there and made some Catholic jokes that I'm sure she thought were funny but I didn't.  I was pissed about that. 

Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: jutaw22mu on January 20, 2008, 04:45:41 PM
I've never laughed at any Doonesberry cartoons.  That one was not even close to funny and never should have been published.
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: CTWarrior on January 20, 2008, 05:33:34 PM
It was a roast, for goodness sake!  All targets are fair.  As for people being outraged if that comment was made about another religion, watch a Comedy Central Roast some time.  They rip on all religions races, etc with great vulgarity and I neevr hear about it again.  It's done in fun.  Now, I understand this sorta thing is not everyone's cup of tea.  No one is forcing anyone to watch or listen.  I do not think one person heard that comment and thought to him or herself, "Wow, that's right!  I'm gonna hate on Catholics from now on!"  So what harm is really done other than the time wasted talking about it?

As my mom used to say, "Sticks and stones..."
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: BuzzSucksSucks on January 20, 2008, 05:48:59 PM
Cartoon reminds me of this guy:

"Responding to a TV reporter's question about whether New Orleans' murder rate hurts the city's tourism economy, Mayor Ray Nagin on Thursday called the phenomenon a 'two-edged sword.'  'Do I worry about it? Somewhat. It's not good for us, but it also keeps the New Orleans brand out there...'

Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: jutaw22mu on January 20, 2008, 06:07:41 PM
wow Nagin really said that?

yes it was a roast.  but theres never an acceptable time to say "unnatural carnal knowledge Jesus" at a company event.  imagine if she had said "unnatural carnal knowledge mohammed" or "unnatural carnal knowledge moses."
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: larrym on January 20, 2008, 07:10:46 PM
I'm sure you weren't the only one offended, but as the others said, it was a roast.  There were probably hundreds of offensive statements.  There's nothing illegal about offending someone.  Nothing against you, but it seems like people are looking for the opportunity to be offended.  "I'm offended, somebody needs to be fired."  Same thing with Don Imus.  The Rutgers team played the victim card very well.  That's all part of the PC society we live in.  Can't offend any anybody, at any time, in any situation, or heads will roll.
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: 🏀 on January 20, 2008, 07:17:57 PM
She was also reported to be extremely intoxicated to the point of losing all balance.
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: mu_hilltopper on January 20, 2008, 08:21:18 PM
Not an excuse, but if everyone was fired for the stupid, rude, obnoxious, offensive or bigoted thing said while intoxicated, the unemployment rate would be pretty high.

Correct me, but was this even broadcast anywhere?  The footage is clearly from a guy with a camcorder.  So, basically, this was a private party?   
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: 🏀 on January 20, 2008, 09:29:10 PM
Private thing from ESPN.
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: augoman on January 21, 2008, 12:34:25 PM
Jimmy Carter's secretary of agriculture, Earl Butz, was castigated, villified, and ultimately fired for telling a private joke, on a private plane, to a reporter after telling him it was "between you and me".  The joke was about blacks.  This was 30ish years ago.  We've come a long way with our liberties, as long as we don't denegrate: gays, women, jews, blacks, hispanics, and now arabs and islam.  Men, whites, christians,... that's about all that's left! 
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: PuertoRicanNightmare on January 21, 2008, 01:44:00 PM
Jimmy Carter's secretary of agriculture, Earl Butz, was castigated, villified, and ultimately fired for telling a private joke, on a private plane, to a reporter after telling him it was "between you and me".  The joke was about blacks.  This was 30ish years ago.  We've come a long way with our liberties, as long as we don't denegrate: gays, women, jews, blacks, hispanics, and now arabs and islam.  Men, whites, christians,... that's about all that's left! 

And don't you dare pay tribute to the proud legacy of Native Americans by referring to them by a term as derogatory as "Warriors!"
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: 🏀 on January 21, 2008, 09:22:52 PM
Jimmy Carter's secretary of agriculture, Earl Butz, was castigated, villified, and ultimately fired for telling a private joke, on a private plane, to a reporter after telling him it was "between you and me".  The joke was about blacks.  This was 30ish years ago.  We've come a long way with our liberties, as long as we don't denegrate: gays, women, jews, blacks, hispanics, and now arabs and islam.  Men, whites, christians,... that's about all that's left! 

And don't you dare pay tribute to the proud legacy of Native Americans by referring to them by a term as derogatory as "Warriors!"

Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: chapman on January 22, 2008, 01:31:19 AM
That is true but I think the comment was aimed at Catholics most because she said it in reference to a Catholic institution.

It sounds more like she's one of the 200 million people in this country that despises Notre Dame and took pleasure in watching their football team lose last year.  Her comments sound more like an immature high-school kid taking his or her comments a little too far, that's all.  I'm pretty sure the people who devote an entire month of the year campaigning to get a holiday display taken down are more anti-Catholic than Dana Jacobsen.   
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: Marquette Gyros on January 22, 2008, 07:51:23 AM
Nothing against you, but it seems like people are looking for the opportunity to be offended.  "I'm offended, somebody needs to be fired."  Same thing with Don Imus. 

That's a completely different scenario, and it's all about the venue.

Dana Jacobsen gets liquored up and goes too far at a private roast, making some blanket statements she shouldn't have.  It might be a bit tough for Dana to return to work, especially now that Deadspin posted her story and the world knows, but my guess is that ESPN management will give her some slack.

Don Imus, on the other hand, goes on his morning show, a venue that can be easily accessed by millions of people, and makes a conscious decision to single out a team of 12 college-age amateur women's basketball players as "nappy headed hoes".

Pretty big difference between a private party and the national stage.
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: larrym on January 22, 2008, 08:25:47 PM
Nothing against you, but it seems like people are looking for the opportunity to be offended.  "I'm offended, somebody needs to be fired."  Same thing with Don Imus. 

That's a completely different scenario, and it's all about the venue.

Dana Jacobsen gets liquored up and goes too far at a private roast, making some blanket statements she shouldn't have.  It might be a bit tough for Dana to return to work, especially now that Deadspin posted her story and the world knows, but my guess is that ESPN management will give her some slack.

Don Imus, on the other hand, goes on his morning show, a venue that can be easily accessed by millions of people, and makes a conscious decision to single out a team of 12 college-age amateur women's basketball players as "nappy headed hoes".

Pretty big difference between a private party and the national stage.

I would agree that they are different.  I'm not sure I would classify it as "pretty big".  One is a "shock jock" (or so I've heard, I'm not sure that's how I'd classify him) on live radio, the other is a sportscaster trying to be an insult comedian at a party for delayed national broadcast. 

I guess I was addressing the original post which said
"If Imus was fired for what he said, this woman deserves the axe as well.  Catholics have been persecuted for our beliefs throughout history, even in the 20th and now 21st century.  Its time to take a stand against this kind of crap.  Unacceptable that people should be allowed to make harrasing remarks such as this and retain their job.  Not in today's society.  Not ever." 
I probably should have said people are looking to be victims, not people are looking to be offended.

Sure Imus' statement was offensive, but mainly because HE said it.  Suspend him, lesson learned, move on.  One could argue that's basically what it ended up being for him, since he has his radio show back.  I just found it hard to listen to the player who said that she had to live the rest of her life disadvantaged because of those statements.   Now maybe that's not someone looking to play the victim, but she certainly didn't seem uncomfortable doing so.

I agree with you that ESPN will (rightly) cut her some slack.  I would guess that she'll at least get a talking to.  If enough people feel the way as Jutaw22mu, and are vocal enough about it, they will be much harsher.    Sure some Christians might be offended by this comment made at an event where the goal is to be offensive, but I don't think any of them should feel victimized. 
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: DegenerateDish on January 23, 2008, 08:27:31 AM
I have a friend in the research dept at ESPN, and he said that Jacobson has been suspeneded for a week.
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: 🏀 on January 23, 2008, 08:28:59 AM
I have a friend in the research dept at ESPN, and he said that Jacobson has been suspeneded for a week.


The official word has come down: Dana Jacobson has been suspended by ESPN for a week following her apparent meltdown at the Mike and Mike Roast.

Jacobson has released an official apology.

    "I am sorry. My remarks about Notre Dame were foolish and insensitive. I respect all religions and did not mean anything derogatory by my poorly chosen words. I also deeply regret the embarrassment I've caused ESPN and Mike and Mike. My actions at the roast were inappropriate and in no way represent who I am. I won't make excuses for my behavior, but I do hope I can be forgiven for such a poor lack of judgment."

In case you've forgotten, here are those Notre Dame comments.

Now that Jacobson has been suspended for a week, we would like to note that this was a celebrity -- well, "celebrity" -- roast, and certainly Jacobson's "unnatural carnal knowledge Notre Dame, unnatural carnal knowledge Touchdown Jesus" jokes would be a little more appropriate there than they would be in almost any other context. We suspect two things did Jacobson in; first was the actual Atlantic City paper calling her "embarrassing," and the second was ... Bill Donahue.

Who's Bill Donahue? He's the president of the Catholic League, an innocent-sounding title that belies the fact that he's a self-promoting, bellicose screaming hack whose television persona couldn't be further from the tenets of modern Catholicism than if he were actively trying to recruit people to Satan. (Which is possible; Donohue does incalculable damage to the Church every time he opens his mouth.)

Donahue, brilliantly satirized on "South Park," took time out from his busy schedule of mock outrage to weigh in on Jacobson's apology.

    "It is obvious, then, that neither Jacobson nor ESPN is dealing with this matter in a professional way," Donohue declared. "To put this issue behind them, ESPN must deal with this issue quickly, publicly and fairly, something it has yet to do. After all, most Christians are yet unaware of this event, but once they learn of it, they are sure to demand accountability."

We know we make fun of ESPN around these parts, but when Bill Donohue is calling you out ... you know you're probably doing just fine. We think this whole thing was just a Roast joke gone wrong. Jacobson will take a week off, ESPN will move on, we'll probably never see the video and hopefully Bill Donohue will shuffle off and we'll never have to type his name on this site again.
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: AlumKCof93 on January 23, 2008, 09:44:01 AM
I'm not easily offended, in fact, I can't recall a time when I have been.  But even though its a roast, and I know how roasts are, I'm glad that ESPN suspended for a week and wouldn't be upset if she was off for longer.
As a ND fan - my Dad went there - I am not offended about the frack ND, and frack TD Jesus.  I think those comments are fine at a roast of Bob Golic who is such an outspoken supporter of ND.  But to say "frack Jesus" - way, way, way over the line.  As a spokeperson for a TV network with a mic in her hand at a corporate event - even a roast - she used awful judgment and if I'm ESPN, I'm wondering if I still want her representing my network and brand.
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: Avenue Commons on January 23, 2008, 11:21:51 AM
I'm not easily offended, in fact, I can't recall a time when I have been.  But even though its a roast, and I know how roasts are, I'm glad that ESPN suspended for a week and wouldn't be upset if she was off for longer.
As a ND fan - my Dad went there - I am not offended about the frack ND, and frack TD Jesus.  I think those comments are fine at a roast of Bob Golic who is such an outspoken supporter of ND.  But to say "frack Jesus" - way, way, way over the line.  As a spokeperson for a TV network with a mic in her hand at a corporate event - even a roast - she used awful judgment and if I'm ESPN, I'm wondering if I still want her representing my network and brand.

Did she really say "frack Jesus"? That is way out of line. I agree that saying frack ND or frack Touchdown Jesus at a roast isn't a big deal, but to flatly say frack Jesus? You know what? Frack Dana Jacobsen. That's pretty fracking ignorant.
Title: Re: OT: Anti Catholic remarks made by ESPN host
Post by: augoman on January 28, 2008, 01:04:27 PM
"That's pretty fracking ignorant."
