
MUScoop => The Superbar => Topic started by: Benny B on September 07, 2016, 02:24:30 PM

Title: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Benny B on September 07, 2016, 02:24:30 PM

By no means am I defending the act here... though certainly not illegal, the banner was in extremely poor taste, and if it were my kid, I'd be embarrassed by the decision he made.  But I'm having a hard time understanding how something like this, in and of itself, "promotes a campus rape culture."  Does UW-L have a 'rape culture,' or is that just the nom du jour to describe horny college-aged men these days?
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: GGGG on September 07, 2016, 02:30:02 PM
I think "rape culture" is an unfortunate term.  However I think this goes beyond simply horny, college-aged men. 
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: GooooMarquette on September 07, 2016, 02:37:13 PM
I think "rape culture" is an unfortunate term.  However I think this goes beyond simply horny, college-aged men.

Agreed.  Being a horny college kid is one thing...but putting up a billboard advertising it takes it a step too far.  Still, not sure that really poor judgment by a couple of students equals a "rape culture."
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: mu03eng on September 07, 2016, 03:10:05 PM
I'm glad you posted this Benny, I was struggling with that characterization as well. It's lewd and in poor taste but based purely on the reaction it seems to have generated it does the opposite of creating a culture of rape.

For the record, even the statement itself is not "rapey" per se.

Is it more or less rapey than this billboard?
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Pakuni on September 07, 2016, 03:10:40 PM
I think "rape culture" is an unfortunate term.  However I think this goes beyond simply horny, college-aged men.

I struggle with the extent to which "rape culture" really exists, though certainly there are examples out there that tend to lend credence to those who say it does. This, though, isn't one of those examples. This is just some crude idiots being crude idiots.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Pakuni on September 07, 2016, 03:14:15 PM
I'm glad you posted this Benny, I was struggling with that characterization as well. It's lewd and in poor taste but based purely on the reaction it seems to have generated it does the opposite of creating a culture of rape.

For the record, even the statement itself is not "rapey" per se.

Is it more or less rapey than this billboard?

Hello, satire.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: mu03eng on September 07, 2016, 03:22:53 PM
Hello, satire.

Oh I agree, and I think it should be fair game for all genders and races to be crude idiots
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Pakuni on September 07, 2016, 04:14:10 PM
Oh I agree, and I think it should be fair game for all genders and races to be crude idiots

OK, but my point is that the girls who put up the sign you posted did it to satirize the frat bros who've been doing it because it's a frat bro maneuver.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Jay Bee on September 07, 2016, 04:56:05 PM
OK, but my point is that the girls who put up the sign you posted did it to satirize the frat bros who've been doing it because it's a frat bro maneuver.

Why did they put in the apostrophe in "son's"?

Probably cuz they dumb GIRLS
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Pakuni on September 07, 2016, 05:05:28 PM
Why did they put in the apostrophe in "son's"?

Probably cuz they dumb GIRLS

Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: GGGG on September 07, 2016, 05:08:17 PM
I struggle with the extent to which "rape culture" really exists, though certainly there are examples out there that tend to lend credence to those who say it does. This, though, isn't one of those examples. This is just some crude idiots being crude idiots.

Here is the thing though.  These types of signs are becoming more regular at other schools.  Maybe not this crude, but similar stuff.  I don't remember those types of things when I was at Marquette.  I don't remember them on campuses where I worked even ten years ago.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Dr. Blackheart on September 07, 2016, 05:17:07 PM
Hello, satire.

Where is the burning couch in that picture?
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: mu03eng on September 07, 2016, 05:42:08 PM
OK, but my point is that the girls who put up the sign you posted did it to satirize the frat bros who've been doing it because it's a frat bro maneuver.

So? It's less "offensive" because it's satire?
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: GGGG on September 07, 2016, 05:55:35 PM
So? It's less "offensive" because it's satire?

Yes of course. It is meaning to show the absurdity of the "other side."
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Jay Bee on September 07, 2016, 05:55:55 PM

Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Pakuni on September 07, 2016, 05:56:41 PM
So? It's less "offensive" because it's satire?


Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Pakuni on September 07, 2016, 05:59:00 PM

Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: TAMU, Knower of Ball on September 07, 2016, 06:18:28 PM

By no means am I defending the act here... though certainly not illegal, the banner was in extremely poor taste, and if it were my kid, I'd be embarrassed by the decision he made.  But I'm having a hard time understanding how something like this, in and of itself, "promotes a campus rape culture."  Does UW-L have a 'rape culture,' or is that just the nom du jour to describe horny college-aged men these days?

First we need to define our terms. There are many definitions of rape culture. The basic theme to all of theme is a culture that normalizes sexual violence and silences the victims. To further define terms, sexual violence is an umbrella term that covers sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, stalking, sexual harassment, and related retaliation (threatening or harming someone to keep them from reporting or as retribution for reporting an exact of sexual violence).

So when someone says something is contributing to rape culture it doesn't mean that specific act is going to lead to an increase of sexual assaults or decrease of victims reporting sexual assaults. It just means it is one of thousands of actions, some big, some small that contribute this culture of violence and silence.

Personally, I hate the term rape culture. Don't get me wrong, what the term is referring to absolutely exists. I just hate the phrase. I think it was coined intentionally to spark a reaction. Rape is a word that people are very uncomfortable with. I think the hope was that when people heard something contributed to rape culture that they would be horrified and then stop what they were doing. All it really does is make people defensive. But in the end, what's the point in wasting time about language?

So how does two morons hanging a banner that says "Free cream pies with freshmen ID" contribute to rape culture? This falls into the category of sexual harassment. Not legally mind you. The legal definition of sexual harassment requires the act to be persistent and pervasive. This is not. This is the kind of sexual harassment that is legal but can still be damaging. They absolutely have the right to do it but does that actually make it right? I'd equate this to catcalling. Yes, you have the legal right to tell a woman on the street that she has an ass that you could balance a glass of water on. But just because you have the right doesn't mean that she isn't going to feel violated, threatened, objectified, or demeaned. I also imagine that most of us wouldn't be comfortable with our daughters, sisters, wives, or mothers being subjected to that. The banner is like a passive catcall. A constant uninvited comment of a sexual nature. They absolutely have the right to make it, but what they are doing isn't right.

So I would say that this does contribute to rape culture. However, I will say on the "social justice Richter scale", this doesn't register that highly. Should it happen? No. Is this something that deserves the full force of all of our righteous outrage? No.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: TAMU, Knower of Ball on September 07, 2016, 06:22:30 PM
Is it more or less rapey than this billboard?

This is a great question. Women are just as capable of sexually harassing men (and other women) as men are capable of harassing them. However, there is an inherent power difference between men and women on this topic. So while yes, the women in the photo are making an equally "rapey" statement. The impact that their statement will have is significantly less than the one that is made by the male students. Doesn't make it right, just less damaging.

And I agree with others that these women were satiring fraternities.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: TAMU, Knower of Ball on September 07, 2016, 06:25:39 PM
So? It's less "offensive" because it's satire?

Offensive? No. I think it has equal ability to offend. Impactful? Yes, absolutely. Most would recognize the intended comedy and these not be as impacted. What the fine young gentlemen of Lacrosse did is a little different.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: TAMU, Knower of Ball on September 07, 2016, 06:27:13 PM
Why did they put in the apostrophe in "son's"?

Probably cuz they dumb GIRLS

Because the sign is intended to be read as if it is talking to one individual parent? I get that you are trying to be funny but unless I'm missing something the sign is grammatically correct.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: mu03eng on September 07, 2016, 06:45:13 PM
Yes of course. It is meaning to show the absurdity of the "other side."

Sure that's the you think the broseph it's targeting is going to get it or is he going to take it in" these girls are down with my approach"? Are parents who don't get the connection going to get it?
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: DegenerateDish on September 07, 2016, 07:08:14 PM
My frosh year, I lived at OD, came back for second semester, and was walking from 2SE through 2NW corridor to get my mail. A sign was up that said "Welcome Back Guys!". A day later, someone added an "L", and it then said "Welcome Black Guys". I found it pretty funny (I don't know if that's wrong or not, feel free to judge).
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Herman Cain on September 07, 2016, 07:30:24 PM
There is absolutely nothing wrong with what these kids did. This is an excellent Double Entendre. I think the Chancellor should never have gotten involved. People need to lighten up.

Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: GGGG on September 07, 2016, 07:44:23 PM
There is absolutely nothing wrong with what these kids did. This is an excellent Double Entrede. I think the Chancellor should never have gotten involved. People need to lighten up.

Yer an idiot.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: tower912 on September 07, 2016, 07:49:13 PM
At age 20, I would have laughed.    20 year old guys are pretty much knuckleheads.    As a 50 year old with a 21 year old daughter..... yeah, 20 year old guys are pretty much knuckleheads.    Which is what I told my daughter constantly before I sent her off to school.   
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: 4everwarriors on September 07, 2016, 07:56:19 PM
Because the sign is intended to be read as if it is talking to one individual parent? I get that you are trying to be funny but unless I'm missing something the sign is grammatically correct.

True dat. "Game" is da direct object of da possesive form of "son," ai na?
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Herman Cain on September 07, 2016, 08:30:33 PM

Yer an idiot.
Keep projecting.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: TAMU, Knower of Ball on September 07, 2016, 08:34:27 PM
There is absolutely nothing wrong with what these kids did. This is an excellent Double Entendre. I think the Chancellor should never have gotten involved. People need to lighten up.

Would you be alright with a guy approaching your daughter and offering her a cream pie in exchange for her student id?

I think the school did about all they could in that situation. They acknowledged it, recognized it as free speech, used their free speech to distance themselves from it, and allowed other students to use their free speech to show that the campus doesn't stand for that kind of behavior.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: warriorchick on September 07, 2016, 08:51:04 PM
Why did they put in the apostrophe in "son's"?

Probably cuz they dumb GIRLS

Because it's a possessive. 

I suppose one could argue that they could have used "sons'".
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Jay Bee on September 07, 2016, 09:01:26 PM
They may be pastry chefs making a kind gesture. What else would cream pie mean, you sickos??
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Benny B on September 07, 2016, 09:37:57 PM
Ok follow-up....

1) It's not a double entendre, because I'm sure they weren't really giving cream pies (pastry) out to freshmen.  Hell, the only people who know what a cream pie (pastry) is, evidently, live in three counties in Indiana.

2) There's got to be more context somewhere, otherwise, to qualify what some sorority girls are doing in Morgantown as a satirical response to what happened at UW-L is quite the stretch.  Besides, Morgantown just learned yesterday that the Cubs won the World Series... and it has nothing to do with clairvoyance.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Herman Cain on September 07, 2016, 09:42:57 PM
Ok follow-up....

1) It's not a double entendre, because I'm sure they weren't really giving cream pies (pastry) out to freshmen.  Hell, the only people who know what a cream pie (pastry) is, evidently, live in three counties in Indiana.

2) There's got to be more context somewhere, otherwise, to qualify what some sorority girls are doing in Morgantown as a satirical response to what happened at UW-L is quite the stretch.  Besides, Morgantown just learned yesterday that the Cubs won the World Series... and it has nothing to do with clairvoyance.
dou·ble en·ten·dre
ˌdo͞obl änˈtändrə,ˌdəbl änˈtändrə/
a word or phrase open to two interpretations, one of which is usually risqué or indecent
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Benny B on September 07, 2016, 09:45:03 PM
dou·ble en·ten·dre
ˌdo͞obl änˈtändrə,ˌdəbl änˈtändrə/
a word or phrase open to two interpretations, one of which is usually risqué or indecent

I thought I made it clear, but I will reiterate.... Outside of three counties in Indiana, there's only one interpretation of cream pie.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Herman Cain on September 07, 2016, 09:52:51 PM
Would you be alright with a guy approaching your daughter and offering her a cream pie in exchange for her student id?

I think the school did about all they could in that situation. They acknowledged it, recognized it as free speech, used their free speech to distance themselves from it, and allowed other students to use their free speech to show that the campus doesn't stand for that kind of behavior.
The Females in my family laugh this thing kind of thing off and give it very little attention.

Obviously the sign is a sophomoric thing , but I think it would be best left to fizzle out on its own. I have plenty of background in academics and have had to deal with actual abuse.  I believe people and administrators take this fluffy  stuff way to seriously and thus debase actual cases of harassment.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Herman Cain on September 07, 2016, 09:56:21 PM
I thought I made it clear, but I will reiterate.... Outside of three counties in Indiana, there's only one interpretation of cream pie.
Which three counties?
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Coleman on September 07, 2016, 10:24:45 PM
My frosh year, I lived at OD, came back for second semester, and was walking from 2SE through 2NW corridor to get my mail. A sign was up that said "Welcome Back Guys!". A day later, someone added an "L", and it then said "Welcome Black Guys". I found it pretty funny (I don't know if that's wrong or not, feel free to judge).

Definitely funny, and something I, and most of my floormates, would have done in McCormick. And someone would then have no doubt snuck the sign onto a girls floor. Harmless sign.

As to the original sign, I have more of a problem with it. It's just crude, and not that funny. What passes for humor these days...

Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: TAMU, Knower of Ball on September 08, 2016, 12:29:06 AM
The Females in my family laugh this thing kind of thing off and give it very little attention.

Obviously the sign is a sophomoric thing , but I think it would be best left to fizzle out on its own. I have plenty of background in academics and have had to deal with actual abuse.  I believe people and administrators take this fluffy  stuff way to seriously and thus debase actual cases of harassment.

That's wonderful. I hope that's true. I would be careful to assume that they are actually ok with it and not just laughing it off because they know that others wouldn't approve of their disapproval (an example of rape culture, btw). Also, you didn't answer the question. I asked if you would be comfortable with a man approaching your daughter and offering her a cream pie in exchange for her freshmen ID.

What did the university do that you disapprove of? They took no action. All they did was make a statement that they didn't approve of the message. Would you prefer that they pretend that they hadn't heard about it? Just ignore  the fact that it got plastered all over social media, that there were protests, and they were getting angry calls from students and parents? Or are you saying that they should have supported the male students?

As for your last point. I could not disagree with you more. First of all, it is "actual harassment." Second of all, by failing to address the smaller incidents, it sends the message that the university is willing to tolerate acts of harassment. This creates a culture where survivors of harassment and other forms of sexual violence don't feel comfortable to come forward because if the university won't even address the small acts of harassment, how can they be trusted to take on the larger acts? In addition, it emboldens potential predators because when the jokes they make and the demeaning language they use go unchallenged, then they feel like they have the support of the community and can escalate to more aggressive forms of sexual violence. Finally, it reinforces a culture that dictates that is normal and expected for men to be aggressive sexual beings and for women to be nothing more than sexual objects for men's enjoyment. It actually has the potential to make men who would never think of committing an act of sexual violence to commit one almost "unintentionally" because they have been brought up in a culture that teaches that it is ok to coerce, pressure, and bully women into consenting to sex as long as they are still conscious and you don't use a weapon because "no" really means "ask me again in 30 seconds" right?

I know it seems like I just jumped the shark a bit. To be clear, I'm not saying this incident is going to magically turn UW-Lacrosse into a dangerous place. As you said, it is one sophomoric incident. It is one of millions that occur on college campuses across the nation every day. Its the culmination of these millions of sophomoric events that creates this culture that leads to instances of sexual violence. Universities cannot be expected to nor should they respond to every incident that happens. A vast majority should be left to fizzle out. However, when one receives the amount of attention that this one does, a university has the responsibility to make a statement.

You say you have plenty of background in academics. I am assuming and please correct me if I'm wrong, that you are no longer in academics. Because with the amount of scrutiny that the Office of Civil Rights within the Department of Education is putting on sexual violence on campus, you would know that UW-Lacrosse not addressing this would be like putting a target on their backs. More importantly, academia as a whole also now has more research and understanding of the effects these types of events can cause. Fortunately, a significant majority of universities are taking this topic a lot more seriously than they did before.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: #UnleashSean on September 08, 2016, 02:02:02 AM
Saw the banner. I laughed, it was funny, not going to lie. That said the 2 kids who came up with the idea are known idiots, the rest were just there drinking and also found it funny. The girl who freaked and made it "viral" also is a known extreme feminist and "super pc" person. So this was taken to an extreme.

 I am glad that at least UW-L told the girl that the students could hang whatever banner they wanted outside of campus without getting into trouble. UW-L has been frequently getting more and more PC, but this was a resounding blow against PC and I'm glad to see it.

So quick conclusion heres an email they sent to the entire campus:

I hope you're as enthusiastic as I am about the beginning of our new academic year. I wish my first message to all of you could be a purely positive one; however, I am compelled to speak out against behavior that is contrary to what our University stands for. As you may have heard, over the weekend some of our students hung a highly offensive and sexist banner from the balcony of their off-campus apartment. I want all of you to know that UWL strongly condemns this kind of behavior—it is ignorant, it represents our university very poorly, and even if it was meant as a joke, the negative impact on the UWL community is very real.

I and my leadership team are committed to maintaining a campus climate that is safe, respectful, and welcoming for all people. I hope that you will all be a part of that effort, and that you’ll help promote a culture at UWL that we can all be proud of.



The guys who hung the banner and those who pictured in it were sent an email asking for a meeting to "start a conversation" on rape culture, women's rights, and acceptable behavior. I think only one didn't reply with an image of a middle finger. None will receive any disciplinary action.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Jay Bee on September 08, 2016, 07:18:48 AM
TAMU Eagle sounds like he'd be a blast to party with, a'iiinnna?
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: TAMU, Knower of Ball on September 08, 2016, 07:34:03 AM
I am glad that at least UW-L told the girl that the students could hang whatever banner they wanted outside of campus without getting into trouble. UW-L has been frequently getting more and more PC, but this was a resounding blow against PC and I'm glad to see it.

Yes, how dare people be offended by someone else's behavior. These awful people must be stopped!

You also realize that no public university ever would punish kids for this? It would be a massive violation of free speech. The university did all it could to condemn the act, so I don't know how its a victory against PC.

Out of curiosity, which side do you think the Jesuits would be on of this debate?
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: TAMU, Knower of Ball on September 08, 2016, 07:35:32 AM
TAMU Eagle sounds like he'd be a blast to party with, a'iiinnna?

I certainly think so.

I can crack a joke and take a joke with the best of them. But when someone tells me that they were offended or hurt by my actions, I am man enough to say "I'm sorry. I meant it is a joke. Didn't mean to make you feel that way" and move on. Rather than getting defensive and attacking the other person for expressing their feelings.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: mu03eng on September 08, 2016, 07:50:56 AM
TAMU Eagle sounds like he'd be a blast to party with, a'iiinnna?

Delete your account
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: mu03eng on September 08, 2016, 07:58:00 AM
Kind of a funny thing to note (weird or ironic, not ha ha), if you boil down what everyone is saying I think we're 99% in agreement.

-The banner could be hung
-The idiots who hung the banner are just that, idiots
-People could be offended (the degree to which they may be defended is debatable)
-This is a sign of the apocalypse

Assuming the last one is true, I, for one, welcome our new canine overlords.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Pakuni on September 08, 2016, 08:08:03 AM
Sure that's the you think the broseph it's targeting is going to get it or is he going to take it in" these girls are down with my approach"? Are parents who don't get the connection going to get it?

I think satire would be wholly ineffective, not to mention unfunny, if it always had to be softened/dumbed down to ensure that even the doltiest of dolts understands it's satire.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: MerrittsMustache on September 08, 2016, 08:08:42 AM
The guys who hung the banner and those who pictured in it were sent an email asking for a meeting to "start a conversation" on rape culture, women's rights, and acceptable behavior. I think only one didn't reply with an image of a middle finger. None will receive any disciplinary action.

Going through life as bro's who think that type of thing is funny will be punishment enough.

Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: GGGG on September 08, 2016, 08:21:49 AM
Saw the banner. I laughed, it was funny, not going to lie. That said the 2 kids who came up with the idea are known idiots, the rest were just there drinking and also found it funny. The girl who freaked and made it "viral" also is a known extreme feminist and "super pc" person. So this was taken to an extreme.

 I am glad that at least UW-L told the girl that the students could hang whatever banner they wanted outside of campus without getting into trouble. UW-L has been frequently getting more and more PC, but this was a resounding blow against PC and I'm glad to see it.

This really wasn't a "resounding blow against PC."  You are giving them way too much credit.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: GGGG on September 08, 2016, 08:22:35 AM
Going through life as bro's who think that type of thing is funny will be punishment enough.

Yeah, that level of maturity isn't going to take them real far in life.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: TAMU, Knower of Ball on September 08, 2016, 08:37:02 AM
Kind of a funny thing to note (weird or ironic, not ha ha), if you boil down what everyone is saying I think we're 99% in agreement.

-The banner could be hung
-The idiots who hung the banner are just that, idiots
-People could be offended (the degree to which they may be defended is debatable)
-This is a sign of the apocalypse

Assuming the last one is true, I, for one, welcome our new canine overlords.

Such is the case with most of these PC, social justice warrior type debates. We all agree its not a good a thing and probably shouldn't have happened but we disagree with the language used to describe it and the degree of "not a good thing" that it was.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: thePhoenix on September 08, 2016, 09:15:06 AM
I thought I made it clear, but I will reiterate.... Outside of three counties in Indiana, there's only one interpretation of cream pie.

What about Boston?   ;)


double entendre for sure
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Benny B on September 08, 2016, 09:19:52 AM
What about Boston?   ;)


double entendre for sure

That actually might be a triple entendre.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: mu03eng on September 08, 2016, 09:21:49 AM
That actually might be a triple entendre.

But is it a Triple Lindy

Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: warriorchick on September 08, 2016, 09:42:17 AM

Yeah, that level of maturity isn't going to take them real far in life.

Seems to be working for at least some of you guys.....
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: mu03eng on September 08, 2016, 09:52:29 AM
Seems to be working for at least some of you guys.....

Is it because of or in spite of?
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: warriorchick on September 08, 2016, 09:57:53 AM
Is it because of or in spite of?

Let's hope it's in spite of.

Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Skitch on September 08, 2016, 12:25:17 PM
My frosh year, I lived at OD, came back for second semester, and was walking from 2SE through 2NW corridor to get my mail. A sign was up that said "Welcome Back Guys!". A day later, someone added an "L", and it then said "Welcome Black Guys". I found it pretty funny (I don't know if that's wrong or not, feel free to judge).

I laughed just now reading it so 18 year old you definitely shouldn't have felt bad. Also 18 year old skitch would have probably just changed the u in guys to an a and thought he was hilarious.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: keefe on September 08, 2016, 12:50:52 PM
Personally, I favor a slice of pie.

Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: GooooMarquette on September 08, 2016, 12:54:55 PM
Would it be a quadruple entendre for banana cream pie?
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: mu03eng on September 08, 2016, 01:19:55 PM
Would it be a quadruple entendre for banana cream pie?

Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: TAMU, Knower of Ball on September 08, 2016, 01:41:59 PM
Personally, I favor a slice of pie.


One of these days I'm going to have to try the Norske Nook. I've heard so much about it.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: keefe on September 08, 2016, 06:57:14 PM
One of these days I'm going to have to try the Norske Nook. I've heard so much about it.

When a man craves the tart tang of well crafted fruit pie there is no finer haven than "The Nook."

Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: real chili 83 on September 08, 2016, 08:14:16 PM
One of these days I'm going to have to try the Norske Nook. I've heard so much about it.

Some prefer the evening pie, but there is something to be said for afternoon lingonberry.  I'll leave it at that. 
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: 4everwarriors on September 08, 2016, 08:15:12 PM
Afternoon delight, hey?
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: rocket surgeon on September 09, 2016, 05:56:44 AM
There is absolutely nothing wrong with what these kids did. This is an excellent Double Entendre. I think the Chancellor should never have gotten involved. People need to lighten up.

I believe society has a way to deal with this without all the added attention.  Would I be going out on a limb saying a majority(probably a large magority) believe the sign to be in poor taste.  Well, the backlash will take care of it. Note the strong presence of those who didn't find it amusing. If I were dropping off my daughter on her first day with that kind of "welcome" I would have gone straight to the apartment to "introduce" myself.  Hopefully it will be a teaching moment for the authors and any others who think this was a good idea. if they didn't get the "memo" by now, then,unfortunately(very) we may see one or more of these fellas with a series of photos holding a number in front of them.  The sad part about that is, usually there is a victim as well.  Hopefully, it doesn't get to that point.  Talk about "feeling safe" ??  Yikes!!
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: rocket surgeon on September 09, 2016, 06:04:33 AM
I laughed just now reading it so 18 year old you definitely shouldn't have felt bad. Also 18 year old skitch would have probably just changed the u in guys to an a and thought he was hilarious.

I think both of these are creative and funny.  The sad part is, there will be a group (large or small) that will piss all over this one and turn it into some kind of crime.  We've lost the ability to laugh a little b/c of the vocal minority and those who just don't want to get involved
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Benny B on September 09, 2016, 09:46:42 AM
I'm still struggling to understand how a couple of frat morons acting moronically allegedly contributes to a "rape culture"... if anything, it's completely the opposite: consider for a moment that these buffoons were actually being serious... they were - intentionally or not - making their intentions known, so unless a freshman girl (or guy) honestly goes over there thinking that they're going to receive a literal slice of a literal custard-based filling in a literal pastry shell, well then caveat emptor.  You can't walk into a swingers club and scream rape the second someone comes on [to] you.

If they weren't being serious and just trying to be cute (most likely, these guys wouldn't know what to do with a woman in their dorm room anyway)... does anyone believe that someone is going to go out and rape someone just because they happened to see this banner?

The only legitimate rationale I can see here is that if a passive copulant (i.e. the female or "brownie queen", as the case may be) consents to sex strictly on the condition of condom usage yet the other copulant (i.e. the male or "brownie king") deliberately does not use a condom, then arguably, with conditions not met the intercourse would be non-consensual and therefore considered rape (or at least sexual assault).  So I suppose cream pieing could be contributing to a rape culture... but I would think it's safe to presume that these days, the condom usage rate is pretty high already - whether required by consent or not - and no banner or advertisement is going to change that.

Again, these guys are your bottom-of-the-barrel idiots, but whoever made this issue go viral are right on par.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: mu03eng on September 09, 2016, 11:12:09 AM
I'm still struggling to understand how a couple of frat morons acting moronically allegedly contributes to a "rape culture"... if anything, it's completely the opposite: consider for a moment that these buffoons were actually being serious... they were - intentionally or not - making their intentions known, so unless a freshman girl (or guy) honestly goes over there thinking that they're going to receive a literal slice of a literal custard-based filling in a literal pastry shell, well then caveat emptor.  You can't walk into a swingers club and scream rape the second someone comes on [to] you.

If they weren't being serious and just trying to be cute (most likely, these guys wouldn't know what to do with a woman in their dorm room anyway)... does anyone believe that someone is going to go out and rape someone just because they happened to see this banner?

The only legitimate rationale I can see here is that if a passive copulant (i.e. the female or "brownie queen", as the case may be) consents to sex strictly on the condition of condom usage yet the other copulant (i.e. the male or "brownie king") deliberately does not use a condom, then arguably, with conditions not met the intercourse would be non-consensual and therefore considered rape (or at least sexual assault).  So I suppose cream pieing could be contributing to a rape culture... but I would think it's safe to presume that these days, the condom usage rate is pretty high already - whether required by consent or not - and no banner or advertisement is going to change that.

Again, these guys are your bottom-of-the-barrel idiots, but whoever made this issue go viral are right on par.

The operating theory is that this type of open language/suggestion generates an environment where harassment are more acceptable and within that environment sexual aggressiveness, assault, and/or rape become more "permissive" in the eyes of those who might be prone to perpetrate such things.
Title: Re: Worse than a MU/Loyola Billboard...
Post by: Benny B on September 09, 2016, 09:18:26 PM
The operating theory is that this type of open language/suggestion generates an environment where harassment are more acceptable and within that environment sexual aggressiveness, assault, and/or rape become more "permissive" in the eyes of those who might be prone to perpetrate such things.

Well then shame on UW-L for admitting people who are prone to perpetrating such things.  Here's a thought.... make an effort to enroll guys who aren't so rapey.  Let all the rapeys go to Notre Dame where - apparently - there aren't any laws against rape (at least laws that can be enforced anyway).