
MUScoop => Hangin' at the Al => Topic started by: drewm88 on December 01, 2007, 02:04:06 PM

Title: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: drewm88 on December 01, 2007, 02:04:06 PM
This has been mentioned here and there, usually as a sidetrack in a thread, but what does everyone think of David's antics?

I personally think sometimes his showboating after a 3 is a bit much, but LOVE everything else. Last night there were 2 things I thought were just great. One was after a big basket when setting up on d he gave like a mega version of a Tiger fist pump. I think he even left the ground. The other was when the team went nuts when Mo took the charge, and Cubes lifted Crean into the air. I loved to see that fire from everybody, and Cubes definitely does it best.
Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: Thomas' Danish Delight on December 01, 2007, 02:08:10 PM
I loved his gliding thing or whatever he did after his threes against Duke in Maui.  He's the guy that will keep the team fired up when the rest start to slack. 
Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: Big Papi on December 01, 2007, 02:15:37 PM
I have to agree.  I love his emotion, competitiveness and fiery attitude but he should cut out the antics after he hits the three ball.
Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: mu_hilltopper on December 01, 2007, 02:32:54 PM
Tough call.  There's a fine line between legit emotion and showboating, and he's getting close.

I'd tell him to show his emotion very briefly, no dance moves thank you, and focus on your man at the other end of the court immediately.
Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: Thomas' Danish Delight on December 01, 2007, 02:34:33 PM
( (

Haha, loving his intensity.
Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: mu_hilltopper on December 01, 2007, 02:37:18 PM
Nice .. swing your partner round you go, swing your partner do-si-do.

Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: spiral97 on December 01, 2007, 02:42:41 PM
personally, I'm fine with his antics.. he does them because he has a reason to.  I'd rather him make his gestures than not have a reason.

they also can have a beneficial effect on the team (beyond firing em up)... the opponent can get irritated with it and aim to shut him up by altering their defensive focus (however slightly and unconsciously).   This only serves to open up his other teammates - perfect.
Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: jutaw22mu on December 01, 2007, 04:24:41 PM
i think its great, and if his antics are giving him a psychological edge, no reason to stop.  his energy can rub off on the other guys too.  i love having him come off the bench as a spark plug....its truly amazing how much his game has improved since last year.  better defense, less mistakes, more confidence driving to the hole, taking better shots......this guy should be considered a "leader" of the team soon.
Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: ecompt on December 01, 2007, 05:15:56 PM
I don't know...I love his enthusiasm but think he goes overboard at times. I know that if he played at another Big East school and did this, I would be pissed (memories of Carl Krauser). I think he can still be enthusiastic without ticking people off.
Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: TallTitan34 on December 01, 2007, 06:47:52 PM
I know I wasn't pleased when Devendorf shushed the student section.

As a Marquette fan though I love the energy David brings.
Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: mugrack on December 01, 2007, 08:11:06 PM
I love it,  keep it up Cube!

Plus it ain't braggin' if you can back it up.

My advice to the whole team -- Cube your enthusiasm!
Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: HoopDreams on December 02, 2007, 11:44:19 AM
high energy player, but has gotta put that arm down after he hits the three. no reason for that kinda stuff, especially against UWM. his confidence and play should speak for itself.
Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: Pakuni on December 02, 2007, 11:55:12 AM
If his antics devolve into the realm of taunting, then it's bad.

Right now, he's just a kid showing some passion and enthusiasm. Nothing wrong with that, just as there was nothing wrong with Diener holding three fingers in the air every time he hit a shot from behind the arc.
Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: Muhoops85 on December 02, 2007, 04:51:46 PM
The glide thing is cool, without taunting.  He should keep that up.

Also enjoy the wild-eyed crazy look he gets when he plays his intense D.

Let's hope he has lots of reasons to make the glide move on Saturday against the rodents.
Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: MUcoe07 on December 02, 2007, 05:05:58 PM
I am all for it, and I don't think it is out of hand.  He is a team player, and as long as he stays that way, a slight showing of enthusiasm is good.
Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: wesmat on December 02, 2007, 05:46:15 PM
I love the energy he brings and look forward to him hitting 3's and doing that move he does. Keep it up Cuby.
Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: Coobeys Oil Depot on December 02, 2007, 11:14:29 PM
Obviously, to me, Coobey can do damn near anything he wants to.

As long as his boy Hugo doesn't cut our oil supply.
Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: MUDPT on December 03, 2007, 09:35:47 AM
I was away from MuScoop all weekend but I was at the game on Friday.  When they took that charge late in the game, did anybody know what the huge celebration was about?  Cubillan picked Crean up in a huge bear hug.  It was really strange in a game when they were up by 40.  It might have been discussed here, but I didn't see it.
Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: drewm88 on December 03, 2007, 10:09:51 AM
I read somewhere (don't remember if it was here, game articles, or UWM board) that Crean offered the team a weekend without practice if they reached certain goals. Supposedly, the charge Mo took at the end clinched it.
Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: MUEng92 on December 03, 2007, 05:03:58 PM
As far as his 3 pt reactions... I am on the fence.  I feel like a hypocrite if I say it is OK for an MU player to do it, when if an opponent does it, it makes my blood boil.  Devendorf is lucky I was sitting about 6 rows from the top of the BC and within two seats from a 3 year old last year!!!

I am more concerned with his defensive movements.  I swear sometimes it looks like he is having a seizure.  Can't/shouldn't he take slightly longer strides (or shuffles if you want to call them that)?  I think he almost looks slower by taking such short strides.  I guess if it distracts the man guarding him as much as it does me the viewer, more power to him.
Title: Re: Cubillan's Enthusiasm
Post by: romey on December 03, 2007, 07:11:43 PM
As far as his 3 pt reactions... I am on the fence.  I feel like a hypocrite if I say it is OK for an MU player to do it, when if an opponent does it, it makes my blood boil.  Devendorf is lucky I was sitting about 6 rows from the top of the BC and within two seats from a 3 year old last year!!!

I am more concerned with his defensive movements.  I swear sometimes it looks like he is having a seizure.  Can't/shouldn't he take slightly longer strides (or shuffles if you want to call them that)?  I think he almost looks slower by taking such short strides.  I guess if it distracts the man guarding him as much as it does me the viewer, more power to him.

I'm old school - make a shot - 3 pointer or any other, go about your business - get back down the court and play defense.  Class- Barry Sanders style, score a touchdown, hand the ball to the referee, "I've been here before - just doing my job".  That's the kind of player I respect - let's your game do the talking.