
MUScoop => Hangin' at the Al => Topic started by: bilsu on March 30, 2014, 07:12:14 AM

Title: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: bilsu on March 30, 2014, 07:12:14 AM
What do you think?
Butler was a bust, Creighton is one and done and who knows what happens with Xavier. Drop those three and add Uconn, Cincy, SMU and Memphis and  the league looks a lot better to me. We would still have to put up with football and the other teams in AAC, whoever they are, but I think we would be better off going forward. Without expansion the New Big East, now that we are past the first season hype, is going to fall into oblivion.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: thekahoona on March 30, 2014, 07:19:34 AM
Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I think it was foolish to think this league was going to come out of the gate as a world beater. The league will gel, but it will take a few seasons. I don't think oblivion is the destination.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: dgies9156 on March 30, 2014, 07:20:17 AM
Eventually, I suspect we will merge with the American Athletic Conference. The better teams will join the existing Big East and we'll make peace with the football playing schools. If we pull in a couple of A-10 teams that have great reputations (are you listening Shaka!), we'll end up with an OK football conference -- which is all the American Athletic is now -- and a reinvigorated basketball conference.

Incidentally, we had kind of a down year, but so did the ACC. North Carolina, Duke were both eliminated early. No ACC in the Final Four.

They will rebound and so will we!
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Tugg Speedman on March 30, 2014, 07:29:43 AM
What do you think?
Butler was a bust, Creighton is one and done and who knows what happens with Xavier. Drop those three and add Uconn, Cincy, SMU and Memphis and  the league looks a lot better to me. We would still have to put up with football and the other teams in AAC, whoever they are, but I think we would be better off going forward. Without expansion the New Big East, now that we are past the first season hype, is going to fall into oblivion.

Stop, we have been through this a 1,000 times ...

The highlighted schools above play football.  They CANNOT, repeat CANNOT repeat CANNOT join a basketball only league.

Basketball is second to football in every way shape and form.  Boeheim did not want to leave the BE but his opinion did not matter because it is football that drives everything.

We are a conference for non-football schools.  So our merger partners are the A10 (which had 6 bids) and/or the Horizon league. 

Now if you want to ask ...

Why didn't we take VCU, Dayton and St. Louis into the BE instead of X, Creighton and Butler, that is a better question.  I think the answer is the three that we took are more committed to basketball bigger picture (budgets and tradition) than the three I mention that had outstanding (1 and done) years.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: bradley center bat on March 30, 2014, 07:31:37 AM
The AAC also will have East Carolina,  Tulsa, Tulane joining UCF, USF and Houston. Temple will be better.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Tugg Speedman on March 30, 2014, 07:36:35 AM
Eventually, I suspect we will merge with the American Athletic Conference. The better teams will join the existing Big East and we'll make peace with the football playing schools. If we pull in a couple of A-10 teams that have great reputations (are you listening Shaka!), we'll end up with an OK football conference -- which is all the American Athletic is now -- and a reinvigorated basketball conference.

Incidentally, we had kind of a down year, but so did the ACC. North Carolina, Duke were both eliminated early. No ACC in the Final Four.

They will rebound and so will we!

No no no no no no no!!!

It is not about "making peace" with football schools.  Those football schools all make more money, and a lot more money than the basketball schools.  Just about all football schools make more money than basketball schools.

Merge with them and its the Big East clusterf**k all over again.  The football schools will look to run the conference, marginalize the basketball schools, throw out basketball schools for more football schools and ruin it like they did the old BE.

Are you guys not paying attention?  Or has Izzo dictum that everything more than three weeks old has been forgotten?

Football runs the world.  It dominates the world.  We only have two choices.  Merge with the best basketball only schools, which we did.  Or become a permanent mid-major.

If the BE becomes a permanent mid-major than that's it.  The only way out would be for you to donate $100 million plus to MU to start a football team.  So unless you're writing a check today, stop with this thinking.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Tugg Speedman on March 30, 2014, 07:39:50 AM
The AAC also will have East Carolina,  Tulsa, Tulane joining UCF, USF and Houston. Temple will be better.

All were chosen because of football.  Their basketball programs were an afterthought in the decision.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Buzz Williams' Spillproof Chiclets Cup on March 30, 2014, 07:49:53 AM
The better question is:

So, after another RPI-killing loss to East Carolina, or another half-filled Bradley Center for National Marquette Day vs. Tulane, who here would jump at the idea to partner with the best basketball-only schools and form our own league?

Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Tums Festival on March 30, 2014, 07:50:21 AM
The worst thing to do is give up on the BE after only one season. As has been pointed out numerous times on this board, the BE is second to the ACC in top 100 recruits for 2014 and has six schools in the top 40 class rankings. Sounds like some people are starting to believe Brett's BS about the conference, the same one he could only go .500 in. The BE's long term goal needs to be to thoughtfully expand by adding the best hoops only schools to become the undisputed top hoops conference on the country. Any mixing with football schools will only create chaos.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: NotAnAlum on March 30, 2014, 08:03:46 AM
No the Catholic 7 were being pragmatic! Conferences are all about Football and Football revenue.  Eventually the top 60 or so football schools will breakoff again in the quest to drive higher and higher revenue and to eliminate the need to share it with schools who are not "worthy" in big time football.  The C-7 were just the first to get the message.  By being the first to get the message they have the chance to build a league that can build a different identity and while it won't be at the level of the coming super conference it will be the next best thing.  Then as all those who's football programs are deemed "not worthy" get marginalized (UCONN being the first example) and their other programs get marginalized along with it, what We've started will at least be viable as a "Winter Content Alternative" for the networks.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: MDMU04 on March 30, 2014, 08:11:56 AM
There was no workable alternative which would have provided any future with stability. Did we learn anything about the standing of basketball only schools in any conference realignment that involves football schools when it happened less than a year ago?

The likeliest scenario for expansion at some point in the future is a merger with the stronger A10 schools under the Big East name. There will never be another affiliation with football playing schools. The interests are too different.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: XavierFan on March 30, 2014, 08:18:44 AM
Butler a bust? You are making that judgement after one year? If that's the standard, then Marquette and Georgetown are busts, too, because they were supposed to carry the league last year -- and failed.

Xavier, by the way, has a top 20 recruiting class coming in and Creighton has a bigger fan base than just about anyone in the country, save Syracuse ... this league NEEDS the three new entrants. ...

What do you think?
Butler was a bust, Creighton is one and done and who knows what happens with Xavier. Drop those three and add Uconn, Cincy, SMU and Memphis and  the league looks a lot better to me. We would still have to put up with football and the other teams in AAC, whoever they are, but I think we would be better off going forward. Without expansion the New Big East, now that we are past the first season hype, is going to fall into oblivion.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Litehouse on March 30, 2014, 08:28:13 AM
Butler a bust? You are making that judgement after one year? If that's the standard, then Marquette and Georgetown are busts, too, because they were supposed to carry the league last year -- and failed.
Yep, thanks Brett :-\

Creighton has a bigger fan base than just about anyone in the country, save Syracuse ...
Let's not get crazy here.  Creighton has nice attendance figures, but their fan base isn't anywhere near the big state schools.

Back on topic... the New Big East is the best situation we could have hoped for.  I'd like to stick with the current 10 teams for the forseeable future.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: XavierFan on March 30, 2014, 08:32:56 AM
Oh, really? Creighton was SIXTH in the nation in 2013 in attendance -- ahead of "big states schools" like Wisconsin, Ohio State and Arizona -- and they will probably go UP once the 2014 stats are released...

Yep, thanks Brett :-\
Let's not get crazy here.  Creighton has nice attendance figures, but their fan base isn't anywhere near the big state schools.

Back on topic... the New Big East is the best situation we could have hoped for.  I'd like to stick with the current 10 teams for the forseeable future.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: radome on March 30, 2014, 08:40:02 AM
There was no workable alternative
Exactly, the old Big East was great while it lasted but its over. I hate what college football has done to basketball.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Litehouse on March 30, 2014, 08:42:50 AM
I said they have great attendance, but attendance alone does not equal fan base.  Feel free to argue away though.  Of all the things for Marquette fans to get riled up about this morning, this isn't one of them.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: ScoopReader on March 30, 2014, 08:53:42 AM
The Big East will become a major basketball conference, it may just take a little bit of time. I don't see it becoming a national title contender every season, but it definitely has the potential to have numerous teams ranked in the Top 25 and competitive in the tourney. Just look at the teams...

Marquette: Despite people's fears will hire a coach and will continue the legacy we have grown accustomed to. Will be a Top 25 team again...

Georgetown: Had a down year, will always be a prominent name in college basketball

Villanova: Was ranked high all year, will continue to grow

Xavier: Down year like Marquette, but has a great recruiting class coming in and will likely be able to repeat success from the past few years

St. Johns: Program is on the rise, look for them to maintain consistency and become a familiar name in the Top 25 again

Butler: Program is in transition since Stevens left. I think they will reload and at least be competitive in conference

Providence: Had a good season, even if this is as good as they get they are certainly a more competitive program than the bottom of the SEC and maybe even Big 10 (Purdue, Penn State, Northwestern, Indiana this year)

Creighton: Had a GREAT season, will need to reload and will certainly drop off for the foreseeable future, but their fan base, commitment to basketball and being in the Big East will help them reload

DePaul: Well.... Maybe they will surprise us?

Seton Hall: Step up from DePaul, but doesn't have the upside of the other schools in the conference.

I think we eventually look to add SLU and Dayton (I know some people on here will go crazy...) but the conference has the potential to be strong top to almost bottom. Could pump out some decent tourney teams and have a very good conference RPI.

Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: MarquetteDano on March 30, 2014, 09:07:43 AM
Oh, really? Creighton was SIXTH in the nation in 2013 in attendance -- ahead of "big states schools" like Wisconsin, Ohio State and Arizona -- and they will probably go UP once the 2014 stats are released...

And Marquette was 15th.  That is attendance which is nice for the school but Fox Sports 1 doesn't give one crap about attendance.  Do you really think Creighton is sixth in the country and Marquette 15th in television ratings?
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Pakuni on March 30, 2014, 09:39:01 AM
They made the best out of a terrible situation, and despite the lack of tourney success this year, the conference was solid overall (4th in conference RPI rankings... ahead of the SEC, A-10, AAC and ACC).
Anyone who thought this was going to be instantly comparable to the old Big East was misguided. But it was, and will continue to be, a solid conference.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on March 30, 2014, 09:43:06 AM
What do you think?
Butler was a bust, Creighton is one and done and who knows what happens with Xavier. Drop those three and add Uconn, Cincy, SMU and Memphis and  the league looks a lot better to me. We would still have to put up with football and the other teams in AAC, whoever they are, but I think we would be better off going forward. Without expansion the New Big East, now that we are past the first season hype, is going to fall into oblivion.

Doesn't matter, UCONN, Cincy, SMU, Memphis weren't going to join....they need a football home.  Aresco was clear on that so it's a non-starter in my opinion.

As far as the oblivion comment, I just don't agree.  You have a ton of money coming into this league for hoops, the channel is carried by most distributors on basic cable.  At the end of the day, you need programs like Marquette, Georgetown and St. John's to play well.  The Buzzard, with all his bitching about the weakness of this conference, sure looked like a total dud with his 6th place team. 
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Pakuni on March 30, 2014, 09:43:59 AM
And Marquette was 15th.  That is attendance which is nice for the school but Fox Sports 1 doesn't give one crap about attendance.  Do you really think Creighton is sixth in the country and Marquette 15th in television ratings?

A lot of factors weigh into television ratings beyond which teams are playing. Day of week. Time of day. What network. What else is on at the time.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: mikekinsellaMVP on March 30, 2014, 09:55:48 AM
It amazes me people want to write off the league decision after one year.  ONE DATA POINT DOES NOT MAKE A TREND.  If we're a four-bid league for three straight years, you can call that a pattern.  People here were lambasting Dayton last spring as we were looking to invite other schools -- has your opinion changed based on one run to the Elite Eight?

Should we have stuck with the AAC?  Been faithful to UConn, who would jump to the ACC or B1G the second they get the chance?  Faithful to Cincy, whose consistently decent football program is more compelling than the Huskies' program?  Has Mark Few been ripping his hair out because WCC competition is atrocious outside of BYU and St. Mary's?  We land Howland or another "impact hire" and it's a moot point -- eight straight years of success has made this a place where people want to coach and want to play.  Brent's comments about the league are silly way to publicly justify his departure.

Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: MarquetteDano on March 30, 2014, 10:12:36 AM
A lot of factors weigh into television ratings beyond which teams are playing. Day of week. Time of day. What network. What else is on at the time.

Sure.  But the comment made was "CREIGHTON HAS ONE OF THE BIGGER FAN BASES IN THE COUNTRY".  That is simply not true.  They have great home attendance but not one school in the Big East has one of the bigger fan bases in the country.

I am not bad mouthing the Catholic 7 decisions for the New Big East however let's not pretend because Marquette, Creighton, et al. draw a lot of home fans that it compares to the state school's fan bases.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: mattyv1908 on March 30, 2014, 10:20:19 AM
The Big East will become a major basketball conference, it may just take a little bit of time. I don't see it becoming a national title contender every season, but it definitely has the potential to have numerous teams ranked in the Top 25 and competitive in the tourney. Just look at the teams...

Marquette: Despite people's fears will hire a coach and will continue the legacy we have grown accustomed to. Will be a Top 25 team again...

Georgetown: Had a down year, will always be a prominent name in college basketball

Villanova: Was ranked high all year, will continue to grow

Xavier: Down year like Marquette, but has a great recruiting class coming in and will likely be able to repeat success from the past few years

St. Johns: Program is on the rise, look for them to maintain consistency and become a familiar name in the Top 25 again

Butler: Program is in transition since Stevens left. I think they will reload and at least be competitive in conference

Providence: Had a good season, even if this is as good as they get they are certainly a more competitive program than the bottom of the SEC and maybe even Big 10 (Purdue, Penn State, Northwestern, Indiana this year)

Creighton: Had a GREAT season, will need to reload and will certainly drop off for the foreseeable future, but their fan base, commitment to basketball and being in the Big East will help them reload

DePaul: Well.... Maybe they will surprise us?

Seton Hall: Step up from DePaul, but doesn't have the upside of the other schools in the conference.

I think we eventually look to add SLU and Dayton (I know some people on here will go crazy...) but the conference has the potential to be strong top to almost bottom. Could pump out some decent tourney teams and have a very good conference RPI.

The fact that you said Seton Hall is a step up from DePaul and doesn't have upside clearly shows your lack of understanding regarding what you're talking about.  Did you watch a single Big East game this year?
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Texas Western on March 30, 2014, 10:27:35 AM
This league did very well the first year out of the gates . If anything it was Marquette and Georgetown who hurt the league . Every team in the league is positioned well for the future . The double round robin schedule is a huge factor in building rivalries .  Next year everyone will get after very hard in non conference play and things will be fine .
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: muwarrior69 on March 30, 2014, 10:49:42 AM
The Big East will become a major basketball conference, it may just take a little bit of time. I don't see it becoming a national title contender every season, but it definitely has the potential to have numerous teams ranked in the Top 25 and competitive in the tourney. Just look at the teams...

Marquette: Despite people's fears will hire a coach and will continue the legacy we have grown accustomed to. Will be a Top 25 team again...

Georgetown: Had a down year, will always be a prominent name in college basketball

Villanova: Was ranked high all year, will continue to grow

Xavier: Down year like Marquette, but has a great recruiting class coming in and will likely be able to repeat success from the past few years

St. Johns: Program is on the rise, look for them to maintain consistency and become a familiar name in the Top 25 again

Butler: Program is in transition since Stevens left. I think they will reload and at least be competitive in conference

Providence: Had a good season, even if this is as good as they get they are certainly a more competitive program than the bottom of the SEC and maybe even Big 10 (Purdue, Penn State, Northwestern, Indiana this year)

Creighton: Had a GREAT season, will need to reload and will certainly drop off for the foreseeable future, but their fan base, commitment to basketball and being in the Big East will help them reload

DePaul: Well.... Maybe they will surprise us?

Seton Hall: Step up from DePaul, but doesn't have the upside of the other schools in the conference.

I think we eventually look to add SLU and Dayton (I know some people on here will go crazy...) but the conference has the potential to be strong top to almost bottom. Could pump out some decent tourney teams and have a very good conference RPI.

I believe they have the highest ranked recruiting class, for the Big East, coming in next year. I expect them to be very competitive and just may be the surprise team next season.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Jet915 on March 30, 2014, 11:10:30 AM
Even with a disappointing end to the 2014 season, the Big East future is bright!  4 bids out of 10 teams with no participation from Marquette and Georgetown is pretty respectable.

ESPN '14 Top 100 by conference
ACC 18
Big East 14 (with only 10 schools)
Big Ten 14
SEC 14
Pac12 13
Mtn West 6
Big 12 6
A-10 3
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: TAMU, Knower of Ball on March 30, 2014, 11:13:05 AM
More money, top of the basketball only food chain, every game on national TV, every team is in the top 150? Yes please!

The new BEast was a home run for us. Is it the old BEast? No, but nothing every will be. We are in the best situation we can possibly know....minus the whole no coach/ad thing
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: bilsu on March 30, 2014, 11:30:59 AM
It amazes me people want to write off the league decision after one year. 

It sounds like Buzz did and he would know more than us.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Eldon on March 30, 2014, 11:33:24 AM
What do you think?
Butler was a bust, Creighton is one and done and who knows what happens with Xavier. Drop those three and add Uconn, Cincy, SMU and Memphis and  the league looks a lot better to me. We would still have to put up with football and the other teams in AAC, whoever they are, but I think we would be better off going forward. Without expansion the New Big East, now that we are past the first season hype, is going to fall into oblivion.

Butler, Creighton, and X devote a lot of resources to basketball and they have shown that they are committed to their respective programs.  Plus, they are like-minded institutions.  I am not happy that the old BE fell apart, but I am happy that we made the best of it.

Even if you are correct about hooking up with the best of the AAC it will never happen.  Apparently even those schools with god-awful football still make a profit on it.  Profit that they will not want to share with us.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on March 30, 2014, 11:37:34 AM
It sounds like Buzz did and he would know more than us.

Buzz is a coward.

He bailed on New Orleans when things got tough.

He bailed on MU for a job in which if he makes one NCAA tournament in the next five years he is a hero.

He is a coward
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: mikekinsellaMVP on March 30, 2014, 11:43:49 AM
It sounds like Buzz did and he would know more than us.

Sure he does.  He knew the writing was on the wall, and blasting the conference was a way to save face.  For as much as we've been bashing him, I actually appreciate that this was the approach he took.  At a minimum, we knew there was friction between him and the old administration, and there's been credible speculation that this year was no better.  He could go out blasting university leadership, the president and AD vacancies, or the criticism of the fans and media this year.  I'm sure something like that would have made our coaching search a whole lot more fun.  Instead, he blames it on a weak conference, something that a well-coached Marquette team, a rebounding Georgetown team, and sustained success from the likes of Creighton, Nova, Providence, St. John's, and Xavier would put to rest.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: bradley center bat on March 30, 2014, 12:25:43 PM
All were chosen because of football.  Their basketball programs were an afterthought in the decision.
Yes, I know that! None the less the C-7 would be with those schools.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on March 30, 2014, 12:42:24 PM
Sure he does.  He knew the writing was on the wall, and blasting the conference was a way to save face.  For as much as we've been bashing him, I actually appreciate that this was the approach he took.  At a minimum, we knew there was friction between him and the old administration, and there's been credible speculation that this year was no better.  He could go out blasting university leadership, the president and AD vacancies, or the criticism of the fans and media this year.  I'm sure something like that would have made our coaching search a whole lot more fun.  Instead, he blames it on a weak conference, something that a well-coached Marquette team, a rebounding Georgetown team, and sustained success from the likes of Creighton, Nova, Providence, St. John's, and Xavier would put to rest.

That would be fine except that he is directly responsible for that AD vacancy so it rings hollow.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: thekahoona on March 30, 2014, 12:44:49 PM
It amazes me people want to write off the league decision after one year.  ONE DATA POINT DOES NOT MAKE A TREND.  If we're a four-bid league for three straight years, you can call that a pattern.  People here were lambasting Dayton last spring as we were looking to invite other schools -- has your opinion changed based on one run to the Elite Eight?

Should we have stuck with the AAC?  Been faithful to UConn, who would jump to the ACC or B1G the second they get the chance?  Faithful to Cincy, whose consistently decent football program is more compelling than the Huskies' program?  Has Mark Few been ripping his hair out because WCC competition is atrocious outside of BYU and St. Mary's?  We land Howland or another "impact hire" and it's a moot point -- eight straight years of success has made this a place where people want to coach and want to play.  Brent's comments about the league are silly way to publicly justify his departure.

This. Give it time people.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: willie warrior on March 30, 2014, 12:49:39 PM
Buzz is a coward.

He bailed on New Orleans when things got tough.

He bailed on MU for a job in which if he makes one NCAA tournament in the next five years he is a hero.

He is a coward
Not only that, he criticizes the league as being weak, a league in which he finished at the equator and had his ass handed to regularly. Where are the Buzz loving slurpers now when they were so insulting at any criticism of their boy.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on March 30, 2014, 12:50:57 PM
Not only that, he criticizes the league as being weak, a league in which he finished at the equator and had his ass handed to regularly. Where are the Buzz loving slurpers now when they were so insulting at any criticism of their boy.

Playing golf in San Diego
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: willie warrior on March 30, 2014, 01:04:16 PM
Playing golf in San Diego
While they are there, maybe they can reel in Steve Fischer. He must be about 75 by now, but has a resume.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Chicos' Buzz Scandal Countdown on March 30, 2014, 01:29:26 PM
The worst thing to do is give up on the BE after only one season. As has been pointed out numerous times on this board, the BE is second to the ACC in top 100 recruits for 2014 and has six schools in the top 40 class rankings. Sounds like some people are starting to believe Brett's BS about the conference, the same one he could only go .500 in. The BE's long term goal needs to be to thoughtfully expand by adding the best hoops only schools to become the undisputed top hoops conference on the country. Any mixing with football schools will only create chaos.
This x 1000

Next steps for Beast:
1) Add SLU
2) Add Gonzaga (Yes, they are out west, but boosting their TV revenue from $400k to $4m will certainly cover travel)
3) Add VCU
4) Add Dayton

Long-term you're giving more money to schools who will focus it into basketball first, and over time will be a solid, and stable destination conference.

I'm not worried in the least, as long as the BEast keeps its focus.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Pete4KSU on March 30, 2014, 01:50:34 PM
This x 1000

Next steps for Beast:
1) Add SLU
2) Add Gonzaga (Yes, they are out west, but boosting their TV revenue from $400k to $4m will certainly cover travel)
3) Add VCU
4) Add Dayton

Long-term you're giving more money to schools who will focus it into basketball first, and over time will be a solid, and stable destination conference.

I'm not worried in the least, as long as the BEast keeps its focus.

You realize that every school you add reduces your revenue, right?  You Jesuits and your hand-outs, smh.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: GoldenWarrior11 on March 30, 2014, 01:58:48 PM
You realize that every school you add reduces your revenue, right?  You Jesuits and your hand-outs, smh.

You realize that it has been documented that Fox would increase the schools payouts, in the event of a possible Big East expansion, right?  You fans from other second-fiddle schools and your nonsense, smh.

Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Pete4KSU on March 30, 2014, 02:12:04 PM
You realize that it has been documented that Fox would increase the schools payouts, in the event of a possible Big East expansion, right?  You fans from other second-fiddle schools and your nonsense, smh.


It's very, very hard to believe that it would be proportional.  You would almost certainly lose money if you added more schools.  I mean, we have more money in our seat cushions that what your TV deal brings in, but whatever.     ::)

Seriously, we have freaking millions coming in, merely because we have a football team and were lucky enough to be historically associated with the likes of Oklahoma.  Do we deserve it?  Nope.  But it's super fun to have millions and millions more dollars coming in than basketball-only schools and non-big-time football conference schools.  Heck, we just completed a $100M+ expansion on our football stadium, and do you know what we are doing now?  We are adding another $50M expansion to the football stadium.  The hilarious part is that not one extra seat is being's just more awesome crap that we wanted.   Oh, and we threw together a brand new $18M basketball training facility last year because we are forced to participate in basketball, so we might as well have nice crap.

Conference Armageddon is not new to us, bro. 
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: MtAiryGoldenEagle on March 30, 2014, 02:15:51 PM
It's very, very hard to believe that it would be proportional.  You would almost certainly lose money if you added more schools.  I mean, we have more money in our seat cushions that what your TV deal brings in, but whatever.     ::)

Seriously, we have freaking millions coming in, merely because we have a football team and were lucky enough to be historically associated with the likes of Oklahoma.  Do we deserve it?  Nope.  But it's super fun to have millions and millions more dollars coming in than basketball-only schools and non-big-time football conference schools.  Heck, we just completed a $100M+ expansion on our football stadium, and do you know what we are doing now?  We are adding another $50M expansion to the football stadium.  The hilarious part is that not one extra seat is being's just more awesome crap that we wanted.   Oh, and we threw together a brand new $18M basketball training facility last year because we are forced to participate in basketball, so we might as well have nice crap.

Conference Armageddon is not new to us, bro. 

"Fox Sports One, the months-old challenger to ESPN, is making a 12-year, $500 million bet on the new Big East, a collection of ten schools that play Division I college basketball, but not college football, at the highest level.

The stakes may get even higher, too: Fox Sports will be laying out another $100 million in the likely event that the Big East expands to 12 teams."
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Pete4KSU on March 30, 2014, 02:20:58 PM
"Fox Sports One, the months-old challenger to ESPN, is making a 12-year, $500 million bet on the new Big East, a collection of ten schools that play Division I college basketball, but not college football, at the highest level.

The stakes may get even higher, too: Fox Sports will be laying out another $100 million in the likely event that the Big East expands to 12 teams."


500/10 = 50
600/12 = 50

Even Steven, with more competition.  Congrats on making conference championships more difficult to attain and improving of the standing of a couple of competing institutions who you used to be "better than." 

50 is 1.5 years worth of revenue for a Big 12 school.  The Big 10 and SEC will make that in a year.  It's remarkable how far behind the Catholics are going to be.  Imagine what it will be like in a decade?  Yikes. 

Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Pakuni on March 30, 2014, 02:25:29 PM

500/10 = 50
600/12 = 50

Even Steven, with more competition.  Congrats on making conference championships more difficult to attain and improving of the standing of a couple of competing institutions who you used to be "better than." 

50 is 1.5 years worth of revenue for a Big 12 school.  The Big 10 and SEC will make that in a year.  It's remarkable how far behind the Catholics are going to be.  Imagine what it will be like in a decade?  Yikes. 

Do they teach math at KSU?
$50 million a year without having to shell out the massive costs of running a football program is pretty good, you know?

But yeah, clearly contraction and smaller conferences is the wave of the future in college athletics.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Pete4KSU on March 30, 2014, 02:33:59 PM
Look, just because you are poors doesn't have to make you all mad at me because we have tons of cash and don't really deserve it.

Football, when you are decent at it, easily pays for itself on merely gate receipts and luxury boxes (we have TONS of those by the way).

That HUGE TV deal that we have is just extra.  Straight cash, homie.

Here is some video I shot of our athletic director last week.

Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Tugg Speedman on March 30, 2014, 03:44:21 PM
What is your point? 

Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: mattyv1908 on March 30, 2014, 04:29:47 PM
Do they teach math at KSU?
$50 million a year without having to shell out the massive costs of running a football program is pretty good, you know?

But yeah, clearly contraction and smaller conferences is the wave of the future in college athletics.

Are you sure your numbers are correct?  $500 million over 10 years is $50 million.  Divide that by 10 schools and that is $5 million/year.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Pakuni on March 30, 2014, 04:31:23 PM

Are you sure your numbers are correct?  $500 million over 10 years is $50 million.  Divide that by 10 schools and that is $5 million/year.

Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: The Sultan of Silly on March 30, 2014, 04:33:25 PM
What do you think?
Butler was a bust, Creighton is one and done and who knows what happens with Xavier. Drop those three and add Uconn, Cincy, SMU and Memphis and  the league looks a lot better to me. We would still have to put up with football and the other teams in AAC, whoever they are, but I think we would be better off going forward. Without expansion the New Big East, now that we are past the first season hype, is going to fall into oblivion.
Yes they were being foolish.  An all catholic league has only a hope and a "prayer" in being an elite conference. 
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: GurneeHitchkr on March 30, 2014, 08:42:12 PM
Did everyone forget what "those football schools" did to the Big East and to us?  Remember the turmoil this board had back then? Remember all of your posts bashing those schools?  F them.  We'll be fine.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Tugg Speedman on March 30, 2014, 09:12:31 PM
Did everyone forget what "those football schools" did to the Big East and to us?  Remember the turmoil this board had back then? Remember all of your posts bashing those schools?  F them.  We'll be fine.

No everyone's memory is only three weeks ... right Matty
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Groin_pull on March 30, 2014, 09:15:57 PM
Buzz is a coward.

He bailed on New Orleans when things got tough.

He bailed on MU for a job in which if he makes one NCAA tournament in the next five years he is a hero.

He is a coward

Keep preaching the truth, my brother. Glad someone else wasn't buying Brent's crap.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: mattyv1908 on March 30, 2014, 09:17:40 PM
No everyone's memory is only three weeks ... right Matty

Hell I wish I could forget all of your countless nonsensical topics from the last three weeks alone.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: GoldenWarrior11 on March 30, 2014, 09:22:40 PM
Can't believe this is even a topic.  Would Marquette be better off facing Creighton, Xavier and Butler, or East Carolina, Tulane and Tulsa?

The AAC has had a solid year in all sports, no doubt.  UCF won the Fiesta Bowl over the BIG 12 champions, Baylor.  UCONN has advanced to the Final Four.  However, if you judge the long-term stability of the Big East vs. The American, the Big East wins hands down.  The AAC will always be the "on-deck" conference - schools that look for that invitation to the big boys table with the P5.  Cincinnati wants out.  Connecticut wants out.  If USF or UCF were to receive an invitation to either the ACC or BIG 12, they would leave too - as would any school in the American conference.

The Big East schools are earning more money from Fox than the AAC does from ESPN.  The Big East is, for the first time in decades, is stable from poaching from other conferences.  Marquette, and the rest of the conference, is in great hands.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: mattyv1908 on March 30, 2014, 09:26:12 PM
Can't believe this is even a topic.  Would Marquette be better off facing Creighton, Xavier and Butler, or East Carolina, Tulane and Tulsa?

The AAC has had a solid year in all sports, no doubt.  UCF won the Fiesta Bowl over the BIG 12 champions, Baylor.  UCONN has advanced to the Final Four.  However, if you judge the long-term stability of the Big East vs. The American, the Big East wins hands down.  The AAC will always be the "on-deck" conference - schools that look for that invitation to the big boys table with the P5.  Cincinnati wants out.  Connecticut wants out.  If USF or UCF were to receive an invitation to either the ACC or BIG 12, they would leave too - as would any school in the American conference.

The Big East schools are earning more money from Fox than the AAC does from ESPN.  The Big East is, for the first time in decades, is stable from poaching from other conferences.  Marquette, and the rest of the conference, is in great hands.

I would agree with almost all of this with a giant disclaimer, as in the Big East teams have to be successful nationally.  Name recognition is great and will help schools weather short term disruptions but if teams consistently miss out on post season play or suffer first round losses regularly at some point the horses will stop coming to the program.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: GoldenWarrior11 on March 30, 2014, 09:28:26 PM
I would agree with almost all of this with a giant disclaimer, as in the Big East teams have to be successful nationally.  Name recognition is great and will help schools weather short term disruptions but if teams consistently miss out on post season play or suffer first round losses regularly at some point the horses will stop coming to the program.

No doubt, that's why it is imperative that we do not view the future of our success dependent on the results of the first year our conference had together.  Let it grow - the results will come.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: mattyv1908 on March 30, 2014, 09:35:02 PM
No doubt, that's why it is imperative that we do not view the future of our success dependent on the results of the first year our conference had together.  Let it grow - the results will come.

I agree wholeheartedly, but I'm less hopeful of the immediate next 2-3 years of the conference.  Think we're headed for the Pac 12 2008-12 lull in my opinion.  I've been on record saying we were much closer to a 2 bid league this year (Xavier last 2 in, Providence winning BET) than we were to a 5 bid league.  I've also posted I predict next season is a 3 bid league.

And while I absolutely think the seven schools who obtained the Big East name did the best thing given the circumstances, I think it's foolish to view it as them getting rid of the football schools instead of a reaction to the attrition that was already in progress within the conference.
Title: Re: Were the Catholic 7 being foolish?
Post by: Chicos' Buzz Scandal Countdown on March 30, 2014, 09:37:28 PM
You realize that every school you add reduces your revenue, right?  You Jesuits and your hand-outs, smh.