
MUScoop => The Superbar => Topic started by: mviale on September 15, 2007, 03:20:54 PM

Title: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: mviale on September 15, 2007, 03:20:54 PM
words from a libertarian - republicans deserved to lose power (

Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on September 15, 2007, 03:41:38 PM
words from a libertarian - republicans deserved to lose power (

Yes they did...they acted like Democrats and got what they deserved...a lot of loyal Republicans staying home and not voting for them and even more independents disgusted with their spending.  Couldn't agree more.
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: mviale on September 15, 2007, 03:56:53 PM
love the praise for clinton's economic policies.  Apparently, clinton was a sponge for economic data and made all of the right moves and compromises.

Darn - wish Clinton was not restrained by 2 terms - oh wait, he may be BACK!
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: Murffieus on September 15, 2007, 09:41:40 PM
"And the man Greenspan praises so highly for fiscal probity is MARRIED to the current front-runner for the Democratic nomination, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, of New York".

That's not a "marriage" it's an "arrangement"----how in the world could a woman stay with a man that womanized as much as Bill did----that is unless she needed him to fulfill her own ambitions. When I see them hug and kiss on the campaign stage it makes me want to throw up.

Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: mviale on September 15, 2007, 10:26:11 PM
Murf - rather than sitting on some moral highhorse, your party should learn about some basic Christian tenets like Forgiveness. Human fallibility is clear on all sides of aisles - Packwood, Foley, Delay, Craig, Vitter,  & Livingston.

Like greenspan, judge the man on his accomplishments.  Its not like he lied to the american people about WMD and drew us into a war that will cost us treasure and blood.

Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on September 16, 2007, 01:36:27 AM
Murf - rather than sitting on some moral highhorse, your party should learn about some basic Christian tenets like Forgiveness. Human fallibility is clear on all sides of aisles - Packwood, Foley, Delay, Craig, Vitter,  & Livingston.

Like greenspan, judge the man on his accomplishments.  Its not like he lied to the american people about WMD and drew us into a war that will cost us treasure and blood

Here we go again....lied about WMD.....Wow....I guess everyone lied again, including Clinton who said they were there.

San Francisco has gone to your ass...and your brain Marc.
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: Murffieus on September 16, 2007, 08:42:03 AM
Mvaile----what Bill Clinton did was UNFORGIVEABLE !
Same for Foley and Craig----but even MORE unforgivable in Clinton's case as he was supposed to be the moral leader of the country and couldn't control himself-----horrible example to the nation's youth!

Then too, I'll never forget him waiving his finger in my face and saying so emphatically, "I didn't have sex with that woman"------and then to have done that in the oval office which symbolizes the presidency!

Then the big act followed with Hillary supposedly giving Bill the cold shoulder----and now hugging and kissing on stage as if they are so in love-----what a farce!
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: tower912 on September 16, 2007, 09:40:53 AM
Yes, forgiveness is a terrible thing.   It can't be real.  It must be a sham.   And to forgive her for forgiving him is just unconsciencable.   I acknowledge the possibility that their ambition trumps other aspects of their relationship.    But even if this is so, are they the first couple to stay together for reasons other than their marriage is ideal?   Many couples stay together for the kids, for the business, out of inertia.   Many couples survive affairs.   You are letting your hatred get the best of you, Murf.   Your posts of the last 24 hours on the two boards I read have been nothing but bile and vitriol.   I hope nothing unusual is wroing with you.  There are reasons to not want Hillary for president.  I have a few of my own.   But they are still together, still married, despite both of their flaws, frailties and sins. 
    And you attack?   In the last few elections, the right has made the military service of the D's a liability and the lack of service by their candidates a virtue.    This year, because of the number of divorced candidates, are the R's going to make multiple marriages a virtue and fighting through and working it out a liability?    Pretty sad.
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: mviale on September 16, 2007, 10:06:23 AM
chicos - I guess San Francisco has more of an impact on the country than your OC:
60% of americans believe Bush Misled the Country about reasons for entering Iraq (

Where has the party of lincoln gone?
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: OneMadWarrior on September 16, 2007, 10:11:54 AM
Wow I didn't know it stated in the constitution that the president of the United States had to set a moral example for the rest of the country. What amendment is that. The key to that article is that Clinton was willing to take a political risk with his own career for the good of the nation. While on the other hand the current ruling party (who I also refuse to call republican) Took the easy ways toward political stability and it will end up costing them dearly. Basically fiscally Clinton was a better conservative then Bush. The "Religious-free spender" party decided to instead destroy all the hard work that went into balancing the budgets and making the country fiscally responsible and spend it on a war that continues to perpetuate the stereotype of American and the military industrial complex.
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: mviale on September 16, 2007, 10:32:23 AM
toughmover - agree 100%, but the republicans will not only suffer from our current leader's bad policy - all americans will pay for this.
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: Murffieus on September 16, 2007, 11:39:42 AM
Toughmover-----of course it isn't stated in the constitution that the President be  a moral example to the nation-----but the reality is that he is (or in Clinton's case----should be)-----he's the most visible single person in the United States of America----would you rather he me an immoral person like Bill Clinton?

What political risk did Bill Clinton take for the good of the country?

The budget deficits you talk abot were the result of GWB's tax cuts----tax cuts that not only lifted the USA out of Clinton's recession and the 9/11 economy, but also set in motion the greatest global economy of all time!

Presently the money is being paid back with increased tax revenues-----and at the very height of the deficit it was at only 3.5 to 4% of GNP----not a disaster by any means!
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on September 16, 2007, 01:43:58 PM
chicos - I guess San Francisco has more of an impact on the country than your OC:
60% of americans believe Bush Misled the Country about reasons for entering Iraq (

Where has the party of lincoln gone?

That's great Marc.....1035 people answered that poll and knowing it was a NY Times poll, I'm guessing 50% were Democrats who took the poll, about 30% Republicans and 20% independents.   

42% of Democrats recently said that the Bush administration was behind 9/11 so you'll have to forgive me but I don't take seriously what you idiots have to say...thanks.

Marc, why don't you email the NY Times and CBS and just ask them to ask the question in their next poll as you said Bush lied, the poll says "misled".  I don't understand why your water carriers don't just ask what you and the moveOn crowd trumpets everyday.  Why beat around the bush (no pun intended), why not just ask in the poll "did Bush lie"?  Seems strange you guys wouldn't just go out and ask that question.
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on September 16, 2007, 01:57:20 PM
toughmover - agree 100%, but the republicans will not only suffer from our current leader's bad policy - all americans will pay for this.

Just like at least 3000 paid with their lives on 9/11 due to the previous administrations policy of not taking out Bin Laden on the over 13 chances they had.  Good point Marc.  By the way, 6 years on US soil since the last attack...lots of terrorists hanging out with 72 virgins right now.  That's how I like it.
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: tower912 on September 16, 2007, 02:33:59 PM
Back to the original topic....Greenspan says the invasion of Iraq was about oil.

Can't wait to see the spin machine attack him.
"Tony Snow says he's quitting the White House because he needs to make more money.   That's right, he should go to work for Fox News where he can get paid 5 times as much for saying the exact same thing"    Stephen Colbert
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: Murffieus on September 16, 2007, 03:05:29 PM
I thnk Greenspan is right on in that the invasion was indeed in part because of oil. After 9/11 we got kicked out of Saudi Arabia, and the powers to be thought we needed a base in the region to protect the worlds oil supply. Saddam because of his WMD past, support for Palestinian suicde bombers, shooting at our planes, ripping off the UN for billions (our money), and trying to assasinate a former US president ----presented a very justified and practical target.

If Saudi oill were to fall in the wrong hands (Al Quida) or go up in smoke-----the US /world economy (after the reserve went dry in 90 days) would take a dive as a result of sky high prices----massive unemployment here and around the globe.

It's incumbant upon the leadership of this country that it sees to it that oil continues to flow from the mideast at a fair and reasonable price based on normal supply/demand factors.
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: 77ncaachamps on September 16, 2007, 03:41:21 PM
It's incumbant upon the leadership of this country that it sees to it that oil continues to flow from the mideast at a fair and reasonable price based on normal supply/demand factors.

Curious to hear your thoughts about South American oil.
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on September 16, 2007, 04:37:19 PM
Back to the original topic....Greenspan says the invasion of Iraq was about oil.

Can't wait to see the spin machine attack him.
"Tony Snow says he's quitting the White House because he needs to make more money.   That's right, he should go to work for Fox News where he can get paid 5 times as much for saying the exact same thing"    Stephen Colbert

Laughable.  Greenspan is 81 years old and married to uber-liberal Andrea Mitchell....she must be withholding sex from him now late in the game.

If it was about oil then nothing in the last 4 years has backed that up.  If it was about oil, then those other 31 countries with troops on the ground apparently it was about oil for them too....oh, and they lied too I guess. 


Was oil part of the reason, sure.  Was it THE reason, please.
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on September 16, 2007, 04:38:23 PM
It's incumbant upon the leadership of this country that it sees to it that oil continues to flow from the mideast at a fair and reasonable price based on normal supply/demand factors.

Curious to hear your thoughts about South American oil.

I'd rather go after the oil in our own damn the California coast, the Gulf of Mexico and in Alaska....but a bunch of Dems and environmental whack jobs have not allowed that to happen.  Hmmm....
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: mviale on September 16, 2007, 04:51:16 PM
under the current admin, we probably would f that up. 

energy policy is a mess with these guys.
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on September 16, 2007, 04:56:25 PM
under the current admin, we probably would f that up. 

energy policy is a mess with these guys.

Yeah, I was hoping for a Jimmy Carter type energy policy...that was fun.
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: mviale on September 16, 2007, 05:07:12 PM
Off topic
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: Murffieus on September 16, 2007, 07:24:51 PM
chico says-----"Laughable.  Greenspan is 81 years old and married to uber-liberal Andrea Mitchell....she must be withholding sex from him now late in the game".

I was thinking the same thing----but looking at him on 60 minutes tonight, I don't think he can get it up any longer!
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: OneMadWarrior on September 16, 2007, 07:38:16 PM
How about Alternative fuels?


Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: 77ncaachamps on September 17, 2007, 01:17:49 AM
It's incumbant upon the leadership of this country that it sees to it that oil continues to flow from the mideast at a fair and reasonable price based on normal supply/demand factors.

Curious to hear your thoughts about South American oil.

I'd rather go after the oil in our own damn the California coast, the Gulf of Mexico and in Alaska....but a bunch of Dems and environmental whack jobs have not allowed that to happen.  Hmmm....

That wasn't an answer to the request.

The application of Murf's ideas of protecting US interests should, in effect, also be applied to South America. Yet, nothing is being done...militarily, that is.

I disagree with the drilling of oil off of the California coast, etc. because - if you have been to California's beaches - it is rather an unsightly thing to see while you relax. Somewhat similar to a person carving up part of a pristine forest that is prime hunting ground in WI. Just is not right for the sake of oil.

Onto another topic, it was interesting to hear a fellow Republican (Greenspan) praise Ford, Ronnie, and especially Clinton, but criticize Nixon (as a racist!), Bush I, and Bush II. It was also more interesting to hear how he expressed more freedom and a better relationship with the White House under his only Democratic President, Clinton. I would have thought otherwise.
Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: Murffieus on September 17, 2007, 08:00:08 AM
Venezuala Oil is a but a blip compared to the Mid East oil supply. Hugo Chavez's day of reckoning will come if he keeps up following in Fidel's footsteps-----remember Noriega!
Title: Re: Greenspan on Clinton !
Post by: Murffieus on September 17, 2007, 08:14:53 AM
You won't find this in the liberal press, but in the Wall Street Journal today, Greenspan says this about the Democrats in his book:

"The next Administration may have the Clinton name, but the democrat party has moved very significantly to the left". He also says that "it was very important to get Saddam out of there ----not because of WMD, but because Saddam wanted to control the straits of Hormuz". also says he doesn't have the classified information that GWB has access to.

No mention of any of that on 60 minutes last night or anywhere else on the Sunday talk shows or the network news casts-----all you hear is his lamenting the Bush deficits and saying the Iraq war is mainly about oil!
Title: Re: Greenspan on Clinton !
Post by: 77ncaachamps on September 17, 2007, 09:11:34 AM
You won't find this in the liberal press, but in the Wall Street Journal today, Greenspan says this about the Democrats in his book:

"The next Administration may have the Clinton name, but the democrat party has moved very significantly to the left". He also says that "it was very important to get Saddam out of there ----not because of WMD, but because Saddam wanted to control the straits of Hormuz". also says he doesn't have the classified information that GWB has access to.

No mention of any of that on 60 minutes last night or anywhere else on the Sunday talk shows or the network news casts-----all you hear is his lamenting the Bush deficits and saying the Iraq war is mainly about oil!

But the Straits of Hormuz IS about oil.

When the book comes out, it will be interesting to read a lot of his opinions and insights as a confidant of a couple of US Presidents.

He is not a god, but seeing how much of his words have an impact in this word, it is interesting to hear him.
Title: Greenspan "clarifies" his war for oil comment
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on September 17, 2007, 12:48:21 PM
Apparently even at 81 and married to Andrea Mitchell, a moment of lucidity can occur

Mviale and others will be deeply disappointed.  A quick check at dummysunderground and dailycommunist (dailykos) revealed near suicide responses.

Sunday's interview

In the interview, he clarified that sentence in his 531-page book, saying that while securing global oil supplies was "not the administration's motive," he had presented the White House with the case for why removing Hussein was important for the global economy.

"I was not saying that that's the administration's motive," Greenspan said in an interview Saturday, "I'm just saying that if somebody asked me, 'Are we fortunate in taking out Saddam?' I would say it was essential."

Given that, "I'm saying taking Saddam out was essential," he said. But he added that he was not implying that the war was an oil grab.

"No, no, no," he said. Getting rid of Hussein achieved the purpose of "making certain that the existing system [of oil markets] continues to work, frankly, until we find other [energy supplies], which ultimately we will."

Greenspan ALSO SAID

As for Iraq, Greenspan said that at the time of the invasion, he believed, like Bush, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction "because Saddam was acting so guiltily trying to protect something." While he was "reasonably sure he did not have an atomic weapon," he added, "my view was that if we do nothing, eventually he would gain control of a weapon."

Marc and others can now start their plaintif wail

Title: Re: Greenspan on clinton and bush
Post by: Murffieus on September 17, 2007, 12:57:41 PM
NCAa----Of course the Staits Of Hormuz is about oil----and that's (as I say above) a big reason why we're in Iraq!

To blockade Iran's exports and to guarantee safe passage for Saudi Oil----we need to control Hormuz!