
MUScoop => The Superbar => Topic started by: ChicosBailBonds on September 14, 2007, 07:42:07 PM

Title: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on September 14, 2007, 07:42:07 PM
Pretty crazy. Don't know if he will hold it, but that has to just chap Rudy and Mitt's butt for all the work they've put into it.

Steve Flowers of the Alabama State Legislature thinks he gets the nod...that's quite a statement.  Not sure I agree, but I don't disagree either.


Thompson likely to get Republican nod

By Steve Flowers
Very seldom will I venture a prediction on a major race like president, especially over a year out and with each party having 10 candidates openly vying for their nomination. In addition, it is the most open presidential race in my lifetime. It has been 80 years since a president was not seeking reelection and a sitting vice-president was not seeking to move up. The race is truly wide open.

I am going out on a limb and predicting that Fred Thompson will be chosen as the republican nominee for president at their convention this time next year and that he will face Hillary Rodham Clinton in the presidential election in November of 2008.

Thompson is a former Watergate prosecutor, private lawyer, Tennessee U.S. Senator, and actor. He looks like a president. He has a resonant baritone voice and an imposing 6'6" physical presence. His eight years in the Senate from Tennessee reveals a conservative voting record. Thompson has proven communication skills honed by his work on television and in the movies. The media is calling him Reagan-like. His entry into the race excites the GOP conservative base. They have not been too excited about Giuliani or McCain.

Thompson is not perceived as a Neanderthal conservative, but has the record to pass their litmus test. That test will not be as stringent as in the past because republican voters fear their side will lose so they are looking for a candidate with electability. Most polls have indicated that most GOP primary voters are not enamored with the current field of frontrunners and are looking for someone new.

McCain has faded dramatically. He looks tired. Giuliani looks old and washed out and is really a liberal democrat on social issues. Romney appears to be wishy washy and slick. He cannot seem to get any traction even though he has a lot of money. It reminds me of a saying my old probate judge used when I would ask him about some prospective candidate that wanted to test the water. The old veteran courthouse politician would say, "Naw he want go anywhere. He just ain't heavy enough."

You might say Giuliani, McCain, and Romney "just ain't heavy enough," whereas Thompson has the gravitas and persona to make for good presidential timber. Hillary and her staff know this too. Their polling data is telling them that Thompson is their opponent. They are already throwing stones at him.

Appearance is important in politics. An imposing, gravely voiced, tough Fred Thompson stacks up well against a female Hillary Clinton in a presidential race, especially when it comes to national security. It is assumed that Bush's Iraq war debacle will shackle any GOP candidate to ultimate defeat next year. However if some moderate republican senators are able to end the war by late fall it could diffuse the issue. My bet is that it will be a very close race next November.

By mid October polling will reveal that it is a two man race for the GOP nomination between Thompson and Giuliani. They will be far ahead of McCain and Romney who will be in the single digits. The race will be over in early February after the February 5th mega Tuesday primaries. Giuliani will benefit from New York's early primary and will carry his home state but Thompson will best him in the Sunbelt states, including the important swing state of Florida. Thompson will annihilate Giuliani in the South. Giuliani's social liberalism and personal life will come home to roost in the conservative states' primaries. California will be critical to both Giuliani and Thompson and may well be the deciding state.

The 2008 Presidential Race will be fun to watch. If I am correct with my prognostication about Fred Thompson, he will be the first native Alabamian nominated by a major political party as their presidential nominee. He grew up in rural Tennessee, but he was born in Sheffield Alabama.

Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: Murffieus on September 14, 2007, 09:50:09 PM
Chicos----I guarantee you Thomson has seen his best days in the rankings----he looks terrible (like a sick man)----he has no energy-----he rambles in his speeches----has campaign staff problems-----and has no message.

His current rankings are off his TV acting and his conservative image-----the guy should have never declared----must be on an ego trip---comes off as though he has zero between the ears----may have had it at soime point in the past, but is a complete zombie now !
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: mviale on September 15, 2007, 04:00:46 PM
He aint no reagan - for shore
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on September 16, 2007, 01:38:54 AM
He aint no reagan - for shore

But that's ok, remember you said a few weeks ago that Reagan ruined this country....or were you just on one of your diatribes?
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on September 16, 2007, 01:55:05 AM
Murff, you may be right...I'm just stating where he is now.  I'm a Duncan Hunter one does much for me.

It's the Democrats against a bunch of RINOs in my opinion.  No thanks.
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: Murffieus on September 16, 2007, 08:32:25 AM
I like Duncan Hunter as V-P choice-----e.g. Gulianni/Hunter ticket!
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: tower912 on September 16, 2007, 02:38:19 PM
But only for a little while.   A true conservative has entered and it should be more entertaining for everyone.

I like Keyes.  He always injects energy into the debates and spells out the far right's positions with clarity and style.   He is a complete hypocrite for criticizing Hillary for running for NY Senat and then running against Obama in Illinois, but I welcome his entry into the race.
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: 77ncaachamps on September 16, 2007, 03:44:01 PM
Chicos----I guarantee you Thomson has seen his best days in the rankings----he looks terrible (like a sick man)----he has no energy-----he rambles in his speeches----has campaign staff problems-----and has no message.

His current rankings are off his TV acting and his conservative image-----the guy should have never declared----must be on an ego trip---comes off as though he has zero between the ears----may have had it at soime point in the past, but is a complete zombie now !

Agreed. Grumpy, old man is Thompson.
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on September 16, 2007, 04:40:03 PM
Chicos----I guarantee you Thomson has seen his best days in the rankings----he looks terrible (like a sick man)----he has no energy-----he rambles in his speeches----has campaign staff problems-----and has no message.

His current rankings are off his TV acting and his conservative image-----the guy should have never declared----must be on an ego trip---comes off as though he has zero between the ears----may have had it at soime point in the past, but is a complete zombie now !

Agreed. Grumpy, old man is Thompson.

Could be grumpy old man Thompson against grumpy beotch for the Presidency.  Remember South Park's episode of Douche vs Turd for the presidency.  Ahhh
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: mviale on September 16, 2007, 04:46:41 PM
Strange how smart and aggressive women are always labeled that way, while men of the same demeanor are respected.

Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on September 16, 2007, 04:54:34 PM
Strange how smart and aggressive women are always labeled that way, while men of the same demeanor are respected.

No, I call them beotches too.   

You know what's strange, how a liberal like Hillary could call her campaign manager a racial slur and have nothing ever happen to her, but if a Republican or Conservative did that they would be buried.  Strange.

Or dropping the "N" word like she was on some plantation 150 years ago.  Yeah, she sure should be respected.

 ::)  She is pathetic what she gets away with.
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: tower912 on September 16, 2007, 05:12:27 PM
Run, Newt, Run.,,2170155,00.html

The more the merrier.
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: mviale on September 16, 2007, 05:18:40 PM
Oh my,  the political scene has changed - a couple of years ago, democrats were worrying about candidates that could lead and now they have several in edwards, clinton, dodd, obama and biden. 

Republicans are in shambles and are considering the charismatic Newt.

Newt vs. Hillary would be classic.
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: Murffieus on September 16, 2007, 07:22:34 PM
Gingrich will never be nominated in a million years----way too much baggage-----wouldn't stand a chance against just about ANY Dem candidate. Smart guy though-----but just too much baggage from his personal life and his last days in congress!
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: mviale on September 16, 2007, 09:33:05 PM
Newt is a true republican and with a touch of al gore green in him.  The other candidates dont have much of chance, so go down with principle.
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: tower912 on September 17, 2007, 07:36:10 AM
"go down with principle".....isn't that what Monica did?     Sorry.   Besides, the only principle left with the R's is power.
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on September 17, 2007, 02:26:59 PM
Newt is a true republican and with a touch of al gore green in him.  The other candidates dont have much of chance, so go down with principle.









Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on September 18, 2007, 12:48:18 PM
I agree, Newt vs Hillary would be great in the debates.  I don't care for him as a person, but he's a smart SOB for sure.
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: MUinCO on September 18, 2007, 04:42:47 PM
No way Newt goes for it.  Otherwise he wouldn't have admitted to the press he (a married man at the time) was banging his press secretary WHILE trying to impeach Clinton if he was considering any kind of run.
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on September 18, 2007, 05:40:05 PM
No way Newt goes for it.  Otherwise he wouldn't have admitted to the press he (a married man at the time) was banging his press secretary WHILE trying to impeach Clinton if he was considering any kind of run.

I doubt he would either, but you're mixing things up.  Clinton was impeached for perjury and lying to Congress, not for using a 20 year old government employee as a cigar humidor.  Newt was cheating on his wife, but wasn't under oath to lie about it.

Completely different things in play.  Now, would the left paint them as the same?  Of course they would...afterall they've been saying "it was just a blowjob" when it had nothing to do with a blowjob.  He was impeached for lying, he was disbarred from Arkansas for lying.  Big difference.
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: Murffieus on September 18, 2007, 07:30:25 PM
I like what Newt has to say, but has too much self inflicted baggage the result of a low level of discipline. He was the first of the republicans to feel their oats----many have followed-----Newt had a great opportunity had he stayed on the straight and narrow-----but he gave all that up for lust----we don't need anymore of that----I hope he understands this and stays as a Fox analyst and out of the public domain!
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: mviale on September 19, 2007, 12:08:47 AM
Thanks chicos for the moral clarity. Totally different
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: 77ncaachamps on September 19, 2007, 12:11:52 AM
Just wanted to interject some balance to the cartoons:








Just a thought: A "reduction in force" is NOT "cut and run" when a general speaks...
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on September 19, 2007, 12:21:55 AM
Just a thought, but when a general says "a reduction in force" it means 5000 troops whereas the libs have been saying to yank all of them out and go to Okinawa.  You know...BRING ALL THE TROOPS HOME

Perhaps that's why the difference   ;D

I hope we're there another 50 years, just like Korea, Japan, Germany, etc.

Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on September 19, 2007, 12:27:57 AM







Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: Pakuni on September 19, 2007, 10:11:39 AM
Fred is the GOP's version of the second-string quarterback. Everyone loves the backup ... until he has to get on the field and actually play the game. At which time, people discover there's a reason why he's the backup.
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on September 19, 2007, 11:00:21 AM
Fred is the GOP's version of the second-string quarterback. Everyone loves the backup ... until he has to get on the field and actually play the game. At which time, people discover there's a reason why he's the backup.

Could very well be true....or not.
Title: Re: Fred Thompson leads in the polls now for the GOP
Post by: Murffieus on September 19, 2007, 12:09:46 PM
Very good analogy, Pakuni!