
MUScoop => The Superbar => Topic started by: mviale on August 03, 2007, 08:18:29 AM

Title: a trillion dollars could be useful here in the states and imagine the job growth
Post by: mviale on August 03, 2007, 08:18:29 AM
70k bridges are suspect in the US and remember katrina?
Title: Re: a trillion dollars could be useful here in the states and imagine the job gr
Post by: mu_hilltopper on August 03, 2007, 08:49:49 AM
There is one thing (not sure if good or bad.. no wait, definitely bad) that comes out of the Bush Wars.  We can no longer say we can't afford anything.

When your burn rate is $1b+ every 48 hours in Iraq, suddenly a Billion isn't all that much.  If we need a billion for a few bridges here and there, hey, no problem. (If we could just turn out the lights in Iraq 2 days early (in 2017) we'll be fine.)
Title: Re: a trillion dollars could be useful here in the states and imagine the job growth
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on August 03, 2007, 09:29:26 PM
A yes....the trillion dollar lie again.


By the way, remind me again who controlled Louisiana and New 0rleans as well as Minnesota and Minneapolis?

I get such a kick out of libs blaming Bush for some of this stuff when much of the funding (not all..but much) is controlled and to be spent by the state and local govts.  Just as the levees were told they couldn't handle a CAT 4 hurricane 20 years ago....local and state put it off.  Two years ago the feds told Minnesota this bridge and many others were not up to snuff....ah but it' Bush's fault.

You know mviale, while you're at it do the Twins and Vikings and the U really all need new stadiums costing over 1 billion?  Maybe that money should have been spent on something like this.

I can't wait for the day when the BDS passes from some people, but I fear it never will with many.

Title: Re: a trillion dollars could be useful here in the states and imagine the job gr
Post by: mviale on August 04, 2007, 09:14:24 AM
Just think what government could do under a smarter leader.
Title: Re: a trillion dollars could be useful here in the states and imagine the job growth
Post by: Murffieus on August 04, 2007, 10:02:01 AM
GWB is just that ----a "smart leader"----doesn't read the polls and react like the Clinton's----that's not leadership that's hindsight.

GWB will go down like Harry Truman (had the lowest approval rating ever---22%) as one of the greatest presidents, because he's able to make the tough decision. He will be known in the history books as the president who alerted the world to it's greatest peril (Radical Islam).

GWB will be known in the history books as the Winston Churchill (who also alerted the world to a grave peril) of the 21st century!
Title: Re: a trillion dollars could be useful here in the states and imagine the job growth
Post by: augoman on August 04, 2007, 06:47:17 PM
am I the only one who wants the fed govt to do less?  to take less?  to be less involved?  I live in WI, let me use my tax money here.  let my state take care of me-let LA take care of NO.  If their state pols squander the millions from the feds for the levees, then they can't whine, can they?  let MN take care of MN.  So sick of being told what to think, how to act, to wear seat belts, not to smoke cigars, that everyone else has a right to express themselves but I can't say a prayer out loud in a public bldg.  that the ACLU will defend the nazi's right to state their views, but will sue the state capitol library for allowing the Christmas pageant in the lobby after closing.  This cradle to grave mentality by the arrogant , condescending (thank God they're here to tell me how to act) elitists is crap!  The best thing this govt can do is to protect us from our enemies, and not from ourselves.
Title: Re: a trillion dollars could be useful here in the states and imagine the job growth
Post by: Phi Iota Gamma 84 on August 05, 2007, 06:56:16 PM
70k bridges are suspect in the US and remember katrina?

I'm guessing a good deal of that money is being spent here, vehicles, planes, parts, support personnel, etc.  Even the personnel there probably do not get a chance to spend much locally and send home to family or savings.  I'm sure the guard callups with families do. 

And I would guess that the spending is supporting some level of job growth in these support industries.  I don't know if you've ever been to the Arab Mideast but there is not a lot to drop your cash on
Title: Re: a trillion dollars could be useful here in the states and imagine the job growth
Post by: Murffieus on August 05, 2007, 07:17:39 PM
The problem isn't the money toward the war----that's emergency money that would never be spent on infrastructure or anything else.

The money problem has been the pork barrel spending of congress (both parties at fault here)----this money attached to unrealated bills goes toward NEW projects with little or no attention going to the repair/upkeep of existing infrastructure. Hopefully this will change----less for the pork barrel and more earmarked for repair and renovation!

If this happens the money will be there to fix the bridge problem!
Title: Re: a trillion dollars could be useful here in the states and imagine the job gr
Post by: gjreda on August 05, 2007, 08:20:55 PM
am I the only one who wants the fed govt to do less?  to take less?  to be less involved?  I live in WI, let me use my tax money here.  let my state take care of me-let LA take care of NO.  If their state pols squander the millions from the feds for the levees, then they can't whine, can they?  let MN take care of MN.  So sick of being told what to think, how to act, to wear seat belts, not to smoke cigars, that everyone else has a right to express themselves but I can't say a prayer out loud in a public bldg.  that the ACLU will defend the nazi's right to state their views, but will sue the state capitol library for allowing the Christmas pageant in the lobby after closing.  This cradle to grave mentality by the arrogant , condescending (thank God they're here to tell me how to act) elitists is crap!  The best thing this govt can do is to protect us from our enemies, and not from ourselves.

Amen (no pun intended).
Title: Re: a trillion dollars could be useful here in the states and imagine the job gr
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on August 05, 2007, 08:50:03 PM
Just think what government could do under a smarter leader.

You mean like John Kerry..."smart leader" that had poorer grades than Bush at the same school and a lower IQ?

Maybe you guys should nominate a "smart leader" some day so we can all feel the benefits of such intelligence.
Title: Re: a trillion dollars could be useful here in the states and imagine the job gr
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on August 05, 2007, 08:50:49 PM
am I the only one who wants the fed govt to do less?  to take less?  to be less involved?  I live in WI, let me use my tax money here.  let my state take care of me-let LA take care of NO.  If their state pols squander the millions from the feds for the levees, then they can't whine, can they?  let MN take care of MN.  So sick of being told what to think, how to act, to wear seat belts, not to smoke cigars, that everyone else has a right to express themselves but I can't say a prayer out loud in a public bldg.  that the ACLU will defend the nazi's right to state their views, but will sue the state capitol library for allowing the Christmas pageant in the lobby after closing.  This cradle to grave mentality by the arrogant , condescending (thank God they're here to tell me how to act) elitists is crap!  The best thing this govt can do is to protect us from our enemies, and not from ourselves.

Title: Re: a trillion dollars could be useful here in the states and imagine the job growth
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on August 08, 2007, 02:53:49 PM



Title: Re: a trillion dollars could be useful here in the states and imagine the job gr
Post by: mviale on August 08, 2007, 05:58:46 PM
The most hilarious fact is that most americans believe that GW is a total failure in all things.  Perception is reality in this case and most.

Title: Re: a trillion dollars could be useful here in the states and imagine the job gr
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on August 08, 2007, 06:57:57 PM
The most hilarious fact is that most americans believe that GW is a total failure in all things.  Perception is reality in this case and most.

Really...a total failure.  Well I guess he won't win re-election in 2008 then.
Title: Re: a trillion dollars could be useful here in the states and imagine the job growth
Post by: mu_hilltopper on August 08, 2007, 07:44:39 PM
Imagine if the 22nd was never ratified.

We'd hear "I will not seek, nor will I accept, the nomination of my party."  echo from 40 years hence.
Title: Re: a trillion dollars could be useful here in the states and imagine the job growth
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on August 08, 2007, 08:28:39 PM
Imagine if the 22nd was never ratified.

We'd hear "I will not seek, nor will I accept, the nomination of my party."  echo from 40 years hence.

I know a boatload of whack job libs that are convinced Bush is going to proclaim martial law and suspend elections for 2008 to remain in power.  You just can't make this stuff up.  Some are the same people that claimed Ohio was stolen even though EVERY poll taken 2 months prior until the night before showed Bush winning that state...I guess all the pollsters were in on the steal as well.   ::)
Title: Re: a trillion dollars could be useful here in the states and imagine the job growth
Post by: mu_hilltopper on August 08, 2007, 09:43:40 PM
You need to move from whack job lib central back to the mid west.
Title: Re: a trillion dollars could be useful here in the states and imagine the job gr
Post by: Phi Iota Gamma 84 on August 29, 2007, 01:58:57 PM
Just think what government could do under a smarter leader.

I've been wondering that for 15 years (smarter, more ethical, more honest, etc)