
MUScoop => The Superbar => Topic started by: Murffieus on May 27, 2007, 10:14:16 AM

Title: Al Quida #2 urges cells in Iraq to attack surrounding countries!
Post by: Murffieus on May 27, 2007, 10:14:16 AM
If you have had any doubt previously about why Al Quida feels it's so important to win in Iraq, you can discard that notion now as Zwahiri (Bin Laden's #2) comes out urging Al Quida in Iraq to spread the violence to other countries.

Now as long as we are there, this will be very difficult for them to do-----but if/when we would leave under present circumstances----they will have clear focus not only to plan attacks outside of Iraq (including in the USA)-----but also a freed up zone to train additional recruits brought drawn to it by virtue of the fact that Al Quida was the clear winner in Iraq ----proof being it forced the USA out of Iraq----everyone loves a winner!

e.g. the more a basketball program wins----the better the atmosphere for recruiting----winning attracts a following !,2933,275714,00.html
Title: Re: Al Quida #2 urges cells in Iraq to attack surrounding countries!
Post by: tower912 on June 02, 2007, 07:50:43 AM    Please note where it was al Qaeda's intent all along to drag us into a war in Iraq.   Also note the idea that the only reason to stay is that things will get worse if we leave.      Weak.
Title: Re: Al Quida #2 urges cells in Iraq to attack surrounding countries!
Post by: Murffieus on June 02, 2007, 09:33:22 AM
Tower----Eleanor Clift is a big liberal----also a big Bush hater----as such she is very biased and therefore  her commentary should be viewed accordingly.

Al Quida hardly sucked us into Iraq----we sucked Al Quida into Iraq (the liberals have consistently said there was no Al Quida in Iraq pre war)----and it's important that we win because as Ms Clift points out that there is the perception that they are winning as they have succeeded in infiltrating the mindset of the Dems to surrender by keeping the pressure on GWB to pullout. This gives aid and comfort to Al Quida and makes GWB's job a lot tougher.

As I have said before-----the only way Al Quida's ranks swell and become a threat again to the homeland (9/11 type)----is if they pull off a win in Iraq and/or Afghanistan----everyone loves/respects a winner----the winner has to be the USA!
Title: Re: Al Quida #2 urges cells in Iraq to attack surrounding countries!
Post by: tower912 on June 02, 2007, 12:39:49 PM
Murf, it is a fact that there was no significant al Qaeda presence in Iraq before the war, not just liberal bias, not just truthiness.   Saddam feared them and did everything he could to prevent them from gaining a presence in the areas he still controlled.   There were camps in the Kurdish north, but that area was only marginally under Hussein's control.  You and Dick Cheney are the only people who still believe that falsehood.  I hear he doesn't like the wide post, however.   
Title: Re: Al Quida #2 urges cells in Iraq to attack surrounding countries!
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on June 02, 2007, 02:18:01 PM
Murf, it is a fact that there was no significant al Qaeda presence in Iraq before the war, not just liberal bias, not just truthiness.   Saddam feared them and did everything he could to prevent them from gaining a presence in the areas he still controlled.   There were camps in the Kurdish north, but that area was only marginally under Hussein's control.  You and Dick Cheney are the only people who still believe that falsehood.  I hear he doesn't like the wide post, however.   

It is NOT A FACT that AQ was not in Iraq before the war.

Some wonderful books that show those connections listed below...just a fraction that are out there.  Even the 9/11 Commission said they couldn't find any links, but also said they couldn't say there weren't any either.

Please show us where it is FACTUALLY accurate there were no links.

The Connection: How al Qaeda's Collaboration with Saddam Hussein Has Endangered America

Camp Saddam; What we've learned about Iraq's terrorist training camps

Their Man in Baghdad; What Zarqawi--and al Qaeda--were up to before the Iraq war

Saddam's Terror Training Camps; What the documents captured from the former Iraqi regime reveal--and why they should all be made public.

Saddam's Secrets: How an Iraqi General Defied & Survived Saddam Hussein
Title: Re: Al Quida #2 urges cells in Iraq to attack surrounding countries!
Post by: Murffieus on June 02, 2007, 02:38:25 PM
Tower----well if as you say there were no Al Quida in Iraq prior to the war/invasion----how can you say that Al Quida sucked us into Iraq?

BTW----AL Quida or no Al Quida in Iraq prior to the war------Saddam was the biggest terrorist on the planet since Hitler, Stalin. and Mao!
Title: Re: Al Quida #2 urges cells in Iraq to attack surrounding countries!
Post by: tower912 on June 02, 2007, 03:41:18 PM
According to Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice, Saddam was in a box, not even a regional threat, and the no fly zones were working.   Al Qaeda wanted us in a land war in the middle east.  Bin Laden said that he planned on bleeding our economy dry my making us commit so much money to on a land war in the middle east.  His plan all along was to bog us down like he did the Russians.   By going after a tangential player at best with our cowboy invasion, instead of hunting bin Laden down ourselves, we fell into his trap, made him a hero/legend in the middle east, and are bankrupting our country, both economically and morally.    He wins if we stay, he wins if we leave.   The only way he wouldn't have won, is if we would have hunted him down like the criminal he is, captured him alive, and turned him over to a court where all of his evil could be exposed.   If we would have been able to show him as the coward he is, attacking innocents from hiding, we could have stopped him from becoming a hero/legend.   And Murf, I have read one and a half of those books and found it to be crap.   
Title: Re: Al Quida #2 urges cells in Iraq to attack surrounding countries!
Post by: Murffieus on June 02, 2007, 07:23:48 PM
"Saddam in a box"?

How's that? Is ripping off billions from the UN's OIL for Food Program in a box? If so I know a lot of tyrants in history who would have relished that "box"!

Then taking some of that money and paying the families of Palestinian suicide bombers fortunes (by Mid East standards) in very public ceromonies is in a "box".

Then having the ability and the intent (according to our post war weapons inspector, Dulfer) to remanufacture and use WMD once sanctions would be lifted------is that "eping Saddam in a box"?

At some point innthe war on terror it would come down to an urban guerilla war like this----so the sooner we learn how to cope with this the better off we will be-----there will be other wars like this before this is over-----hopefully it won't be here in the USA!

BTW Tower----the USA is hardly approaching bankruptcy! A much bigger financial problem long term is our rapidly increasing trade deficit with China and the mid east countries (oil)!