
MUScoop => Hangin' at the Al => Topic started by: Ellenson Guerrero on October 22, 2009, 10:34:32 PM

Title: JC's Second Coming
Post by: Ellenson Guerrero on October 22, 2009, 10:34:32 PM
Word on the street is that he's getting his cast off next week. Possible second half return too much to ask for?
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: bilsu on October 22, 2009, 10:38:43 PM
They should red-shirt him anyways. We already wasted a year of Fulce's and Otule's career by not redshirting them last year.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: Thomas' Danish Delight on October 22, 2009, 10:42:27 PM
I doubt it.  Fulce and Otule barely got any playing time...

As long as our guys are somewhat serviceable at the 1, he stays redshirtted.  The only way I see him playing this season (if somehow he is healthy) is if there is another injury, and God PLEASE forbid that from happening.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: GGGG on October 22, 2009, 10:51:10 PM
Word on the street is that he's getting his cast off next week. Possible second half return too much to ask for?

An achilles tendon injury takes a long time to heal after the cast is removed.  They need to redshirt him.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: Blackhat on October 22, 2009, 11:09:19 PM
The prognosis following Achilles tendon rupture is good with either surgical or nonsurgical treatment. However, with surgery, athletes can return to activity sooner, and the recurrence rate is less than 5%, whereas individuals following the nonsurgical approach experience a 40% re-rupture rate (Lin). With a heel support, the individual can begin some weight-bearing activity after 6 weeks. Full return to athletics generally takes 4 to 6 months (Nannini). The prognosis becomes less optimistic with successive rupture of the same tendon.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: chapman on October 22, 2009, 11:13:18 PM
Buzz also said that he probably should have redshirted a couple of guys last year, and it wasn't when he referenced wanting Dwight Burke to still be around.  If he believed it was a mistake not to redshirt Fulce and Otule last year he's not going to make the same mistake by forcing Cadougan out there as a freshman point guard wwhen he's no more than 70% healthy.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: Daniel on October 22, 2009, 11:38:49 PM
When was Cadougan's surgery?  This seems fast to get the cast off.  I ruptured my achilles and ifrst treeatment was non-surgiccal it ruttured again during rehab.  Surgery and 8 more weeks in a cast.

I doubt seriously that Cardougan could play this year.  Rehab is tough, painful, and slow. It probalby makes sense top red-shirt and keep hin red-shirted.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: JimmyBIToldYa on October 22, 2009, 11:47:01 PM
I had a very serious ankle injury that required emergency surgery (not achilles however) and I do not believe he could come back this year. after just a few weeks of being in that cast those muscles have atrophied so much that it takes a really long time to gain full strength and range of motion back.

and even after that process, the mental recovery is just as hard as the physical rehab as you have to learn to cut and play full speed again with out worrying about re injury. it took me a good two-three years before i felt that I was able to accelerate and cut the way I could pre-injury (granted, I did not have the world-class rehab program that JC will have)
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: 77ncaachamps on October 23, 2009, 12:07:41 AM
RS Cadougan now. Let it sink in that he'll sit out the year with the focus on getting healthier and stronger.

When the 2010 season comes around, he'll be amped to get on the court.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: NCMUFan on October 23, 2009, 07:19:50 AM
Redshirt with a good rehab process.  Let him come back 100% next years with 4 years eligibility.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: Tigidal on October 23, 2009, 07:24:31 AM
JR said he's "HEALING UP LIKE A MUTANT" on Facebook.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: bilsu on October 23, 2009, 08:08:09 AM
Buzz also said that he probably should have redshirted a couple of guys last year, and it wasn't when he referenced wanting Dwight Burke to still be around.  If he believed it was a mistake not to redshirt Fulce and Otule last year he's not going to make the same mistake by forcing Cadougan out there as a freshman point guard wwhen he's no more than 70% healthy.
Some people do not learn from their mistakes. I hope Buzz does.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: NavinRJohnson on October 23, 2009, 08:23:18 AM
Not sure why people feel the need to decide anything right now. If January or so rolls around and the doctors say he's good to go, in my mind at that point it should be almost entirely up to the player to decide (in consultation with doctors/coaches/family). There is absolutely no reason to declare his season over today. While it would appear to be the likely outcome anyway, there is nothing to be lost by letting it just play out.

If by some chance he is able to come back and play this year, I'm not sure getting that experience doesn't end up being more valuable then the extra year on the back end. 2011, 2012, and 2013...those are shaping up to be the seasons for MU anyway. If he is able to get some experience and take some BE lumps this year, in my mind that positions MU better come next season. If they bring him back to primarily ride the bench...well, that would be a bad idea.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: GGGG on October 23, 2009, 08:30:23 AM
If by some chance he is able to come back and play this year, I'm not sure getting that experience doesn't end up being more valuable then the extra year on the back end. 2011, 2012, and 2013...those are shaping up to be the seasons for MU anyway. If he is able to get some experience and take some BE lumps this year, in my mind that positions MU better come next season. If they bring him back to primarily ride the bench...well, that would be a bad idea.

So, you are saying that it would be more valuable for him to play a half-season coming off an injury now than it would be playing an extra season at full-strength later?  Why?  I'd rather get a full four years of him and Vander playing together rather than have him learning how to be a BE point guard coming in halfway through the year off an injury.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: NavinRJohnson on October 23, 2009, 08:37:42 AM
No, I'm saying I think it would be better for him to play a half season at full strength now. If he can't come back at full strength, then he should not come back. If he can, then I think his contribution in 2011 and beyond will be that much more significant. As I said, I will be surprised if that happens. But if he is cleared to play, and he wants to play, in my world, that's primarily his call.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: GGGG on October 23, 2009, 08:40:33 AM
Actually, it's Buzz's call primarily.  If Buzz thinks it is in the best interests of the team to have him sit out the year, even if he is full strength in January, than he should be redshirted.  But this is kind of silly because there is no chance that he'll be at full strength in January.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: bilsu on October 23, 2009, 09:01:53 AM
In the win now approach in today's sports it will be hard for a coach not to use a player that might get him that extra win. Assuming Cadougan can come back and play this year, I hope Buzz considers what difference it really makes. If we are not an NCAA team without him, we probably will not be an NCAA team with him. I hate to see us use Cadougan, if the only difference means we finish the season 16-15 vs 15-16.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: dsfire on October 23, 2009, 09:24:25 AM
It's not a decision that needs to be made now anyway.  Moot point until he is back to full strength.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: StillAWarrior on October 23, 2009, 09:36:58 AM
As excited as I was when Mbakwe made it back early to play, and as much as I initially thought it was the right thing to do to reward his hard work, in hindsight I thought it was a mistake.  Junior should be red shirted this year.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: reinko on October 23, 2009, 09:49:57 AM
Not sure why people feel the need to decide anything right now. If January or so rolls around and the doctors say he's good to go, in my mind at that point it should be almost entirely up to the player to decide (in consultation with doctors/coaches/family). There is absolutely no reason to declare his season over today. While it would appear to be the likely outcome anyway, there is nothing to be lost by letting it just play out.

If by some chance he is able to come back and play this year, I'm not sure getting that experience doesn't end up being more valuable then the extra year on the back end. 2011, 2012, and 2013...those are shaping up to be the seasons for MU anyway. If he is able to get some experience and take some BE lumps this year, in my mind that positions MU better come next season. If they bring him back to primarily ride the bench...well, that would be a bad idea.


Weird that the team of doctors that know every detail of JC's injury, all happen to MUScoopers. 
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: GOO on October 23, 2009, 10:22:36 AM
Either way, it sure would be nice if JC can come back and at least practice with the team by December/January.  Even if he doesn't play, a few months of practice will have him ready to go next year.  The Redshirt decision can be made after he has been practicing for a month.  If he isn't 100% or is having trouble picking up the offense/defense, then he continues to Redshirt.  If he is practicing, is at 100% and is the best point guard or second best point in practice, then why Redshirt him?  The decision can wait until he is back and going at it, of course.  And, in my opinion, it is the players choice in the end.  Buzz can tell him to Redshirt and if he doesn't he can tell him that he probably won't play, but in the end it is JC's call.  It's the coach's call as to who plays and how much, but it should be up to the player if he Redshirts or not, in my opinion. 
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: StillAWarrior on October 23, 2009, 11:09:12 AM
And, in my opinion, it is the players choice in the end.  Buzz can tell him to Redshirt and if he doesn't he can tell him that he probably won't play, but in the end it is JC's call.  It's the coach's call as to who plays and how much, but it should be up to the player if he Redshirts or not, in my opinion. 

I respectfully disagree.  I think that if Buzz knows that a kid probably won't play, he should not let the kid lose an entire year of eligibility just so that he can sit on the end of the bench in uniform for 10 games.  If he can contribute, fine.  But I think Buzz would do a disservice to the program and to the player to let him waste a year of eligibility if he's not going to play.

Putting his legal difficulties aside, I wonder how Mbakwe feels about that lost year of eligibility.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: mileskishnish72 on October 23, 2009, 11:16:28 AM
An Achilles rupture should not be rushed. Redshirt.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: Litehouse on October 23, 2009, 11:20:10 AM
Putting his legal difficulties aside, I wonder how Mbakwe feels about that lost year of eligibility.

With everything that's happened with Mbakwe, I get the impression he's not real interested in sticking around college any longer than necessary.  He'd probably rather play professionally in Europe than save that 5th year.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: muarmy81 on October 23, 2009, 11:22:45 AM
In the win now approach in today's sports it will be hard for a coach not to use a player that might get him that extra win. Assuming Cadougan can come back and play this year, I hope Buzz considers what difference it really makes. If we are not an NCAA team without him, we probably will not be an NCAA team with him. I hate to see us use Cadougan, if the only difference means we finish the season 16-15 vs 15-16.

But what if you're in a re-building year?  Nobody expects us to do well anyways, sans this board so why not have him contribute when the expectations are higher?
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: GOO on October 23, 2009, 11:30:52 AM
After reading up on the injury, unless is wasn't a bad rupture and only partial.  There is no way he is coming back this year.  Even if it wasn't all that bad, he probably can't make it back this year.  Getting the boot/cast off now, is about right.  It appears that he won't be at 100% until next fall from what I've read.

As to who should make the Redshirt decision:  If Buzz thinks he should Redshirt and he won't play, Buzz should tell the player this and strongly advise against coming back.  However, I think the decision is the players to make in the end.  Who has to sign the forms - I assume the player has to sign off and it isn't a coach's decision to make.  Also, say I'm not likely to be a pro player and plan on graduating in 4 years and want to be suited up and on the team for 4 years, even if I play only a little or not at all.... that should be my decision as a player.  After all, I'm a student athlete.   It may be a bad decision if I won't play and the coach tells me so, but in the end it should be my decision.  

What if I'm a good player who will be a Senior, but the coach wants to tank a season in order to have a great team next year.  It clearly isn't the coach's decision to say I'm redshiring you this season so we can have a better team next year.  I better have the right to say no, and have the right to play.   Yes, this is different than JC, but still it should be up to the player
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: martyconlonontherun on October 23, 2009, 12:51:55 PM
Doubt he comes back, but it's an easy decision in January.

2 questions that need to be answered yes:
Is he fully recovered?
Will he be able to push us into the tourney?

If either answer is no, then he redshirts. Otherwise, we are all excited about a tourney run with a young class and want that experience for next year if we are that good.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: PuertoRicanNightmare on October 23, 2009, 12:59:02 PM
As excited as I was when Mbakwe made it back early to play, and as much as I initially thought it was the right thing to do to reward his hard work, in hindsight I thought it was a mistake.  Junior should be red shirted this year.

Of course it was a mistake...and one that was made because ESPN was in town and somebody needed some "angle" to give the TV guys.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: bilsu on October 23, 2009, 01:11:13 PM
Not sure why people feel the need to decide anything right now. If January or so rolls around and the doctors say he's good to go, in my mind at that point it should be almost entirely up to the player to decide (in consultation with doctors/coaches/family). There is absolutely no reason to declare his season over today. While it would appear to be the likely outcome anyway, there is nothing to be lost by letting it just play out.

If by some chance he is able to come back and play this year, I'm not sure getting that experience doesn't end up being more valuable then the extra year on the back end. 2011, 2012, and 2013...those are shaping up to be the seasons for MU anyway. If he is able to get some experience and take some BE lumps this year, in my mind that positions MU better come next season. If they bring him back to primarily ride the bench...well, that would be a bad idea.

It is better to make a good decision (red shirt) now, so you are not tempted to make a bad decision later.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: NCMUFan on October 23, 2009, 01:18:23 PM
Just seeing Trevor, DJ against Misery and Jerel against Mich State I got to say if not at least 90%, don't play them.  The competition level we are playing against is so high, an athlete at anything less than 90% maybe a bigger hinderance to a team than help.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: MarquetteDano on October 23, 2009, 04:01:45 PM
"JC's Second Coming"...

when I first read this I thought to myself: "Jesus is back?"
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: GOMU1104 on October 23, 2009, 04:10:28 PM
It is better to make a good decision (red shirt) now, so you are not tempted to make a bad decision later.

Redshirts can be lifted at any time. Just because you make the decision now to do it, doesnt mean that it cant be changed come February.

This is what happened with Trevor.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: OpenLook on October 23, 2009, 08:20:00 PM
FWIW -- I was at the Beyond the Boards with Buzz event held as part of the Parent Weekend Oct. 2. The whole team was there and I made a point to wish JC well, telling him that the fans were all looking forward to seeing him play in 2010. I also asked him if there was any way he would be able to get back this season. His answer was quite intertesting . . . he said he would rather have four full years playing for Buzz than three and just a part of another. I was really happy to hear he thought that much about his coach, that he wanted his four full years of actual play at MU.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: Aughnanure on October 23, 2009, 08:46:41 PM
The prognosis following Achilles tendon rupture is good with either surgical or nonsurgical treatment. However, with surgery, athletes can return to activity sooner, and the recurrence rate is less than 5%, whereas individuals following the nonsurgical approach experience a 40% re-rupture rate (Lin). With a heel support, the individual can begin some weight-bearing activity after 6 weeks. Full return to athletics generally takes 4 to 6 months (Nannini). The prognosis becomes less optimistic with successive rupture of the same tendon.

I'm assuming he went with the surgical option, right? I hope, we need him for the future more than right now
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: SCdem@MU on October 23, 2009, 09:33:52 PM
FWIW -- I was at the Beyond the Boards with Buzz event held as part of the Parent Weekend Oct. 2. The whole team was there and I made a point to wish JC well, telling him that the fans were all looking forward to seeing him play in 2010. I also asked him if there was any way he would be able to get back this season. His answer was quite intertesting . . . he said he would rather have four full years playing for Buzz than three and just a part of another. I was really happy to hear he thought that much about his coach, that he wanted his four full years of actual play at MU.

Smart answer by JC. Keeping the medical redshirt on him, regardless of what happens, is probably whats best for both JC and Marquette.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: GOO on October 23, 2009, 09:36:54 PM
Yes he had surgery. Glad it sounds like he won't rush this.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: bamamarquettefan on October 23, 2009, 11:38:12 PM
If the incredibly talented incoming class and Lazar are tearing it up, BUT Cube can't get the ball up the court and Acker can't stop any opposing PGs, THEN it would be pretty tempting to put a seemingly recovered JC on the court.  The choice then could be a great front court getting frustrated and needing JC.

My hope is that Acker and Cube return to pre-2009 form, with Acker distributing well and coming up with steals and Cube nailing threes.  Further my hope is that Acker's size will not be as big a defensive liability this year as he can go for steals with a lot more size behind him.  If Cube and Acker are solid like this, then I don't believe there will be any consideration of playing JC.

We all want what is best for JC, but if he appears ready, I believe it will come down to the play of Acker and Cube.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: Rollout-the-Barrel on October 24, 2009, 09:32:46 AM
Actually, it's Buzz's call primarily.  If Buzz thinks it is in the best interests of the team to have him sit out the year, even if he is full strength in January, than he should be redshirted.  But this is kind of silly because there is no chance that he'll be at full strength in January.
I would argue that for the best interest in the team and relationship between buzz and Junior it should be a decision they make together.  Anyway, it's likely a moot point and he doesn't play til next season.
Title: Re: JC's Second Coming
Post by: Avenue Commons on October 24, 2009, 10:50:29 AM
Talked to him last night at the Tip Off Dinner. Really nice kid. He still is on crutches and had on what appeared to be an air cast. He said that he will start jogging in the pool next week and he is looking forward to getting moving again.

As an aside, all of the players were great. Very polite, well mannered, willing to talk to us old guys. It's a nice event.