
MUScoop => The Superbar => Topic started by: jesmu84 on December 18, 2015, 10:15:12 AM

Title: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on December 18, 2015, 10:15:12 AM
Good job, JJ. I was impressed that he left most of his personal "touches" out.

I liked the movie overall. There were a couple of things I wish were more fleshed-out/explained - like what's been going on with the senate/republic/resistance during this whole missing time period.

One thing I didn't expect and didn't really like was that the movie was less of a continuation of the Star Wars world/story and more of a reboot of the series. For those that are big fans, there were HUGE parallels between TFA and ANH. I wanted it to be a new adventure, not one we've already experienced. I'm guessing they realized the failure of the prequels and went too far to play this safe to what they knew had already been successful.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: tower912 on December 18, 2015, 12:53:06 PM
Unbelievable eye candy.   Almost too true to the canon.   They almost seemed self mocking in the scene where they are planning the attack.   More than any other since Empire, you felt at the end that it was just an episode setting up the next.     Still, an absolute hoot. 
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on December 18, 2015, 01:30:41 PM
Maybe I'm too much of a nerd to appreciate it as much as others.

After spending today rehashing it in my head, I got more annoyed at the way they approached use of the force. Rey, in less than 6 hours, becomes more force-proficient than Luke did in the first 2 movies. And he had 2 Jedi masters training him. Ridiculous.

Further, how did we end up with Finn using, and being somewhat proficient with, a lightsaber. Twice. Ridiculous.

I also thought they should have waited for the Han/Kylo showdown for him to take his mask off.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Coleman on December 18, 2015, 01:40:36 PM
Maybe I'm too much of a nerd to appreciate it as much as others.

After spending today rehashing it in my head, I got more annoyed at the way they approached use of the force. Rey, in less than 6 hours, becomes more force-proficient than Luke did in the first 2 movies. And he had 2 Jedi masters training him. Ridiculous.

Further, how did we end up with Finn using, and being somewhat proficient with, a lightsaber. Twice. Ridiculous.

I also thought they should have waited for the Han/Kylo showdown for him to take his mask off.

Completely agree with all your comments.

And the blowing up the death star/planet was just a little too repetitive for me.

Still really enjoyed it though. Interested to see what the legacy characters, especially Luke's, roles are in the rest of the movies. I didn't mind the way Han went out, especially since he got the bulk of screen time in this one. Hoping for lots more Luke, Chewey, R2D2 and C3PO in the next one. I would be ok with less or no Leia.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on December 18, 2015, 01:41:34 PM
Agree.  Saw it two days ago with an industry crowd.  I've always liked Empire Strikes back as the best.  This one is right there.

Seeing again on Saturday night with the family and a more raucous crowd.

Overall thumbs up.  Ultimately this is a setup movie for the next two or three.

Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MU82 on December 18, 2015, 01:47:06 PM
I agree with much of what jesmu, tower and Chicos have said so far.

I am not a "Star Wars nerd," and I would lose trivia contests to most folks who have seen all the films (as I have). I did enjoy IV V and VI, and I mostly disliked I, II, III. I would put this up against VI in the enjoyment category. Not as good as IV or V, of course, but far superior to the other three.

OK, enough Roman Numerals for everybody?

I went into the movie as a Star Wars VII virgin. Whenever a commercial came on TV, I switched the channel. I walked out of the theater when they started showing a trailer. I read none of the reviews that came out earlier this week. I never went into a chatroom, etc. I wanted to form my own opinion and didn't want any accidental spoilers.

I had a few of the same reactions, jesmu. There is no freakin' way Finn becomes an almost immediate lightsaber expert -- good enough to hold his own against Kylo. Please.

How convenient that the evil one is Han's son. How convenient that Rey and Finn ended up in the Falcon and that Rey could instantly, expertly pilot it. Lots of conveniences.

And so many parallels to IV that I can't count them all, right down to the bar scene, the cute droid with the holographic image, the Death Star (yes, I know this was much worse than the DS but still), the attack on the Better Than Death Star, etc, etc, etc, etc.

But I was entertained, never bored, always interested in what would happen next.

I thought the female lead was outstanding -- a better actor than Mark Hammill ever was. Every scene Rey was in was better for it. Finn bothered me at first, seemed to do a bit too much mugging -- kind of a Han Extra Lite -- but he grew on me.

I liked the interplay between Kylo and the British dude. They obviously disrespected each other greatly.

Han was more part of the movie than I expected, as was Leia. I since have read a couple of reviews that gave plaudits to Carrie Fisher, but I didn't think she was particularly good. I thought she was even a little stiff. Ford was good, and I laughed a couple of times at Chewy's reaction to things.
The shape of this little droid made more sense to me than R2. Really rolled around well, much easier to go up rocks or steps. I never understood how R2 got around bad terrain!

Yeah, it set up a sequel, but no moreso than Empire did. I remember walking out of the theater back then thinking: That was great, but I'm pissed I have to wait to see what happens.

Glad there was only a little C3PO and no Jar Jar! My son was going to see it after me, so I left him a spoiler text saying Jar Jar had gone to the dark side and killed everyone!

Final thought: If I ever needed an agent, I want Mark Hamill's. I don't know how much he was paid for those 90 seconds (or whatever) and zero lines, but good for him.

Oh, and final final thought: I didn't even get killed by terrorists! Maybe they knew there were 100 mean-ass guys with Glocks in the theater!
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: tower912 on December 18, 2015, 02:56:20 PM
Nah, even the terrorists wanted to see it.   Next weekend, when they have all seen it, then they will start their mischief.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: tower912 on December 18, 2015, 04:52:05 PM
I predict that Rey is Schmi's (Annikin's mother) granddaughter somehow. 
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on December 18, 2015, 04:56:32 PM
I predict that Rey is Schmi's (Annikin's mother) granddaughter somehow.

So, same generation as Luke? No way.

My guess is either another child of Han/Leia or a child of Luke.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: tower912 on December 18, 2015, 05:00:32 PM
Or great-grand daughter.   Look at the physical resemblance.    The ultimate showdown between her and Kylo Ren has to have familial overtones.   
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MU82 on December 18, 2015, 05:41:57 PM
Or great-grand daughter.   Look at the physical resemblance.    The ultimate showdown between her and Kylo Ren has to have familial overtones.

Yeah, I've been trying to figure out whose Jedi blood she has.

Maybe Leia and Jabba's love child? Ha!
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on December 18, 2015, 05:46:05 PM
Or great-grand daughter.   Look at the physical resemblance.    The ultimate showdown between her and Kylo Ren has to have familial overtones.

I agree that Rey has some bloodline either through the Skywalkers or the Solos.

I'll be interested in the next 2 movies if Kylo switches to the light side in a similar fashion as Anakin switched to the dark. We caught a glimpse of him struggling with keeping the "light" side out of him in this movie. Though his killing of Han may have cemented his status.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: chapman on December 18, 2015, 07:18:16 PM
Seem to have the same feelings as most here.  Really great visually, much more grounded and less cringe-worthy than the prequels.  Liked the ANH/ROTJ parallels for nostalgia, though they were too much.  The whole droid carrying something special on remote planet, superweapon/planting explosives/attack weak spot/bla bla was already done.  To throw a nostalgia bone, Admiral Ackbar needed to say "It's a trap!" and that's about all.

Kylo Ren was also a mixed bag, since from little more than trailers and merchandise it was obvious he was hyped to be the next "cool villain".  The conflict with the light was actually a nice twist, that the character himself was so weak, struggled to defeat a recently-given-a-name-stormtrooper and was defeated by a girl who just picked up a lightsaber the day before was disappointing.  Like, it's hard to believe Luke went into hiding and pouted in shame because of that.

Harrison Ford, brilliant.  Got his wish 32 years later, and it was worth the wait.  And I don't know how Abrams pulled it off, but Chewbacca was more than color, one of the best characters in the movie.  As far as cute/kiddie fodder/comic, BB was everything Jar Jar should have been.

Still some good mysteries introduced - who or what is this Supreme Overlord creature and what will make him not a redundant throwaway compared to the old Emperor, who is Rey related to, if she's Luke's daughter who is the mother, why was she abandoned and turned out good when Kylo Ren was trained from the beginning and turned out a mess, what is the actual state of the Empire/First Order vs. Resistance/Rebellion/Republic, what happened to Wedge and Lando?
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: tower912 on December 18, 2015, 07:28:53 PM
Did anybody else notice that the head bad guy, also CG'd by Andy Serkis, resembled Gollum?
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: DegenerateDish on December 18, 2015, 09:09:58 PM
Why did The First Order want to find Luke? That point never gets established, and then they just give up on the entire idea 3/4th's in, made zero sense.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MU82 on December 18, 2015, 10:14:16 PM
Why did The First Order want to find Luke? That point never gets established, and then they just give up on the entire idea 3/4th's in, made zero sense.

The whole Luke thing was a mess.

As earlier stated by chapman, it made zero sense that Luke would go into hiding with so little impetus -- or at least maybe we weren't told the entire story of why he went into hiding.

And who even came up with the map to locate him and why?

Lots of questions, and plenty of illogic, but still fun. I'd say it was at least as good as I thought it would be.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: tower912 on December 19, 2015, 06:29:02 AM
It's Star Wars.   The logic doesn't have to track 100% of the time. 
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: DegenerateDish on December 19, 2015, 08:41:46 AM
My only problem with the Luke storyline is I thought the first third of the movie did a great job of establishing Finn & Rey's storielines.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 19, 2015, 09:06:35 AM
Finally, people to talk with this about!

Overall I thought it was a great, need to see it a couple of times to see if it ranks ahead of ANH and RotJ or not....Empire definitely has it licked.

Rey has to be Luke's daughter, have to think that he connected with her through the force and that's how she was able to channel the force effectively, that was what was going on when Rey and Ben/Kylo had their sabers engaged.  Betting that Kylo killed Luke's wife/Rey's mother as part of his turn to the dark side.  Also think there has to be a Revan connection some where in VIII

Also keep in mind that Kylo was wounded and had incomplete training, and Rey had demonstrated an ability to fight on Jakku and her saber style was more staff like then sword based.

Last thing on Rey, loved the intro of the character when she didn't need Finn to take care of her, liked the continuation of the Leia empowerment arc.

Overall, I think the movie was to serve three purposes....connect the old fans with the new characters, restart the world, and provide a platform for the next two movies.  I think it accomplished everything.  I'm glad the fan service that went on was not plot related it was a lot more of sight gags, throw away lines, etc.

Gonna to watch it again later this week with the family, I'll probably have more thoughts then.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MU82 on December 19, 2015, 09:52:14 AM
Finally, people to talk with this about!

Overall I thought it was a great, need to see it a couple of times to see if it ranks ahead of ANH and RotJ or not....Empire definitely has it licked.

Rey has to be Luke's daughter, have to think that he connected with her through the force and that's how she was able to channel the force effectively, that was what was going on when Rey and Ben/Kylo had their sabers engaged.  Betting that Kylo killed Luke's wife/Rey's mother as part of his turn to the dark side.  Also think there has to be a Revan connection some where in VIII

Also keep in mind that Kylo was wounded and had incomplete training, and Rey had demonstrated an ability to fight on Jakku and her saber style was more staff like then sword based.

Last thing on Rey, loved the intro of the character when she didn't need Finn to take care of her, liked the continuation of the Leia empowerment arc.

Overall, I think the movie was to serve three purposes....connect the old fans with the new characters, restart the world, and provide a platform for the next two movies.  I think it accomplished everything.  I'm glad the fan service that went on was not plot related it was a lot more of sight gags, throw away lines, etc.

Gonna to watch it again later this week with the family, I'll probably have more thoughts then.

Like all of this, I did.
Title: by the way...don't sit through credits
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on December 19, 2015, 11:43:27 PM
Nothing at the end of the credits to hang around for.

Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: drewm88 on December 20, 2015, 10:35:53 AM
Finally, people to talk with this about!

Overall I thought it was a great, need to see it a couple of times to see if it ranks ahead of ANH and RotJ or not....Empire definitely has it licked.

Rey has to be Luke's daughter, have to think that he connected with her through the force and that's how she was able to channel the force effectively, that was what was going on when Rey and Ben/Kylo had their sabers engaged.  Betting that Kylo killed Luke's wife/Rey's mother as part of his turn to the dark side.  Also think there has to be a Revan connection some where in VIII

Also keep in mind that Kylo was wounded and had incomplete training, and Rey had demonstrated an ability to fight on Jakku and her saber style was more staff like then sword based.

Last thing on Rey, loved the intro of the character when she didn't need Finn to take care of her, liked the continuation of the Leia empowerment arc.

Overall, I think the movie was to serve three purposes....connect the old fans with the new characters, restart the world, and provide a platform for the next two movies.  I think it accomplished everything.  I'm glad the fan service that went on was not plot related it was a lot more of sight gags, throw away lines, etc.

Gonna to watch it again later this week with the family, I'll probably have more thoughts then.

I agree with all of this. I'd also add that the Luke storyline--and the supposed abandonment--didn't bother me. The First Republic wanted to find him to eliminate the final Jedi. When they thought they had a way to destroy the Resistance and still find him (through Rey's knowledge of his whereabouts), that became the focus.
Title: Re: by the way...don't sit through credits
Post by: mu03eng on December 20, 2015, 11:59:33 AM
Nothing at the end of the credits to hang around for.

Not Star Wars style and I would have been annoyed if they'd done it
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on December 20, 2015, 12:13:52 PM
Finally, people to talk with this about!

Overall I thought it was a great, need to see it a couple of times to see if it ranks ahead of ANH and RotJ or not....Empire definitely has it licked.

I loved Empire, but I've still always been troubled by the "cave scene" with Darth Vadar.  Hated it, to this day it was so hokey and felt like it just was scratch across an LP record in an otherwise great movie.

This one, very good.  A few things were a bit much, but I felt more than anything this was a bridging movie to the final two more so than the other movies were.  Really well done.  The CGI was forced like in the last three.  There was no stupidity of characters. 

My daughter, surprisingly didn't care for it. Wife, son and I enjoyed. 

I would encourage you to see it a few times.  I've seen it twice now, you pick up on a few things for sure that are missed in the absorption of the first time viewer.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 20, 2015, 01:33:23 PM
I loved Empire, but I've still always been troubled by the "cave scene" with Darth Vadar.  Hated it, to this day it was so hokey and felt like it just was scratch across an LP record in an otherwise great movie.

This one, very good.  A few things were a bit much, but I felt more than anything this was a bridging movie to the final two more so than the other movies were.  Really well done.  The CGI was forced like in the last three.  There was no stupidity of characters. 

My daughter, surprisingly didn't care for it. Wife, son and I enjoyed. 

I would encourage you to see it a few times.  I've seen it twice now, you pick up on a few things for sure that are missed in the absorption of the first time viewer.

Definitely need to watch a couple of more times to pick some stuff up but there were a couple of missed opportunities that really could have pushed it to at least equal to Empire.

1. I would have waited until the bridge to have Kylo remove his helmet, would have been a great call back to the end of RotJ but in reverse.  Also would have played up the menacing teenager aspect more prior to the reveal.  We didn't need to reveal early, we knew he was Adam Driver, just needed to know if he was all scared up(guess he is now).
2.  Poe Dameroen was a great character and Oscar Issacs was great(he and Daisey Ridley are tied for best acting in the new movie), but they didn't use nearly enough of him.  Also, unless it was somehow setting some twist in the future, I really hated how Poe just disappears on Jakku and all of a sudden shows up with the resistance ahead of Finn and Rey.  What he just gave up on BB-8 and the secret mission and decided to hitch a bus back to the resistance?
3.  Complete waste of Captain Phasma.  No back story, seems way more interesting than General Hux(I would not be menaced at all by that dude) and gets almost no screen time.  It would have been nice to see a competent storm trooper for once.  Plus I'm still annoyed after 40 years the Empire/First Order haven't developed a secret "press with your tongue in case you are taken hostage so we can stop them" button that sends out a distress signal.  What's the point of having an internal/integrated comm system in your armor if you can't use it to keep yourself from lowering the critical shield system because they pointed a gun at you.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on December 20, 2015, 02:31:46 PM
Plus I'm still annoyed after 40 years the Empire/First Order haven't developed a secret "press with your tongue in case you are taken hostage so we can stop them" button that sends out a distress signal.  What's the point of having an internal/integrated comm system in your armor if you can't use it to keep yourself from lowering the critical shield system because they pointed a gun at you.

For that matter, I'm amazed Storm Troopers wear any armor...doesn't stop any lasers...what's the point?   ;D
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jficke13 on December 21, 2015, 08:35:25 AM
1. Maybe Luke is just following in the footsteps of Obi Wan and Yoda's teaching: When apprentice goes darkside, you must go hermit.

2. The thing that bugged me is why the Republic needs to prop up a Resistance to fight the First Order. Shouldn't the Republic have it's own fleet (I feel like they say something like "Without the Republic's fleet we're toast!)? That's the thing that doesn't track, at all, especially when the Resistance's fleet appears to consist of a few squadrons of X-Wings and that's it.

3. Either Finn has to have some kind of force affinity (sure picked up being a gunner quickly) or the lightsaber improvisation doesn't make a lot of sense for him either.

4. All told, I'll forgive them some plot holes as long as the overall movie is good, and it was.

5. Harrison Ford was great. His comedic timing with Chewy was great.

6. John Williams can still bring it.

7. I'd give it a 7. Darn entertaining, but not life-altering.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: ChitownSpaceForRent on December 21, 2015, 08:40:01 AM
Acting was really good overall. I've seen all the movies but wouldn't consider myself a star wars nerd.

 I don't think Finn will have any sort of force powers, Ren pretty much dominated him after the first attack. In fact, a kind of hope he isn't a Jedi. Really interested to see of they flesh out his back story more though.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Coleman on December 21, 2015, 09:29:12 AM
My rankings:

1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. The Force Awakens
4. Return of the Jedi
5. Revenge of the Sith
6. Attack of the Clones
7. The Phantom Menace

Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jficke13 on December 21, 2015, 09:40:29 AM
My rankings:

1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. The Force Awakens
4. Return of the Jedi
5. Revenge of the Sith
6. Attack of the Clones
7. The Phantom Menace


I concur.

I also am reminded how I like the idea of the prequels (that the 1-6 saga was always about Anakin's fall and redemption), but boy howdy was the execution poor.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Hards Alumni on December 21, 2015, 10:03:47 AM
Finn was proficient in using a lightsaber due to his training as a stormtrooper.  That is the best explanation I could come up with.  He isn't a master, but he probably learned how to use a variety of weapons during training.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on December 21, 2015, 10:13:28 AM
1. Maybe Luke is just following in the footsteps of Obi Wan and Yoda's teaching: When apprentice goes darkside, you must go hermit.

Except that Yoda technically didn't become a hermit when his apprentice (Count Dooku) became dark. And Obi-wan only did it because he would have been killed otherwise. But, I get your point.

2. The thing that bugged me is why the Republic needs to prop up a Resistance to fight the First Order. Shouldn't the Republic have it's own fleet (I feel like they say something like "Without the Republic's fleet we're toast!)? That's the thing that doesn't track, at all, especially when the Resistance's fleet appears to consist of a few squadrons of X-Wings and that's it.

From some more in-depth investigation, it appears that once the Empire was cast aside, the Republic, in an attempt to absolve itself from the militaristic Empire, de-militarized almost entirely. Which means technically they have no fighting force and must rely on the Resistance for military intervention against groups like the First Order.

3. Either Finn has to have some kind of force affinity (sure picked up being a gunner quickly) or the lightsaber improvisation doesn't make a lot of sense for him either.

As per the scene in the movie of Finn vs the Stormtrooper, stormtroopers have training in weapon combat involving lightsabers and other hand-based weapons. He's not proficient (as evidenced by getting his ass kicked by Kylo when Kylo decided he wanted to try), but he's able.

4. All told, I'll forgive them some plot holes as long as the overall movie is good, and it was.

5. Harrison Ford was great. His comedic timing with Chewy was great.

6. John Williams can still bring it.

7. I'd give it a 7. Darn entertaining, but not life-altering.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: drewm88 on December 21, 2015, 12:08:27 PM
My rankings:

1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. The Force Awakens
4. Return of the Jedi
5. Revenge of the Sith
6. Attack of the Clones
7. The Phantom Menace


1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. The Force Awakens
4. Revenge of the Sith
5. Return of the Jedi
6. The Phantom Menace
7. Attack of the Clones
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 21, 2015, 01:42:21 PM
1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. The Force Awakens
4. Revenge of the Sith
5. Return of the Jedi
6. The Phantom Menace
7. Attack of the Clones

If TPM is ranked even ahead of the very special Star Wars Christmas episode GTFO.

Not ranking until I see it at least once more
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 21, 2015, 01:50:13 PM

2. The thing that bugged me is why the Republic needs to prop up a Resistance to fight the First Order. Shouldn't the Republic have it's own fleet (I feel like they say something like "Without the Republic's fleet we're toast!)? That's the thing that doesn't track, at all, especially when the Resistance's fleet appears to consist of a few squadrons of X-Wings and that's it.

Think of the Republic being the US, First Order as Iran, and the resistance as the insurgents supported by Iran during the occupation of Iraq.

Republic doesn't want open war with the First Order so is funneling money/talent to resistance to fight the First Order. In theory, now that the First Order has escalated, I would assume what's left of the Republic would now enter the fight openly.

I do think they avoided the "political landscape" to a large degree because politics and legal mumbo jumbo bogged down the PT
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Coleman on December 21, 2015, 01:52:14 PM
If TPM is ranked even ahead of the very special Star Wars Christmas episode GTFO.

Not ranking until I see it at least once more

Yeah and I just can't get on board with any of the prequels being ranked ahead of any of the original 3 (drew has Revenge of the Sith ahead of Return of the Jedi). Just too much CGI and terrible acting.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: chapman on December 21, 2015, 04:18:50 PM
2. The thing that bugged me is why the Republic needs to prop up a Resistance to fight the First Order. Shouldn't the Republic have it's own fleet (I feel like they say something like "Without the Republic's fleet we're toast!)? That's the thing that doesn't track, at all, especially when the Resistance's fleet appears to consist of a few squadrons of X-Wings and that's it.

They didn't explain it well at all, but the Republic disbanded most of its military strength after making a peace with the remains of the Empire.  So when the Empire evolved into the First Order, they didn't react.  Leia, knowing there's some dark side shenanigans going down and that makes the First Order threat, gets proactive and starts the Resistance.  They also had to rotate planets that hosted the Republic's senate since a bunch of planets were opposed to staying on Coruscant, even though hosting an intergalactic senate rotation seems like a worse bargain than hosting the Olympics...which, the planet that was the home of the Republic was the one the Sun Death Star thing blew up.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on December 21, 2015, 04:35:48 PM
My rankings:

1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. The Force Awakens
4. Return of the Jedi
5. Revenge of the Sith
6. Attack of the Clones
7. The Phantom Menace


I need a few more viewings of TFA before I make my final standings...

1. Empire
2. ANH
3. Jedi
4. TFA
5. Sith
6. TPM (almost exclusively because of how awesome Darth Maul was. Such a waste to kill off one of the best villains in the franchise)
7. Clones
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: drewm88 on December 21, 2015, 04:44:00 PM
If TPM is ranked even ahead of the very special Star Wars Christmas episode GTFO.

Those Anakin/Padme scenes in II are horrendous. They drive that movie straight to the bottom of the list, past podracing and midichlorians.

Edit: I'm also not a diehard at all, and am young enough that Phantom Menace didn't retroactively ruin my childhood joy.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: drewm88 on December 21, 2015, 04:50:06 PM
Yeah and I just can't get on board with any of the prequels being ranked ahead of any of the original 3 (drew has Revenge of the Sith ahead of Return of the Jedi). Just too much CGI and terrible acting.

Granted, I'm going off the deluxe special remastered reimagined revised refreshed digital collector's director's cut (now with more changes!), but ROTJ was meh when I recently watched it. Turning the giant pit (sarlac?) into a glorified venus fly trap and the stupid new song at Jabba's place were awful. ROTS was miles ahead of its prequelmates. But I still consider them to be about equal, so I have no issue with your rankings.

For what it's worth, Rotten Tomatoes has III as 79%/7.3 and VI as 80%/7.2.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 21, 2015, 08:41:48 PM
Those Anakin/Padme scenes in II are horrendous. They drive that movie straight to the bottom of the list, past podracing and midichlorians.

Edit: I'm also not a diehard at all, and am young enough that Phantom Menace didn't retroactively ruin my childhood joy.

My bad, I forget that people watched the OT for the first time as Lucas's abortion of re-imaging and his "love scenes".  I just couldn't stand that TPM turned Anakin into a Christ figure and invented this bacteria that somehow is the force.

Personal note: my podcast partner and I were in college at the time AotC came out and we went to the midnight showing on opening night.  Packed theater, "delicate" love scene, super quiet and out of no where near the back of the theater a guy farted so load I thought he crapped himself.  We couldn't stop laughing for 30 minutes....saved us from some of those love scenes.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Skatastrophy on December 21, 2015, 09:03:53 PM
My bad, I forget that people watched the OT for the first time as Lucas's abortion of re-imaging and his "love scenes".  I just couldn't stand that TPM turned Anakin into a Christ figure and invented this bacteria that somehow is the force.

Personal note: my podcast partner and I were in college at the time AotC came out and we went to the midnight showing on opening night.  Packed theater, "delicate" love scene, super quiet and out of no where near the back of the theater a guy farted so load I thought he crapped himself.  We couldn't stop laughing for 30 minutes....saved us from some of those love scenes.

Midiclorians is a part of the expanded universe, along with there being beings of pure force. The Attack of the Clones cartoon series is on Netflix and is excellent.

Also for you younger folks, you can download the original trilogy directors cut online in HD without too much hassle. Way better than the reimagining, and worth the time looking for the torrent.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on December 21, 2015, 09:17:59 PM
Midiclorians is a part of the expanded universe, along with there being beings of pure force. The Attack of the Clones cartoon series is on Netflix and is excellent.

Also for you younger folks, you can download the original trilogy directors cut online in HD without too much hassle. Way better than the reimagining, and worth the time looking for the torrent.

Just to clarify...

There is a now a difference between the Expanded Universe (EU) and canon. Canon is now the movies, Attack of the Clones cartoon, Star Wars Rebels cartoon and any sanctioned literature. The large majority of books, etc that came out before AotC cartoon is now considered non-canon.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: drewm88 on December 21, 2015, 11:07:10 PM
My bad, I forget that people watched the OT for the first time as Lucas's abortion of re-imaging and his "love scenes".  I just couldn't stand that TPM turned Anakin into a Christ figure and invented this bacteria that somehow is the force.

Personal note: my podcast partner and I were in college at the time AotC came out and we went to the midnight showing on opening night.  Packed theater, "delicate" love scene, super quiet and out of no where near the back of the theater a guy farted so load I thought he crapped himself.  We couldn't stop laughing for 30 minutes....saved us from some of those love scenes.

The first time I saw the OT would have been early/mid 90s, so before the theatrical rerelease, but the other times I've watched them would have been whatever George's flavor of the month was.

I hope the next revision adds the fart soundtrack to II. Maybe some well placed sneezes over the discussions of Anakin's birth in I as well.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on December 22, 2015, 12:00:29 AM
My rankings:

1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. The Force Awakens
4. Return of the Jedi
5. Revenge of the Sith
6. Attack of the Clones
7. The Phantom Menace


I have thought New Hope for the last 15 years doesn't hold up.  It was good for the time, but struggle IMO.  And yes, I still loved it as a kid and still watch it now.

1) Empire
2) Force Awakens

3) New Hope
4) Return

5) Crap
6) More Crap
7) Ridiculous CGI crap

As for the acting in this one....very good.  That's one area I though New Hope excelled, the cast was very good despite a poorly written script.  However, thought Carrie Fischer was not good in this latest movie.  Her facial expressions non-existent (has she had that much work done?). 
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: brewcity77 on December 22, 2015, 06:58:58 AM
I enjoyed the hell out of the movie, but when the Main Theme hit, I got misty eyed, so I don't want to go too much on the rating side because I'd be going on emotion. I'll say this, it did feel like a true, spiritual successor to the first trilogy. My apologies, lots of stream of consciousness coming in this post.

I agree with those saying it felt almost too much like the first movies. Just like we have the Marquette Season Checklist, we could have the same thing for this movie. Unknown background for Jedi lead? Check. Behind-the-scenes bad guy who is pulling the strings of the visible bad guy? Check. Massive star base that can destroy planets? Check.

Speaking of, how has the Empire/First Order not figured out a way to protect their giant star base? Every time it has one miniscule weakness that the Rebel-public figures out how to exploit. For the love of god, defend your base! We all know how this movie ends.

Also...I felt the combination of Kylo Ren's conversation with Vader's helmet and him taking his mask off as early as he did really muted him as a villain. The reason Darth Vader was so badass was because he was this implacable, massive evil force without weakness for the first three hours of the original trilogy. By the time you learn he's Luke's father and view his weakness, he's already been established as a villain. Ren, on the other hand, is showing weakness less than halfway through the first movie. How badass is a Dark Jedi that's having trouble sticking to the Dark Side before his first lightsaber battle? I really hope they find a way to make him more evil by the time Episode VIII rolls around, because he already feels like a weak villain to me.

Finn is definitely a force user. No way a normal human could pick that up and wield it successfully. Also, consider the opening scene. Finn awoke as a force user in that scene, and Ren immediately sensed it. That's why he stopped before returning to his Star Destroyer, and that's how he knew exactly which Stormtrooper had deserted when Phasma informed him about it.

As far as Rey, well first, she was awesome. Great acting, really was the highlight of the movie. Who is she? My guess is she's Luke's daughter. As much as her being Ben's twin seems to follow canon, I can't for the life of me figure out why Han and Leia would abandon her on Jakku. They seem like better parents than that. Of course, does that mean her mother is Mara Jade? For all the noise they've made about Heir to the Empire not being canon, that seems hard to believe, but is it possible that their protestations are just a smokescreen and HttE actually happened, change a few names (Han and Leia's kids) and details, but Thrawn, Mara Jade, Talon Karrde, and Joruus C'baoth will all be part of the backstory? They said they kept Rey's surname out of the movie for a reason, so it has to be something familiar. The only problem is if it's Skywalker, how would she not know her parentage and her connection to Han and Leia? If it's Kenobi or Solo, wouldn't someone put two and two together?

One out there thought...someone mentioned the physical resemblance to Shmi, Luke's actual mother. What if it's Ren Jinn? Perhaps Qui-Gon and Shmi had a kid? Qui-Gon was definitely the one highlight of Phantom Menace, and one of the few redeeming bits of the second trilogy. But if so, that'd make her way too old, unless she ages at a slower rate than Padme's people. That said, when she grasps Luke's lightsaber, the voices she hears includes a hybrid of Alec Guinness and Ewen MacGregor.

A bit off topic, but amusing if you have 10 minutes. Video explaining how Jar Jar Binks was actually the original Sith enemy in the second trilogy:
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on December 22, 2015, 08:26:45 AM
I enjoyed the hell out of the movie, but when the Main Theme hit, I got misty eyed, so I don't want to go too much on the rating side because I'd be going on emotion. I'll say this, it did feel like a true, spiritual successor to the first trilogy. My apologies, lots of stream of consciousness coming in this post.

I agree with those saying it felt almost too much like the first movies. Just like we have the Marquette Season Checklist, we could have the same thing for this movie. Unknown background for Jedi lead? Check. Behind-the-scenes bad guy who is pulling the strings of the visible bad guy? Check. Massive star base that can destroy planets? Check.

Speaking of, how has the Empire/First Order not figured out a way to protect their giant star base? Every time it has one miniscule weakness that the Rebel-public figures out how to exploit. For the love of god, defend your base! We all know how this movie ends.

Also...I felt the combination of Kylo Ren's conversation with Vader's helmet and him taking his mask off as early as he did really muted him as a villain. The reason Darth Vader was so badass was because he was this implacable, massive evil force without weakness for the first three hours of the original trilogy. By the time you learn he's Luke's father and view his weakness, he's already been established as a villain. Ren, on the other hand, is showing weakness less than halfway through the first movie. How badass is a Dark Jedi that's having trouble sticking to the Dark Side before his first lightsaber battle? I really hope they find a way to make him more evil by the time Episode VIII rolls around, because he already feels like a weak villain to me.

I actually enjoyed this villian because, assuming he's around for the entire trilogy, we'll get to see him grow/change. He might come back to the light side, but more likely delves deeper into the dark. Very few characters in the Star Wars universe have we see grow, besides Luke/Anakin. I'm excited to see a villain grow. He will become more powerful. He will learn to control his temper tantrums. I think it's awesome.

Finn is definitely a force user. No way a normal human could pick that up and wield it successfully. Also, consider the opening scene. Finn awoke as a force user in that scene, and Ren immediately sensed it. That's why he stopped before returning to his Star Destroyer, and that's how he knew exactly which Stormtrooper had deserted when Phasma informed him about it.

Disagree that Finn is a force user. I think his stormtrooper training allowed him to use the lightsaber. And I wouldn't call it successful. He got his butt kicked by the stormtrooper and then got demolished when Kylo decided to try.

As far as Rey, well first, she was awesome. Great acting, really was the highlight of the movie. Who is she? My guess is she's Luke's daughter. As much as her being Ben's twin seems to follow canon, I can't for the life of me figure out why Han and Leia would abandon her on Jakku. They seem like better parents than that. Of course, does that mean her mother is Mara Jade? For all the noise they've made about Heir to the Empire not being canon, that seems hard to believe, but is it possible that their protestations are just a smokescreen and HttE actually happened, change a few names (Han and Leia's kids) and details, but Thrawn, Mara Jade, Talon Karrde, and Joruus C'baoth will all be part of the backstory? They said they kept Rey's surname out of the movie for a reason, so it has to be something familiar. The only problem is if it's Skywalker, how would she not know her parentage and her connection to Han and Leia? If it's Kenobi or Solo, wouldn't someone put two and two together?

Be careful. The Solo twins, etc, etc, are NOT canon. I have no doubt that the writers/producers will take things from the EU, because they were really good fleshed out ideas.

One out there thought...someone mentioned the physical resemblance to Shmi, Luke's actual mother. What if it's Ren Jinn? Perhaps Qui-Gon and Shmi had a kid? Qui-Gon was definitely the one highlight of Phantom Menace, and one of the few redeeming bits of the second trilogy. But if so, that'd make her way too old, unless she ages at a slower rate than Padme's people. That said, when she grasps Luke's lightsaber, the voices she hears includes a hybrid of Alec Guinness and Ewen MacGregor.

A bit off topic, but amusing if you have 10 minutes. Video explaining how Jar Jar Binks was actually the original Sith enemy in the second trilogy:

There's even more theories that go beyond the prequels - ie. that Jar Jar is Snoke.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Juan Anderson's Mixtape on December 22, 2015, 08:31:46 AM
The Force Awakens was entertaining and did a good job of introducing the new characters while bringing back some old favorites.  But overall the movie was a bit too formulaic with old plot themes, old character lines/moves, parallel settings, and plot holes you could fly a Star Destroyer through.

The one thing that bothers me most: Why is Rey's lightsaber blue?  I didn't catch it at first because during the movie I was trying to figure out why Luke's lightsaber ended up abandoned and locked in the basement of the Mos Eisley Cantina, err Yoda's basement, err the basement of Maz's bar.

In the movie, they explained the lightsaber belonged to Luke Skywalker, and Darth Vader/Anakin before him.  Which would explain why the lightsaber is blue...except that lightsaber was lost when Vader sliced off Luke's hand in Empire!  So how the F did it end up halfway across the galaxy 30 years later???  Shouldn't Rey have a green lightsaber like Luke's from Jedi?  What happened to Luke's green lightsaber?  And how did nobody catch this from a continuity perspective?

I'm wondering how many more plot holes I missed during the first viewing.  Still, this movie was better than the abominations that were 1 and 2 (besides Darth Maul but even he was underused and killed off way too soon).  I'd rank it 5th.

1. Empire
2. The Original
3. Sith
4. Jedi
5. Force
Tied for last: I & II
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on December 22, 2015, 08:36:06 AM
The Force Awakens was entertaining and did a good job of introducing the new characters while bringing back some old favorites.  But overall the movie was a bit too formulaic with old plot themes, old character lines/moves, parallel settings, and plot holes you could fly a Star Destroyer through.

The one thing that bothers me most: Why is Rey's lightsaber blue?  I didn't catch it at first because during the movie I was trying to figure out why Luke's lightsaber ended up abandoned and locked in the basement of the Mos Eisley Cantina, err Yoda's basement, err the basement of Maz's bar.

In the movie, they explained the lightsaber belonged to Luke Skywalker, and Darth Vader/Anakin before him.  Which would explain why the lightsaber is blue...except that lightsaber was lost when Vader sliced off Luke's hand in Empire!  So how the F did it end up halfway across the galaxy 30 years later???  Shouldn't Rey have a green lightsaber like Luke's from Jedi?  What happened to Luke's green lightsaber?  And how did nobody catch this from a continuity perspective?

I'm wondering how many more plot holes I missed during the first viewing.  Still, this movie was better than the abominations that were 1 and 2 (besides Darth Maul but even he was underused and killed off way too soon).  I'd rank it 5th.

1. Empire
2. The Original
3. Sith
4. Jedi
5. Force
Tied for last: I & II

Somehow, Maz ended up with Luke's blue lightsaber. The one that was given to him by Obi-wan. Obi-wan acquired it because it was originally Anakin's before their last encounter where Obi-wan defeated Anakin and took it. Correct, Luke lost it and his hand in Cloud City. Somehow, we haven't been told, Maz ended up with it.

Luke, almost assuredly, still has his green lightsaber.

Every jedi makes/creates their own individual saber. Luke, through the first two movies, used Anakin's. It wasn't his own. So, when he lost it (and as he should be expected to) he made his own - which was green.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Coleman on December 22, 2015, 08:55:45 AM
Granted, I'm going off the deluxe special remastered reimagined revised refreshed digital collector's director's cut (now with more changes!), but ROTJ was meh when I recently watched it. Turning the giant pit (sarlac?) into a glorified venus fly trap and the stupid new song at Jabba's place were awful. ROTS was miles ahead of its prequelmates. But I still consider them to be about equal, so I have no issue with your rankings.

For what it's worth, Rotten Tomatoes has III as 79%/7.3 and VI as 80%/7.2.

I'll grant you VI is by far the worst of the original 3, and III is by far the best of the prequels, so we're close. I just can't put III ahead of VI.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Juan Anderson's Mixtape on December 22, 2015, 09:42:13 AM
Somehow, Maz ended up with Luke's blue lightsaber. The one that was given to him by Obi-wan. Obi-wan acquired it because it was originally Anakin's before their last encounter where Obi-wan defeated Anakin and took it. Correct, Luke lost it and his hand in Cloud City. Somehow, we haven't been told, Maz ended up with it.

Luke, almost assuredly, still has his green lightsaber.

Every jedi makes/creates their own individual saber. Luke, through the first two movies, used Anakin's. It wasn't his own. So, when he lost it (and as he should be expected to) he made his own - which was green.

Yes, I know all that.  But how did it go from hurling into the abyss of Bespin to Maz's?   This point is completely unexplained.  Did it conveniently land in Lando's lap somehow?  It is such a leap from point A to point B that you need to explain that.  Accepting convenience at face value=lazy story telling.  There better be one hell of an explanation in VIII or IX.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on December 22, 2015, 09:45:15 AM
Yes, I know all that.  But how did it go from hurling into the abyss of Bespin to Maz's?   This point is completely unexplained.  Did it conveniently land in Lando's lap somehow?  It is such a leap from point A to point B that you need to explain that.  Accepting convenience at face value=lazy story telling.  There better be one hell of an explanation in VIII or IX.

I think it will get explained. I was okay with the backstory not coming out yet. Like you said, as long as it does get explained eventually. If it doesn't, I'll jump on the wtf train.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 22, 2015, 09:54:39 AM
The Force Awakens was entertaining and did a good job of introducing the new characters while bringing back some old favorites.  But overall the movie was a bit too formulaic with old plot themes, old character lines/moves, parallel settings, and plot holes you could fly a Star Destroyer through.

The one thing that bothers me most: Why is Rey's lightsaber blue?  I didn't catch it at first because during the movie I was trying to figure out why Luke's lightsaber ended up abandoned and locked in the basement of the Mos Eisley Cantina, err Yoda's basement, err the basement of Maz's bar.

In the movie, they explained the lightsaber belonged to Luke Skywalker, and Darth Vader/Anakin before him.  Which would explain why the lightsaber is blue...except that lightsaber was lost when Vader sliced off Luke's hand in Empire!  So how the F did it end up halfway across the galaxy 30 years later???  Shouldn't Rey have a green lightsaber like Luke's from Jedi?  What happened to Luke's green lightsaber?  And how did nobody catch this from a continuity perspective?

I'm wondering how many more plot holes I missed during the first viewing.  Still, this movie was better than the abominations that were 1 and 2 (besides Darth Maul but even he was underused and killed off way too soon).  I'd rank it 5th.

1. Empire
2. The Original
3. Sith
4. Jedi
5. Force
Tied for last: I & II

I'm sure Luke has his green saber with him.  The blue saber was Anakin's and Luke lost it when Vader cut off his hand in Cloud City, and you see a shot of the hand+saber falling through the clouds in Bespin (when Luke lands on the antenna).  So presumably someone went and found the saber and it ended up in Maz's hands

If my theory of the Rey/Luke story is correct then I think Luke himself found it and left it with Maz.  I think Max Von Sydow's character was Luke's father in law and he was playing the Ben Kenobi role for Rey and had a map for Rey when she was old enough to find Luke and begin her training.  Luke hid Rey after Ren killed his wife (Mara Jade like character) so he couldn't find her and turn her and she can develop as he did and become a powerful jedi.  Luke also found his saber and hid it with Maz knowing eventually it would get into her hands.

We know Luke and Anakin have both had force visions of the future, which I don't believe is a general skill of the jedi public, Yoda was the only other one that could call visions in the current canon.  Luke could have "planted" the vision on the lightsaber to guide Rey(or it's an accidental vision like the Empire cave) and that was to "awaken" the force in Rey.  Luke was then able to reach out to her through the force aide her in the fight with Kylo.  This is why Leia and Chewie let her take the Falcon and be the one to meet with Luke first.

I think 8 will be flashback filled which also makes sense given someone(can't remember who) that had read the script(maybe Daisey Ridley?) saying that the script was awesome but going in a weird direction we hadn't seen before.  So we'll see why Luke leaves, how the First Order and Snoke came to be (Darth Plagies????), and what turned Ben

Side note: if they are plucking EU stories, a Solo force user killing Luke's wife and becoming Sith is a definite story line from the EU
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 22, 2015, 10:21:12 AM
Favorite subtle call back that I think a lot of people missed, "we think they are splitting up...."

As I think Jes pointed out, one of, if not, the main theme in Star Wars is choice. 30 years later people are having to make similar choices because of history repeating itself(not unlike the real world) so will they learn to make the right choices.

I do hope we get more backstory on the fall of Ben Solo....what is the driving force and why is he trying to keep the light side out?

I'm talking myself into VII being just behind Empire the more and more I talk about it.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MU82 on December 22, 2015, 10:23:02 AM
I'm sure Luke has his green saber with him.  The blue saber was Anakin's and Luke lost it when Vader cut off his hand in Cloud City, and you see a shot of the hand+saber falling through the clouds in Bespin (when Luke lands on the antenna).  So presumably someone went and found the saber and it ended up in Maz's hands

If my theory of the Rey/Luke story is correct then I think Luke himself found it and left it with Maz.  I think Max Von Sydow's character was Luke's father in law and he was playing the Ben Kenobi role for Rey and had a map for Rey when she was old enough to find Luke and begin her training.  Luke hid Rey after Ren killed his wife (Mara Jade like character) so he couldn't find her and turn her and she can develop as he did and become a powerful jedi.  Luke also found his saber and hid it with Maz knowing eventually it would get into her hands.

We know Luke and Anakin have both had force visions of the future, which I don't believe is a general skill of the jedi public, Yoda was the only other one that could call visions in the current canon.  Luke could have "planted" the vision on the lightsaber to guide Rey(or it's an accidental vision like the Empire cave) and that was to "awaken" the force in Rey.  Luke was then able to reach out to her through the force aide her in the fight with Kylo.  This is why Leia and Chewie let her take the Falcon and be the one to meet with Luke first.

I think 8 will be flashback filled which also makes sense given someone(can't remember who) that had read the script(maybe Daisey Ridley?) saying that the script was awesome but going in a weird direction we hadn't seen before.  So we'll see why Luke leaves, how the First Order and Snoke came to be (Darth Plagies????), and what turned Ben

Side note: if they are plucking EU stories, a Solo force user killing Luke's wife and becoming Sith is a definite story line from the EU

Wow! I like Star Wars. Some of you guys really LIVE Star Wars.

(Not a criticism at all, just an observation. I can name the name, number and position of every Miami Dolphins player on the 1972 and 1973 championship teams. We all have our hobbies and obsessions!)
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 22, 2015, 10:28:22 AM
Wow! I like Star Wars. Some of you guys really LIVE Star Wars.

(Not a criticism at all, just an observation. I can name the name, number and position of every Miami Dolphins player on the 1972 and 1973 championship teams. We all have our hobbies and obsessions!)

I was 8-14 during the height of the EU literature coming was a big deal for me and my brother as voracious readers. :)
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jficke13 on December 22, 2015, 10:46:04 AM
I was 8-14 during the height of the EU literature coming was a big deal for me and my brother as voracious readers. :)

I know the feeling man. I tore through a lot of pages of the EU back in middle school.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Juan Anderson's Mixtape on December 22, 2015, 11:57:50 AM
I'm not an EU reader so those story lines must be told to the viewer; I don't want EU readers to tell me, the movie needs to do that, especially since we were told the EU is not canon.  My best friend was an avid EU reader and I've had enough surface level conversations to recognize some of the character names.  They still need to tell the story to the movie viewer whether it is the exact same as the EU, a modification of the EU, or completely different than the EU.

I can accept some of the mystery around Rey, Snoke, etc. but this lightsaber thing is so fantastical that it better be explained and the explanation better be something worthwhile.  Because if Luke retrieved his blue lightsaber, why did he build a new one?  If building a lightsaber is part of the Jedi training, why not use both in Jedi?  Some things still aren't adding up.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 22, 2015, 12:36:18 PM
I'm not an EU reader so those story lines must be told to the viewer; I don't want EU readers to tell me, the movie needs to do that, especially since we were told the EU is not canon.  My best friend was an avid EU reader and I've had enough surface level conversations to recognize some of the character names.  They still need to tell the story to the movie viewer whether it is the exact same as the EU, a modification of the EU, or completely different than the EU.

I can accept some of the mystery around Rey, Snoke, etc. but this lightsaber thing is so fantastical that it better be explained and the explanation better be something worthwhile.  Because if Luke retrieved his blue lightsaber, why did he build a new one?  If building a lightsaber is part of the Jedi training, why not use both in Jedi?  Some things still aren't adding up.

First, EU references are not canon and those who know EU are only mentioning it as something that MAY come into the movies because they've said they like some of the content.  You are correct, any EU material will have to be explained either in the movies or in the extended material (books, cartoons, etc)

Second, if Luke got his original saber, he did it after RotJ I'm sure
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on December 22, 2015, 12:37:06 PM
I'm not an EU reader so those story lines must be told to the viewer; I don't want EU readers to tell me, the movie needs to do that, especially since we were told the EU is not canon.  My best friend was an avid EU reader and I've had enough surface level conversations to recognize some of the character names.  They still need to tell the story to the movie viewer whether it is the exact same as the EU, a modification of the EU, or completely different than the EU.

I can accept some of the mystery around Rey, Snoke, etc. but this lightsaber thing is so fantastical that it better be explained and the explanation better be something worthwhile.  Because if Luke retrieved his blue lightsaber, why did he build a new one?  If building a lightsaber is part of the Jedi training, why not use both in Jedi?  Some things still aren't adding up.

Did you overwhelmingly question how Obi-wan got Anakin's lightsaber in A New Hope? Guess what, that was NEVER explained in any of the original trilogy.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 22, 2015, 12:39:55 PM
Did you overwhelmingly question how Obi-wan got Anakin's lightsaber in A New Hope? Guess what, that was NEVER explained in any of the original trilogy.

Kenobi did say Anakin gave it to him.....from a certain point of view.  Or are you referring to after the father reveal since clearly Anakin/Vader wouldn't have given Obi-wan the saber?
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: drewm88 on December 22, 2015, 12:41:20 PM
I agree that it would have been cooler if Ren waited until he was with Han to take off the helmet, but two thoughts on that.

--Would it have been too derivative of the end of ROTJ? Maybe they wanted to edit out those repetitions wherever possible because they knew they were already pushing it.
--Did the removal of the mask go hand-in-hand with Ren's struggles to read Rey's mind? (I don't remember the timing.) Perhaps it was symbolic of how Ren wasn't at Vader's level yet--he had his mask off when Rey bested him in the mind reading and when he failed in his lightsaber battles.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on December 22, 2015, 12:47:45 PM
Some Hollywood types already complaining the Harrison Ford was paid so much for this movie and Carrie Fischer so little....claiming gender bias. 56X the amount.

This just in kids, very few people went to see the movie because of Carrie Fischer....many many many people went to see it because of Harrison Ford.

Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: brewcity77 on December 22, 2015, 01:40:08 PM
Just viewed TFA for the second time. Here are a few thoughts between the thread and the movie:
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MU82 on December 22, 2015, 01:40:57 PM
Some Hollywood types already complaining the Harrison Ford was paid so much for this movie and Carrie Fischer so little....claiming gender bias. 56X the amount.

This just in kids, very few people went to see the movie because of Carrie Fischer....many many many people went to see it because of Harrison Ford.

I just hope Carrie Fisher (no "c" -- she isn't related to THAT Luke) didn't get paid less than Mark Hamill, who was in the movie for about 12 seconds.

Otherwise, if she didn't like what she was getting paid, all she had to say was No. She probably would have said it with more emotion than anything she said in the movie.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MU82 on December 22, 2015, 01:46:45 PM
I was 8-14 during the height of the EU literature coming was a big deal for me and my brother as voracious readers. :)

I am so not a Star Wars nerd that I didn't even know what EU was referring to until I just googled it.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Juan Anderson's Mixtape on December 22, 2015, 01:57:00 PM
Did you overwhelmingly question how Obi-wan got Anakin's lightsaber in A New Hope? Guess what, that was NEVER explained in any of the original trilogy.

But it was explained.  Obi-Wan knew Anakin.  From Wookiepedia:

Luke receives his father's lightsaber, as Obi-Wan recalls his own friendship with Luke's father. Luke is told that a Jedi named Darth Vader betrayed and murdered his father.

Ergo it is easily understood that the lightsaber went from Anakin to Obi-Wan directly, though the how wasn't fully explained until Sith.  And there were some half truths that concealed the big reveal and those were explained to be lies later on in the OT.  Still, a loose and vague explanation is better than nothing.  In Force we have the lightsaber appearing after its last known whereabouts were somewhere on Bespin with no explanation about how it got there.

I'm actually starting to simmer down a bit on this and will wait for an explanation.  I hope it's more satisfying than Luke saying something like, "Funny thing.  The lightsaber landed on Lando's ship before he escaped Cloud City.  He tried to give it to me after RoJ but I told him to take it to Maz for safe keeping."
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on December 22, 2015, 01:58:32 PM
Just viewed TFA for the second time. Here are a few thoughts between the thread and the movie:
  • New Force Users: I am a bit disturbed how Rey picked up the Force so quickly when seemingly 5 minutes earlier she thought it was all a myth. Also, unless everything they ever said about Jedi was false, Finn is absolutely a force user. No way he is that good with a lightsaber otherwise. And I realize Rey was better, but here's a guy who's been a Stormtrooper for 5 minutes and been in one battle where he didn't fire a shot and suddenly he's holding his own with a lightsaber in a melee battle with a trained, veteran Stormtrooper, followed by holding his own for awhile against Kylo Ren, a trained Dark Jedi, to the point where he even wounded him. The moment Ren turned to Finn on Jakku, and subsequently immediately knew exactly that FN2198 was the Stormtrooper that betrayed him. Why? Because he sensed the light side in him.

I still don't buy it. Finn may turn out to be a force user, but as of now, everything that happened in TFA could be the result of his stormtrooper training. Remember, he says he was taken as an infant, genetically-modified and trained basically from birth - so he hadn't been a stormtrooper for "5 minutes", he'd been on his whole existence. His training includes the weapon the stormtrooper fought him with - some sort of shock-baton? That weapon appears, at least from my reading, to be specifically for battling a lightsaber. Ergo, Finn was intimately familiar with sabers. Note again, he got his ass-kicked by that stormtrooper. Further, Kylo was clearly toying with Finn, not to mention Kylo was severely injured. Once Kylo began  trying, the fight was over quickly.

For more precedent, there is significant canon-based evidence that non-force users can use lightsabers, vibroblades, etc. - mandalorians being the prime, but not only, example of this.

If anything, what seems more outlandish to me, is after all the modification, reprogramming, etc that Finn goes through to become a stormtrooper and guarantee his loyalty, he can just turn his back on it all of a sudden
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on December 22, 2015, 02:01:07 PM
But it was explained.  Obi-Wan knew Anakin.  From Wookiepedia:

Luke receives his father's lightsaber, as Obi-Wan recalls his own friendship with Luke's father. Luke is told that a Jedi named Darth Vader betrayed and murdered his father.

Ergo it is easily understood that the lightsaber went from Anakin to Obi-Wan directly, though the how wasn't fully explained until Sith.  And there were some half truths that concealed the big reveal and those were explained to be lies later on in the OT.  Still, a loose and vague explanation is better than nothing.  In Force we have the lightsaber appearing after its last known whereabouts were somewhere on Bespin with no explanation about how it got there.

I'm actually starting to simmer down a bit on this and will wait for an explanation.  I hope it's more satisfying than Luke saying something like, "Funny thing.  The lightsaber landed on Lando's ship before he escaped Cloud City.  He tried to give it to me after RoJ but I told him to take it to Maz for safe keeping."

Fair, but eh. Connecting a lot of dots that you found out later. Obi-wan and Luke's father had a relationship, ergo the saber went from Anakin to Obi-wan.

I could just as easily connect that Luke lost it in Bespin and Maz had it in TFA, ergo Maz found it on Bespin - she is force-sensitive afterall.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Juan Anderson's Mixtape on December 22, 2015, 02:12:57 PM
Fair, but eh. Connecting a lot of dots that you found out later. Obi-wan and Luke's father had a relationship, ergo the saber went from Anakin to Obi-wan.

I could just as easily connect that Luke lost it in Bespin and Maz had it in TFA, ergo Maz found it on Bespin - she is force-sensitive afterall.

I was born a few months after Empire was released so my first OT experience was condensed in rapid fire viewing as a young child.  I didn't have to wait years to connect the dots and as a child I didn't take the same critical thinking viewpoint I have now.  Now I'm an adult with a different viewpoint and I have to wait years for the explanation. 

I'm also now recalling the line "It's a story for another time" that brew77 posted.  Probably why I glossed over it the first day or so.  As I rehashed things in my mind, I clearly forgot that line and brew77 jogged my memory.  So I'm less riled up than I was during my original post.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on December 22, 2015, 02:32:33 PM
I was born a few months after Empire was released so my first OT experience was condensed in rapid fire viewing as a young child.  I didn't have to wait years to connect the dots and as a child I didn't take the same critical thinking viewpoint I have now.  Now I'm an adult with a different viewpoint and I have to wait years for the explanation. 

I'm also now recalling the line "It's a story for another time" that brew77 posted.  Probably why I glossed over it the first day or so.  As I rehashed things in my mind, I clearly forgot that line and brew77 jogged my memory.  So I'm less riled up than I was during my original post.

I will 100% admit that I am very intrigued by that particular piece of the puzzle. It just falls below other mysteries like Rey's parentage, the backstory of Kylo/Luke, etc
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Litehouse on December 22, 2015, 02:39:52 PM
Total MacGuffin that R2 just happens to wake up at that precise moment (when BB-8 couldn't wake him up before with the same exact information about Luke) and just happens to have the rest of the map.
Does R2 wake up when they arrive with Luke's blue light saber?  The presence of the saber may have kicked him into action.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: brewcity77 on December 22, 2015, 02:44:29 PM
I still don't buy it. Finn may turn out to be a force user, but as of now, everything that happened in TFA could be the result of his stormtrooper training. Remember, he says he was taken as an infant, genetically-modified and trained basically from birth - so he hadn't been a stormtrooper for "5 minutes", he'd been on his whole existence. His training includes the weapon the stormtrooper fought him with - some sort of shock-baton? That weapon appears, at least from my reading, to be specifically for battling a lightsaber. Ergo, Finn was intimately familiar with sabers. Note again, he got his ass-kicked by that stormtrooper. Further, Kylo was clearly toying with Finn, not to mention Kylo was severely injured. Once Kylo began  trying, the fight was over quickly.

For more precedent, there is significant canon-based evidence that non-force users can use lightsabers, vibroblades, etc. - mandalorians being the prime, but not only, example of this.

If anything, what seems more outlandish to me, is after all the modification, reprogramming, etc that Finn goes through to become a stormtrooper and guarantee his loyalty, he can just turn his back on it all of a sudden

Seems like an agree to disagree type thing. Finn also mentions that his job on Starkiller Base was as a janitor. I really didn't get the impression that he was a badass Stormtrooper but rather the new guy that worked his way up from scrubbing toilets and freaked out the first time he was in a battle. That just doesn't strike me as someone that could competently wield a lightsaber. Further, I don't think the average Stormtrooper could wield a lightsaber.

Could others have used them? Sure. General Grievous and the Mandalorians are exceptions. But they are rare exceptions. They are by and large a Jedi weapon that are used exclusively by Force users. Both Wookieepedia and list lightsabers as weapons used by Jedi and Sith.

Also, there's been a lot of talk about how these are intended to mirror the first set of movies. That includes the three main characters, Luke, Han, and Leia. I think it's pretty clear that Rey is the new Luke, the powerful force user who doesn't understand the extent of her power, while Poe seems pretty obviously the new Han, the handsome, wise-cracking scoundrel of the series. That leaves Finn to take the role of Leia. Let's not forget, Leia is also a force-user, though I will admit a little disappointment that Luke doesn't seem to have trained her.

Regardless, I'm sure we could be having this debate for the next two years or so until Episode VIII comes out ;D
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: brewcity77 on December 22, 2015, 02:46:08 PM
Does R2 wake up when they arrive with Luke's blue light saber?  The presence of the saber may have kicked him into action.

It could be that, it could also be the presence of Ren (if she's Luke's daughter). I hope they explain that, because there really wasn't any reason for R2 to wake up the second time when BB-8 had already shown up earlier with the same piece of the map in his memory banks and tried to rouse R2.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 22, 2015, 03:20:34 PM
Just viewed TFA for the second time. Here are a few thoughts between the thread and the movie:
  • The Blue Lightsaber: Not a worry at all. Maz specifically says it's a long story, but a story for another time. It will be explained. Definitely Luke's weapon from Cloud City. In the original scripts, I guess there was a scene cut of the lightsaber falling to Jakku with Luke's severed hand still clutching it. Interesting sidenote, the reason they made Luke's lightsaber in RotJ green was because the blue didn't show up as well in the battle against Jabba on Tatooine.


  • Rey's parents: This still has me befuddled. The problem with her being a Kenobi or Jinn is that both were Jedi that seemed to mostly live by the rules of the order, which included not taking a wife and having children. Luke I suppose is possible, but the last name Skywalker would probably resonate with her sooner (and she says "I thought he was a myth"). Abrams said the name was left out deliberately, so it has to be familiar. I think Obi-Wan breaking his vows seems most likely in his later years, perhaps he left a young Rey on Jakku knowing another conflict with Vader was coming, which would make Rey 33-35, possible if her mother was long-lived, like Padme. It would also be appropriately circular if Luke trained Obi-Wan's child, just as Obi-Wan had once trained Anakin's child.

    I don't get where this Shmi and/or Qui-gon and/or Obi-won as the parent of Rey theories are coming from......seems like a lot of explanation to make the pieces fit, when Luke as the father is much neater or easier. Remember Finn's name wasn't originally Finn....who says Rey has the last name Skywalker on Jakku?  Ultimately, Star Wars is centered on the Skywalker have Rey not be part of that family and be part of the redemption/fall story seems to go against the spirit of Star Wars.

  • The Dark Side: Kylo Ren has his struggles to stave off the light side, but what really struck me was just how dark Rey looked in her final battle with Ren. I thought it on my first viewing, but it kind of slipped my mind in the fanboy "It's Luke, it's Luke" moment after. If not for the earthquake, I think there's a good chance Rey kills Ren. I wonder if we'll end up with a huge bait and switch that leads Rey to be the actual villain while perhaps Ren is drawn back to the light and is the true hero.
    I am really really really intrigued by this theory.  I assumed that scene was Rey channeling the force via Luke.  Only hitch, if you murder your famous father and a huge fan favorite, can you ever be redeemed?  What could possibly occur for Rey to become hated and for fans to cheer for Kylo.

  • The EU: I know they have largely dismissed the EU, and I don't expect it to take hold. Really comes down to Rey's parentage. If she's Luke's daughter, I'll be curious to see the explanation. Also, HttE took place relatively soon after RotJ, so it's entirely possible they could fit that into the history.

    I don't think they will take whole chunks from the EU like HttE, but certainly I think concepts are in play, especially within the anthology series of movies and the space between RotJ and TFA.  They can go full Marvel's MCU here.

  • The Movie itself: I liked it better the second time than I did the first. I was watching looking for holes and reasons to not like it, so I'm encouraged by that. I felt like Poe's survival was a bit sloppy and rushed, and the map still irks me a bit. Total MacGuffin that R2 just happens to wake up at that precise moment (when BB-8 couldn't wake him up before with the same exact information about Luke) and just happens to have the rest of the map. But all in all, good movie. It did borrow heavily from the 4-6 trilogy, but it's a starting point.

    Poe's survival bugged me the most of anything I saw.  He just abandoned BB8 and his secret mission to hitch a ride back to the resistance???

    Again, with the Rey is Luke's daughter and he left crumbs for her, I think R2 activated when Rey showed up, but it's definitely something to be explained.

  • New Force Users: I am a bit disturbed how Rey picked up the Force so quickly when seemingly 5 minutes earlier she thought it was all a myth. Also, unless everything they ever said about Jedi was false, Finn is absolutely a force user. No way he is that good with a lightsaber otherwise. And I realize Rey was better, but here's a guy who's been a Stormtrooper for 5 minutes and been in one battle where he didn't fire a shot and suddenly he's holding his own with a lightsaber in a melee battle with a trained, veteran Stormtrooper, followed by holding his own for awhile against Kylo Ren, a trained Dark Jedi, to the point where he even wounded him. The moment Ren turned to Finn on Jakku, and subsequently immediately knew exactly that FN2198 was the Stormtrooper that betrayed him. Why? Because he sensed the light side in him.
  • See it twice: At least if you're a Star Wars junkie. I missed a lot the first time around. I also was unsure of the pacing the first time I watched it and much more satisfied the second time.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 22, 2015, 03:38:08 PM
One thing that's stuck in my mind with all of the Finn, can he use the force talk is that we may be over estimating the power of jedi/sith at the point in time of TFA.  Let's leave Snoke out for now because we really know nothing about him.

The only known "trained" force user is Luke Skywalker and while certainly of tremendous potential he was directly trained for 10 minutes by Kenobi on the Falcon and then maybe a month or two by Yoda.  The rest was all self taught.  By the time he fought Vader. Vader was half a man and getting old and hadn't fought anyone it quite a while.  Luke then becomes a Jedi Master by default and starts to train new candidates including Ben Solo.  So why are we expecting Kylo Ren to be really good compared to an average trained fighter when he is wounded and presumably on some level distracted by killing his dad??  And Rey clearly has some hand to hand/melee combat experience, translating that to a saber isn't ridiculous.

Do any of the people seem like they could go up against an in their prime Anakin or Obi-won?  Definitely don't seem like they could go up against a Yoda or Palpatine.  If there is an apocolypse and lots of knowledge is lost, but I survive....even with my engineering degree there is going to be a lot of time and learning before we're building Ford Festivas let alone Ferrari's.

That's where the Holocrons come in from the EU and I think one of the things that will definitely make it into the actual canon. 

Expanded theory: Luke's discovered a Jedi temple with lost knowledge and he and Rey will rebuild the Jedi Order to take on Snoke, who could be Darth Plagius(hence complete Ren's training)?????
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jficke13 on December 22, 2015, 03:59:57 PM
For the people who have called out the oddness surrounding Poe, I saw a theory floating around that he was captured, brainwashed, and is now a one-man "sleeper cell" for the First Order. Not sure I buy that, but lots of people have been bugged by his storyline.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on December 22, 2015, 04:17:26 PM
One thing that's stuck in my mind with all of the Finn, can he use the force talk is that we may be over estimating the power of jedi/sith at the point in time of TFA.  Let's leave Snoke out for now because we really know nothing about him.

The only known "trained" force user is Luke Skywalker and while certainly of tremendous potential he was directly trained for 10 minutes by Kenobi on the Falcon and then maybe a month or two by Yoda.  The rest was all self taught.  By the time he fought Vader. Vader was half a man and getting old and hadn't fought anyone it quite a while.  Luke then becomes a Jedi Master by default and starts to train new candidates including Ben Solo.  So why are we expecting Kylo Ren to be really good compared to an average trained fighter when he is wounded and presumably on some level distracted by killing his dad??  And Rey clearly has some hand to hand/melee combat experience, translating that to a saber isn't ridiculous.

Do any of the people seem like they could go up against an in their prime Anakin or Obi-won?  Definitely don't seem like they could go up against a Yoda or Palpatine.  If there is an apocolypse and lots of knowledge is lost, but I survive....even with my engineering degree there is going to be a lot of time and learning before we're building Ford Festivas let alone Ferrari's.

That's where the Holocrons come in from the EU and I think one of the things that will definitely make it into the actual canon. 

Expanded theory: Luke's discovered a Jedi temple with lost knowledge and he and Rey will rebuild the Jedi Order to take on Snoke, who could be Darth Plagius(hence complete Ren's training)?????

I can't remember if I saw this in the movie, or read it online somewhere, but was it mentioned (maybe by Leia) that Luke disappeared in search of the first Jedi temple?

As well, floating around online, people are mentioning that the last scene with Luke appears to show objects near him including a box. Speculation of holocrons abounds.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on December 22, 2015, 04:18:23 PM
For the people who have called out the oddness surrounding Poe, I saw a theory floating around that he was captured, brainwashed, and is now a one-man "sleeper cell" for the First Order. Not sure I buy that, but lots of people have been bugged by his storyline.

That's a new one.

I also saw a theory that Captain Phasma is a "secret agent" of Luke's embedded in the First Order to help him/the Resistance. Possibly even Luke's wife.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jficke13 on December 22, 2015, 04:33:02 PM
That's a new one.

I also saw a theory that Captain Phasma is a "secret agent" of Luke's embedded in the First Order to help him/the Resistance. Possibly even Luke's wife.

Speaking of her... if she was put in a garbage chute, um... how'd she get off the starkiller?
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on December 22, 2015, 05:23:53 PM
Speaking of her... if she was put in a garbage chute, um... how'd she get off the starkiller?

I saw it at 4am, so I don't remember every little detail... but do we know for sure ANY bad guys got off?
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: brewcity77 on December 22, 2015, 06:17:42 PM
I saw it at 4am, so I don't remember every little detail... but do we know for sure ANY bad guys got off?

For sure, no, but it sounds like both Phasma and Hux did from internet talk. Hard to imagine they'd cast Gwendolyn Christie and never show her face.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 22, 2015, 08:01:32 PM
I saw it at 4am, so I don't remember every little detail... but do we know for sure ANY bad guys got off?

We assume Hux and Kylo got off because Snoke ordered it (why take screen time if they don't).  If Phasma died on Starkiller that is justndumb, why even have the character?  Had to survive for that reason alone.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: 🏀 on December 22, 2015, 08:02:22 PM
Just saw it, read the thread. Thoughts coming later...but to those complaining about plot holes, someone mentioned it, but this will be bigger than the Marvel Universe.

We're talking solo story movies, TV spin offs, everything.

Disney needed JJ to play this one relatively safe to regain faith after The Phantom Menace bedcrapting. People love it and Disney will be blowing it all up.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 22, 2015, 08:02:51 PM
For the people who have called out the oddness surrounding Poe, I saw a theory floating around that he was captured, brainwashed, and is now a one-man "sleeper cell" for the First Order. Not sure I buy that, but lots of people have been bugged by his storyline.

I had that thought during the movie but I'm pretty sure you activate him to keep your starkiller base from getting blown up
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 23, 2015, 07:45:32 AM
Another very interesting item that just turned up online.  Apparently in the visual guide to TFA includes a reference to the flight helmet Rey is wearing right before she meets BB-8. The helmet belong to a pilot with the last name is Rey even her name? Did she take on an alias or not even know her name at all?
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MU82 on December 23, 2015, 08:42:22 AM
I had that thought during the movie but I'm pretty sure you activate him to keep your starkiller base from getting blown up

Indeed, that would be quite the ruse -- and quite the sacrifice -- just to have Poe serve as your double-agent later.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: 🏀 on December 23, 2015, 08:44:37 AM
Another very interesting item that just turned up online.  Apparently in the visual guide to TFA includes a reference to the flight helmet Rey is wearing right before she meets BB-8. The helmet belong to a pilot with the last name is Rey even her name? Did she take on an alias or not even know her name at all?

Makes sense, Leia didn't know her name.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on December 23, 2015, 10:19:57 AM
Makes sense, Leia didn't know her name.

How does the audience know Leia didn't know her name?
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: LAMUfan on December 23, 2015, 11:22:47 AM
How does the audience know Leia didn't know her name?

She doesn't know her last name is Skywalker
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: muwarrior69 on December 23, 2015, 12:59:38 PM
Finally, people to talk with this about!

Overall I thought it was a great, need to see it a couple of times to see if it ranks ahead of ANH and RotJ or not....Empire definitely has it licked.

Rey has to be Luke's daughter, have to think that he connected with her through the force and that's how she was able to channel the force effectively, that was what was going on when Rey and Ben/Kylo had their sabers engaged.  Betting that Kylo killed Luke's wife/Rey's mother as part of his turn to the dark side.  Also think there has to be a Revan connection some where in VIII

Also keep in mind that Kylo was wounded and had incomplete training, and Rey had demonstrated an ability to fight on Jakku and her saber style was more staff like then sword based.

Last thing on Rey, loved the intro of the character when she didn't need Finn to take care of her, liked the continuation of the Leia empowerment arc.

Overall, I think the movie was to serve three purposes....connect the old fans with the new characters, restart the world, and provide a platform for the next two movies.  I think it accomplished everything.  I'm glad the fan service that went on was not plot related it was a lot more of sight gags, throw away lines, etc.

Gonna to watch it again later this week with the family, I'll probably have more thoughts then.

Definitely a Skywalker. Remember how adept she is at fixing things and able to grasp how things work, like flying the Millennium Falcon; so was young Annakin; building C3PO and winning the Pod Race.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: chapman on December 23, 2015, 01:18:48 PM
Just viewed TFA for the second time. Here are a few thoughts between the thread and the movie:
  • The Blue Lightsaber: Not a worry at all. Maz specifically says it's a long story, but a story for another time. It will be explained. Definitely Luke's weapon from Cloud City. In the original scripts, I guess there was a scene cut of the lightsaber falling to Jakku with Luke's severed hand still clutching it. Interesting sidenote, the reason they made Luke's lightsaber in RotJ green was because the blue didn't show up as well in the battle against Jabba on Tatooine.

    I've also no problem with not knowing.  I mean, nobody had a huge problem with the old EU explanation that had the hand used to make clone Luuke. I did like the change of color in ROTJ, felt it represented Luke's development well, pretty cool that it was originally just an accident. 

  • Rey's parents: This still has me befuddled. The problem with her being a Kenobi or Jinn is that both were Jedi that seemed to mostly live by the rules of the order, which included not taking a wife and having children. Luke I suppose is possible, but the last name Skywalker would probably resonate with her sooner (and she says "I thought he was a myth"). Abrams said the name was left out deliberately, so it has to be familiar. I think Obi-Wan breaking his vows seems most likely in his later years, perhaps he left a young Rey on Jakku knowing another conflict with Vader was coming, which would make Rey 33-35, possible if her mother was long-lived, like Padme. It would also be appropriately circular if Luke trained Obi-Wan's child, just as Obi-Wan had once trained Anakin's child.
I'll stick with Luke.  For Obi-Wan it would have to be a granddaughter, then we're starting to get more distant than what they *want* it to be.  Though I'd love the twist of the guy originally named for Ben Kenobi going up against his true heir.

The marking of a good film, not a cluster the first time you see it, but worth multiple views.

Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: chapman on December 23, 2015, 01:26:58 PM
Just saw it, read the thread. Thoughts coming later...but to those complaining about plot holes, someone mentioned it, but this will be bigger than the Marvel Universe.

We're talking solo story movies, TV spin offs, everything.

Disney needed JJ to play this one relatively safe to regain faith after The Phantom Menace bedcrapting. People love it and Disney will be blowing it all up.

Rogue One coming Dec 2016, Episode 8 May 2017, tentatively a Han movie in 2018, Episode 9 2019, tentative Boba Fett movie in 2020.  Deliver quality and cost won't be an issue to do anything and everything else.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: 🏀 on December 23, 2015, 01:47:07 PM
Rogue One coming Dec 2016, Episode 8 May 2017, tentatively a Han movie in 2018, Episode 9 2019, tentative Boba Fett movie in 2020.  Deliver quality and cost won't be an issue to do anything and everything else.

Yeah, we knew about those, but I think there will be aggressive expansion beyond that slate.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 23, 2015, 02:34:25 PM
Yeah, we knew about those, but I think there will be aggressive expansion beyond that slate.

Agreed, there will be movies made to fill the gaps between RotJ and TFA, potentially a lot of them.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: ChitownSpaceForRent on December 23, 2015, 02:38:58 PM
This just further proves the point that Abrams is really good at setting a story/scene but it's finishing where he has trouble. He did everything right, get people to buy into star wars again and set up a trilogy. The mystery and open endedness of it really reminded me of the first couple seasons of LOST.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MU82 on December 23, 2015, 04:27:44 PM
Yeah, we knew about those, but I think there will be aggressive expansion beyond that slate.

I didn't know about 'em.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: HansMoleman on December 23, 2015, 05:03:52 PM
This just further proves the point that Abrams is really good at setting a story/scene but it's finishing where he has trouble. He did everything right, get people to buy into star wars again and set up a trilogy. The mystery and open endedness of it really reminded me of the first couple seasons of LOST.

Speaking of unanswered questions!
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: 🏀 on December 23, 2015, 05:55:16 PM
Agreed, there will be movies made to fill the gaps between RotJ and TFA, potentially a lot of them.

I'm betting on a series, possibly HBO style, it'll be too much downtime for a cinematic release.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 23, 2015, 07:23:54 PM
I'm betting on a series, possibly HBO style, it'll be too much downtime for a cinematic release.

Makes sense, that would be pretty cool
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: StillAWarrior on December 28, 2015, 10:34:34 AM
Just viewed TFA for the second time. Here are a few thoughts between the thread and the movie:
  • The Dark Side: Kylo Ren has his struggles to stave off the light side, but what really struck me was just how dark Rey looked in her final battle with Ren. I thought it on my first viewing, but it kind of slipped my mind in the fanboy "It's Luke, it's Luke" moment after. If not for the earthquake, I think there's a good chance Rey kills Ren. I wonder if we'll end up with a huge bait and switch that leads Rey to be the actual villain while perhaps Ren is drawn back to the light and is the true hero.

Honestly, this single item -- as contrived as the "earth"-quake was -- was my favorite plot point of the movie.  I love how ambiguous the end of that scene was.  Would she have spared him?  Would she have killed him?  We don't know.  I think that was a great decision for the development of the story.  Obviously Ren had to live for the sequels, but the fact that we don't know whether Rey would have killed him makes it very interesting to me.

Just viewed TFA for the second time. Here are a few thoughts between the thread and the movie:
  • New Force Users: I am a bit disturbed how Rey picked up the Force so quickly when seemingly 5 minutes earlier she thought it was all a myth. Also, unless everything they ever said about Jedi was false, Finn is absolutely a force user. No way he is that good with a lightsaber otherwise. And I realize Rey was better, but here's a guy who's been a Stormtrooper for 5 minutes and been in one battle where he didn't fire a shot and suddenly he's holding his own with a lightsaber in a melee battle with a trained, veteran Stormtrooper, followed by holding his own for awhile against Kylo Ren, a trained Dark Jedi, to the point where he even wounded him. The moment Ren turned to Finn on Jakku, and subsequently immediately knew exactly that FN2198 was the Stormtrooper that betrayed him. Why? Because he sensed the light side in him.

You (and some others who have posted) read a lot more into this than I did.  I thought Finn's body language and the fact that he wasn't shooting made it pretty obvious that his heart wasn't in it.  I didn't think there was much more to it than that.  But perhaps there was.  I'll admit that I'm not nearly the Star Wars fan that most on this board are.  I never even saw Episodes 1-3.  But I was anxiously awaiting the new movie, and even had my kids watch A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back Saturday night before taking them to The Force Awakens yesterday (we also rented Return of the Jedi, but it got too late to watch it Saturday night).  I thought it was great and is probably in second place after Empire for me.  Honestly, I hadn't seen the original for probably 25 years and didn't think that it held up all that well.  Blasphemy, I know.

Just viewed TFA for the second time. Here are a few thoughts between the thread and the movie:
  • See it twice: At least if you're a Star Wars junkie. I missed a lot the first time around. I also was unsure of the pacing the first time I watched it and much more satisfied the second time.

It's been a long, long time since I've viewed a movie twice in the theater.  This might break that dry-spell. 
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: tower912 on December 28, 2015, 10:47:15 AM
Watched it for a second time.    When you go in with the questions foremost in your mind and looking for clues, certain things stand out.   During Kylo's interrogation of Rey, he says she dreams of an ocean with an island in the middle.   She found Luke where?   Interestingly, during Rey's vision, it sounds like Ewan McGregor's Obi Wan calling her name.  Lots of clues dangling in the vision scene.    The first time I watched it, I thought Leia's hug of Rey at the end was because of shared loss.    The second time, it felt like the hug from a long-lost relative.   What did BB8 say to Rey as she walked to the Millenium Falcon?   Still seeing the same plot holes and coincidences, but I feel like I can make better guesses. 
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 28, 2015, 10:58:34 AM
Watched it for a second time.    When you go in with the questions foremost in your mind and looking for clues, certain things stand out.   During Kylo's interrogation of Rey, he says she dreams of an ocean with an island in the middle.   She found Luke where?   Interestingly, during Rey's vision, it sounds like Ewan McGregor's Obi Wan calling her name.  Lots of clues dangling in the vision scene.    The first time I watched it, I thought Leia's hug of Rey at the end was because of shared loss.    The second time, it felt like the hug from a long-lost relative.   What did BB8 say to Rey as she walked to the Millenium Falcon?   Still seeing the same plot holes and coincidences, but I feel like I can make better guesses.

I caught the ocean/island reference the first time and that's what drove the Luke as her dad narrative for me.  She had been there before in my opinion and/or Luke had planted the vision.

The Obi Wan thing was confirmed online, in fact it was originally the voice actor from the cartoons but changed it to Ewan McGregor, but I don't know what it means.  There has been speculation that some how Rey has Kenobi lineage(grandaughter??) but I don't know why that would be necessary or where that would come from(next to zero mention of Kenobi family ever).  She has to be part of the Skywalker line, just a question of from where it comes.  Really looking forward to the DVD release so we can parse the vision scene.

I'm going in the next week for the 2nd time(finally got the wife through the Machete Order), I'll have to see what I pick up.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: StillAWarrior on December 28, 2015, 11:13:05 AM
Here's what might be an easy question for the people who know a lot more about the entire Star Wars saga than I do.  Should I recognize/remember Jakku?  There was a lot of wreckage there, including huge ships.  What the hell happened there?  Was that in one of the earlier movies?  And would that, potentially, explain Rey's helmet?
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 28, 2015, 11:27:42 AM
Here's what might be an easy question for the people who know a lot more about the entire Star Wars saga than I do.  Should I recognize/remember Jakku?  There was a lot of wreckage there, including huge ships.  What the hell happened there?  Was that in one of the earlier movies?  And would that, potentially, explain Rey's helmet?

I haven't read the books/comics that took place after Jedi but before TFA that is official canon now (Path to The Force Awakens stuff like Aftermarth) but it's my understanding that Jakku was the scene of a battle post Jedi and that it would explain the helmet.  Why Rey would be placed on that planet is a total mystery
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on December 28, 2015, 11:49:44 AM
$1 billion in ticket sales already and it has yet to hit China.

Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 28, 2015, 12:40:33 PM
Seems worth the $4 billion they paid for the franchise.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: muwarrior69 on December 28, 2015, 05:29:07 PM
I caught the ocean/island reference the first time and that's what drove the Luke as her dad narrative for me.  She had been there before in my opinion and/or Luke had planted the vision.

The Obi Wan thing was confirmed online, in fact it was originally the voice actor from the cartoons but changed it to Ewan McGregor, but I don't know what it means.  There has been speculation that some how Rey has Kenobi lineage(grandaughter??) but I don't know why that would be necessary or where that would come from(next to zero mention of Kenobi family ever).  She has to be part of the Skywalker line, just a question of from where it comes.  Really looking forward to the DVD release so we can parse the vision scene.

I'm going in the next week for the 2nd time(finally got the wife through the Machete Order), I'll have to see what I pick up.

Maybe Rey's mother is Obi Wan's daughter.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 28, 2015, 06:56:19 PM
Maybe Rey's mother is Obi Wan's daughter.

Very well could be and the Max Von Sydow character could be Obi Wan's son.....but since they never reference him having a family, when he was part of the jedi order it was forbidden(part of why Anakin fell was his disallowed relationship) and he was stuck on Tatooinee so unless he had a secret Tatooinee family I just don't see how it makes sense.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: 🏀 on December 28, 2015, 07:30:48 PM
Very well could be and the Max Von Sydow character could be Obi Wan's son....

He's too old, 90 almost. Dates back to rhe Order.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: ChitownSpaceForRent on December 28, 2015, 07:37:21 PM
Do you think Poe could be related to anyone? Maybe Reys brother or something like thst?
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: tower912 on December 28, 2015, 07:40:44 PM
Try this theory.... Rey is Luke's daughter.   When Kylo Ren brought in the knights of Ren and turned on Luke, his wife (Rey's mother) was killed.   Luke knew of the Max Van Sydow character and took Rey there to keep her safe while he went into seclusion.   He gave MVS the final piece of the map to give to Rey when she was old enough.    MVS wasn't much of a surrogate parent and somehow lost track of Rey.   Explains Rey's vision.   Explains how MVS got the map.   Explains how Kylo went into a rage when he learned 'a girl' was involved.  (he knew of Rey earlier, knew she was his young cousin, knew she didn't die)

Is Finn descended from a force family?    Mace Windu?     Taken from a family he never knew.   Kylo Ren was somehow aware of his decision to not shoot.   A stirring of the force?
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Skatastrophy on December 28, 2015, 08:16:59 PM
Do you think Poe could be related to anyone? Maybe Reys brother or something like thst?

Poe sure does seem force sensitive
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: chapman on December 28, 2015, 09:26:24 PM
Poe sure does seem force sensitive

Only issue I can find with that is that it seems he would have been identified as Force sensitive very early, so wouldn't a young Poe have been part of the Kylo-ruined training with Luke?  Though a possible answer to that may be in the opening scroll: "Leia has sent her most daring pilot on a secret mission to Jakku".  He could be Leia's responsibility for the Force side of things.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 28, 2015, 10:55:39 PM
Only issue I can find with that is that it seems he would have been identified as Force sensitive very early, so wouldn't a young Poe have been part of the Kylo-ruined training with Luke?  Though a possible answer to that may be in the opening scroll: "Leia has sent her most daring pilot on a secret mission to Jakku".  He could be Leia's responsibility for the Force side of things.

No certainty of his being identified....Anakin was accidentally discovered during the height of the Jedi Order. So Poe could have been missed when Luke started up the new order.

I'm fine with Poe being force sensitive, I'm fine with Finn being force sensitive, I'm not down if they both are.  Not everyone is supposed to be able to use the force at least that was the way it was always presented.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MU Fan in Connecticut on December 29, 2015, 08:15:40 AM
Try this theory.... Rey is Luke's daughter.   When Kylo Ren brought in the knights of Ren and turned on Luke, his wife (Rey's mother) was killed.   Luke knew of the Max Van Sydow character and took Rey there to keep her safe while he went into seclusion.   He gave MVS the final piece of the map to give to Rey when she was old enough.    MVS wasn't much of a surrogate parent and somehow lost track of Rey.   Explains Rey's vision.   Explains how MVS got the map.   Explains how Kylo went into a rage when he learned 'a girl' was involved.  (he knew of Rey earlier, knew she was his young cousin, knew she didn't die)

Is Finn descended from a force family?    Mace Windu?     Taken from a family he never knew.   Kylo Ren was somehow aware of his decision to not shoot.   A stirring of the force?

I finally saw over the weekend with the family.
I have many of the same questions and theories as already discussed here.

I saw the toppled walking troop transporter sitting in the sand and was thinking Jakku was the snow covered battle place at the beginning of Empire SB (but I think that planet had a different name?).

I didn't think MVS was a former Jedi, but maybe a high ranking official from the days of the Republic?

I think Finn is somehow related to Lando Calrissian?  I agree on his Force family ties, but if Lando then who is the woman with the force ties?   

I do plan to see a second time, so I'm going to be looking for some of the clues mentioned here and see if I change my thoughts and have new theories. 
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: 🏀 on December 29, 2015, 11:47:11 AM
I finally saw over the weekend with the family.
I have many of the same questions and theories as already discussed here.

I saw the toppled walking troop transporter sitting in the sand and was thinking Jakku was the snow covered battle place at the beginning of Empire SB (but I think that planet had a different name?).

I didn't think MVS was a former Jedi, but maybe a high ranking official from the days of the Republic?

I think Finn is somehow related to Lando Calrissian?  I agree on his Force family ties, but if Lando then who is the woman with the force ties?   

I do plan to see a second time, so I'm going to be looking for some of the clues mentioned here and see if I change my thoughts and have new theories. 

Lando and Leia lovechild from Cloud City. You nailed it.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MU Fan in Connecticut on December 29, 2015, 11:50:59 AM
Lando and Leia lovechild from Cloud City. You nailed it.

Along the lines of what I was thinking.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: brewcity77 on December 29, 2015, 11:52:04 AM
Interestingly, during Rey's vision, it sounds like Ewan McGregor's Obi Wan calling her name.

The voice calling "Rey" was a hybrid of Ewan McGregor and Alec Guinness, McGregor came in just to record that one word, and they edited and old cut of Guinness saying "afraid" from the first movies.

Should I recognize/remember Jakku?  There was a lot of wreckage there, including huge ships.  What the hell happened there?  Was that in one of the earlier movies?  And would that, potentially, explain Rey's helmet?

I saw the toppled walking troop transporter sitting in the sand and was thinking Jakku was the snow covered battle place at the beginning of Empire SB (but I think that planet had a different name?).

I'm fairly confident Jakku was created for the new canon. There are books out that explain much of this, but I've been incredibly busy this past year so I haven't done my pre-TFA reading yet. After my promotional exam hopefully I can check out the new backstory.

Anyway...I do know that (as mentioned) there was a huge battle at Jakku after RotJ. That explains the wreckage of Star Destroyers and AT-AT walkers. It would also give one explanation for Rey's helmet, though I've heard other explanations that include her having been a Rebel Resistance pilot who had her mind wiped, so the helmet actually is hers. The alien writing on the helmet she is wearing translates to "Rhae".

Also...the planet where the AT-ATs were originally seen was the ice planet of Hoth.

Try this theory.... Rey is Luke's daughter.   When Kylo Ren brought in the knights of Ren and turned on Luke, his wife (Rey's mother) was killed.   Luke knew of the Max Van Sydow character and took Rey there to keep her safe while he went into seclusion.   He gave MVS the final piece of the map to give to Rey when she was old enough.    MVS wasn't much of a surrogate parent and somehow lost track of Rey.   Explains Rey's vision.   Explains how MVS got the map.   Explains how Kylo went into a rage when he learned 'a girl' was involved.  (he knew of Rey earlier, knew she was his young cousin, knew she didn't die)

Is Finn descended from a force family?    Mace Windu?     Taken from a family he never knew.   Kylo Ren was somehow aware of his decision to not shoot.   A stirring of the force?

That would explain a lot. I have to think LST (Lor San Tekka, MVS's character) was somehow involved with Luke and Ben before the Knights of Ren thing and Ben turning to the Dark Side. Looking at the timeline, he was also around and likely active during the second trilogy (certainly by the time AotC and RotS occurred). Doubt he's a force-user or Jedi himself, especially with his comment saying he never believed the Jedi were traitors (why would he talk about them in third person if he was one?).

Rey being Luke's offspring would also make sense in that she's a great pilot, a trait that both Anakin and Luke shared in common.

No idea who Finn will turn out to be, but he shouldn't be related to Windu. Unless Mace had a family prior to joining the Jedi (unlikely as he would have joined the order before puberty) and died before he could father more children. Seems unlikely any of the Jedi Council would have had children. I suppose he could be a relative down another path of the family tree, or could be connected to Lando.

When Ren first talked to Snoke about the awakening in the force, I felt he was talking about Finn. Suppose it just as easily could have been Rey, but it didn't seem like she had her "awakening" until she was in Ren's torture chamber.

Poe sure does seem force sensitive

If he's force-sensitive, I guess that's okay, but I don't want all three of the main light-side characters to become Jedi. It's like Oprah is having everyone in the Star Wars cast look under their seats. "You're a Jedi, you're a Jedi, Everyone's a Jedi!!!"
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MU82 on December 29, 2015, 12:55:41 PM
All right, Force-Heads ...

I saw the movie on opening night and enjoyed it very much. I saw the "regular" version, not the PDX or the 3D. I am probably going to see it again at some point in January. Does anybody have a comparison -- in other words, you've seen it more than once in different formats -- to guide me whether it would be worth my while (and $$) to see it in a format other than the regular version?

My background: I really like the Star Wars series but I am not obsessed with it or anything. I'd be mediocre at best at trivia. I have seen the original three several times each (twice in theaters when I was a young man, and then on DVD or TV a few times each with my kids), and I saw each of the prequel films once each (which was more than enough).

Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: brewcity77 on December 29, 2015, 01:08:09 PM
All right, Force-Heads ...

I saw the movie on opening night and enjoyed it very much. I saw the "regular" version, not the PDX or the 3D. I am probably going to see it again at some point in January. Does anybody have a comparison -- in other words, you've seen it more than once in different formats -- to guide me whether it would be worth my while (and $$) to see it in a format other than the regular version?

My background: I really like the Star Wars series but I am not obsessed with it or anything. I'd be mediocre at best at trivia. I have seen the original three several times each (twice in theaters when I was a young man, and then on DVD or TV a few times each with my kids), and I saw each of the prequel films once each (which was more than enough).


I saw the 3D version on my first viewing and the Standard on my second. Honestly, I like the Standard better. Haven't seen it on anything bigger or fancier than that. 3D tech has improved the past few years, and I'm glad they don't overdo it the way they used to (2-3 years ago I was guaranteed a 6-hour 3D hangover headache after a movie) but I just don't think it adds that much to the experience.

Most movies are designed to be viewed in the Standard format. SW:TFA seems to be no exception. There were a handful of moments where you felt the 3D experience, but probably no more than 4-5 that really made me think "oh yeah, 3D, that's cool". For 4-5 moments in a 2+ hour movie, just not worth it in my estimation.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: tower912 on December 29, 2015, 01:13:33 PM
I saw it in 3-d the first time (opening Friday, $7.79 at a 10:30 matinee.   My schedule rocks) and standard the second time.    I enjoyed the 3-d more and found myself noticing its absence when watching the standard.   However, it isn't worth big coin. 
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on December 29, 2015, 01:17:00 PM
A few tidbits that are now apparently canon because there are in official sources*.

1. Rey's comfort helmet, from the Visual Guide to TFA

2. How Poe escapes Jakku is covered in the novelization of TFA apparently (

3. Kylo knows a fair amount of Rey and apparently he didn't have anything to do with her being on Jakku (

*Novelisation in paper format hasn't released yet so some changes can be made before it's canon canon....the source for this is the eBook of the novelisation.

Let your theories flow through you
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on December 29, 2015, 02:00:57 PM
All right, Force-Heads ...

I saw the movie on opening night and enjoyed it very much. I saw the "regular" version, not the PDX or the 3D. I am probably going to see it again at some point in January. Does anybody have a comparison -- in other words, you've seen it more than once in different formats -- to guide me whether it would be worth my while (and $$) to see it in a format other than the regular version?

My background: I really like the Star Wars series but I am not obsessed with it or anything. I'd be mediocre at best at trivia. I have seen the original three several times each (twice in theaters when I was a young man, and then on DVD or TV a few times each with my kids), and I saw each of the prequel films once each (which was more than enough).


I, personally, have no interest at all in seeing it in 3D. I saw it opening night (4am) in IMAX. I would definitely recommend the IMAX experience. Having said that, there are only a handful of theaters in the country that are showing it the "correct" IMAX way:

I can't speak to the other IMAX variants, but in Indy, it was incredible.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MU82 on December 29, 2015, 02:54:31 PM
Thanks for the replies so far.

We don't have the "right" IMAX experience anywhere near us in Charlotte, so I won't get to see that.

As for 3D, I might give it a whirl unless a lot of others side with the "don't bother with 3D" group. We'll see when and where it's showing and how that jibes with my schedule.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MU82 on December 29, 2015, 09:18:13 PM
Just saw Hateful Eight.

I won't give any spoilers. All I'll say is that, like Inglorious Basterds, it was better and funnier than I thought it would be. Really enjoyed the hell out of it.

Violent and filled with vulgarity and n-word usage ... so not for the kiddies!!!
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: 🏀 on December 30, 2015, 08:05:37 AM
Just saw Hateful Eight.

I won't give any spoilers. All I'll say is that, like Inglorious Basterds, it was better and funnier than I thought it would be. Really enjoyed the hell out of it.

Violent and filled with vulgarity and n-word usage ... so not for the kiddies!!!

I saw it on Christmas.

I liked it, didn't love it. Not Quentin's strongest, but still good. Too long, no doubt.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: StillAWarrior on December 30, 2015, 08:56:41 AM
Violent and filled with vulgarity and n-word usage ...

A Tarantino movie that's violent and filled with vulgarity and n-word usage?!!  Unthinkable!  I guess he wanted to try something new.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MU82 on December 30, 2015, 09:52:42 AM
A Tarantino movie that's violent and filled with vulgarity and n-word usage?!!  Unthinkable!  I guess he wanted to try something new.

Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MU82 on December 30, 2015, 09:55:05 AM
I saw it on Christmas.

I liked it, didn't love it. Not Quentin's strongest, but still good. Too long, no doubt.

I saw the little bit shorter version, I guess. I never once looked at my watch or wondered when it would end.

I agree it wasn't his strongest, but I nonetheless enjoyed it. I think a big part of it was that I went in with fairly low expectations and it easily exceeded them. Another part was that the audience was really good -- laughed and grimaced at all the right parts.

Hey ... I have a question: Was there a cat in the movie? I stuck around to watch the credits and there was a credit for not one but TWO cat trainers. And neither I nor anybody around me could remember seeing a freakin' cat!
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: 🏀 on December 30, 2015, 12:09:16 PM
I saw the little bit shorter version, I guess. I never once looked at my watch or wondered when it would end.

I agree it wasn't his strongest, but I nonetheless enjoyed it. I think a big part of it was that I went in with fairly low expectations and it easily exceeded them. Another part was that the audience was really good -- laughed and grimaced at all the right parts.

Hey ... I have a question: Was that a cat in the movie? I stuck around to watch the credits and there was a credit for not one but TWO cat trainers. And neither I nor anybody around me could remember seeing a freakin' cat!

Yes. In the before screen. I was wondering what happened to the cat, that's why I remembered.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MU82 on December 30, 2015, 01:19:39 PM
Yes. In the before screen. I was wondering what happened to the cat, that's why I remembered.

Thanks. Explains a lot.

OK, I've threadjacked this enough with talk about Tarrantino. Force-Heads can return to the regularly scheduled program.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: barfolomew on December 30, 2015, 02:13:09 PM
Try this theory.... Rey is Luke's daughter.   When Kylo Ren brought in the knights of Ren and turned on Luke, his wife (Rey's mother) was killed.   Luke knew of the Max Van Sydow character and took Rey there to keep her safe while he went into seclusion.   He gave MVS the final piece of the map to give to Rey when she was old enough.    MVS wasn't much of a surrogate parent and somehow lost track of Rey.   Explains Rey's vision.   Explains how MVS got the map.   Explains how Kylo went into a rage when he learned 'a girl' was involved.  (he knew of Rey earlier, knew she was his young cousin, knew she didn't die)

Is Finn descended from a force family?    Mace Windu?     Taken from a family he never knew.   Kylo Ren was somehow aware of his decision to not shoot.   A stirring of the force?

Mace Windu??!?
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: barfolomew on December 30, 2015, 02:16:33 PM
Seriously, I'm so late to this party that I won't even comment. Thanks to all for sharing some interesting thoughts.

I was hoping that the final battle would be a First Order - Rebellion basketball game.
Clearly, the rebellion would use Admiral Akbar to break the press, so that when he was surrounded at half-court, he could say, "It's a trap!"
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: 77ncaachamps on December 31, 2015, 02:12:12 PM
Try this theory.... Rey is Luke's daughter.   When Kylo Ren brought in the knights of Ren and turned on Luke, his wife (Rey's mother) was killed.   Luke knew of the Max Van Sydow character and took Rey there to keep her safe while he went into seclusion.   He gave MVS the final piece of the map to give to Rey when she was old enough.    MVS wasn't much of a surrogate parent and somehow lost track of Rey.   Explains Rey's vision.   Explains how MVS got the map.   Explains how Kylo went into a rage when he learned 'a girl' was involved.  (he knew of Rey earlier, knew she was his young cousin, knew she didn't die)

Is Finn descended from a force family?    Mace Windu?     Taken from a family he never knew.   Kylo Ren was somehow aware of his decision to not shoot.   A stirring of the force?

And Luke is at his wife's (and Rey's mom's) gravesite at the end of the movie.

I'm on this train.
*Wooohoooo Woooohoooo*
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: 🏀 on January 06, 2016, 10:54:53 AM
A lot of questions answered all summarized nicely here:
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MUBBau on January 06, 2016, 10:58:55 AM
It's obvious that Rey is so strong with the Force with no training because she is the child of Luke and Leia.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: reinko on January 06, 2016, 02:19:27 PM
I like this theory that she is Obi Wan's granddaughter.

Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MU Fan in Connecticut on January 06, 2016, 02:35:45 PM
I like this theory that she is Obi Wan's granddaughter.

I read that theory after seeing the Force Awakens twice.

What if Luke found out about Obi's hidden family and then ended up marrying Obi Wan's daughter leading to Rey which explains why the Force is so strong in her?  (Parents are Skywalkers & Kenobi's.)

When Ben Solo went to the dark side Luke's wife was killed in his transition to Kylo causing Luke to loose it and to just leave and go find the long lost Jedi Temple.  In the process Rey got left on Jakku, in similar fashion and place to Luke being on Tatooine.

Plenty of internet theories on who is Snoke.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on January 06, 2016, 02:56:16 PM
I read that theory after seeing the Force Awakens twice.

What if Luke found out about Obi's hidden family and then ended up marrying Obi Wan's daughter leading to Rey which explains why the Force is so strong in her?  (Parents are Skywalkers & Kenobi's.)

When Ben Solo went to the dark side Luke's wife was killed in his transition to Kylo causing Luke to loose it and to just leave and go find the long lost Jedi Temple.  In the process Rey got left on Jakku, in similar fashion and place to Luke being on Tatooine.

Plenty of internet theories on who is Snoke.

Why does the mom need to be a Kenobi? So everyone in the jedi order was flaunting the rules and having secret families (Anakin, Obi wan, Windu(cause Finn must be his kid))?

I just don't buy it.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: brewcity77 on January 06, 2016, 03:36:36 PM
Why does the mom need to be a Kenobi? So everyone in the jedi order was flaunting the rules and having secret families (Anakin, Obi wan, Windu(cause Finn must be his kid))?

I just don't buy it.

The Rey theory makes sense in that it's Ben's voice we hear in her vision. That and Abrams saying they specifically left her last name out because it would mean something. I'd much rather everyone not be family, but I definitely think Rey will be related to someone, just not 100% sure if she will end up part Kenobi, Skywalker, or Jinn (or a combination of those).
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on January 06, 2016, 04:11:46 PM
The Rey theory makes sense in that it's Ben's voice we hear in her vision. That and Abrams saying they specifically left her last name out because it would mean something. I'd much rather everyone not be family, but I definitely think Rey will be related to someone, just not 100% sure if she will end up part Kenobi, Skywalker, or Jinn (or a combination of those).

I get it but Skywalker makes the most sense and the least contortion to get there. Introducing a secret family for someone is completely out of left field and not necessary. She's gotta be a Skywalker in my opinion.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: buckchuckler on January 06, 2016, 07:38:29 PM
The Rey theory makes sense in that it's Ben's voice we hear in her vision. That and Abrams saying they specifically left her last name out because it would mean something. I'd much rather everyone not be family, but I definitely think Rey will be related to someone, just not 100% sure if she will end up part Kenobi, Skywalker, or Jinn (or a combination of those).

Can't be Jinn.  If she was Qui Gon's family, someone would have really paid when she got captured, I mean, that guy has some skills.   
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: 🏀 on January 06, 2016, 09:10:22 PM
Can't be Jinn.  If she was Qui Gon's family, someone would have really paid when she got captured, I mean, that guy has some skills.   

A particular set of skills?
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Buzz Williams' Spillproof Chiclets Cup on January 07, 2016, 03:06:07 PM
It's obvious that Rey is so strong with the Force with no training because she is the child of Luke and Leia.

Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on January 07, 2016, 11:14:47 PM
Just saw Hateful Eight.

I won't give any spoilers. All I'll say is that, like Inglorious Basterds, it was better and funnier than I thought it would be. Really enjoyed the hell out of it.

Violent and filled with vulgarity and n-word usage ... so not for the kiddies!!!

I saw it on New Year's Eve....felt it was pretty long.  It was good and our family have been close to the Russell \ Franco family for many years (since I was 5).  I wasn't going to see it due to Tarantino's recent comments, but supporting Kurt made me change my mind.

I'd rate it middle of the pack for Tarantino's flicks.  Definitely not for the kiddies.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: 🏀 on January 08, 2016, 07:42:55 AM
I saw it on New Year's Eve....felt it was pretty long.  It was good and our family have been close to the Russell \ Franco family for many years (since I was 5).  I wasn't going to see it due to Tarantino's recent comments, but supporting Kurt made me change my mind.

I'd rate it middle of the pack for Tarantino's flicks.  Definitely not for the kiddies.

Since your brought it up and I've been thinking about it:

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Ingourious Basterds
3. Reservoir Dogs
4. Kill Bill
5. Jackie Brown
6. Django
7. Hateful Eight
8. Death Proof

5-7 are pretty much a toss-up. I'd like to see Hateful Eight again before I really set it there though.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: CTWarrior on January 08, 2016, 08:01:44 AM
Since your brought it up and I've been thinking about it:

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Ingourious Basterds
3. Reservoir Dogs
4. Kill Bill
5. Jackie Brown
6. Django
7. Hateful Eight
8. Death Proof

5-7 are pretty much a toss-up. I'd like to see Hateful Eight again before I really set it there though.

I will always give Tarantino a look because I loved the first 2 on your list (among my all time favorites by anybody - the scene in the French farmhouse at the beginning of Inglourious Basterds may be my favorite scene ever filmed).  But I detested your numbers 4, 6, & 8.  Based on where you put this one, I probably won't like Hateful 8, but I'll go see it.  Great cast, if nothing else.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on January 08, 2016, 08:08:31 AM
Unpopular opinion alert: I'd rather watch Episode 1 on endless loop than watch a Tarantino film....what am I missing?

Also wasn't that vampires in Mexico movie with Clooney, Cheech, and Salma Hayek a Tarantino movie? Is it that bad that it doesn't even get ranked?
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: 🏀 on January 08, 2016, 08:20:27 AM
Unpopular opinion alert: I'd rather watch Episode 1 on endless loop than watch a Tarantino film....what am I missing?

Also wasn't that vampires in Mexico movie with Clooney, Cheech, and Salma Hayek a Tarantino movie? Is it that bad that it doesn't even get ranked?

That was From Dusk Til Dawn. He wrote it, Rodriguez directed it. Similar to Natural Born Killers, True Romance, he wrote the script, but didn't direct.

Tarantino's best talent is the writing, and that's largely the appeal I have. It's great dialogue, violence, humor and wit that you don't get anywhere else. He always has references and callbacks. Pop culture references, historical movie genre references, cool stuff for movie nerds. The callbacks are always great, Red Apple Cigarettes, Big Kahuna, Fruit Brute, Teriyaki Dount, Jack Rabbit Slims,  the trunk POV shots, the long cuts, the dance scenes, Mexican standoffs, Vega Brothers, Donowitz's, etc...

Then you have the music, which is always fantastic and seemingly perfect for the scene. Mix that together with the stunning visual styling and you're appealing to the senses.

I dunno, I just like em.

Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Aughnanure on January 08, 2016, 09:02:51 AM
Why does the mom need to be a Kenobi? So everyone in the jedi order was flaunting the rules and having secret families (Anakin, Obi wan, Windu(cause Finn must be his kid))?

I just don't buy it.

The chastity rule is a prequel thing, so not important.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on January 08, 2016, 09:26:31 AM
The chastity rule is a prequel thing, so not important.

Prequels matter and if the chastity thing applies in the prequels, when III ends Kenobi is probably 35 and doesn't yet have a kid. There is about 20 years between III and IV then about 5 between IV and VI and 19 between VI and VII. So Kenobi has a daughter and a granddaughter(Rey is probably 18 at the youngest) in 44 years? Is Tantooine Beloit?

Other point, Rey speaks with a Core accent meaning one of her parents likely had to be from the Core or she had to be raised on a Core planet before being dropped off on Jakku. Unlikely someone raised on Tantooine and Jakku gets that accent.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: ChicosBailBonds on January 08, 2016, 09:32:24 AM
Since your brought it up and I've been thinking about it:

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Ingourious Basterds
3. Reservoir Dogs
4. Kill Bill
5. Jackie Brown
6. Django
7. Hateful Eight
8. Death Proof

5-7 are pretty much a toss-up. I'd like to see Hateful Eight again before I really set it there though.

I would rank them this way.  I know, how can you not have Pulp Fiction 1, or top 3.  I like the movie, but for whatever reason (maybe the hype), just never had it at number 1.  Reservoir Dogs is one of those movies whenever it is on, I cannot turn it off.  Very simple, but love it.  Jackie Brown, super underrated in my view.

1. Reservoir Dogs
2. Ingourious Bastards
3. Jackie Brown
4. Pulp Fiction
5. Django
6. Hateful Eight
7. Kill Bill vol 1 
8. Kill Vill vol 2
8. Death Proof
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Aughnanure on January 08, 2016, 10:02:21 AM
Prequels matter and if the chastity thing applies in the prequels, when III ends Kenobi is probably 35 and doesn't yet have a kid. There is about 20 years between III and IV then about 5 between IV and VI and 19 between VI and VII. So Kenobi has a daughter and a granddaughter(Rey is probably 18 at the youngest) in 44 years? Is Tantooine Beloit?

Other point, Rey speaks with a Core accent meaning one of her parents likely had to be from the Core or she had to be raised on a Core planet before being dropped off on Jakku. Unlikely someone raised on Tantooine and Jakku gets that accent.

No, it doesn't. Just like how all the other inconsistencies don't match either trilogy. Hell, the term "Sith" is never used in the OT, nor Sith is known every member that is a Sith becomes a "Darth". Or that Obi-Wan's robes in A New Hope were not designed for bearing the desert climate of Tattoiine, but apparently became the traditional Jedi garb in the PT. Literally, George either never made up anything new for PT or added something weird and pointless (i.e., Jedis becoming emotionless and boring monks).
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on January 08, 2016, 10:14:44 AM
No, it doesn't. Just like how all the other inconsistencies don't match either trilogy. Hell, the term "Sith" is never used in the OT, nor Sith is known every member that is a Sith becomes a "Darth". Or that Obi-Wan's robes in A New Hope were not designed for bearing the desert climate of Tattoiine, but apparently became the traditional Jedi garb in the PT. Literally, George either never made up anything new for PT or added something weird and pointless (i.e., Jedis becoming emotionless and boring monks).

So you think the PT canon will just be ignored going forward? I'm not saying I like the PT canon but I don't think you can just ignore it like it never happened. Believe me, I hate the midiclorian bull$hit but it's there now. Unless someone wants to go back and remake the PT, which I would 100% support
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Spotcheck Billy on January 08, 2016, 10:15:27 AM
Not much love for Death Proof it seems - to me that is easily better than the drawn out Kill Bill flicks, I loved Russell's character and acting; I need to see Jackie Brown again so I'm placing that last as it was apparently forgettable to me

1. Pulp Fiction (my all time favorite movie)
2. Inglorious Basterds
3. Reservoir Dogs
4. Hateful 8
5. Death Proof
6. Kill Bill(s)
7. Django Unchained
8. Jackie Brown
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: 🏀 on January 09, 2016, 07:53:06 AM
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: 🏀 on January 10, 2016, 11:41:53 AM
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on January 10, 2016, 08:21:49 PM




Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Stronghold on April 15, 2016, 10:52:42 PM
Plenty of internet theories on who is Snoke.

Just watched The Force Awakens for the 2nd time and I think the Jar Jar Binks theory can be crossed off the list.  Noticed Lord Snoke has 5 fingers per hand while Jar Jar only had 4.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: MU Fan in Connecticut on April 18, 2016, 08:14:08 AM
Just watched The Force Awakens for the 2nd time and I think the Jar Jar Binks theory can be crossed off the list.  Noticed Lord Snoke has 5 fingers per hand while Jar Jar only had 4.

Maybe that's the Space Balls 2 storyline, Jar Jar Binks to the dark side?
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Benny B on April 18, 2016, 02:05:03 PM
I just saw the movie for the first time last week, and I'm not going through 7 pages of discussion, but I at least want to be on record as saying that Rey is essentially going to end up being the reincarnation of either Anakin (or maybe Schmi or Anakin's father).

Paraphrasing Maz here: "No one in your past is coming back for you.  But there's still one who may."  Implication: Your ancestry is gone, but not your descendants.

Not to mention... remember how everyone was blown away by Vader's (Anakin's) "No. I am your father"... think about the mind explosions next year if/when Luke says to Rey, "No. You are my father.  Search your feelings, you know it to be true."

My apologies if someone beat me to it, in which case, at least there's more than one genius here.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: jesmu84 on April 18, 2016, 02:08:28 PM
I just saw the movie for the first time last week, and I'm not going through 7 pages of discussion, but I at least want to be on record as saying that Rey is essentially going to end up being the reincarnation of either Anakin (or maybe Schmi or Anakin's father).

Paraphrasing Maz here: "No one in your past is coming back for you.  But there's still one who may."  Implication: Your ancestry is gone, but not your descendants.

Not to mention... remember how everyone was blown away by Vader's (Anakin's) "No. I am your father"... think about the mind explosions next year if/when Luke says to Rey, "No. You are my father.  Search your feelings, you know it to be true."

My apologies if someone beat me to it, in which case, at least there's more than one genius here.

Interesting theory. My only problem with it is that I don't believe reincarnation is a thing in the Star Wars universe. I know a lot of the lore and expanded mythos, but not all and I am unfamiliar with that being a thing.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: mu03eng on April 18, 2016, 02:32:33 PM
I just saw the movie for the first time last week, and I'm not going through 7 pages of discussion, but I at least want to be on record as saying that Rey is essentially going to end up being the reincarnation of either Anakin (or maybe Schmi or Anakin's father).

Paraphrasing Maz here: "No one in your past is coming back for you.  But there's still one who may."  Implication: Your ancestry is gone, but not your descendants.

Not to mention... remember how everyone was blown away by Vader's (Anakin's) "No. I am your father"... think about the mind explosions next year if/when Luke says to Rey, "No. You are my father.  Search your feelings, you know it to be true."

My apologies if someone beat me to it, in which case, at least there's more than one genius here.

Either you are playing the typical Benny B troll moment and are just scamming Reddit spoiler material or I'm concerned that you might be clairvoyant.

Reddit just had a bunch of "spoiler" material come out that is claiming that Rey is the reincarnation of Anakin....a sort of Matrix plot line where the force creates a "chosen one" when needed to restore balance to the force. This is backed up, in theory, by some of the Mortis material in that Clone Wars arc.

I don't buy it, but who knows. Plus JJ just said on Friday that Rey's parents weren't in TFA(which I also don't buy)...buckle up, this could get nuts.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: 🏀 on April 19, 2016, 09:21:04 AM
Not sure where Benny is going, but that's been a theory since December. I don't buy it.
Title: Re: The Force Awakens *Possible Spoilers*
Post by: Benny B on April 19, 2016, 12:25:40 PM
Interesting theory. My only problem with it is that I don't believe reincarnation is a thing in the Star Wars universe. I know a lot of the lore and expanded mythos, but not all and I am unfamiliar with that being a thing.

I know nothing about the lore or canon of Star Wars... honestly, I don't think I've even watched IV or V start-to-end in a single sitting (I have seen both in their entirety, just in parts/pieces).  What I do know is that a) Disney likes to do things their own way and b) JJ, Rian and Colin all have a writing and directorial history that involves heavy utilization of flashbacks, flash-forwards, story arcs, time travel, parallel dimensions, etc.

'Reincarnation' is probably a misleading term... I don't mean this in the "spiritual" context, i.e. Hinduism or Buddhism; rather, I'm using this in a science-fiction context involving the overlap of alternate realities.  This can be accomplished via time travel, parallel dimensions, and/or - I suppose - the force.