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2023-24 Season SoG Tally
Jones, K.6
Jones, S.1

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Author Topic: [] Buzz Williams To Appear On Dennis Krause Show  (Read 2172 times)


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Buzz Williams To Appear On Dennis Krause Show

Marquette University men's basketball coach Buzz Williams will be the featured guest Monday afternoon on the latest edition of the Dennis Krause Show on Time Warner Sports Channel 32.


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Re: [] Buzz Williams To Appear On Dennis Krause Show
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2008, 02:49:51 PM »
This is a good move and is obviously aimed at raising his profile, at least locally. There is no denying that the hire was not met with enthusiasm. It's hard to imagine MU finding a coach with a lower profile than Williams.

Marquette basketball needs some good PR right now. Buzz has always seemed to be extremely likable and it can't hurt to let people see that.


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Re: [] Buzz Williams To Appear On Dennis Krause Show
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2008, 03:46:07 PM »
Harvey---You are right on all points. Buzz has to do the PR work that KO and TC did. Both busted their butts early on to meet a million people locally. This can do nothing but help buzz.