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Author Topic: Comments !  (Read 4544 times)


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Comments !
« on: February 25, 2007, 11:29:56 AM »
When MU came out EXTREMELY fired up (diving for balls, speeding down the floor, crisp in every respect (hitting first 6 shots)-----I said to my son that when a team comes out like that, it's very hard to maintain that level of intensity throughout a whole competitve game ------ teams that start out like that against competitive teams will lose at least 3/4 of the time as they "spend" themselves----- they aren't programmed for a 40 minute game, but for the first 10 minutes and then to take their chances!

Beyond that----we are not getting good first shots-----all too many off balance finish attempts off the dribble penetration especially off the weave. Now I like TC's weave pattern with the talent we have-----but we need a couple other well designed schemed plays to go along with that----- that can be used through thick and thin, as teams are prepared to defend the weave by containing it----jamming the middle----having the stud move over to create an off balanced finish and then complete the rotation by covering Barro with help.

Again, as I said before the season that our success this year in the BE would depend on forcing TOs----but again yesterday we only forced 10-11 TOs-----this has been the case in each of the last 4 losses where TOs forced on the opposition aren't any more than our own TOs-----so no advantage there. Late in the season teams protect the ball better----plus steals and forced TOs take a lot of energy-----here late in the season the fatique factor also enters into the picture-----so what works so well earlier in the season can't be counted on late in the season (most imortant part of the season).

On the positive side the team gave 100% effort (200% effort the first quarter)-----TC is one of the best motivators in the biz----if not THE best----but this team has it obvious weaknesses----mainly the lack of a stud who can create his own shot inside-----and who defensively can challenge guys like Harangody to force him to get the ball further from the hoop ala Grimm. Everyteam with a quality stud has presented huge problems for us. I repeat what I said 2 years ago when we entered the BE-----and that is the BE is a STUD CONFERENCE and we had better get one------just look at the top 4 BE teams and that becomes crystal clear!

Going back over 50 years-----any MU team that has gone anywhere in the NCAA has had at least one high functioning STUD! The 3 guard offense is OK but has it's limitations-----works good if you have 3 bonified first round draft choices playing guard for you----but even then at the VERY LEAST you need that big stud down low as a rebounder and defender----Barro is too soft!


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Re: Comments !
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2007, 12:23:57 PM »

Big Papi

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Re: Comments !
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2007, 12:37:56 PM »
Can't argue with you there.  A functional big down low who could create and finish his own shots down low would have made this team into a legit contender.  Don't even need a big time stud just someone who could score 8 to 10 points in the paint when needed.  Barro is great for what he does but he primarily scores off of penetration and dishes.  I don't think any of the guys coming in next year provide what we need offensively but help side blocks will sky rocket next year.


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Re: Comments !
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2007, 06:35:20 PM »
Don't know if we'll ever have a big time stud under TC.  We'll get what we've gotten to-date.  The best we can hope is that the athletic guys Tom likes begin to be 6-8 and bulkier.  If you think TC will ever recuit a Hargody-type you're mistaken.  Tom is uncopmfortable with that style of player and that style of player will be uncomfortable with Tom.


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Re: Comments !
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2007, 07:51:57 PM »
I think Crean would take him if he wanted to come to MU, but other than Rob Jackson, there just hasn't been a sliver of focus with the offense down low. I think our best bet with big men is just getting a project or two each year and hope by the time they are juniors/seniors they are ready for the big-time ala Herbert Hill. Obviously that didn't really work with Grimm/Kinsella/Mueller... but I just don't see us landing a 6-10/7ft stud everyone is after (probably only 5-10 of these a year). Barro has improved tremendously, but so far he has just lacked the coordination, athletic ability, and post-moves that sets people like Hill and eventually Harengodgy(sp.) apart. But I think he's the prototypical type of recruit we should be going after, someone who at least has the size/length going for them off the bat and could develop any of the other specializations to make him a stud.  Also the 6-5 to 6-7 guys at PF without Barkley like frames probably isn't going to get it done either when the C isn't that thick.


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Re: Comments !
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2007, 08:23:42 PM »
I was surprised no one mentioned Grimm until this point. He didn't generate a lot of numbers last year, but he kept other teams big guy in check when needed. I have to think that Crean will rethink his priorities on low post. MSU always seemed to have a big white guy who threw his body around and could score some points. The only reason Villanova played with so many guards last year was Sumpter got hurt.

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Re: Comments !
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2007, 08:31:18 PM »
I was surprised no one mentioned Grimm until this point. He didn't generate a lot of numbers last year, but he kept other teams big guy in check when needed. I have to think that Crean will rethink his priorities on low post. MSU always seemed to have a big white guy who threw his body around and could score some points. The only reason Villanova played with so many guards last year was Sumpter got hurt.

Easy to play that many guards when you have Allen Ray and Randy Foye.  Nova was going to play all those guards regardless of Sumpter or not.  Jay Wright loves guards, almost as much as TC, I see Nova and MU's programs right now as very comparable as the guys that they go after.  Lets face it, in the Big East you have two styles of play that work, you have MU's style, which is run and gun with a lot of guards, which Nova runs well, Louisville runs well, West Virginia also likes to run this style. 

And then you have the style of a dominating big man accompioned by three point shooters ala Georgetown(although they are special this year with Green, he is the X factor on getting them to the Final Four, in which I believe out of any BE team, they have the most realistic shot at getting there) Pitt and Notre Dame... UCONN usually is like this.

pure genius stuff by Bill Simmons, remember to read day 2


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Please don't bring up Grimm
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2007, 10:23:24 PM »
We may need help in the middle but I sure hope we don't aspire to get someone like Chris Grimm.  For 4 years he made very little progress at Marq.  To put it in perspective for the games he was available for last year Kinsella averaged more minutes than Grimm. (and no we don't need Kinsella either)  I don't think it should be asking too much for a Big East team to have a servicable kid 6'10" or over.  We have Ooze now and we should have someone waiting in the wings.


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Re: Comments !
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2007, 11:30:42 PM »
We all know we need a quality big man. Quit kicking a dead horse.
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Re: Comments !
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2007, 12:18:11 AM »
One thing I'd like to see incorporated into MU's offense is isolation post-ups.  At the three, Wes Matthews should be a tough matchup.  He's pretty tough to guard off the dribble, but has decent range if need be.  I'd love to see MU run sets where they have three guys clear out to the right side and have Matthews + James run a 'two man game' on the opposite side, almost how Bo Ryan does it with Tucker (although I do understand that Matthews has a bit to go before he can play at the level Tucker has this year -- I certainly think he's capable of becoming that player, though).

Same thing with Fitz.  I understand that he won't have a good matchup if he's going against the other team's four, but when Crean has him in there as the three, he should have a couple inches on the guy he's going against. 

I guess I just want someone to be able to score from five-ten feet out with their back to the basket.  Either back the guy down and drop step in either direction, or square up and make a move.


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Re: Comments !
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2007, 07:47:22 AM »
Keith----ah, there's a man of my own heart ("isolation postup")-----I think what you are referring to is what I have OFTEN termed here the "WIDE POST"---- effective with the right people (smalls or bigs), but most effective with tweeners----and Mathews would fall into that category as would Hayward. Would have to teach them the moves as there  is a right way and a wrong way to do that.

BTW----IMO Bo Ryan doesn't set up Tucker enough wide------no one can handle him one on one from there !


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Re: Comments !
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2007, 07:51:18 AM »
Hery, Murff, when I was out at MU last week the art museum has a photo exhibit called "MU Then And Now," and there's a pictuire of a pole vaulter from the late 1920s named Frank Glaser, I believe. Is that your father?


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Re: Comments !
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2007, 08:24:30 AM »
Are you sure it isn't Murf?
Luke 6:45   ...A good man produces goodness from the good in his heart; an evil man produces evil out of his store of evil.   Each man speaks from his heart's abundance...

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Re: Comments !
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2007, 02:08:49 PM »
Murff, I'm not attacking you here, this is a legitimate question.  What is the wide post?  I've never heard the term except from you.  Do you mean something like posting up halfway between the free throw line and the baseline but outside the lane?  Or is it a baseline postup?  Or something completely different?

And what kind of player is most effective there?  One who can turn around and face the basket, like Tucker you just mentioned?  Or someone with traditional post moves like Hibbert?  Or someone different?

Please advise.


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Re: Comments !
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2007, 02:24:31 PM »
Our lack of bigs further exposes our poor outside shooting.  When you have no big and lack shooting, how can you score consistently throughout the game?  I don't know who we want to have the ball when the game is on the line.  DJ? Wes?  McNeal?  I like Jerel but with NDs bigs crowding the middle, his driving was neutralized.
For us, it's all about defense and creating the turnovers enough to get some easy baskets.  If we can't do that, we are fighting an uphill battle against the better teams.  Lately, we've been losing that battle.
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Re: Comments !
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2007, 02:55:22 PM »
ecompt----yes Frank Glaser is my father----was a 3 time track all american at MU----a world class pole vaulter----also played some BB at MU in the late 1920s.

2fly/----yes the wide post is accepting the ball wide of the lane by about 6 feet or so----and best executed on a cleared side----or partially cleared side.

There are two ways to do manuver off the wide post----Harangody got the ball wide several times against MU but backed in off the drag dribble
and finished off the spin move----Vershaw from UW used to do that alot, but slower than Harangody.

The other way is to square up to the hoop like Charles Barkley used to----or Tucker does now by pivoting on the back foot then either popping the jump shot, driving the baseline, or (more often than not) taking it down the alley into the middle for the finish, spin, or kickout.

Used a great deal more in the NBA----but last year 3 of the 4 final 4 teams used it a lot!


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Re: Comments !
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2007, 04:18:23 PM »
You must be proud, Murff, he looks like a hell of an athlete in the picture I saw.


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Re: Comments !
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2007, 07:13:40 PM »
Thank You !