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Author Topic: Bo Retiring  (Read 96228 times)


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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #150 on: June 30, 2015, 08:05:07 PM »
What are you talking about? Bo should be paid in line with Izzo. Compensation isn't all about retention. They historically and notoriously penny pinch on coaching staff.

The Kohl center isn't the Bradley center. Whether or not the arena is on campus affects fans not the team. MU's team regularly has access to NBA teams coming through and practicing at the Al.

Practice facilities are ahead on MU's side.

And yes. A larger budget IS important to an incoming coach. Remember when Illinois (another anointed B10 school) hired Chew from Missouri, only for MU to practically double his salary? That doesn't happen at Wisconsin. At MU you have a golden checkbook to build your staff.

UW selling out a smaller arena during back to back FF runs is apples and oranges to a rebuilding year and an NBA arena in a town with other entertainment options.

This board is full of weird Badger defense. I'm not sh1tting on them but between MU and UW programs this is not even close.

I am a Marquette fan through and through.  It is simply reality that UW is a better program right now.  More money...better conference...better facilities. 

And really I don't care.  Marquette is a great program and a great school.  I am not jealous of UW in any way.  I'm just not going to be a blind homer about it.

TAMU, Knower of Ball

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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #151 on: June 30, 2015, 09:00:24 PM »

It is simply reality that UW is a better program right now.  More money...better conference...better facilities. 

The only thing correct in this statement is that Wisconsin is in the better conference. The Badgers having millions to spend but giving it all to their football team does nothing for their basketball program. It doesn't matter that Marquette doesn't own the Bradley Center. It is still the facility they use and have access to and Kohl pales in comparison. Not to mention that Marquette h,as superior practice facilities. UW has been the better program on the court for the past two years. Historically, Marquette has been much better. Give it a few months and we will see this start to correct itself.

I do know, Newsie is right on you knowing ball.

Chicos' Buzz Scandal Countdown

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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #152 on: June 30, 2015, 09:22:19 PM »

They don't own the NBA arena.  Sorry.
how does that matter? Honestly.

Better facilities holds even less water with the coming athletic research center.
"Half a billion we used to do about every two months...or as my old boss would say, 'you're on the hook for $8 million a day come hell or high water-.    Never missed in 6 years." - Chico apropos of nothing


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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #153 on: June 30, 2015, 09:26:22 PM »
how does that matter? Honestly.

Better facilities holds even less water with the coming athletic research center.

assuming the bucks are in milwaukee long enough to see the completion of said athletic research center.

Chicos' Buzz Scandal Countdown

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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #154 on: June 30, 2015, 09:38:51 PM »
assuming the bucks are in milwaukee long enough to see the completion of said athletic research center.
this group is the saddest bunch of MU pessimists I've ever seen. Honestly.

Looking for reasons to "Debbie downer"

What a bunch of loads
"Half a billion we used to do about every two months...or as my old boss would say, 'you're on the hook for $8 million a day come hell or high water-.    Never missed in 6 years." - Chico apropos of nothing


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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #155 on: July 01, 2015, 04:44:11 AM »
The only thing correct in this statement is that Wisconsin is in the better conference. The Badgers having millions to spend but giving it all to their football team does nothing for their basketball program. It doesn't matter that Marquette doesn't own the Bradley Center. It is still the facility they use and have access to and Kohl pales in comparison. Not to mention that Marquette h,as superior practice facilities. UW has been the better program on the court for the past two years. Historically, Marquette has been much better. Give it a few months and we will see this start to correct itself.

Marquette has been much better historically.  But if you look at the overall facilities that UW practices, plays and trains in, they are better that MU's.  And money wise, UW basketball makes a ton on their own.

this group is the saddest bunch of MU pessimists I've ever seen. Honestly.

Looking for reasons to "Debbie downer"

What a bunch of loads

Its called objectivity.  If you want someone to simply shine some sunshine on your ass, read someone else's posts.

Ellenson Guerrero

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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #156 on: July 01, 2015, 06:40:42 AM »

Marquette has been much better historically.  But if you look at the overall facilities that UW practices, plays and trains in, they are better that MU's.  And money wise, UW basketball makes a ton on their own.

You keep saying this, but you still haven't made an attempt to explain how, other than saying that UW owns the Kohl Center.  I highly doubt any coach gives two chits whether the stadium his team plays in is owned or rented by the university
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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #157 on: July 01, 2015, 06:46:14 AM »
You keep saying this, but you still haven't made an attempt to explain how, other than saying that UW owns the Kohl Center.  I highly doubt any coach gives two chits whether the stadium his team plays in is owned or rented by the university

It is also on-campus, and much louder than the Bradley Center.  Outside of the fact that an NBA team also plays there, I think the KC is simply better for college basketball than the BC.  I have never really liked th BC as an arena.  Too many seats too far away.  Too big IMO for Marquette.


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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #158 on: July 01, 2015, 07:57:52 AM »
It is also on-campus, and much louder than the Bradley Center.  Outside of the fact that an NBA team also plays there, I think the KC is simply better for college basketball than the BC.  I have never really liked th BC as an arena.  Too many seats too far away.  Too big IMO for Marquette.

I think that's primarily because it's a hockey venue first. When we were winning, we were drawing 15k+. Get an arena designed for basketball, with the fans on top of the court and get the program back to winning and a new 17k facility wouldn't be too big.

Size is less a problem than design
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The Equalizer

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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #159 on: July 01, 2015, 08:02:30 AM »
The only thing correct in this statement is that Wisconsin is in the better conference. The Badgers having millions to spend but giving it all to their football team does nothing for their basketball program. It doesn't matter that Marquette doesn't own the Bradley Center. It is still the facility they use and have access to and Kohl pales in comparison. Not to mention that Marquette h,as superior practice facilities. UW has been the better program on the court for the past two years. Historically, Marquette has been much better. Give it a few months and we will see this start to correct itself.

The problem is that you continue to equate how much you spend with how much you care.

Except good budget management says you spend what you have to in order to achieve the desired goal.

I just gave you three examples where UW didn't have to spend as much as Marquette because of structural differences in the programs.  It has nothing to do with a lower prioritization of basketball.

So let me ask you this: When this year's numbers come out, we'll likely see a drop in MU basketball spending on account of Wojo not getting the same money Buzz got in his last season (and not having to pay Chew-like money to assistants). Are you prepared to lead the argument that the new spending levels mean MU suddenly started caring less about basketball?  That's been your argument so far--money=prioritization.


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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #160 on: July 01, 2015, 08:23:09 AM »
I'll take the BC over the KC any day.  But that's just me.


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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #161 on: July 01, 2015, 09:19:41 AM »
One thing I have learned in this thread:

Objective:  my opinion which is correct

Subjective:  your opinion which is wrong

TAMU, Knower of Ball

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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #162 on: July 01, 2015, 09:36:40 AM »
The problem is that you continue to equate how much you spend with how much you care.

Except good budget management says you spend what you have to in order to achieve the desired goal.

I just gave you three examples where UW didn't have to spend as much as Marquette because of structural differences in the programs.  It has nothing to do with a lower prioritization of basketball.

....Are you really trying to make an argument that Wisconsin cares more about basketball than Marquette does? Basketball is second fiddle at Wisconsin, always has been, always will be. Some years, it's even third fiddle behind hockey. If you told 95% of Badger fans that sacrificing Bo Ryan on an alter to the football gods would give their football team a national championship, they would respond "Can we sacrifice all the players too? Just to be sure?" A bit hyperbolic but you see my point.

I understand your argument that differences in costs can inflate one schools numbers or keep down another. But IMHO that doesn't make up for the fact that despite having tens of millions more in their athletic budget, Wisconsin spends $3 million less a year than Marquette does. You know what that equates to? Marquette spends 35% of their budget on men's basketball. Wisconsin spends 6% on theirs. It's laughable to compare the two. Fiscal efficiency does not make up for 29% difference in money allocation. As to the three examples you gave:

Or that MU paying rent to the Bradley Center while UW played at their own facility is a "reflection of institutional support and priorities?"  Some might argue that the fact that UW has is own facility in and of itself is a "reflection of institutional support and priorities"  

MU does pay rent on the BC. They don't pay for upkeep which UW has to. Rent is probably more expensive than upkeep but it still offsets some of this difference. And on campus college arena vs. NBA arena is a subjective argument. I would prefer the NBA arena but understand why others prefer on campus.

Or that UW could sell out their place hardly lifting a finger, but MU had significant marketing expenses and still wound up with an average of 3700 empty seats per game?  That means MU had more institutional support?

I challenge your assertion that the Badgers have as little marketing costs as you seem to think they do. And that Marquette's are so much more. You are also comparing the best year in Badger basketball history to the worst year in the past 20-30 years for Marquette. You are also comparing a school with 39,000 students and a stadium that seats 17,000 to a school with 12,000 students and a stadium that holds 20,000. I'd hope that in their best year ever a school with over 3 times as many students would be able to fill a stadium with 3,000 less seats.

Buzz Williams making over 3 million while Bo Ryan "only" demanded 2.4 million is a "reflection of institutional support and priorities" for basketball? You don't think it reflected the fact that Bo Ryan wasn't going to bolt so UW didn't have to overpay him?

Doesn't this support my argument? Marquette is willing to pay their coach's more? Isn't that most important factor of support to a head coach?

So let me ask you this: When this year's numbers come out, we'll likely see a drop in MU basketball spending on account of Wojo not getting the same money Buzz got in his last season (and not having to pay Chew-like money to assistants). Are you prepared to lead the argument that the new spending levels mean MU suddenly started caring less about basketball?  That's been your argument so far--money=prioritization.

To answer your question, no I will not think that Marquette cares about basketball less. One, I don't think the numbers will go down significantly, the renovations to the Al were expensive. Two, even if the numbers go down, men's basketball will still be getting the biggest slice of the pie and the fans will still care about it more than any other sport.

You are right. It is not just about how much you spend. It is about how much you spend and how much of the budget you are given. Marquette wins on both counts.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2015, 10:21:43 AM by TAMU Eagle »

I do know, Newsie is right on you knowing ball.


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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #163 on: July 01, 2015, 09:38:05 AM »

It is also on-campus, and much louder than the Bradley Center.  Outside of the fact that an NBA team also plays there, I think the KC is simply better for college basketball than the BC.  I have never really liked th BC as an arena.  Too many seats too far away.  Too big IMO for Marquette.

I think the "loudness" of where a team plays 60-65 percent of its games is hardly reason to give a program an edge on facilities. That's one facility of several that are relevant, and likely the one in which the team spends the least amount of its time.
Also, while the KC is "on campus," it's on the far edge of campus and, in reality, there are parts of the UW campus at least as far away from the KC as parts of MU's campus are from the BC.

I think, at least from a player/coach perspective, the quality of the practice facility, video rooms, locker rooms, study halls, etc., is far more important.
I have no idea what those facilities are like in Madison, but I'd be surprised if they were better than what MU has at The Al.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2015, 09:45:12 AM by Pakuni »

The Equalizer

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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #164 on: July 01, 2015, 11:23:42 AM »
With their budget, they should be able to at least match us, if not outspend us. As to the three examples you gave:

Who ever said they aren't able to match us?  They easily could.

My argument is that they don't have to and they achieve the same (or higher) level of success than we do.

Therefore, its false to look at the budget and conclude they don't care about basketball.

MU does pay rent on the BC. They don't pay for upkeep which UW has to. Rent is probably more expensive than upkeep but it still offsets some of this difference. And on campus college arena vs. NBA arena is a subjective argument. I would prefer the NBA arena but understand why other prefer on campus.

Except that upkeep isn't a basketball expense. It's a facilities expense.  Just like MU has to pay upkeep on the Al which isn't a basketball expense.

I imagine you'd reject the argument that since UW spends more on upkeep for the Kohl center than MU spends on upkeep for the AL, it should be evidence that they care more about their facilities than MU.   

The fact remains, rent is a $0 item for them.  MU still has to pay rent for a venue for its basketball team. 

I challenge your assertion that the Badgers have as little marketing costs as you seem to think they do. And that Marquette's are so much more. You are also comparing the best year in Badger basketball history to the worst year in the past 20-30 years for Marquette.

UW has averaged nearly sellout since they opened the Kohl center. They didn't luck into one good year of attendance because they were performing well.  And in our best years, we never averaged a sellout.

You are also comparing a school with 39,000 students and a stadium that seats 17,000 to a school with 12,000 students and a stadium that holds 20,000. I'd hope that in their best year ever a school with over 3 times as many students would be able to fill a stadium with 2,000 less seats.

Which proves my point.  UW doesn't have to spend to fill their arena.  They have a built-in audience. 

MU has to spend to bring in outside fans.  It's a structural difference.

You cannot logically conclude that UW cares less because they don't have a large budget for a marketing campaign, when the reason for the difference is very obvious.

Doesn't this support my argument? Marquette is willing to pay their coach's more? Isn't that most important factor of support to a head coach?

No, because your argument ignores reality.

If Buzz Williams threatens to leave if he doesn't get a huge raise, and Bo Ryan is happy and doesn't ask for a huge raise, Williams gets a huge raise and Ryan doesn't.

Someone else mentioned Izzo and why Ryan doesn't make the same. Well, Izzo's name is floated every time the Pistons hire a head coach. When has Bo Ryan EVER indicated he might leave Wisconsin?

To answer your question, no I will not think that Marquette cares about basketball less. One, I don't think the numbers will go down significantly, the renovations to the Al were expensive. Two, even if the numbers go down, men's basketball will still be getting the biggest slice of the pie and the fans will still care about it more than any other sport. The only argument I have ever made is that basketball is not Wisconsin's main priority. No matter how you look at it, that is fact.

Not said was that the pie at MU is a lot smaller than the pie at UW.

Nothing you have said supports the notion that UW doesn't support basketball at the same level MU supports basketball.

The budgetary differences are due to structural items, not evidence that MU cares more.


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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #165 on: July 01, 2015, 01:52:17 PM »
Who ever said they aren't able to match us?  They easily could.

My argument is that they don't have to and they achieve the same (or higher) level of success than we do.

Therefore, its false to look at the budget and conclude they don't care about basketball.

Except that upkeep isn't a basketball expense. It's a facilities expense.  Just like MU has to pay upkeep on the Al which isn't a basketball expense.

I imagine you'd reject the argument that since UW spends more on upkeep for the Kohl center than MU spends on upkeep for the AL, it should be evidence that they care more about their facilities than MU.   

The fact remains, rent is a $0 item for them.  MU still has to pay rent for a venue for its basketball team. 

UW has averaged nearly sellout since they opened the Kohl center. They didn't luck into one good year of attendance because they were performing well.  And in our best years, we never averaged a sellout.

No, because your argument ignores reality.

If Buzz Williams threatens to leave if he doesn't get a huge raise, and Bo Ryan is happy and doesn't ask for a huge raise, Williams gets a huge raise and Ryan doesn't.

Someone else mentioned Izzo and why Ryan doesn't make the same. Well, Izzo's name is floated every time the Pistons hire a head coach. When has Bo Ryan EVER indicated he might leave Wisconsin?

Not said was that the pie at MU is a lot smaller than the pie at UW.

Nothing you have said supports the notion that UW doesn't support basketball at the same level MU supports basketball.

The budgetary differences are due to structural items, not evidence that MU cares more.

Seriously, who are you? Go back to your Badger board and choke on Bo's shlong while you're at it. Why are you so intent on disproving MU relevance. Fact of the matter is MU hoops has wayyy more money then UW does.

Chicos' Buzz Scandal Countdown

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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #166 on: July 01, 2015, 02:36:57 PM »
The problem is that you continue to equate how much you spend with how much you care.

Except good budget management says you spend what you have to in order to achieve the desired goal.

I just gave you three examples where UW didn't have to spend as much as Marquette because of structural differences in the programs.  It has nothing to do with a lower prioritization of basketball.

So let me ask you this: When this year's numbers come out, we'll likely see a drop in MU basketball spending on account of Wojo not getting the same money Buzz got in his last season (and not having to pay Chew-like money to assistants). Are you prepared to lead the argument that the new spending levels mean MU suddenly started caring less about basketball?  That's been your argument so far--money=prioritization.

the argument is most attractive job. If you're a coach, resources matter. MU is consistently in the top 5-10 in terms of BBall investment. It means they are willing to spend when required. This means no ticky tack arguments with your AD about getting your assistants the university-paid leases they were promised, etc. it doesn't on its own make MU a better job than any place else, but it is an advantage vs Bucky.
"Half a billion we used to do about every two months...or as my old boss would say, 'you're on the hook for $8 million a day come hell or high water-.    Never missed in 6 years." - Chico apropos of nothing

Chicos' Buzz Scandal Countdown

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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #167 on: July 01, 2015, 02:48:58 PM »
Who ever said they aren't able to match us?  They easily could.

My argument is that they don't have to and they achieve the same (or higher) level of success than we do.

Therefore, its false to look at the budget and conclude they don't care about basketball.

Except that upkeep isn't a basketball expense. It's a facilities expense.  Just like MU has to pay upkeep on the Al which isn't a basketball expense.

I imagine you'd reject the argument that since UW spends more on upkeep for the Kohl center than MU spends on upkeep for the AL, it should be evidence that they care more about their facilities than MU.  

The fact remains, rent is a $0 item for them.  MU still has to pay rent for a venue for its basketball team.  

UW has averaged nearly sellout since they opened the Kohl center. They didn't luck into one good year of attendance because they were performing well.  And in our best years, we never averaged a sellout.

No, because your argument ignores reality.

If Buzz Williams threatens to leave if he doesn't get a huge raise, and Bo Ryan is happy and doesn't ask for a huge raise, Williams gets a huge raise and Ryan doesn't.

Someone else mentioned Izzo and why Ryan doesn't make the same. Well, Izzo's name is floated every time the Pistons hire a head coach. When has Bo Ryan EVER indicated he might leave Wisconsin?

Not said was that the pie at MU is a lot smaller than the pie at UW.

Nothing you have said supports the notion that UW doesn't support basketball at the same level MU supports basketball.

The budgetary differences are due to structural items, not evidence that MU cares more.

since you seem to think compensation is only based on retention, UW has been WAY overpaying, and should have reduced Bo's contract annually, as there was zero chance he'd leave to take over at another program.

Another MSU example: D'Antonio was given a $2m raise and there is zero chance he'd leave. He is in the twilght of his career but kicking ass, and was rewarded appropriately.

Compensation is also about signaling commitment to new coaches. If you coach at X University, your success will be rewarded with $$$. MU has objectively done that at a higher clip than UW.

This is why BA habitually seeks hires from within the UW. His reputation works against him in attracting elite level coaches. Even if UW were to pay the same, there is no way in hell a Harbaugh, Saban or Meyer works for that guy. Even Gary Anderson couldn't take it.

BA is a drag on the attractiveness of the UW job to new candidates. Remember how our last AD and president weren't exactly attractive to Buzz staying? We needed a new President to be in place before Wojo accepted. It's important to not be working for a dick who doesn't give you autonomy and resources.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2015, 02:50:37 PM by Grayson Allen »
"Half a billion we used to do about every two months...or as my old boss would say, 'you're on the hook for $8 million a day come hell or high water-.    Never missed in 6 years." - Chico apropos of nothing

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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #168 on: July 01, 2015, 03:33:03 PM »
I'd suggest that a good shorthand for a rough sorting of strongest to weakest bball programs in their current state is to take a look at:
1) The number of current alumni in the NBA
2) The current salary of those aumni

This normalizes for conferences, and really measures the total of recruits, development and exposure a coach is able to acheive at an institution.

This even gets more tilted in favor of MU if you consider the coming Brinks trucks headed to Butler and Wade, as well as the highest paid coach in the league being Doc. These players were recruited by and played during two different coaching "administrations," and we could, in all likelihood, say that Henry will make this list from Wojo's first class at MU. That is a strong program that a coach can move quickly to build upon.

Marquette - 5 players, $32m
- Butler - $2m
- Wade - $19m
- Novak - $4m
- Matthews - $6m
- Crowder - $1m

Wisconsin - 3 players, $14m
- Devin Harris - $10m
- Jon Leuer - $1m
- Greg Stiemsma - $3m

Found the following list at, and there may be some out of order, but I'd say this roughly passes the sniff test.

I, for one, was surprised considering that UW has a better coach, resources, facilities, recruiting pipeline and conference.... How does MU do it since we are inferior in every way?

Division I Schools Ranked by Number of Players in NBA

                         No. Players
School                    In NBA

Duke                        18
Kentucky                  18
Kansas                     17
North Carolina            16
UCLA                        15
Arizona                     12
Florida                      12
Connecticut                9
Texas                        8
Washington                8
Georgia Tech               7
Michigan St.                7
Georgetown                6
LSU                           6
Memphis                     6
Michigan                     6
Southern Cal                6
Syracuse                     6
Marquette                      5
Wake Forest                 5
Baylor                         4
Colorado                      4
Gonzaga                      4
Indiana                        4
New Mexico                  4
Ohio St.                       4
Stanford                       4
UNLV                           4
Alabama                       3
Arkansas                      3
California                      3
Creighton                     3
Louisville                      3
Maryland                      3
Miami-FL                      3
Missouri                        3
Nevada                        3
Oklahoma St.                 3
Purdue                         3
Tennessee                    3
Texas A&M                   3
Vanderbilt                     3
Wichita St.                   3
Wisconsin                       3
Arizona St.                    2
Boston College               2
Butler                           2
BYU                             2
Cincinnati                      2
Clemson                        2
Dayton                          2
Detroit                          2
Fresno St.                     2
Illinois                          2
Iowa                            2
N.C. State                     2
Oregon                         2
Oregon St.                    2
Pittsburgh                     2
San Diego St.                 2
St. John's                      2
St. Mary's                      2
Utah                             2
VCU                              2
Villanova                       2
Virginia                          2
Washington St.               2
Western Kentucky           2
Belmont                         1
Bucknell                         1
Central Michigan              1
Cleveland St.                  1
Colorado St.                   1
Davidson                        1
DePaul                           1
Eastern Wash.                1
Georgia                          1
Harvard                          1
IUPUI                             1
Kansas St.                      1
La Salle                          1
Lehigh                            1
Long Beach St.                1
Louisiana Tech                 1
Minnesota                       1
Morehead St.                   1
Murray St.                      1
Norfolk St.                      1
North Texas                    1
Oklahoma                       1
Old Dominion                   1
Rider                             1
Saint Joseph's                 1
Santa Clara                    1
Seton Hall                      1
South Dakota St.             1
St. Bonaventure              1
Temple                          1
Towson                         1
Tulsa                             1
« Last Edit: July 01, 2015, 03:40:32 PM by Grayson Allen »
"Half a billion we used to do about every two months...or as my old boss would say, 'you're on the hook for $8 million a day come hell or high water-.    Never missed in 6 years." - Chico apropos of nothing

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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #169 on: July 01, 2015, 03:35:52 PM »
Who ever said they aren't able to match us?  They easily could. BUT THEY DON'T

They give basketball 6% of their athletic budget. We give ours 35%. Basketball is second fiddle at Wisconsin, some times third fiddle. The priority will always be football. The institution will always support football before basketball. The fans will always support football over basketball. I am not saying that they do not care. I am saying that they will never care as much about basketball as they do football. At Marquette, basketball will always be the priority.

I do know, Newsie is right on you knowing ball.


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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #170 on: July 01, 2015, 03:45:38 PM »
I'd suggest that a good shorthand for a rough sorting of strongest to weakest bball programs in their current state is to take a look at:
1) The number of current alumni in the NBA
2) The current salary of those aumni

This normalizes for conferences, and really measures the total of recruits, development and exposure a coach is able to acheive at an institution.

This even gets more tilted in favor of MU if you consider the coming Brinks trucks headed to Butler and Wade, as well as the highest paid coach in the league being Doc. These players were recruited by and played during two different coaching "administrations," and we could, in all likelihood, say that Henry will make this list from Wojo's first class at MU. That is a strong program that a coach can move quickly to build upon.

Marquette - 5 players, $32m
- Butler - $2m
- Wade - $19m
- Novak - $4m
- Matthews - $6m
- Crowder - $1m

Wisconsin - 3 players, $14m
- Devin Harris - $10m
- Jon Leuer - $1m
- Greg Stiemsma - $3m

Found the following list at, and there may be some out of order, but I'd say this roughly passes the sniff test.

I, for one, was surprised considering that UW has a better coach, resources, facilities, recruiting pipeline and conference.... How does MU do it since we are inferior in every way?

Division I Schools Ranked by Number of Players in NBA

                         No. Players
School                    In NBA

Duke                        18
Kentucky                  18
Kansas                     17
North Carolina            16
UCLA                        15
Arizona                     12
Florida                      12
Connecticut                9
Texas                        8
Washington                8
Georgia Tech               7
Michigan St.                7
Georgetown                6
LSU                           6
Memphis                     6
Michigan                     6
Southern Cal                6
Syracuse                     6
Marquette                      5
Wake Forest                 5
Baylor                         4
Colorado                      4
Gonzaga                      4
Indiana                        4
New Mexico                  4
Ohio St.                       4
Stanford                       4
UNLV                           4
Alabama                       3
Arkansas                      3
California                      3
Creighton                     3
Louisville                      3
Maryland                      3
Miami-FL                      3
Missouri                        3
Nevada                        3
Oklahoma St.                 3
Purdue                         3
Tennessee                    3
Texas A&M                   3
Vanderbilt                     3
Wichita St.                   3
Wisconsin                       3
Arizona St.                    2
Boston College               2
Butler                           2
BYU                             2
Cincinnati                      2
Clemson                        2
Dayton                          2
Detroit                          2
Fresno St.                     2
Illinois                          2
Iowa                            2
N.C. State                     2
Oregon                         2
Oregon St.                    2
Pittsburgh                     2
San Diego St.                 2
St. John's                      2
St. Mary's                      2
Utah                             2
VCU                              2
Villanova                       2
Virginia                          2
Washington St.               2
Western Kentucky           2
Belmont                         1
Bucknell                         1
Central Michigan              1
Cleveland St.                  1
Colorado St.                   1
Davidson                        1
DePaul                           1
Eastern Wash.                1
Georgia                          1
Harvard                          1
IUPUI                             1
Kansas St.                      1
La Salle                          1
Lehigh                            1
Long Beach St.                1
Louisiana Tech                 1
Minnesota                       1
Morehead St.                   1
Murray St.                      1
Norfolk St.                      1
North Texas                    1
Oklahoma                       1
Old Dominion                   1
Rider                             1
Saint Joseph's                 1
Santa Clara                    1
Seton Hall                      1
South Dakota St.             1
St. Bonaventure              1
Temple                          1
Towson                         1
Tulsa                             1

Time to update that. Butler just got paid.

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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #171 on: July 01, 2015, 03:48:03 PM »
Time to update that. Butler just got paid.
yep - didn't really want to go through the extra work, but I agree that next year this will be even more lopsided
"Half a billion we used to do about every two months...or as my old boss would say, 'you're on the hook for $8 million a day come hell or high water-.    Never missed in 6 years." - Chico apropos of nothing

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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #172 on: July 01, 2015, 03:51:14 PM »
I'd suggest that a good shorthand for a rough sorting of strongest to weakest bball programs in their current state is to take a look at:
1) The number of current alumni in the NBA
2) The current salary of those aumni

This normalizes for conferences, and really measures the total of recruits, development and exposure a coach is able to acheive at an institution.

This even gets more tilted in favor of MU if you consider the coming Brinks trucks headed to Butler and Wade, as well as the highest paid coach in the league being Doc. These players were recruited by and played during two different coaching "administrations," and we could, in all likelihood, say that Henry will make this list from Wojo's first class at MU. That is a strong program that a coach can move quickly to build upon.

Marquette - 5 players, $32m
- Butler - $2m
- Wade - $19m
- Novak - $4m
- Matthews - $6m
- Crowder - $1m

Wisconsin - 3 players, $14m
- Devin Harris - $10m
- Jon Leuer - $1m
- Greg Stiemsma - $3m

Found the following list at, and there may be some out of order, but I'd say this roughly passes the sniff test.

I, for one, was surprised considering that UW has a better coach, resources, facilities, recruiting pipeline and conference.... How does MU do it since we are inferior in every way?

Division I Schools Ranked by Number of Players in NBA

                         No. Players
School                    In NBA

Duke                        18
Kentucky                  18
Kansas                     17
North Carolina            16
UCLA                        15
Arizona                     12
Florida                      12
Connecticut                9
Texas                        8
Washington                8
Georgia Tech               7
Michigan St.                7
Georgetown                6
LSU                           6
Memphis                     6
Michigan                     6
Southern Cal                6
Syracuse                     6
Marquette                      5
Wake Forest                 5
Baylor                         4
Colorado                      4
Gonzaga                      4
Indiana                        4
New Mexico                  4
Ohio St.                       4
Stanford                       4
UNLV                           4
Alabama                       3
Arkansas                      3
California                      3
Creighton                     3
Louisville                      3
Maryland                      3
Miami-FL                      3
Missouri                        3
Nevada                        3
Oklahoma St.                 3
Purdue                         3
Tennessee                    3
Texas A&M                   3
Vanderbilt                     3
Wichita St.                   3
Wisconsin                       3
Arizona St.                    2
Boston College               2
Butler                           2
BYU                             2
Cincinnati                      2
Clemson                        2
Dayton                          2
Detroit                          2
Fresno St.                     2
Illinois                          2
Iowa                            2
N.C. State                     2
Oregon                         2
Oregon St.                    2
Pittsburgh                     2
San Diego St.                 2
St. John's                      2
St. Mary's                      2
Utah                             2
VCU                              2
Villanova                       2
Virginia                          2
Washington St.               2
Western Kentucky           2
Belmont                         1
Bucknell                         1
Central Michigan              1
Cleveland St.                  1
Colorado St.                   1
Davidson                        1
DePaul                           1
Eastern Wash.                1
Georgia                          1
Harvard                          1
IUPUI                             1
Kansas St.                      1
La Salle                          1
Lehigh                            1
Long Beach St.                1
Louisiana Tech                 1
Minnesota                       1
Morehead St.                   1
Murray St.                      1
Norfolk St.                      1
North Texas                    1
Oklahoma                       1
Old Dominion                   1
Rider                             1
Saint Joseph's                 1
Santa Clara                    1
Seton Hall                      1
South Dakota St.             1
St. Bonaventure              1
Temple                          1
Towson                         1
Tulsa                             1
Another observation: Wade, Novak and Henry will be NBA players coming from three different conferences. That doesn't seem to impact program performance as much as the Badger fellators of this board would believe.
"Half a billion we used to do about every two months...or as my old boss would say, 'you're on the hook for $8 million a day come hell or high water-.    Never missed in 6 years." - Chico apropos of nothing


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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #173 on: July 01, 2015, 05:08:20 PM »
I'd suggest that a good shorthand for a rough sorting of strongest to weakest bball programs in their current state is to take a look at:
1) The number of current alumni in the NBA
2) The current salary of those aumni

I'd suggest that is about the dumbest way to sort the strongest to weakest basketball programs I've ever heard. Program strength isn't based on what players do after they leave the program. How moronic is that? It's based on what the program does as a program. Factors that would all trump number of alums would be...

1) National titles
2) Final Fours
3) NCAA tourney appearances
4) NCAA tourney wins
5) Conference titles
6) Conference tourney titles
7) Head-to-head records
8) NCAA winning percentage
9) Number of 20+ or 25+ win seasons
10) Anything else that relates to actual PROGRAM PERFORMANCE

By the logic you are presenting, schools like LSU (1 Final Four in the past 20 years), USC (1 Elite 8 in the past 20 years), Wake Forest (1 Elite 8 in the past 20 years), Colorado (2 NCAA wins in the past 20 years), and New Mexico (4 NCAA wins in the past 20 years) are stronger programs than Wisconsin? The same Wisconsin with 3 Final Fours and 29 NCAA wins in the past 20 years?

Give me a break. The only schools that place more value on who they put on NBA rosters than actual on-court performance are schools that are losers on the court. Please do not put Marquette in that category by making such a stupid, inane argument.
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Re: Bo Retiring
« Reply #174 on: July 01, 2015, 05:13:17 PM »
Could not agree more with BrewCity.

Look at the last two seasons.  We are going to brag about NBA $$$?

I have no doubt their time is close to an end, but use a proper measuring stick. Over a 10/15/20 year period they have been better no matter how you measure it. Historically, long term we are better.  But in 20+ years we have gone farther in the Dance only 2 times.

The future is so bright... 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

