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--- Quote from: shiloh26 on May 18, 2010, 11:49:35 AM ---They also provide information and free contraceptives so a lot of the unplanned pregnancies never come into being. 

His point (I think) is that the Catholic Church attacks the problem from one angle (abstinence), and Planned Parenthood attacks it from another (encouraging the use of contraceptives, and providing free contraceptives).  Thus, both can take credit for the decrease in abortions.

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Yes, that is exactly my point.  Without PP providing free contraceptives, the amount of abortions would skyrocket.  And if they didn't provide abortions, someone else would.


--- Quote from: Hards_Alumni on May 18, 2010, 08:40:37 AM ---If the pope is infallable why has he apologized for mistakes?

just sayin'

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Because it's only been used about a dozen times.  There have been no apologies after infallibility has been invoked.

This is why I framed my statement accordingly.  If the Pope comes out with an infallible statement about gays and marriage, as Catholics we believe this is word without error, directly from the Holy Spirit.  If that were to happen, what would you Catholics do?


--- Quote from: d6 on May 18, 2010, 10:24:25 AM ---To be honest, it's hard to follow the logic.  Are "People WAY WAY WAY" to casual about these issues?  Which people? Young people? All people? Non-Catholics?  Most people I encounter would never say "just go get an abortion," they would agonize over it.  Most people I know who have gotten divorced haven't done so without troubling over it. I can't speak for "People."  

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You're right, you can't speak for about for statistics.

Here are a few illustrative examples that might help frame it for you.

Repeat abortions have been rising steadily for almost two decades.  That "agonizing" decision isn't quite so agonizing when it becomes more and more routine.  More than half of abortions the last few years are to women who had one or more previously.  It has become birth control for these women.  We've made it too casual, too easy.

In the UK, repeat abortions rose to nearly 70% in 2008.

A study done in 2006 by David Popenoe, Director of the National Marriage Project at Rutgers University, shows views of divorce among teens and 20 year olds is less bothersome.  They have seen their parents go through divorce and view divorces in a different light then generations earlier who held divorce as a last possible event in a marriage.    Remember the old saying, "the family that prays together stays together".  Well, that was an adage that was held widely and practiced widely in this country and other parts of the world for decades.  It's not anymore and the we've seen the fallout as a result.

Divorce rates increased by more than double in the 1970's, as people were less committed to staying married and working through their issues.  By 1981, divorces had tripled from 1962.   Who was doing this the most...the YOUNGER people of this country.  One sociologist at Stanford University calculated that while men and women in their twenties comprised only about 20 percent of the population, they contributed 60 percent of the growth in the divorce rate in the 1960s and early 1970s.  (Landon Jones, Great Expectations: America and the Baby Boom Generation (New York: Ballantine Books, 1980), 215.

I could go on, but you get the idea.   We have given "people", typically young, immature, people the easy way out on relationships, sex, pregnancy, relationships in general, etc.  It has caused untold harm on the family unit as well as the very moral fabric a society needs when placing value on the family, children, etc.


--- Quote from: The Sultan of South Wayne on May 18, 2010, 10:43:55 AM ---
I do not believe in Papal Infallibility. but again, I'm not Catholic.  I think that notion was established to preserve power and control in a young church because there obviously isn't a Biblical basis for it.

Tell me, why would God estrust faith and doctrine related issues to a group of people who wouldn't step up to protect young children when they needed it the most?  I mean, it's a nice racket...when we make mistakes it's because we're not infallible, but when we are telling others how they need to live, we are.

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Because you're confusing a GROUP for individuals.  Papal infallibility has only been used about a dozen times, don't confuse that usage by one person as the same as the actions (or inactions in this case) by a group of people that are totally different.    Because Barry Bonds used Steroids, does that mean all the Giants did?


--- Quote from: The Sultan of South Wayne on May 18, 2010, 11:18:52 AM ---
There are less abortions now than there were 30 years ago despite it being legal everywhere....there are many organizations and inviduals who can take credit for that...including both the Catholic Church and Planned Parenthood.

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That all depends on who is counting and what you are counting.  Is the morning after pill considered abortion in your mind?  A lot of people say it is, yet it's not counted as an abortion yet in reality, that medication is destroying a fertilized egg.   The CDC as well as Guttmacher Institute do not count that as abortion.

So yes, in counting one way, abortions are down, but are they?  All depends how you count and what you count.

The Conference of US Catholic Bishops also has some significant trouble with some of your conclusions


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